Mapped Drives And FSO

I keep getting "path not found"..

I'm running two servers, the machine running IIS that is running my ASP
script uses the same IUSR account and password as the folder that I am
trying to access through a mapped drive. Permissions should be good.

here is my code:

Set objFile = Server.CreateObject ("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
objFolder = "M: estfolder"
Set MyFolder = objFile.GetFolder(objFolder)

if I take the same directory path "M: estfolder" and paste it into explore
it finds the path without a problem...

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Get Computer Name From Mapped Drives

I am trying to get the computer/server names from the mapped drives on the Clients PC when they select a file from the upload "browse" button. When the user clicks on the "Browse" button on the "<input type="File"... control and selects a file located in one of many possible mapped drives. I want to save the location of the file as a path as you would see when mapping a drive. For instance, "serverfolders... instead of the
mapped path of "P:foldersubfolder... etc. Therefore, when a user views the document they can click on the link and get access to the file regardless of how their drives are mapped. Oh, I need to be able to do this from classic ASP.

I attempted to use the FileSystemObject object but cannot find the method that gives me this information.

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Fso Fails When Connecting To Mapped Drives From Asp On IIS 6.0

I have an asp page (see source code below) running on IIS 6.0 on
Win2003 Server that tries to get file and folder information on a
Novell Server. I am able to successfully connect to the share on the
Novell box if I use the UNC path. But, unfortunately, I need to have
the mapped path for my application.

I created a simple vbs script and
saved it to the server desktop and run it to verify connectivity to the
Novell box. I am logged in to the server with the same user as set up
in my website as the anonymous user. The vbs file runs perfectly. But
as soon as I move the code into an asp file, I get the following error
"Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c' Path not found". If I
go into my asp file and change the path to the novell box to a UNC
format, then it works. Below is the asp file: Code:

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VBscript For Mapped Network Drives

I need to know how and if its possible to have a vbscript run when a user logs onto my pc. I need the script to connect to my mapped network drives on my pc since you have to double click under My Computer in order to connect to the drives. I want this automated as much as possible.

I currently use a batch file under the startup folder but wanted the process to run behind the scenes instead of a dos box popping up.

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Code To Map Drives

I was not able to map a drive from remote server to my local pc.

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SRV2003, ASP And Network Drives

I have an ASP app that calls an object on the web server which goes out to a
mapped network drive to retrieve a file from a W2K file server. My current
web server is a W2K. The share on the file server as well as the NTFS
permissions on the server are wide open (Everyone Full Control) but still
require me to run the web server under an account other than the IUSR
account for the object to be able to access the file. None the less, it
works fine.

However, when I run this same app on a W2K3 server, it can not
access the file from the exact same location. Seems to me I need to tell the
web server at a different level what account to run at or something. It
doesn't appear that the W2K3 web server's account has permission to access
the file despite the fact I am using the same account as the W2K. Anyone
have any ideas? The goal is to get the W2K3 web server to successfully
access a remote file on a W2K file server without any permissions problems.
Again, the share and NTFS on the file server are wide open.

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Mapping Network Drives Through Asp

I was wondering is there a way to map a network drive a on persons machine with a online gui interface?

Is there a way user 1 can map drives on THEIR computer using an online interface?

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Connect To Mapped Drive

I have mapped a drive in our IIS, but I don't know how to connect to it from
ASP. I would like to place files (like images files) to the mapped drive
T:XXXYYY and display files from there.

I've tried using Server.MapPath, but when I put T:XXXYYY as parameter, it
will say it requires virtual path but not physical path.

Then I tried using:

Set MyFileObject=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set MyFolder=MyFileObject.GetFolder("T:XXXYYY")
but it will say Path not found.

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Get Folders In Mapped Drive

I mapped dirve in a another computer as K: and I need to listout folders in a asp page that mapped drive. So I was checked that drive is in ready state using IsReady property, but it will return false. But when I was tried in VB application using same code it work perfectly. So any one know what can be happned.

set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
set d = fso.GetDrive("K:")

if d.IsReady Then
response.write " Drive " & d.driveletter & " is Ready "
response.write " Drive " & d.driveletter & " is not Ready "
end if

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Cannot Access Remote File From Mapped Drive

I want to access files from a remote server so I mapped it in my
server under z: for myserverwebmysiteimages

I added this UNC path to my IIS virtual directory and name it as
"upload" but I still cannot use any FSO to read it. Here is my code:

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Copying Files Using Mapped Drive Error

im trying to create an online doc library for our intranet using a MS Access back end

a form allows the users to enter all the details of the doc and then select the file by using a file browser ( input="file" )

the asp script then copies the file from server A to the intranet

the problem is , is that if the user chooses a mapped drive ( e.g. the S drive ) then it fails - if they use the full drive map then it works fine


Fail : s:stu.txt
Works : stuscomputer estdocsstu.txt

is it becuse the intranet server doesnt know what drive S is ?

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Writing Text File To A Mapped Drive Or Network Drive

how to write a text file to a mapped drive or network drive. In my script, I’m currently writing the text file to a local folder on the server temporarily until I can figure this out.

So far I have tried to use the mapped drive letter, network path, etc. to get this working. I believe all the permissions are in order (I hope) as well. No matter what I have tried, I just get a Path Not Found script error. I know this has to be possible, just I’m missing something … probably something right under my nose but I just can’t figure it out.

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