Measuring/monitoring XMLHTTP Activity

I have a classic ASP application connecting to our software house to send & receive data. I'm trying to agree a service level with the company for the round trip time. This is difficult because I don't control the length of time the data takes to process at their end

They reckon their processing takes 3-4 seconds but the round trip from my end takes 7-9 seconds. What I would like to determine is exactly how long it takes to connect at my end, send/receive the data and return the response

Does anybody have any experience they can share in measuring and monitoring this sort of activity?

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Measuring File Sizes

I've written an ASP file that queries a database and gets the full path to a database file, e.g.

"C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLDatamyDatabase.mdf"

I've then used the Scripting.FileSystemObject to identify the size of the


It claims that the file does not exist....(when it definitely does!) I wondered whether this was to do with spaces in the file path, but I've proved that that is not the case. The EXACT code copied into a VB exe works fine. What's going on?

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No Activity

is there any way of detecting if a user is inactive and the asp page has not received input? I need to detect that no input has occured and then load a picture into the baxkground.

I need a function that will run an event after a certain amount of seconds has elapsed.

When the certain number of seconds has passed (eg page has been inactive for 30 seconds) then show 6 pictures in sequence and allow them to switch between pictures every 5 seconds.

I was going to use the ad rotator for this but I need to store the picturs and locations in a database so this can be updated 'on the fly'.

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Check Asp Page Activity

iam working on a forum.many users access this forum and post good number of messages.
but sometimes i get strange errors like "The system cannot find the file specified. "
I suspect this is cuz load factor or may be bad sql statements.

how can i check the asp page activity like whether all the objects are closed are still running? amount of time a perticlar page is taking to execute? under what circunstances does the above error occur?

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Monitoring Usage

I have just figured out how to use the global.asa file to track sessions on my site. However it relies on users logging off correctly. Is there no way that I can know that the user has closed the browser WITHOUT logging off my site? I am finding users registered as being logged in when they may not be
Could anyone show me some code that I could put in Session_OnEnd that would clean up my database table of active users? Say if a user has been in-active for 60 minutes, clean him out. I have tried to do this but it hasn't worked. I cannot seem to connect to my access db from the global.asa file!

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System Monitoring Tool

I need a tool open source prefered that I can use to monitor system processes, disk usages etc. ASP or PHP is fine. Something like performance monitor that comes with WinNt.

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Real Time Site Monitoring

A client of us asked to write a script to View live visitors as they browse her website and to get the information such as, what page they are viewing, what browser type they are using, IP address/host name, visitor time on site and screen resolution.

Is this possible in ASP scripting without a server side or client side application? How to get the realtime stats of a visitor?

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I need to get data from a url (which throws out XML) and then parse it using DOM or XSLT. I know, to get the data, I need to use XMLHTTP.

Can I get a sample code for it?

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Using Xmlhttp In ASP

I have the code below and in a random fashion it is responding extremely
slowly. On in 3-4 times it takes ages to do the job..

It is the line: xml_http.Send("") that gets stuck. I am on IIS 6 on Windows
Server 2003 Web Edition. Code:

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One of the limitations of ASP is the lack of a dynamic SSI, in which you can include files using variables. So far I know only of two methods to go around use the File System use the XMLHTTP Object.Which one of the two is less of a burden for IIS ? Or are there other ways that are much better?

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I m getting information with XMLHTTP from 3 sites at the same time. but it is so slow. how can i make it faster. any information or any document about it. anyone who know about it. it is about alsa bandwith. how can i increase xml http performance.

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XMLhttp Anyone

I got a great little example of how to use XMLhttp to query an external web site (I'm wanting to do my own localised search engine by extratcing the content and putting it into an Access DB), but it only appear to extract from the page that you point it to, ie the main default page is extracted when you put in something like

I want the util to extract content from all of the found pages in the site I suppose like a spider. Has anybody done this or any ideas how you get it to go past more than the initial page?

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I need the ASP/xml page to send the Request to the share point portal server (Webdav) using XMLHTTP and i also need to parse the response xml into HTML.If any body knows about.

It might contais mainly three files one is Search page where user can type his requirements , second one contains sending XMLHTTP request to the Share Point Portal server and third one contains the Parse xml response into HTML format.

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I use MSXML2.XMLHTTP to receive some HHTP responces from
remote server, unfortunatedly, it uses cookie-based auth.,
so I am unable to pass it, due to inability to store
cookies. How can I retrieve cookies from the headers of
HTTP response, and how can I add them to my request at the
next step?

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XMLHTTP And Images

Why do sites dragged in through XMLHTTP only download half or so of the images associated with the site?

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XMLHTTP Question...

Up to this point, i've been able to extract the search results from a site. Form -> Results chain.

However, on a new project im on, im a little stuck, and not sure if it is at all possible. The next page im trying to get info from there's a chain of 3 pages. so Form -> Middle -> Results.

I've tried inputting my own form data, but i get the page info from the Middle link, and not the Results link. Any ideas how i can go on to the Results link?

At the moment i dont think it's possible, but i haven't been in this game for long.

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I'm using XMLHTTP to perform a simple screen scraping job.
When I try to have it "scrape" lines with embeded CSS declarations, it
renders them incorrectly, stripping the leading period. Consequently, my CSS
doesn't work.Here's how I'm calling it, but I don't think my implementation is the

Dim srvXmlHttp
Set srvXmlHttp = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") "GET", TearURL, false
If srvXmlHttp.status <> 200 Then
Response.Write "No Server Response"
End If
Dim strRetval5
strRetval5 = srvXmlHttp.responseText

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I have a peculiar problem using the method

Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") in order to get a connection
from one server to another.

On my personal host (IIS) the above method works perfect, and I can 'include' an HTTP stream from a remote URL into my own page. However, the method doesn't work on another webserver (IIS, too) although the MSXML2.ServerXMLHTPP method is installed (I checked it).

The error message I get there is:
msxml3.dll error '80072ee2' The operation timed out

This error does only appear if I try to get data from a remote URL, if I try to get data from http://localhost/foo, the method works - I believe the webserver is behind a proxy. Would this cause any problems? And if so, how can it be solved?

- Do you guys know of any other solution how to 'emulate' the php
include command in ASP without using the MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP method?

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Server Using Xmlhttp

Shown below is ASP Code sample that tries to access a method,CreateUser in the server called, "" using the protocol,XMLHTTP. Can you explain to me why this Code does not work and showing the correct Code Sample?

dim objXMLHTTP
set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
objXMLHTTP.Open "Post", "", false
'objXMLHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Content-type", "text/html"
'objXMLHTTP.CreateUser "abc","123","Scriven","1","001","qms"

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I've been searching everywhere online to find an alternative method besides
using Microsoft.XMLHTTP (as it freezes the server up alot!!) but with no luck
at all.

I am using server side ASP, and some said to use Microsoft.ServerXMLHTTP
instead. However I have tried that as well and it still freezes up the whole
thing (i.e. the site just keeps loading forever).

I tried to do a "on error resume next" clause to catch the error but still
doesn't stop the page being freezing up.. :(

I saw someone here said don't use XMLHTTP in ASP as it is not thread safe
(is that why it is freezing up??), and suggest to use

so do anyone know if MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP.3.0 will help? i.e. not freezing
up the page?

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Xmlhttp Or XmlServerHttp

when we get info from an url with xmlhtttp or xml server http how it
behaves. how bandwith it uses or how it adjust the bandwith which it use...
how can it use all the bandwith.. any promramme or any windows adjusment
...are there possible solutions.. for example how the flash get use all the
bandwith when we separate from the whole part a file to lots of part

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Get A File Using XMLHTTP

Is this the correct newsgroup for this posting?
I have a problem when using these lines of code:

Dim xmlhttp as Object
set xmlhttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
Call xmlhttp.Open("GET", Application.Profiles.ActiveProfile.Server &
"/", False):
Call xmlhttp.send("");

when the last line of code is executed, i get the following error message:

"The download of the specified resource has failed. -2146697208"

Application.Profiles.ActiveProfile.Server = http://x.x.x.x/virtualdirectory

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I have a question regarding async mode for calling Microsoft.XMLHTTP object.

Microsoft.XMLHTTP hangs the IE once in a while suddenly, but it will work
again after half an hour or so without doing anything. I have searched
through the Internet and seems like the reason it hangs the browser it's
because XMLHTTP limits you to two concurrent HTTP connections to each remote
host; so if more than 2 concurrent connections strike the script which is
calling XMLHTTP, it will hang. Is that true?

If that the case, can I change async mode to true (async=true) so that it
will only take one connection at a time, meanwhile other concurrent
connections will loop and wait till XMLHTTP is ready to process data again.
Will that work?

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XMLHTTP Craping Out...

My XMLHTTP request code ran fine then all the sudden I get:

An exception occurred: 'xml.Send'

When i reset IIS it works fine again (for awhile)....

Does anybody know what is causing this problem and how to stop/fix it???

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I have a machine running W2K Server with the .NET Framework 1.1.

Yesterday, I was able to browse through my .NET web pages OK.

Then, I installed Visual Studio 6.0 and Visual Studio .NET 2003.

Now, when my .NET web pages attempt to perform an XMLHTTP.Send(), I get a status of 500 (i.e. "Server Error). Calling the XMLHTTP.statusText(), I get a response string of "Server Error".

I have checked my IE settings and they have not been changed.

Does anyone have a clue as to why XMLHTTP quit working after I did the installs yesterday

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XmlHTTP Object

Can anyone point me to example code for using the xmlHTTP object for retrieving an SSL page.

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Charset In XMLHTTP

I'm trying to get some data from an external website using XMLHTTP, but my problem is that the data is with special danish characters in (ÆØÅ), which are being replaced with "?" due to UTF-8. I've tried to specify the charset using response.charset, but that doesn't seem to have any effect.

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Xmlhttp In ASP Page

How can I use xmlhttp function in ASP page? And, how can I get the xmlhttp parameters using Javascript?

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Do we need to install any package on the IIS server to work on th Microsoft.XMLHTTP object. I have pasted a piece of code from my ASP file Code:

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XmlHTTP Not Getting The Response

I am trying to access information present in a page ( e.g.
info.dll?about) using xmlHTTP on the server side. I get the result in a

variable and parse through the content using string functions in
VBScript. This was working absolutely fine till yesterday, today i get
the result of xmlHTTP request as "MZ?". This issue is seen only when
requesting one or two DLLs, other DLLs work fine. Anyone knows what
could be the issue here? This is the code snippet. Code:

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why this ASP code isn't workng, I have the following page (one.asp),


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
é á í ó ú Ç » ¢

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XMLHttp Post

I already know I can use the XMLHttp object to login to a page on a remote site, but can I then use it to post data to a page after the login page?

I would have thought that wouldn't work, as the XMLHttp object runs on the server, and I guess wouldn't maintain session state because of this. Is this something anyone's come across?

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if i use the example code belpw ; which ip address will the post appear to come from. the ipaddress of the browser or the webserver?

Response.Buffer = True
Dim objXMLHTTP, xml
Set xml = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")

' Notice the two changes in the next two lines:
xml.Open "POST", "", False
xml.Send "select=All&for=The Usual Suspects"

Response.Write xml.responseText

Set xml = Nothing

which ip address will the post appear to come from. the ipaddress of the browser or the webserver?

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