Mouse Pointer

Does any one know if it is possible to make the mouse pointer into an hourglass while the server script is running. Using vbscript of javascript?

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Controlling Mouse Pointer Appearance

I have a simple collapsible table that displays when a Label is clicked. However, since the label is only plaintext, the mouse becomes an insertion icon (I-bar) when over the text. Because of this, a user might not understand that the label is clickable. Is there a way to control the mouse appearance so that it shows the standard pointing finger, WITHOUT creating an anchor? Due to other elements in the page, it cannot link back to itself without erroring out.

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Mouse Pointer Remains Busy After Window Popup

I've been writing web pages that pops up smaller windows when links are
clicked. I noticed that very often after the small window is poped up, the
mouse pointer remains busy instead of returning to the normal pointer.

Does anyone seen this problem before and know how to resolve it?

Code I use is like this:

function viewproductdetail(sku)
g =
open(page,'g','status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,hei ght=550,width=500,scrollba

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Pointer Over Image

I am traing to make a map of my country and I wish to specify cordinates for an errow wich shoult point to specific city on the map, is it posible to make this in asp?

I think this could be done by making big picture in one table and then assaining the other picture to point to specific location on that map (like left 100, right 200) but i do not know how to do that?

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Pointer Is Jumping Around

I'm having an issue where if I open my database and try to list everything line by line from top to bottom, it'll list about the first 25% of the entries in order, jumps over about 30 lines, displays all of the last entries in order, then jumps back to the missing entries and lists them in order. Can anyone tell me what might be causing this?

SelectSQLSpecial = "Select * from Items;" SelectSQLSpecial, adoCon
do while not CurrentIDSpecial.eof
Response.write(CurrentIDSpecial.fields("ItemID") &" ")

I have no clue why its doing this. The code seems so simple I just can't figure out what'd cause the weird jumping pointer.

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Database Pointer

I got some difficulty in the coding... but i dun know wats wrong with it. It seems that the pointer could not point to the statusValue = Online in my database. and it show my else line --"Site Under Maintenance, Please Try Again Later" but I want it to execute the IF code. I have check all my connection asp to my database and nothing is wrong.
What should I check on the database?

sql = "SELECT * FROM Server WHERE activate=true"
set sql = conn.execute(sql)
while sql.eof
if sql("statusValue") = "Online" then
siteStatus = true
siteStatus = false
end if

IF siteStatus = true THEN
< execute some code >

response.write "Site Under Maintenance, Please Try Again Later."

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Cell/td On Mouse Click Event Using ASP

I have a basic page for which I have included some of the code for at the
end of this message. It may not run correctly as I have cropped out a lot
of code.

I am trying to handle the click event for a cell. From the code you should
be able to see that I am handling the mouse over event and would like to
link to another page via the cell click.

I addition, but not too important at the moment, I would like to pass a
string or two across to the called page. For example link to the next page
and within that page identify which cell was clicked and possible pass a
string for the image used in the clicked cell. Code:

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Mouse Click Pass Values

I am working with an application that passes information about an object to a Query and then populates a window with the information about it.... for example

If i had an object that was say a Box, and an attributes of that box were

box.ID = "1456"
box.Shape = "Square"
box.Name = "Boxer"

on the Click event i would choose to click the box, and pass the box.ID number through a query, (SQL preferably) and pass that value to an HTML table that had

Box Name: Boxer
Box Shape: Square

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Table Mouse Over Color Change

im looking for code examples or assistance in creating a table that will alternate the row colors whilst highlighting a row in a diff colour when i move the cursor over it and when i click the row open a new url passing one of the column ref so i can drill down to the next level.

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Could'nt Find Mouse Hover Event

I'm a user of Visual Studio Web Developer 2005 Express Edition & I use C# as the language in it. So, the problem i'm facing is that I want to add a MouseHover event to an image but i could'nt find it in the Events' list in Properties window as in Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Edition.Can you tell me where it lies or isthere any other way to do it in Web Developer.

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Change The Mouse Point To Sandglass

How can change the mouse point to Sandglass?

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List Box With Mouse Click Event?

When the user clicks an item in the list box, i want to fire the
click/change event and invoke another ASP page. But is it client side
javascript scripting's job??

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