Math Calculations

I have a page which has a buyers premium amount field and an empty field the client will place the amount they wish to bid.

How can I get the page to calculate the premium total and the grand total. will I need to put some sort of button on the page to request the calculation or can it be triggered automatically?

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DB Calculations

I often have to calculate totals as a result of a recordset,but i'd really like to sort by the calculated totals field.Quite often the calculations invlove values extracted from other stored procedures,so it's not a simple case of adding as part of the select statement.

I've made a post under the SQL forum (URL address blocked: See forum rules) as i'm using SQL, but i mainly consider myself an ASP programmer so would like to hear how you guys resolve this issue.

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Age Calculations

The following code doesn't produce a valid output as the calculation is invalid if the DOB and Now() are within the same Month and at least two days in the calendar year from eachother. e.g. if a person was born on 06/18/1975 and today's date is 06/16/2005, the age comes back as age=30. what I can change to make it work;

<%Response.Write Left(FormatNumber((DateDiff("d", Session("DOB"), Now()) / 365),0),2) %> .

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Calculations In Asp Form

I want to do and show calculations in the same form before submitting. Idea is to create a purchase order (like we do add to cart in most ecommerce site) and show items being selected from data base and person puts quantity and amount is displayed.

This amount/rate shall be submitted via form.

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Week Calculations

I'm looking for a function that returns a date range for a specified week number of the year I'm not able to find functions like this anywhere.

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Date Calculations

We've changed our comissions for policies that go into effect in 2007. I need to be able to calculate if the date a renewal is processed is in the 2nd year or 3rd year of the policy's effective date, since those two have different rates.there's a leap year in there and I've heard that DateDiff doesn't always work the way you'd expect it to.

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Performing Calculations

I'd like to have an ASP form performing a relatively simple calculation. For example, if I wanted to create a simple order form where someone enters a quantity of tickets, the form would automatically calculate the total cost in a second text box based on the number (qty) entered times the cost of a single ticket.

Such that, if the user entered "2" in one text box, it would automatically generate the total cost of, say $34.00 in a second text box based on the cost of a single ticket being $17.00.

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Worldpay Calculations

I'm having the simplest of problems we've implemented worldpay and as you might know worldpay doesn't allow you to enter more than one item at a time. I want to allow the user to enter say quantity 2 and then calculate the value say 15.00 and then add the result into the worldpay code.

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Form Calculations

I'm building a form, there are four currency options.The user might select 1 or more. I need to calculate the total on the fly using javascript and write it to another field.

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Math Functions...

Didn't remember if anybody had started started like this, but I decided it would be cool to start it again. If you have a math function request ask it below, or if you have made one then add it:

I have a few cretegean plane (think thats how you spell it), calculations. One request I have is, does anybody have a short function for square root?

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Math Question

i need to print the x value of a circle (center is 0 and max = 1)
depending on the angle entered
i know it is possible with functions but i dont remember wich one

example :
user enter 0 : returned value is 0
user enter 45 : returned value is 0.5
user enter 90: returned value is 1
user enter 135 the returned value is 0.5
user enter 180 the returned value is 0
user enter 225 the returned value is -0.5

and so on

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Simple Math

I am trying to add my numeric fields together to produce a total. Does the following make sense to anyone? Code:

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Doing A Math Problem With ASP

I want to enter a math formula to caculate how many pages are there for each thread.

At this point, I set the page break to 15 posts for each thread. In other words, one page contains 15 replies to one thread. If there are more than 15 and less than 30 replies, then page number is equal to 2. If more than 30, the page number is equal to 3.

If I translate this to a math formula, it would be like

total replies divided by 15 = the number of page (this number should round up like 0.x=1)
if total replies is 3, so 3 divided by 15 = 0.2 (round it up to 1)
if total replies is 18, so 18 divided by 15 = 1.2 (round it up to 2)

How can I do this?

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Math Working

Dim BeforeTax
Dim A
Dim B
Dim C
A = OrderSummary.Fields.Item("Order_Total").Value
B = OrderSummary.Fields.Item("Tax").Value
C = OrderSummary.Fields.Item("Shipping").Value
BeforeTax = A-(B+C)

I tried this after I tried to have just one line with BeforeTax = OrderSummary.Fields.Item("Order_Total").Value-....

Any idea why I get an error?

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Math Equation

normally if i want to do a simple math equation and user only key in A and B but the C will be auto generate. and i wanna store all these three variables in the system. can anyone write a simple program for me? i declare inside head tag rite?

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Math Behind The Sessionid

how unique the sessionid is in ASP. What is the math behind it's creation, and what are the probobolities of it being reproduced, i.e. 1/10000? or 1 in twenty million? Can someone give me some guidance on this? I'm trying to create some unique numbers for
data assignement, and would like a way that does not replicate.

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Simple Math In Asp

i am trying to remove stock from my database when someone orders a product. basically the code has no errors but it wont change the stock level.

how do i get asp to subtract one number from another the bit of code i have for this part of the function is Code:

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How can I round the value to the nearest whole number. I have searched on math.round but
can not get it to function. Here is how I am getting the results if not division by zero. Code:

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Math Calculator

I just developed a simple math calculator using c# in, now i want to be able to check for the higest and lowest answer from the label control, how to do this?

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Calculations On LARGE Numbers

I am trying to do some calculations on large numbers (ie
7,768,489,957,892,578,474,792,094 / 12,280) and no matter what I do it
doesn't get it quite right. Its always somewhere between 10 and and 5000 out

I have a suspition is could be down to one of the number functions I am
using along the way but im not sure.

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Excell Spreadsheat Calculations On Web

I'd like to post an excell spreadsheet but allow the user to run calculations with the excell spreadsheet. How do I do this?

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Math Functions In Forms

I have several forms written in asp and I would like to make a couple of the fields autocaculate, but I have no clue how to go about this. I only need addition and division.

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