Manage Table Names

I would like to be able to generate table reports listing all the TABLE NAMES, FIELDS and their datatypes in a neatly formatted table.

Additionally I am building up a frightening amount of queries.I would also like to cycle through this and neatly associate notes with them to remind me of their specific purpose.The naming of the query can only go so far.

I find that upon returning to my asp and access application after a month or two I struggle to contextualize where to begin query additions and table alterations
and hope a catalog method will make me more effective and save time.

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SQL And Table Names

ive got a small problem, i dont know if this is possible but its bound to be. What im trying to do is request a cookie which contains a database table name and put that inside an sql query...sort of like this

id = request.cookies("tablename")
mySQL = "SELECT * FROM &'id'&"

i know that doesnt work, ive tried every other combination .

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Table Names

I am planning my next move on my current website and am looking at doing the following. I am adding a feature where as a database can be viewed on the web page as this has been requested for me to do.

I am pretty sure i can do this without a problem except for getting all of the table names. Is there an SQLQ command where you can say


Antoher way to look at it is to have a seperate table in each of the databases to hold all of the table names.

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Table Names From Mdb

i want to make a drop down menu with the names of the tables in the mdb. how do i get this right? do i use a sql statement? i cannot find a sql statement with the command for this.

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Reading MSAccess Table Names

Is there any way of using ASP to read the names of all the tables within my database?

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Generate List Of Table Names

Anyone have any advice on getting a recordset of all tablenames in a database? I have an access database that I am constantly adding tables to.

I want to have code that will lookup all tables and populate a selectbox with the tablenames so that I can click to look at each table individually.

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Gettin Table Names From A Ms Access Database

Ive got an accces database with a couple of table in it at the moment but this will grow to 5 tables pretty soon then maybe more after that.

I would like to be able to populate a drop down menu with all the table names in the database any ideas how to do this or if its even possible.

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Having Trouble Getting Openschema To Work To Report Table/columns Names

dbpath = "D:Pure-Flo IntranetdatabaseEngDB.mdb"
set objConn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConn.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & dbpath

Set rsSchema = objConn.OpenSchema(adSchemaTables)
Do Until rsSchema.EOF
If rsSchema.Fields("TABLE_TYPE") = "TABLE" Then
Response.Write rsSchema.Fields("TABLE_NAME") & "<br />"
End If
set rsSchema = Nothing

just a simple example of what i'm trying to do. its supposed to list the names of all the tables in the database, but instead its returning the following error:

ADODB.Connection error '800a0cb3'

Object or provider is not capable of performing requested operation.

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Manage DHCP With ASP

Is it possible to manage a DHCP Server with an ASP page (vbscript)
using dhcpsapi.dll or another DHCP API ? How could I do this?

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Manage Multiple DBs

Does anyone know of a database management program that I can use with my access dbs? I have several access dbs on one server, but have to log in to each one for editing, viewing users, etc. (obviously). I don't know if anything like this exists, but it sure would be helpful if I could just log into one db to view/edit all of my dbs. Does anyone know of such a program?

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Manage Favorites

how can i make buttons on my web site to import/export favorites from ie a good example of this can be found. can someone give me an idea or link to study on this topic.

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Manage Upload Error

I'm using ASP to upload files on my server. How can I check if the upload fails?

objUpload("blob").SaveAs strPath

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Crop .pdf Files And Manage With A CMS?

Am asking for input on a better way to manage website content. Input is dozens of .pdf files up to 11 meg in size containing one to eight advertisements comprised of both text and graphics. These files are 300 dpi at CMYK and I use the same .pdf files the printer uses to print glossy paper coupons. The goal is to categorize and display the ads in a website for online printing. This post is all words and no code.

The work flow is divided into cropping and displaying.

For cropping: having done it many ways (screen scraping, Photo Shop. Paint Shop, etc.) am getting the best controlled results by opening each .pdf in GIMP, hand cropping each ad and saving as a .png file. Now using GIMP because the others have been awkward to use or didn't provide the results I want. Have tried various pdf utilities to extract each ad intact and avoid cropping altogether, but the mixture of text and graphics gets skewed.

For displaying: I hand update the html directory and when an ad description is linked by the site visitor, pass filename and title parameters to a common php script I wrote that determines the image dimension based on the image size, builds standard html code and displays the ad. For printing I rely on the browser print button.

Will ASP permit me to develop a web-based application that will read these .pdf files directly from the printer's server, let a non-technical person easily crop them, describe them, store them, build the directory, and display them? Kind of like a cropping content management system? also will need the ability to stick in an impromptu ad here and there too.

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Manage Frames By C# Code

I am new user of I want to open a page in right frame when i click a button from left frame. this must simple but i don.t know how to this?

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Manage 404 Error Page

I created my custom error page and it sends an email with serverVariable("URL") to me, so I know what files users may request which are not found. All of a sudden, I started receiving a large number of emails.

what's the best way to log errors: database or flat text file (in terms of speed and use)? what useful info can I collect on error page 404 as you may suggest (serverVariable("URL") serverVariable("REMOTE_ADDRESS") are not just enough).

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Manage User Accounts

We have a legacy, P.O.S. Access database/application that we use for production tracking at work. We are wanting to design a new web application for our intranet to replace it as well as use an Oracle database. I have not used ASP.NET before, but I'm going to start learning so I can work on the new application. In the meantime, I'm thinking of the things I'll need to be able to implement to have this work how we need it to:

1. Convert the Access tables to Oracle and serve them on the intranet
2. Create web forms in ASP.NET to replace the forms used by the Access application
3. Regulate user privileges so that certain users only have access to certain features. This was easy in Access, but I need some sort of administrative area of the new web app. to add new users and regulate their permissions.

Regarding number 3, how would you guys go about doing this? I'm also open to input on the other areas as well.

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How To Transfer Records From One Table Of A Database To Another Table In Another Data

I have aproblem to transfer a data from table x to table y based on id. Its mean when 2 table have same id all data table x must move to table y. I don't know which command need to use is it insert into or update?

Dim conn
Dim rs

Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
Set cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
conn.ConnectionString = "DSN=prmm;UID=administrator;pwd=sa"


MYSQL = "SELECT * FROM table_x where paymentdate between '" & tarikh1 & "' and '" & tarikh2 & "'" MYSQL,conn ....

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How To Open A Recordset For A Table Has Space In The Table NAME?

I am trying to display the content of a Table called

'Order Detail' directly from the database (e.g., Northwind.mdb). I have the following commands:

Set tableSet = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

tableSet.Open table_name, DB_name, adOpenForwardOnly, _
adLockOptimistic, adCmdTable

where, table_name = ''Order Detail" Or
table_name = 'Order Detail' Or different variations.

I always get error on the second command with the following message:
Syntax error in query. Incomplete query clause

which I believe because of space in the Table Name. How can I resolve this issue? (working with file or table name with space)?

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Get Tables Names

Does anyone have some sample code on how to get all tables names in a MS Access database?

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Names Of Scripts

I need the names of some either ASP or PHP programs that will work like a video rental store. I know there are some out there, but i cant seem to remember the name of them. I would prefer something that is free.

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ASP Variable Names

Does any one know how many characters possible in a variable name in ASP?
Is it only 15 characters long or could it be more?
i.e. could the variable name be ThisIsTheFirstName
I do not name my variables like this but I would like to know the max length possible.

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Cdonts Names

I have a web application which saves files to a server and emails the file as an attachment. I generate a unique name for each file by concatenating a unique numeric string so the file name is unique and cannot be accidentally be overwritten. I also store the original name of the file. Is there any way to rename the attachment when I send it so it doesn't have the unique name but rather the orignal one.

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Column Names?

im reading from multiple databases, and one restraint is that i must know the amount of columns and the names of the columns before i can display info from the question: can i somehow GRAB or READ this information from each database and then just adapt my Display accordingly

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Using Arrays With Names

Is it possible with ASP to use arrays with names (e.g user("username") = "ble") instead of numbers (e.g user(1) = "ble")?(I do know of the dictionary object, but is it wise to use that 7 times or more a page?

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Get File Names

a script that will automatically pull the names and custom preview icons of image files from a folder and display them on a page? is this possible? i need to use this script on a win 2000 server.

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Path Names

I have two temporary variables that are equal to folder paths. The first temporary variable could equal one folder name or multiple folder names depending upon an if statement so "" & fldr1 & "" & & "" will not work.

Is it possible to combine both into a third temporary variable? Example:

TempPath1 = "" & fldr1 & ""

TempPath2 = "" & & ""

FullTempPath = TempPath1 & TempPath2

FullPath = fso.GetFolder(Server.MapPath(FullTempPath))

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Get List Of Names

We have a script the will grab names from a form and display them on the next page but will only get a max of 60 to 80 names depending on the total number of characters of each name.

Can anyone guide us on how to create a script, where if a user copies and pastes 5000 names or email addresses into a form and clicks submit, we can then grab each name and display individually on the next page?

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First Names/Nicknames

Does anyone know of a script or library that provides a way to match first names with common nicknames or shortened forms?

I'm developing criteria to determine whether two database entries represent the same person, and I definitely want people named 'Bill' and 'William' to score as having the same first name, for example.

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Country Names

in my drop down dont want to show country names like United States and Canada but its still showing Code:

nusa="United States"

Set rs = Server.CreateObject("adodb.RecordSet")
strcountry="SELECT * from tblCountries where CountryName Not In ('"& nusa & "," & ncanada & "')"
rs.Open strcountry,cardconn, 2, 2

is the syntax ok

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Is it possible to get a db's column names not the data inside the columns just the columns names.

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Parameter Names

I 'd like to print out all posted parameter names and values. I'm able to print all the posted request values, but not the parameter names.

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PostField And Variable Names

I am new to ASP and I cannot figure out how to pass variable content in ASP. How to pass the variable sClientNo in the following redirect.


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Spaces In Column Names

I have a db auto uploaded to me everyday. I am displaying information from the db, but some of the columns contain spaces. When I use a space in a select statement it obviously does not work. Is there some special syntax I need to allow for a column name that contains a space?

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