Making My Bookmark(HTML) Work In Emailbody ASP

Ik made some code but i can't get it working.When i view the source of the emailbody the HTML is correct but nevertheless it doesn't work. Code:

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Making A Query Show Up Properly In A HTML String Email

I am attempting to send an HTML email which a hyperlink that will change based on the user's session ID. I need the hyperlink to display as:

WHERE the id = Session("MM_UserID")

However I cannot seem to code this into the html string in the correct syntax, to where id=1 or id=2, etc. Does anyone know the anwser to this problem?The basic code I am using can be found below.

html = html & "<a href="""">"
html = html & Session("MM_UserID")
html = html & "<IMG SRC=""myImage2.gif""></A><BR><BR>"
html = html & "</br>"

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HTML Doesn't Work For FIREFOX

I don't what is wrong my site but some of my members cant view it on
firefox. I been browsing the net for answer but i havent find the
solution. Some said add

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"which
was already there when i first started. Everything is find on internet

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Trying To Get My JMail HTML Message To Work With My Site

I have been trying to get the JMail.GetMessageBodyFromURL
"" command to work, but all I get back is a very sparse
HTML message in MS Outlook 2002 on WinXP SP2 UK.

I've checked and made sure that Outlook can accept HTML emails, but the
problems I am experiencing are:

a) The placeholders are there, but none of the pics come through.

b) The external stylesheet has gone out the window.

c) If I click on any of the links a dialogue appears asking where I want to
save the exe.

I have a feeling that problems (a) and (b) relate to the fact that the paths
are relative to the site and Outlook needs the absolute, but how can this be
easily corrected without changing the whole site?

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I have a form that does a few things, such as collect
data and than using cdonts emails this data to a place to
be parsed.

I need to add a bookmark command to this form. I have a
javascript one, but i would like to keep entire page asp.
Do you know where i can find an asp program i can add to
my form so i can do this, or am i stuck with using

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Redirecting To A Bookmark

Once, I found it quite convenient to try and redirect users to a particular page using Response.Redirect()... and in the URL, appended "#section3". To my surprise, this didn't work.

Knowing bookmarks are exclusively a matter for the browser, um.., is this the ONLY reason why you can't do this? Code:

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Accessing Bookmark

How do you get the bookmark on the end of a url with ASP? ....

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Bookmark A Page

We want to add a "bookmark this page" link to our website. Does anyone have a code example for this?

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Open Word Document Met Bookmark Image

how to open word document met bookmark image. I like to open a word document with an image. here is my code

Dim MyDoc
dim objWord
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application")
Set MyDoc = CreateObject("Word.Document")
MyDoc.Application.Visible = True

'Set the font properties
MyDoc.content.Font.Bold = True
MyDoc.content.Font.Italic = True
MyDoc.content.Font.Underline = True
MyDoc.content.Font.Name = "Comic Sans MS"
MyDoc.content.Font.Size = 25

Set MyDoc = Nothing

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Error :: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Not A Valid Bookmark.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Not a valid bookmark.

has anybody seen such types of errors?

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Making Connection

For an upcoming test I need to write an explanation of the code on connecting to a databse through a webpage. I wrote the code and the page works, but could someone help me explain this line of code:
SET myConn=SERVER.createobject("adodb.connection")

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Making A Quiz

Does anyone have a clue have to make a quiz in asp using an xml file? I found a good quiz but the code is in so we can't use it

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Making A Session Less

how can i identify the user session?and, assuming that i generate my own "session id" for each login carrying it along the can i, latter, release the session ?

remember that Session_OnEnd( ) don't work well all the time.

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Making A Login Box

i have made a form which passes info from it into a asp page which sends the data to a db, the form has all the relevant details about the student, and also it has username and password which gets sent to the "login" table this table holds the usernames and password.

i want to make a form with username and password that the student can enter his username and password and then if its correct it allows him to would i do this.

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Making A Search

i have a form that submits courses to a database on a server, the form has fields like course name startdate, that kind of thing, i want to be able to create a search form that will bring up courses that are in a certain area, or a certain price, how can i get the info the user has put in the form and then search with those criteria.

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Making Rss Feed

if I make an rss feed from my site and put the address into IE, it just flashes and nothing happens. However, if I go to another browser, nothing much happens, but I can view the source and it's proper.

I then copy that source into a whatever.xml file and then upload it. Put that address into IE - and it looks like every other .xml file. The rss feed does validate as well.
So - here's my q: is there any way to get this to show in a friendly manner if clicked on? I'd like to just provide the link to the rss file on my site for people to use (without having to provide instruction of what's inside it).

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Making Url In Recordset

in rsLink is a URL which I would like to set as a link within rsPic


<td width="220" rowspan="2"><img src="<%=(rsMags.Fields.Item("rsPic").Value)%>"><br>
<%=(rsMags.Fields.Item("rsLink").Value)%> </td>
<td colspan="2" valign="top"><div align="right"><font size="3" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Issue:<strong><font size="4"><%=(rsMags.Fields.Item("IssueNo").Value)%></font></strong></font></div></td>

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Making String SQL Safe

I'm busy working on a content management system for a client and some entries that they want to add have single quotes in the text.

How would I make sure the entered text is SQL safe but without stripping out the '.

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Making Dates British....

We have two servers running ASP.NET systems. One is live and one is
development. I have recently adopted an ASP system from a colleague to
nurse it back to health. On the development server it correctly interprets
dates as being british i.e. dd/mm/yyyy, but on the live server it reverts to
the usa format i.e. mm/dd/yy.

Both systems have the appropriate session variable set i.e. Session.LCID =
2057. Both servers have IIS set up in exectly the same way and I'm not in
any way sure that IIS has a say over this in any case.

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Making A Search Engine

I already have a skeleton to work off of but this is for a dynamic site. Each page has it's fields in a DB which I will use to search through but my problem has to do with how the system will treat queries.

The site has to do with dairy. How do I proceed to process "the CDC's regulations"...

I'm thinking tokenizing but I don't want the site to search each token individually since it'll bring up each page that contains CDC which can be quite substantial.

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Making Sure Code Only Looks At This Directory.

I have a folder where i just want to read back images. This works fine until the computer self creates a folder called _notes and this messes up my results.

one how do i just get it to return all images and nothing else, ie none of the subfolders or any other files and second can i stop the self creation of the file? Code:

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Making A Form Submit To Itself

I am needing to know the best way to have a form submit to itself and have that information availble to the webpage.

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Making A Dynamic Page

so for this weeks project for class I have to create a dynamic page in asp. As of now im completely lost and failing.I was finally able to setup IIS and get everything going. I made a page in asp saying "Hello World". Now the question is what exactly do I need to do to make a dynmaic page in asp? Im assuming he wants me to create a database in say access and pull it up in asp.

Does anyone have a simple database in access they can post a link to so I can download it and also a link to the asp code to display it properly on a page? I want to take a look at the code and see if looking at it I can gain a better understanding of what to do and how asp can help make dynamic pages.

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Making A Form Advance

I need to make a form in which if the user selects 'NO' on a radiobutton, that the form will take him 4 or 5 questions down...and if possible maybe disable the ones it skipped?

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Making A Registration Form

I have a few textbox to be filled in the form.

Fistname: (textbox)
Lastname: (textbox)

I would like to do some checking on user input when he/she submit the form.

Fistname: BBB 'error
Lastname: bbb 'correct

If there happens to be error on the user input (eg. user input in uppercase), it will go back to the form and list the errors.

For those error input, their respective textbox will be cleared for user to re-enter again. For those which is correct, the user input is displayed in the textbox (remained unchange). Code:

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Making A Submit Button Not Visible

Does anyone know how to make a Submit button not visible? i know how to disable it, just type disabled in the tag. Any ideas?

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Making Form Fields Required

How do I make form fields required if I'm using a formmail.asp script?
Also can I customize the page that visitors are sent to that tells them "you forgot to fill out this part..blah blah blah" ,and if so, how is it done?

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Making An Array Of Strings Out Of Integers

I'm trying to make an array of strings to compare to. Each string will be made up of 3 different 4 digit codes with spaces in between each code (ie "1001 2003 3001").

I'm currently using this code to do this but when I write the string out to the screen I only get the <br>. Code:

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Code For Making Graph With Excel

what will be the code for making graph with excel through asp?

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Making A Selected Link Inactive In Css

In a style sheet after someone chooses a page, is it possible to make that link inactive while on that page?

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Making Browser Wait Before Executing

i have an uploadpage where users can upload images. When the image is uploaded my logo is added with aspimage.

the file hasnt been saved before i try loading it with aspimage. How can i make the browser wait 2 secs before executing the next piece of code, to allow the file to be saved properly before trying to access it again ?

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Making Replace Ignore Cases

I'm using the replace functions but it is case sensitive. I'm doing a search through my DB and I want the keywords I use in the query to come out in bold so basically I do a:

strResults = searchRS("pgdescription")
for j = 0 to (Ubound(newArray))
strResults = replace(strResults, newArray(j), "<strong>" & newArray(j) & "</strong>")

it spits out my results but it doesn't bold them unless they're the exact same case... Anyone know a way to make the replace function ignore cases?

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Making A Thread, And Then A Post, Getting New ThreadID

I am putting the thread details into the Thread_Table table, and so creating a new record in that table. THen I need to create a new post in the Post_Table, and need to pass it the ThreadID that I just created in the Thread_Table. Code:

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