MVP Or MVC For Easy Migration From Winform To

I need to write an application which should work as web application (ASP.NET) and it should have its counterpart for winforms - (they would do the same thing). My question is... what kind of pattern shall I use (MVP or MVC) for writing these apps to minimize overhead of rewriting code (e.g. I'll start writing winform app and then create similar web app )?

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To ASP.NET Migration

Approximately how much percentage of ASP programmers must have already migrated to ASP.NET by now? Is ASP in more demand or ASP.NET in more demand?

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Migration Apps

My client has the need to upgrade to Windows 2000 Server from NT4 but are concerned about whether there existing custom code (ASP,VB6,MTS, etc) will work correctly once migrated.

where I might be able to find information relating to whatfunctionality has been deprecated in Windows 2000 Server since NT4 (I know CDONTS is one of them).

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IIS 6.0 Migration Tool And Asp

After running this tool, IIS serves up .asp pages completely empty. It can serve up the migrated tools, but not the .asp pages.

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Migration To Windows 2003

I recently upgraded my servers to 2003. Since then the error-information shown in the browser has changed.For example, if under Windows 2000 I executed an SQL statement from within an ASP, and the SQL statement was syntactically incorrect, the error thrown
by ADO would finally show up in the client browser.

If I do the same with an Windows 2003 Server, only a "HTTP 500, internal server error" is sent to to client browser. The IIS LogFiles still show the actual error, but looking there is not that comfortable.Is this some configuration that can be done on the Windows 2003 server?

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ASPX Migration Error

I am an ASP/MSSQL noob, and have been handed the task of migrating an ASP/MSSQL environment to a new server.

I have successfully restored the MSSQL backup file, but am getting a very longwinded error when trying to process a .aspx file extension. (Please note that .asp files work fine)

Could this be an error with the web.config file?
Will i need to recreate that file?

I am unable to post the entire error message due to its length, but if the rest is necessary, I can paste it in subsequent posts. Code:

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IIS5 To 6 Migration Trouble

We are poised to migrate about 600 ASP sites from a single IIS5 server to a new pair of IIS6 servers. However, it appears that all files with includes like:

<!-- #include virtual="../../includes/file.asp" -->
will not work on IIS 6, it returns ASP 0126, include file not found.

We have enabled parent paths, but I can't find any documentation that suggests that IIS 6 handles include directives differently than IIS 5. Has this in fact changed in IIS 6? We are trying to avoid a huge and messy "search and replace embedded text" exercise.

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ASP 3.0 - Migration To Windows 2003 Question

I have a ASP 3.0 web application that uses IIS 5.0 with W2K (with parent
paths enabled). In my research about migration to IIS6 with W2003 it says
that you need to change every INCLUDE FILE= to INCLUDE VIRTUAL=.

I call an ASP page at the root of the website and that ASP file has an
include that also is at the root, and the include is like this:

<!-- INCLUDE FILE="copyrightstuff.htm" -->

So what I've read say that this has to be changed to VIRTUAL like this:

<!-- INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/websitename/copyrightstuff.htm" -->

I could do this for one website that has one name listed in IIS. However, my
website code was designed to work on many different websites, each with
different domain names. It seems like a LOT of work to have to change ALL
the includes to accommodate the name given to the site in IIS. Code:

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Easy Asp Question?

I need to do a string comparison (in asp) that checks to see if "META" is contained somewhere/anywhere in the string. Can anyone tell me the syntax for doing this?

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Date (easy One)

<% Response.Write "" & FormatDateTime(now,2) & "" %>

Gives me the date in MM/DD/YYYY. How can I reformat this to DD/MM/YYYY?

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Easy Solution

I'm hoping for an easy solution to this that I'm not seeing that
someone more experienced will.
All I want to do it mark an option tag as selected....

hourCounter = 1
Do WHILE hourCounter <= 12 %>
<option value="<%=hourCounter%>" <%If hourCounter =
hour(rsCalendarEdit("fld_calendar_DateTime")) Then Response.write "
selected" End If %>><%=hourCounter%></option>
<% hourCounter = hourCounter + 1

The trouble is if the time is "PM" I have a problem as you can see. Is
there a method or property here I can implement that I'm not seeing?

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Code Easy

why asp is retarded compared to some other server side scripting languages? or am i just the retard? Code:

<% If Session("auth") = "1" And Session("userid") <> "" Then %>
// Show user information box....
<% Else %>
// Show login form....
<% End If %>
in my head, what i just wrote should equal something like if the session variable "auth" equals 1 and the session variable "userid" does not equal nothing, then do this.well, i haven't set any session variables, and it's processing the chunk of code right after the above if/then. either shows a user information box or a login shows the user information box, instead of the form.

really baffles me considering i haven't set any session variables. i guess this is why i like php better, but i'm trying to get a grasp on asp, it just seems to hard to do something simple. can anyone tell me why that code is returning the wrong block of code?

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Easy ASP Query

Using ASP & Access. So I am having a total brain-fade. I am trying to pull up data out of a table. But I want a "select all" option. What should the value be for the "select all" option of the form? What should the WHERE statement be in the query?

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Easy One Display The First 2 Numbers

<%= objrs ("age"), 2)%>????

how do i get it to only display the first 2 numbers?

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Convert An Easy Php Code To Asp

I am having trouble with our server host they are saying that the php
upload limit is 20 mbs but using the code below with my flash file I
can only get it to do 8mbs. I know that asp is allowing for up to
20mbs though so I was hoping that someone would be able to change this
code to ASP(I am not very good at either php or asp). I think that
should be pretty easy:


if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'])) {

$uploadDirectory = "uploads/";
$uploadFile = $uploadDirectory .

copy($_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name'], $uploadFile);


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Easy String Question

I am just trying to take pieces out of the sql statement individually and display them. I get this error:

ADODB.Recordset (0x800A0CC1)
Item cannot be found in the collection corresponding to the requested name or ordinal

There is data there in the table and I'm not sure what's going on. Code:

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Easy Site Creator

Im making an asp website for a rotary club what would be the best script to create a website something like a CMS without all the forums and stuff.

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Easy Graph In Asp Or Html?

What is the easiest way to create a graph in either asp or html code? Is there one? I am doing several SQL queries the result of which I will give me a number. I need to put this number into some kind of graph (bar graph) on the page. THe number will vary so it must be some type of dynamicly created graph.

I would prefer to not use a thrid party tool to do this if possible ......

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Easy Date Handling

I'm working on a system that requires alot of date handling, and i'm getting pretty tired of doing custom calculating when modifying dates, so i hope someone would be able to help me. Is there any easy way to do re-calculating of dates? such as adding 2,11
or 36 months to a date, and have it automatically checking whether or not it should increase months or year, and by how much?

Like, if i have to add 11 months to the date right now, i have to check which month it's in to see whether or not i could just take one month lesser the next year and so on.

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Is There An Easy Way To Retieve The Key Value On INSERT

Basicly I have a table that gets contact info and stores it from a form AND emails me...

Problem is I want to just email a link to the ContactInfo.. which should be referenced via the unique PK so whwn i view it, it would be nice to reference the row just inserted...

ala view.asp?emailpk=141

figured there woudl be something like recaffected out there.

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Should Be An Easy Form To Mail Question

I've searched the forum for the answer to's probably on here somewhere but in a different guise to my particular question and I don't know enough to figure it out.

If I have a basic form to mail ie

strEmail = request.form("Email")


mail = ""

can I simply do this to get my form to be sent to 2 email addresses?

mail = ","

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ObjNewMail.Body Question, I'm Sure Very Easy To Fix??

I have a "tell a friend" form and the backend sends the information just fine, however in the bodytext I want the "comments" box text to be added to the e-mail. User fills in his name, his email, friends email, comments box (name=message) and the email is sent except the text from the comments box. My code for the body tag is:

objNewMail.Body = sendersName & " (mailto:" & sendersEmail & ") thought you would be interested in this article " & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & "Link:" & vbcrlf & request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER")

How can I insert the comments box text in there?

My thought was:
objNewMail.Body = sendersName & " (mailto:" & sendersEmail & ") thought you would be interested in this article " & vbcrlf & vbcrlf & message & "Link:" & vbcrlf & request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") but it does not work.

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Is There An Easy Way To Find Out If All OBJECTS Are Closed?

I have several pages ( ASP) that were working OK on NT4. We moved it to Server 2003. At random , it appears that the Server.CreateObject fails.

I've looked through the code and it looks OK. Is there an easy way to make sure I have Closed all CONNECTIONS RecordSets etc.

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Dynamic Menu Best Easy Methods

The database is used for referencing filename, there located folder, id, order shown, but also there are some fields say "location_1" up to "location_4" which have a 0 , 1 or 2 in them. 0 means that file not needed for that section. 1 means needed for that section, and 2 means mandantory (must be seen before exit).

firstly selecting a location from a html radio box, drop down menu (not decided yet) will return whats needed so not showing pages what aint needed and wasting time.

Here it is though in order on the left i wish it to build a menu, but more advanced than plain links would be good. drop down like windows explorer etc. Code:

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How To Create This System Of Easy Form?

i would like to create the following one, but nor I know as. One index.asp that db catches one information as heading, hour of entrance and station time and shows in the page index. An example, let us assume that now they are 23:00, then the shown information will be inserted in the page index.asp in accordance with the current hour.

If it will have something registered in cadastre in db that it starts the 23:00 and it finishes the 01:00 will be in index, passing the hour it leaves and it enters another message with programmed hour.

If I have in db a message that would have to be shown of the 09:00 the 11:30, and now I am 11:20, the system analyze and show the information, until he is 11:31, when then I enter another one, and thus successively, they are menmsagens that in accordance with enter the hour of the server.

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Easy Date Formatting Question

I have a variable that represents a standard mm/dd/yyyy date , but i want to change it to just October 6


datepart("m","d" , mydatevariable)


....doesnt work.

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Easy To Setup Web Chat For Windows?

i'm looking for a easy to setup web chat script that i can install on IIS? if someone can point me in the right direction it woudl be great, i download a couple cgi scripts but couldn't get them to load.

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Is There An Easy Way To Find Out If All OBJECTS Are Closed?

I have several pages ( ASP) that were working OK on NT4.
We moved it to Server 2003. At random , it appears that the
Server.CreateObject fails.

I've looked through the code and it looks OK.

Is there an easy way to make sure I have Closed all

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Is There An Easy Way To Prevent Duplicate Records Being Added To A Access DB

I am adding simple records to a fairly simple access database with the following code

rsEntry.Fields("Player1") = ShortName(Player1)
rsEntry.Fields("Player2") = ShortName(Player2)

'Write the updated recordset to the database
Set rsEntry = Nothing
Set adoCon = Nothing

How can I SIMPLY :-) prevent duplicate records from being added? I know I can set the index property on the fields but that mean handling the errors - not sure how to do this.
OR I could write the code to seach the DB before update - which may be the only way :-(

Is there a simple way?

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