Move Site Without Downloading

I'm curious as I am in need of advice on how I can move a site from an old Win 2K server, to it's new home on a Win 2003 server, without having to mess around with downloading/uploading the file's (there's over 30,000 file's/folders, so it would take forever to do it manually).

I've heard of an ASP script thats capable of this, but can't seem to locate it.

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Downloading Web Page From Secure Web Site.

I work for a large chain coporation. My schedule is posted on their secure web site which I have a user name and a password for. I want to create a URL string that can be sent (using VBA inside of Outlook) which contain my username and passsword and allow me access to my schedule information.

I tried: ....

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Move To

I've been writting small simple webpage for years using FrontPage and ASP.
I'm thinking it might be time to take a look at but am not sure
where to start. Is there a suggested site that would help someone move from
just ASP to Things like in ASP you'd write the code like X and in you'd write like Y.
Is there a (Free is possible) application that I should use to develop code in? I assume that FrontPage isn't going to cut it.

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Move Row Up Or Down

I'm building a small CMS, and i've run into a "small" problem. I need a simple way to sort menu-items, have up/down arrows, to move menu-items. my table

id, item_name, item_order, stamp

1, Main, 1, 20060822
2, Contact, 2, 20060822
3, News, 3, 20060822

any clues?

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Move To Dot Net

I have been running asp for several years and want to know if I could, what would I need to do to run asp and dot net on the same server. In other words, what more would I need to install on my server.

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Move To .net

what do you think about moving to All the code must be rewritten! a lot more faster than asp ? is it only advantage?

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Move To Next Field

i have a page that calls images from a database, that is 3 images a page but in my database i have more pictures for one record, so i want to have something like a link that will call the next field that has an image and i want it to replace the ones that i already have.

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How To Move Asp From IIS To Apache ?

I have asp pages running on IIS of XP prof.
I want to move to the apache web server

Can anyone explain how to do that?

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Move To Next Field

i have a page that retrieve images from a database, but know the thing is i can only retrieve 3 images per page and i have a link that must call more images from the same record but replacing the ones that i already have!

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Move Records From One Db To Another?

i was wondering if there was a way to move a set of records from one database into another database??

Basically i want to archive a whole heap of records that i already have in on database.

Im using an access database as well

Even moving them into a nother table would probably do as well.

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Move Onto Next Line

i have a text area for user to enter remarks. and their remarks can be very very long
my output page is a table which i underline the lower boundry of the table.

when i wan to output the remarks on this line,it will over shoot the line and do i make it such tat it will move onto the next line?

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I have a SSN Field which include 3 text boxes. How do I move the focus from one box to another as soon as user enter the max characters in the text box.

For example:when users enter 123 in the first text box of ssn control should move to next text box.

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Move To Next Record

I have about 10 records within my database and would like each one to be on a featured page - I would like my SQL query to scroll through and display the next record with the database every 1 month.

As I only have 10 records, I would like the query to infinitely repeat this process. What should I add to my SQL query to allow me to do this?

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How Can I Move First Value To Last In An Array

I'm trying to figure out how I could move the first value in an array to the end of the array so that the second value would then be the new first. I can't really wrap my mind around how I would do this.

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I'm trying to use either one of these methods to position the cursor in a specific position inside a recordset, but neither one seems to work. For example, I have 10 records in my rsData recordset, and I issue this command

rsData.Move 5, 1 'move to #5 from beginning

I then retrieve rsData("field_name"), expecting that it'd return field_name of record #5, but it doesn't seem to work like that. What am I missing? Is there a restriction on what type of cursor a recordset must be opened in?

I'm using W2K/IIS5/ASP.

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Move Forward Next Data

I want to move to next data in the data set, however i am not sure what is the syntax.
Can anyone who know please advise me?Code:

strsql = "select main_cat_id, cat_name from main_categories where main_cat_id in (26,27,28,29)"
set rs = connectdb(strsql,strconn)
for i=0 to rs.recordcount
response.write rs("main_cat_id")&"<BR>"
rs next

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Trying To Take Database And Move It To Textbar.

I am trying to make it where when the highlighted item from the pull down menu is selected then a small descripion will appear in the text box next to the pull down menu. Any ideas, I am sure it is simple, but I keep banging my head off the walls trying to get it. Code:

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Move Contents Of One Folder To Another

Is there a function in ASP/VBScript that allows you to move/copy files from one folder to another. I have an application that run a script on some files and once this is done they need to be moved to a backup store.

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Drag And Move An Image

how can i do an swapping of images by dragging an image into another image to swap their position.

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Move To Last Record And Print?

I have a database with a table containing user names and I want to be able to move to the last record and display the user the end result is that I can display on my main page:

"Welcome to our newest member: XXXXX"

For some reason I cant seem to do this, it says to me that objRst.MoveFrist is ok but objRst.MoveLast cannot be accepted. Here is my code:

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Building An ASP Site Using Dreamweaver - Can Html Site Be On ASP Server?

I am to build a site onto an ASP server. Anyone here used Dreamweaver and is it just a simple matter of opening up a new ASP page in Dreamweaver and build the site like you would normally do with a HTML page and it will handle the ASP coding accordingly and you can just simply upload it onto an ASP server and it will work?

The site I am to build is basically just a standard html website, but my friend wants me to build it for an ASP server so he has asked me to make sure it is an asp site so I am presuming with the extension .asp

If I build it as a html site to begin with, will converting it to asp be hard. Could I just export my pages into asp or is there more to it?

Can a Html website be loaded and working on an asp server or host?

Is it possible to have a site mixed both html and asp, eg. the home page is html and when you click on shopping cart on the home page it goes to a hopping cart page thats .asp or do they all have to have the same extension.

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Move Oracle Database To Another System

i have written a small asp code with backend as oracle.i have created a small database which is accessed by asp. now suppose if i have to move the database to another system along with code what should i do.

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Button To Move To The Previous Page

I am trying to put a buuton into my page which will take the user back to the previous page. The reason i am doing this is that the user may come to this page from more than one other page.

I am using this code for the button, which i have seen on many code examples, but when i click on the button, it results in an error as if the existing page is trying to load itself up again.

<td width = "325" align="left">
<input type="submit" name="back" value="Back" onClick="javascript: history.go(-1)">

have also tried using the javascript: history.go(-1) code in the form declaration as the onSubmit attribute, but this just makes the same page load up again.

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Posting Form Variables From Site A To Site B

I have to pass form data from my site to another organizations site using POST method... how exactly do I do that? Im familiar with how to do it within a single site/domain, and cant use querystring... I dont know where to begin.

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Site Search Powered By Google Site Map?

Whenever I do a site that is mostly static but with some semi-dynamic
sections, I've struggled to find a good site search solution without
paying for a hosted search service.

I like the FSO-based search engines, but they fail to pick up on some of
the dynamic part.

I was just creating a Google sitemap and it made me wonder: has anyone
created or seen a script that uses the XML Google sitemap to power a
search engine for your own site?

Seems like if you were keeping it updated for Google, why not use it for
your own site?

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Downloading PWS

I have a problem and it's pretty basic. I need to install PWS on a Windows NT Workstation 4.0 PC in college but cannot find a download just for PWS. I've done a search of the web and microsoft's download site and still no luck.

Installing IIS is not an option as Im technically not allowed to install anything and I'd rather it be PWS than a bigger and more noticeable IIS. I've heard that it comes on the Windows 98 disk but unfortuneatly I do not access to one.

Does anyone know of a link to download PWS? I've heard that it comes with an NT Option Pack aswell but can I just install PWS from this or will it change other settings?

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Downloading Using ASP.

I've been searching through google and different script sites to try and locate a script for simply downloading files(Small video clips) from an access database to my web page. But have been unable to find what I am looking for.

Do any of you guy's know of any good scripts. Don't need anything fancy just the basics.

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PDF Downloading

I'm using Infomentum's ActiveFile to download files. My machine is running Windows'98 and IE 5.5. I'm able to download all kinds of files except PDF files. I'm using the components File.Download method as per the example available in the web site and the directory that contains the file has sufficient rights granted, surprisingly I'm able to download those PDF files through OPERA.

I did not get any error when I go to the download, instead a blank page was displayed.

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Uploading And Downloading In ASP

I'm creating the Intranet for my company and in one of the parts of it I want that users to be able to upload and download files, however, I'm not sure what would be the best option/application to use for its creation. I need them specially for the uploading to be able to track when was the upload done, which user did it, and so on.

I have been using ASPs to create the website. Could I do this with ASPs ?

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Videos Without Downloading

i want that user should listen the songs without downloading.
there is link for every song when user click on the link the small popup will open and then song should start. but for that user dont have to download the song.
please tell me it is possible or not or if possible then please tell me the code.

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Downloading To Client From ASP

I am developing an app that has a reporting function
which displays the non-PDF reports. One of the users
wishes to have the reports saved to his machine as PDFs.

The app can convert the reports, and save to the server
with no problem (uses a component for this). The problem
is, figuring out how to save the reports to the client.

The ideal approach would be to have the app save the
reports to his desktop, like some of those stupid casino
sites save their shortcut links.

However, I would settle for just just being able to force
the "download" dialog to display, instead of opening
Acrobat when the app attempts to send the report to the

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Inserting And Downloading

I am developing web pages , therein doing database
connectivity using ASP with Microsoft Access.I want to

insert a file (.opt/.pmopt) into a field 'OLE Object'. Also

I want to display that file name in tabular form and a link
to download that file.

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Downloading A File

There any way to download files I'm keeping stored above the www
folder for security

I'm thinking of the following : My script determines what file the user
requests, checks their credentials, and then "forwards" the file from the
non public directory to the user.

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