Mac To Windows 2000 File Uploads

I've recently installed an asp component called smartupload, it works very well. The problems start when a mac user uploads a jpg or gif, windows will not open the works fine with a windows user.

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ASP.NET On Windows 2000

Our current websites are hosted on Win2K Servers using classic ASP and IIS
5.0. We will be acquiring a 3rd party website that is written in ASP.NET.
Hate to sound stupid, but is it possible to run ASP.NET on Win2K or does it
need to be run under Win2003?

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PWS On Windows 2000

Overnight my work PC has been upgraded - I'm re-installing all my software, and PWS does not work

It may be that it's a permissions thing (I need to get this sorted, as it is stopping me from installing a few things) However, I also suspect that PWS for NT is no longer any good for W2K Is there a new version for W2K?

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Logging Off Windows 2000 From IIS

I will be traveling and I will need to show someone a
secure folder in an IIS website and I will be on a public
computer. When we are done, I will need to be able to log
off so no one else using that computer will find
their way into that part of the website. The security is
Windows authentitication using Clear Text.

Can ASP log me off. If so I will need to code this before
I leave. Can anyone point me to where I can get some
examples of code to do this ?

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IIS Windows 2000 Not Loading

I've searched several articles about this and cannot get any suggestions to work. My IIS on Windows 2000 Server won't run ASP pages like default.asp. I've tried reinstalling IIS, syncing the passwords for IUSR....etc.

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Windows Server 2000 Question...

Will CDO work under Windows Server 2000? I'm guessing it will. The problem is that I wrote a nice little ASP app under Windows Server 2003 which works REALLY well. Sends out the email with NO problem. 'Course, it uses an external SMTP server, but I'm assuming this shouldn't matter, right?.

Because when I port it over to Windows Server 2000, it blows right past it. Is there a particular setup procedure that needs to be done for Windows Server 2000 to enable CDO to work properly?

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Windows 2000 SP 4; Browser Hangs

I installed SP4 for Windows 2000.

Prior to the upgrade my system was at SP3 and I was able to run ASP
scripts from my browser just fine. For exmaple: Code:

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How Do U Handle File Uploads In ASP?

I've got a form that allows someone to upload a file. I need to know how I can grab the filename from the uploaded file information so that I can store it in a database. I also need to be able to move the uploaded file to a specific directory.

I'm new to both ASP & VBScript but I have both of their "In a Nutshell" O'Reilly manuals. There's no mention of file uploads in the ASP book and I'm just not sure if the info in the VBScript book is what I need either.

Do I need to create a File object? If so, how can I use GetFile to retrieve the downloaded file? Do I access it via Request.Form("filename")? That should be the actual file, right? But how do I get the actual file name from that?

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Multiple File Uploads

Can someone help me out in multiple file uploads.

I want the user to select multiple files. On selecting the listed files, he can
click on open and all the selected files should appear in a textbox. On clicking a
button upload, all the listed files should upload.

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Restricting File Uploads

here is the code for the asp that basically handles the uploads, how could change it so that the uploading form will only allow .doc or .xls files? Code:

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Security And File Uploads

I am building a form page to send information to email using CDONTS and id like to add a page that will use forms and allow users to attach documents such as resumes etc and then populate this data into a database....what would be the best route to begin a system such as this....

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Large File Uploads

I have a site that i upload files to that are no bigger than 100MB. we upload about once a day, and use FTP...... we would like to be able to do it from the site itself.

any idea where i can get a script? i cant register components with my
hosting company i dont think. i go thru

need a good free asp upload script. cant find any that work. Huge ASP Upload
doesnt even work on the demo page, let alone on my own page

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Connecting To SQL 2000 Database In Windows 2003 X64

I'm trying to connect to a SQL 2000 database on my Windows 2003 x64 Enterprise edition server, and so far I've got the error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not
found and no default driver specified

My ASP code is straight forward: Code:

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Setting Up MSDE 2000 Release A On Windows XP Professional

I recently downloaded and installed (hopefully correctly) MSDE 2000 Release
A. I previously, and still do, have the version of IIS that comes with XP
Professional installed on my computer. I wanted MSDE 2000 Release A so that
I could do database access using ASP from my websites, which are on my
computer. When I went to my first test website, I recieved the following

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Neither DSN nor SERVER keyword supplied
/testDB.asp, line 26

The ASP code that I used on my web to connect to the database (which is
currently just an empty text file) is the following: Code:

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Formmail Email Page Won't Work After Windows 2000 Update

I'm using formmail.asp which is an emailing utility. Basically, the user
fills out a request page, clicks "Submit" and the page posts to formmail.asp
which emails the user information.

I'm running IIS5 on a Win2k server box and recently ran the Windows Updates
(the last time I do that). Anyway, that emailing form doesn't work now on
any of the sites I host. Any ideas?

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ASP, CDO For Windows 2000 & Embedded / In-line Images Showing As Attachments

I have been using the CDONTS.Newmail object for a number of years to send
nicely formatted HTML Emails with inline images.

I am now trying to switch over to using CDO and I cannot reproduce this
functionality. I am using the AddAttachment method instead of the old
AttachURL method but the attached images just show as separately attached
files rather than in line in the HTML.

According to MSDN:

"If you populate the HTMLBody property before calling the AddAttachment
method, any inline images are displayed as part of the message."

Well, I am doing that but it is not working. The images show up as if I had
attached them using the old AttachFile method.

Code follows....

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JScript: Can't Programmatically Delete Cookies On Windows 2000 Professional

I persist the login info using cookies so that a user doesn't have to login every time they come to our website, unless they previously logged out. Everything works OK on W98 SE, and Windows XP Pro machines.

On a W2K machine, IE6.0.2800.1106 SP1, the following function won't delete cookies, or deletes them but they're mysterioulsy re-created when the web page is subsequently referenced. Therefore, a web user can't logout.

// ============================================
// remove login cookies
// ============================================
function KillLoginCookies ( )
Response.Cookies ( sCookieCustomerID ) = '';
Response.Cookies ( sCookieCustomerID ).Expires = '01/01/1980';
Response.Cookies ( sCookiePassword ) = '';
Response.Cookies ( sCookiePassword ).Expires = '01/01/1980';

What am I missing here?

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Data From MS Access 2000 Into XML File

what I want to be able to do it take data from one of my Access 2000 queries and automatically export that to an XML file. then that XML file is going to be loaded with Google Maps API for use. What options do I have in exporting the data in access automatically? would it be just implemented everytime i call the function, lets say an ASP page?

to give a little more (hopefully helpful) information, I want users to go to my site which has the Google Maps API implemented, and it will show them the rainfall and lake level data in my area. I figured XML would be best as I have seen someone implement a similar design in Canada using an XML file, however, I need to be able to get the
information from the query in Access so it can be loaded onto the map for people to see recent data. Again, I'm guessing ASP would be the best bet in accessing the data from the database.

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Connection String From Include File ASP To SQL Server 2000

I am working on a App. at my work place, now wanting to set it up at home
but for some reason I keep getting this error :

ADODB.Command (0x800A0BB9)
Arguments are of the wrong type, are out of acceptable
range, or are in conflict with one another.

I did some research on the NET but I am still unable to figure out why I
cannot connect to my db. Code:

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Access 2000 Or SQL Server 2000

I am planning to design a database (destined for the web) that will have
between 20000 and 45000 records in it and will receive a lot of reads but
very very few writes (just from me).

Now the question is should I use:

1) The combination of Access 2000 (accessible through ASP or ASP.NET) using


2) SQL Server 2000 ?

Of course I know that the SQL Server option is a better one, especially
since it's said that an Access DB can have about 9 users or so accessing it
at the same time. But is that a general rule or is it about many people
writing to the DB? In other words, if an Access DB has hardly any writes
and 99.9% reads can it be used as efficiently as it would be used on SQL
Server 2000?

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ASp Uploads

I am using the FCK Editor.but i need to be able to upload folders win information there a way of doing this?

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File Overwrite - What Does Windows Do First?

I'm using Persits ASP Upload to upload files to a simple document
management application running on Windows Server 2003. At the moment
I've set the OVERWRITEFILES property to FALSE so every time a file is
updated ie the same file is uploaded, the filename is extended by a
postfix eg if I upload logfile.txt and then upload it again the new file
is called logfile(1).txt This is required because the code first uploads
the new file and then deletes the old one. The drawback is that the file
name extends and extends and extends...

My question is - if I set OVERWRITEFILES to TRUE and the upload fails
half way through, will the original file be trashed or will Windows
somehow 'roll back'?

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Timing Uploads

I have been tasked with producing a script that times the amount of time it takes to upload a file from client to server.Unfortunately for me, part of the spec is that the script must be written in ASP which is something I have about 30 minutes experience in.
I have been playing around with the script located at this address :

Which does almost everything I need, the only thing it doesnt do is tell me how many seconds/milliseconds/widgets it took to upload the file to the server (excluding time to write to disk once received)Can anybody point me in the direction of another script that can give me timings, or at least give me some pointers on how I can hack the above script to give me the data I need (I have already worked out how to get rid of the save to DB and user name option and this is now gone from the display page and the working scripts behind it)

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Multiple Uploads

Just reading from a previous thread about multiple uploads.

I wanted to use script to create multiple input file elements that put the path in as a default (or something like that) based on ASP code. My problem was that the input file value property is readonly and there is no default value.

The thing is you can cut and paste a path manually (ctrl-c,v) but I couldn't work out how to do it from code. I thought that anything that you could do manually you could pretty much do with code.

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Error In COM+ While Migrating From 2000 Server To 2000 Advace Server

I have one 3 tier architecture application running on Windows 2000 Server.

I have created replica of same machine on another machine where OS is
Windows 2000 Advance Server.

But when I port same running application on new machine i.e. Machine with OS
as Windows 2000 Advance Server, my middle tier (Active-X Dll, COM+
application) fails.

It throws common error
Invalid Procedure Call or argument

What could be the problem? Do I need to change any settings for running
application on Windows 2000 advance Server.

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ASP Attempting To Access MS Access 2000 On File Share

I have a Development server that is running Win2k, IIS 5.0, and ASP enabled. I am trying to gain access to an Access 2000 DB located on a file server within my domain. I'm pretty sure I have all the correct permissions set, but I am having problems when trying to access the DB.

The error is similar to:

The Microsoft Jet Database engine cannot open the file '******'. It is already opened exclusively by another user, or you need permission to view its data.

I'm looking for ways to fix this... Microsoft suggests turning off the ability for IIS to sync passwords. Unfortunately, this is not a viable solution for me.

Is it possible to create a new virtual server that is a share to my file server? Put my ASP and MDB file in there and have it work? Anyone have any other ideas?

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User Uploads: Posting Acceptor Vs. ???

Do you have any experience with MS - Posting Acceptor?! or should I get one of those applets? If you have experience with setting up advanced user uploads please read on …

The ordinary HTML <input type=”file”> don’t allow any other info than the actual file. I have spent a couple of days trying to figure out how to allow my users to upload pictures. What I want to do is simple. I want to make sure that the picture is 1) either a gif or a jpg - and 2) max. size 100 kb.

But I need to handle the check client side (IIS 4) - like when some user decides to upload 2,1 meg file my server receives the whole file - and then inform him its too big =) I would rather check the file size when he browses his own HD.

I have been looking at the MS - Posting Acceptor. This component however is impossible to find on the net (well I tried and failed, so I guess it’s not on the net *cough cough*) You have to have some VB cd-rom it would appear. Code:

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Multiple Image Uploads Without Components

After a lot of head scratching, I've put together something I hope will be useful to others. Basically it allows multiple image uploads while limiting the type, size and dimensions of the images before doing the upload.

It uses three of Lewis Moten's classes: clsUpload.asp, clsImage, clsField.

My code (processupload.asp) is a bit lengthy, but it works together with his to allow multiple uploads while checking dimensions. (hopefully someone can cut it down) It can be downloaded here: (I have included the class files for convenience)

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On Windows 2003 IIS (6.0) Failed To Download A File From ASP Page

The ASP application uses the "File" active-x control. On windows 2003
IIS(6.0), the download the file fails with the Error: Request object error
'ASP 0104 : 80004005'

The above error is retuned by my asp code: lnBytes =

I did not see this error on windows 2000 server. Is there any solution/workaround available on Windows 2003 IIS(6.0) for this issue.

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How To Import Certificate File Into Windows Certificate Store Under IWAM Account

Due to the nature of our system, we need to dynamically import certificate
files into windows certificates store and access the certificate store from
ASP pages, these ASP pages call a VB dll component, which uses the CAPICOM
component to manipulate windows certficate store.

Because ASP is running under IWAM account, we got "Access is denied" error
when trying to import the certificate files. We registered the VB
components under COM+ to get around this security problem. However,
recently we are experiencing all sorts of problems with COM+ ( eg.
DLLHost.exe hang with 100% CPU after heavy traffic, ActiveX component can
not be created out of sudden), we decided to move this VB component out of
COM+, which means we are facing the same old "Access is denied" problem
again. Code:

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If Condition Ans SQL 2000

i have got one field in sql server 2000 database. field1 char 50 in one record, i m storing value -1 but it doesnt satisfy following condition

if (rs("field1")) = cstr("-1") Then
response.write ("true")
end if

i already checked its value by response.write and
print -1 only..
then y its above condition is false?

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SQl Injection Through ASP And MS SQl 2000

I have heard a lot about SQL Injection. I was wondering how does an injector come to know about the table/column name when they cannot see the asp codes in a website?

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Win 2000 SP3iiss

In one Application (2) the client is redirected to a Logon ASP in a different Application (1). A Session Variable is made in Application 2 which needs to be recognized in Application 1. Can I do that in Windows 2000 SP3 IIS5 no .NET Framework?

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