Major Login Problem Virtual Path

Firstly, I know where the problem is, I just need to know how to fix it. Basically, when I set up my IIS I created a virtual directory called cs305-31Kosy, which held all my files(eg kosy.mdb). The physical path is to the files on my PC is: C:Documents and Settings

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Physical Path & Virtual Path

I have problem with physical path & virtual path on the server.

<!--#include virtual="country/inc.bottom.asp"-->

In this script it is working.

In all the file i have <!--#include file="../"--> this script.

I have about 10,000 files in the website.

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Virtual Path

how to put the virtual path in asp

for example
myFSO.CreateFolder("..myNewFolder" & fldr_name)

when i gave this path i am getting error saying "no path found" even though the path is correct.

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Virtual Path Address

I have a problem with my login code. Is my virtual path address right? wr6077-02 is my pc name.

Otherwise, does anyone know where I can get a nice simple login bit of code? I havn't much interest in learning as i am building a website for my company and hope to never have to again! Code:

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Absolute/Virtual Path For Images

I have a web project that has multiple directories. Some of the files in
different directories use the same include files. The problem is that these
include files also reference an image folder. I am trying to create an
absolute reference to these images so I don't have to make the same include
for different directories. What is the best way to do this?

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FileExists Method With Virtual Path

I have searched through the threads relating to FileExists, and have not found an answer (I did find one that dealt with using the FileExists method on a remote server, but that's not quite what I need to do.)

The script searches for all pictures in a particular folder on the server. The current script uses m:... as the path. The site will be transferred to a new host, and onto a shared server (so no more m:).

Here's the original snippet: .....

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Virtual Path And Physical Root

Is it possible to include my remote web server path eg: m:/html/root/site1
| m:/html/root/site2 etc virtual includes....

Thus eliminating the need to create duplicate INC files in each sub-domain on my remote web server host domain IP. eg: (;

I would like to be able to use a UNIVERSAL INC file in the root of my web IP for the benefit of all my sub domains.

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File System Object Doesn't Work In Virtual Path?

I have a virtual path setup in order to give my web server access
to a file on my app server. I am using the file system object to check
for the existance of the file and if it exists, it has to validate the
file date.

The problem is I can't seem to find the file. I can successfully check
for the existance of a file on the web server, but once I enter the
virtual path it can't find anything. All three of these calls return


However these two calls work, so I assume I am referencing the file

Response.Redirect "http://server/localfolder/virtualfolder/test.txt"
Response.Redirect "/localfolder/virtualfolder/test.txt"

Am I doing something wrong here? The virtual path is setup with an id
that has full access to the folder.

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Pass User Login For UNC Path

I am trying to write a script that will access files on another computer on the network but in a seperate domain. In order to access the files, I need to first authenticate to the other domain as a different user.

When I access files on another domain via explorer, it prompts for a username/password. Is there some way I can pass this same information through scripting to access a computer in the other domain?

I attempted to do this with impersonation, but if I understand correctly, in order to impersonate a user, the user must exist on the local computer running the script. The user that I would like to use exists only on the other domain. how this can be done?

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Major String Work

I need to create better search results. If people enter 3 words (ie "Search for this")
I was thinking of splitting them up and search for "Search", "for", and" this" separately. IF ANYONE KNOW OF A BETTER WAY PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

heres what i need help with


split string at spaces.
create a SQL string that searchs "LIKE '%search%' OR LIKE '%for%' OR LIKE '%this%'"

i need help with spliting the string and counting how may new strings there are.

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Special Characters Causes Major Problems

I have this headlineripping script up and running but special characters causes major problems. Is there any way to html encode, change character encoding or replace scandic letters ö ä and å with html code. And I think it must be done before parsing. Code:

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Virtual Paths In Virtual Directory

IIS 6 Windows 2003

I need a virtual directory in Site_B to serve the files in Site_A (without redirecting the request) so I just added for example Site_B/A as a vdir, and set it's home dir to the physical root of Site_A (eg. C:inetpubwwwrootSite_A) sounds simple enough... not for long:

Problem (nb. I tend to use forward slashes as web/iis paths and backslash as windows filesystem paths):

The include files in Site_A reside in: Site_Aincludes and the include statements in the ASP code seem to be absolute virtual paths (if such a thing exists) for example: <!--#include virtual="/includes/header.asp"--> Code:

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XMLHTTP Through Login But After Requesting Next Page - Kicks Back To Login

I am building a website to pull data from a remote https site using xmlhttp. The data from the https site is behind a login screen. I can successfully get through the login screen with:

set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
objXMLHTTP.Open "POST", "", false
objXMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
objXMLHTTP.Send "Username=uname&password=pwd&company=O"

That works great - but then, when I try to go to the next page (where the data is that I want to pull) - I use the same process and I get kicked back out to the login screen? Could there be some cookies, referer, strings being passed normally that I am not including in my second request - How do i find out for sure?

I have used the software IETrace and it looks like some cookies being passed, but how do I know for sure if (and what exactly) it is using?

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Login To Page Requires Login

I want to login to a page using MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.4.0 or an object like this, I must send the form variables needed to login when I try to login to the page. But the problem is, that the page looks like a exe file (not a asp file or php file or what ever). The name of the page I try to login is something like "/pw?/session/login", nothing more, without extension. I have tried the code with a normal asp file with session registration and login process and it worked, but not with this file.

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IIS 6 And Virtual Directory

I have an Intranet site sitting on an Windows XP server, which has IIS 6.0 installed. This Intranet site contains a virtual directory (VD), which sits on a second server and has Windows 2000 installed.

To test how a virtual directory would work for this particular Intranet site, I had previously set up the VD on the web server. Everything worked errors.

Once testing was complete and the location of the VD changed to the second server, I have been receiving the following error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c'
Path not found

I understand what this error is saying, but I was wondering if anyone knows of any problems between IIS 6 being on a XP server and the VD on a 2000 server and any possible implications.

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Virtual Directory

Is there a way in asp to create a new default web site within IIS
I am setting a content managament system and want to create a new default web site during on of the processes.
So for example if people create a new site within the admin section and call it Jacinto this will create a new virtual directory called Jacinto.

This would then be accessed at http://localhost/jacinto

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Virtual Directory

Here are a couple of links that describe how to create a virtual directory programmatically on IIS.;EN-US;188954

I haven't had a close look at the code yet but it's not in asp/vbscript

Has anybody done it in pure asp.I would like to do it on a site hosted by a third party and I am unable to install any dll's or exe's on the machine because it is a shared webserver.Both .NET and Non .NET would be good

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Virtual Directory

I have a virtual directory set up and it's fine. Now what I want to do is write files into them. When I try to do that it gives me a "path not found" error.How can I do this? Is this even possible?

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Virtual Browser

I have heard there is something called a 'virtual browser' which allows me
to check asp and html output on the complete range of browsers without
having to download each browser and version (side by side).I did a google
search and see a variety of links but nothing conclusive.
Is there a standard product experienced asp developers are using.can you
point me towards it?What are the limitations and challenges in using this product?

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IIS Virtual Directory

I want to write a web hosting application. But how to create a IIS virtual
directory programmatically in ASP page?

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Virtual SMTP

My server has POP but only has SMTP if sending to my domain, and not other domains (such as hotmail). I'm therefore wondering, if anyone knows of any scripts etc, that will allow me to have a sort of "virtual" SMTP server on my site?. (I really can't afford to use a third party SMTP mailer).

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Virtual Directories

In php you can have a script like: http://localhost/page/parameter1/parameter2
where page is acually a php script and the script gets the parameters in $PATH_INFO

I need something similar in asp. If possible without modifying any settings on IIS.
Here is a tutorial on how to do it in php.

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Virtual Addresses

We have aan asp content management system running on IIS6 that produces hundreds of pages from one page template so each page is called mainpage.asp?id=22 and the number at the end changes.

Is there any way of attaching a virtual address to the pages so they could have for example news_story or about-us and control this using a database?

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Virtual Directory

I have a website hosted on an ISP server, my code creates folder and places files in it using the FileSyestemObject. The problem is that I have to write the absolute folder/file path in the createFolder method, and I don't know the absolute path on the server, when i use relative path, the folder is placed on the system32 directory as the root folder (That is where the ASP dll is located). So how can I create folders and files on the virtual directory without knowing the physical path.

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Virtual Frames

I have a page that i find hard to maintain, or add new pages to. It is tha navigation bars down the sides of all the pages. At the moment they are all just like, well a normal page, so when i want to add a new page i need to go through ALL of my pages and change them.

I know there is a way, but i dont know how, to make the asp file call another file and basicaly ask for what goes in the side navigation bar. I have seen this done, it would have used framed, but personaly i think they are evil, you can only stick them to the top, side botton etc.... of a page. And i have made my page so that it is in the centre of the browser.

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Virtual Directory

I created virtual directory(IIS) in which i placed images and scripts.I referred this directory from my application(ASP.Net).But during run time this folder is copied to my application root.How can i avoid this.

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Virtual Directory

I used KB 308150 as a guide to create a virtual directory shared by a few webstores that my company hosts. The virtual folder and websites reside on the same box. The shared directory includes code files used by all the webstores.

The problem - when a user adds items to the shopping cart, ***sometimes*** the session variables get reset and all cart information is lost.I can't consistently make the error occur - it seems to be random.Also, if you have any different ideas on how to share code between many websites.

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Virtual Terminal

I am trying to build a virtual terminal. Can anyone tell me if there is a way ti can be done using as? I as trying to connect to a Visanet compatle gateway using my asp shopping cart.

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#include Virtual

Is there anybody know how to make <!--#include virtual="myfolder/qqq.asp"> working. My IIS correctly works only with <!--#include files=""> and it doesn't with virtual.

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Virtual Root

My IIS server (Win2K) I created a new application, but when I #Include a file it goes to the root of the Default Web site rather than the root of the site? I tried

Response.write server.mappath("default.asp")
and got

I know this is IIS 101 but I cannot get it to work.

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<!--#include Virtual=

i placed the <!--#include virtual=... tag outside the <% ASP tags, and when trying to import the file from the same directory db.asp, i get the following error:

The include file 'include/db.asp' was not found.

/eu_softing/sesso.asp, line 1

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Virtual Includes

On one of my asp sites I want to use virtual includes so that it will work the same locally for testing as on the server.

the site is on IIS on WinXP Professional, a folder under the main site. I made it a virtual directory. However if I put:

<!-- #INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/footer.asp"-->
it doesn't work, I still have to put
<!-- #INCLUDE VIRTUAL="/site_folder/footer.asp"-->

how can I make it work like the document root? Is there a URL I should be using as opposed to localhost/site_folder/ ?

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Different Virtual Folders

If I have 1 Virtual Dirctory with 2 different subfolders are these 2 different folders different virtual folders? Or if I have 2 different Virtual Directories each containing a subfolder are these two subfolders 2 different virtual folders?

I'm asking because Microsoft is using the term "virtual folders" and I am not sure if they mean the former or the later.

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