Multiple Delete Using Checkboxes

I have created my own web mail system, and when the user has mail is automatically inserts it into a database. Now I need to be able to allow the user to delete the mail, either 1 or more at a time.

I have two select boxes, ones the option of what to do with the selected mail. Then I have another box which is only for the likes of moving mail to a different folder ( ie personal folders ).

Now When I select the mail I want to delete, then select Delete from the drop down box and then press submit, It should then loop through all the selected items and then delete them.

But when I try it doesn't delete them and doesn't provide an error, then I looked into it and used this: Code:

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How To Delete Multiple Records Using A Series Of Checkboxes

Does anyone know how i could print multiple records in a database using a series of check boxes on a webpage? i.e it prints all the records that have been ticked?

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Adding Multiple Records With Checkboxes

SQL 2000 database with ASP

I've found many things "out there" regarding updating and deleting
multiple records with checkboxes but I can't seem to find anything
about adding them. A user wants to create a price list for their
client and they need to add parts to it in a separate table. I would
like to display the list of parts and the user would select multiple
parts to add to a price list by checking a checkbox and submitting the
form. Code:

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Delete Multiple Records

I read this article below and play around with delete multiple records function in dreamweaver. Assume that all my database fields setup are exactly like the code below. I was able to follow the instruction and did everything excepted line# 29. Can someone give me a suggestion of the line# 29 suppose to be (in example if possible).....

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Multiple Record Delete

I have written an events diary for a client .. and they wish to have a system of multiple deletes so they simply use a check box to select the items to delete and then hit a button to remove the selected records form the database. as all iget is scripting errors. Is there a simple way to do this?

Someone advised me to use an IN statement to Delete multiple records, but all I get is :

Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'ID In ()'.

I have followed several different tutorials but I get the same outcome! It doesn't seem to like the IN statement.... any ideas anyone ???

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Multiple Delete Of Files With FSO Error

I try to do a multiple delete of files through FileSystemObject, but after deleting the first file, ASP gives me a "Permission denied" error. Below you see my code:

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
For Each Item in Request.Form("filename")
delFile = path2 & "files" & Item
fso.DeleteFile delFile

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ASP, Access, Checkbox, Multiple Delete

I have to develop a page where, based on status some records are selected from the Access database and displayed. A checkbox is displayed beside every record.

Some checkboxes can be selected and the corresponding record should be deleted if the delete bottun is pressed.

I know how to select the records from the database and perform multiple delete. But do not know how to link the database and the checkboxes. Anybody has any ideas??

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SQL Server - Update/Insert Multiple Cols Into Multiple Tables

Just as the title says I am trying to do something impossible with a single SQL statement. I am doing an ASP webpage for internal use at the company I work for.

I want to know if there is a way to insert/update data into multiple tables in 1 SQL statement.

If it requires functions | views or anything else that is fine but I don't want to have 3-4 different SQL statements to update 2-3 different columns in different tables.

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Searching Multiple Memo Fields In Multiple Tables In Access

I have a search option on my website, which should perform a search on 4 fields, as follows:



It only needs to return matches which are an exact match of their search criteria. For instance, searching for "I am here" would return a record which contained "I am here", but not just "I" or "I am" etc.

I need to return all these records as part of one recordset preferably, as I want to be able to order them etc., though I imagine you may suggest I use an array somehow to merge two recordets etc., then reorder them?

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I have a form that has checkboxes. I would like when the user clicks the
process button the next page will display the value of the boxes that were

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Do any of you guys know what the value of a check box is.

I am offering two ways to download, posting to a diff form and using info from there but do not know which check box has been ticked??

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Checkboxes Value

To get the checked value of checkboxes I use this code:
For Each subitem In oFileUp.FormEx("imgCheckBox")
How can I get the value of those unchecked checkboxes?

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I am trying to set up a page, with some input fields, which
are mandatory. Then there is a checkbox, when it is
checked, the input fields do not need to be filled
(not mandatory anymore). At the moment, even though
the checkbox is checked it asks to fill the mandatory

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I need to add a master checkbox, clicking on which, will select all the child checkboxes. Unclicking it, will unselect all the child boxes.

Exactly the same way as hotmail does. I know, I need to write a javascript for that. But the problem is, the child checkboxes are being

populated from the stylesheet code (embedded in the .asp page). It is also not under the <form> </form> tag. Following is the code:

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I've never used checkboxes in ASP, well nows the time i do it.Im creating a login script, and want the user to be able to click on "remember me"it keep them logged in.

how would i get that in ASP. how would i make it detect wether or not the checkbox has been selected or not?

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I'm trying to create a form that has checkboxes on it that when a user checks the particular boxes, and submits the form, it performs the query based on the selections.
I'm using MS Access and FrontPage. I'm having problems passing the information from the form to the query and then to the database.

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Using Checkboxes

How can I use checkboxes to send out an email based on which checkbox was clicked?
For example, I have an html table that is constructed dynamically which contains information about events stored in a database.

The table has checkboxes out to the left side (similar to hotmail) and when I check however many boxes, and click submit, I want to send an email to each address that is associated with each record that I checked its box.Something like "for each checkbox clicked, select the ID and email address associated with it, and dispatch an email"

I have everything set up except the asp loop and select statement that will help me achieve this.

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i have some 15 checkboxex on a form... i want to 1st check the no. of checkboxes that are checked?? and then loop it that many times adn insert the quantities the user enters in the text boxes.

do i need to group the checkboxes....hwo can i do that??? how to know which checkbox is checked because out of the 15 checkbox say 1,5,7, 9th are checked then i 1st need to get the id from the database adn then based on htat id retrieved i need to insert values on another table.

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give me a working example on how to use checkboxes ?

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Add CheckBoxes

A list of names is printed out from a Table as a list of checkboxes:

<%while not rstLogin.EOF%>
dim name
name =rstLogin.Fields(0)%>

<td><input type="checkbox" name="<%=name%>" > <%Response.write (name)%> </td>


What I then want to do is add "Checked" names to another table. How do I do this?

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Checkboxes, SQL Again

I've been using Dreamweaver to develop some simple database connectivity. So far everything works, but could be more user-friendly and flexible.

I have an Access database with 4 document types. I have search forms which allow users to enter a keyword and search for one specific document type. The problem is I need four different search forms this way. What I would like is to include 4 checkboxes and one keyword textfield. Code:

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I have a page with checkboxes which are created from a database as below:

<% while not rs.eof %>
<%=rs("contract_name")%><input type="checkbox" name="<%=rs("contract_name")%>"><br>

I need to be able to tell which ones are checked on the next page. How do i do this when they all have automatically generated names?

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I have a series of dynamcially named and id'd checkboxes. each one has the same name but its id value is different. The ID value tells me which checkbox relates to a particular record in a recordset. I need to obtain the id of the checkbox and its value - so far I can only get the value as follows :

For x=1 To request.form("BillNumCheckBox").Count
aSelected = request.form("BillNumCheckBox").Item(x)

response.write x & " = " & aSelected & "<BR>"


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Arrays Of Checkboxes

I have two related tables in my database. One stores events and the other stores a list of key topics.

I have an interface set up where users can add / edit events.

In the add event page, I am querying the "key topics" table and returning them as options (array of checkboxes). The user makes their pick, and submits. All the data saves in the 'event" table, including the primary id of the "topics".

That part works great. The problem I am having is when the EDIT event page resolves, I am trying to "check" the options that were previously saved.

First thing I do (at the top of the page) is to query the events table to pull all of the data out. I use the 'events" table to do this.

For the checkboxes, I am once again looping through them in a query that uses the "key topics" table. So the boxes are displayed, but I can't seem to get the logic right to have the appropriate ones checked. here is my current code:

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Add Numbers Using Checkboxes

I Have this form in page1:

<form method="post" action="page2.asp">
<input type="checkbox" name="numb" value="10">
<input type="checkbox" name="numb" value="20">
<input type="checkbox" name="numb" value="30">
<input type="checkbox" name="numb" value="40">

Now what I want is to add the checked values in page2.

For example :

if checkbox1 and checkbox3 gets checked I want to add the values in the
checkboxes which in this case is 10 + 30 and get the total sum (40).
Hope this makes sense?

So how do I retrive the checked values and then add the checked values
with eachother to get the total?

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Checkboxes And Databases

The problem I have is that I need to save the content of a form in a database, and I donw know how to save the content of a checkbox, can you give me an example of the code?

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Checkboxes And Arrays

at the moment i am creating a shopping cart of sorts. Simply the user selects the check boxes of the items he wants and clicks submit. The items are dynamically created and they could select anything from 1 to 100 items..

so processing the form is clear not possible by hard coding. How could i read all the values from the POST into an array instead of processing each item at a time.

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Trouble W/ Checkboxes

I'm writing an Online registration system for my friends new business.
I'm trying to incorporate checkboxes so when a person checks on 3 or 4 checkboxes and hits the Submit button I can
pass the information of what they checked_on to a new page.
When I get to the new page I would like to update a database, based on what they checked_on on the previous page.
I'm not sure how to do this.
I'm not sure how to pass the information.

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Wonderful Checkboxes

I have a page that displays a list of people to email and a checkbox by each name. I want to be able to send to the next page the value of the checkbox and have it either email them if checked or not email if not checked. I know this sounds simple but I have been racking my brain over it for a while now. I have tried naming the checkboxes as so:

<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" CHECKED NAME='chksend<%=objRSOC("PagingGroup")%>' style="font-weight: 700">

And then I am at a loss for what to do on the second page as to how to get the values of the individual checkboxes. If the checkbox is checked the second page would then need to hit the DB for their email address and process the email.

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Passing With Checkboxes.

What I have are two pages. One is a form with some input boxes and check boxes on it. It is posting to a different script page that inserts into a database and sends the fields through email.

My problem is sending the information which is checked through to the next page. Each of my checkboxes is given the value of what should be inserted in the table and into the email. I just need a way of determining which checkbox is checked so I can send my information.

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ASP/Checkboxes And Spaces

I have the following in one of my asp pages:

Response.Write("<form action=createpst.asp method=post>" )
Response.Write("<input type=checkbox name=pstfldr value=" & myArray(i) & ">")
Response.Write("<a href = '" & strLink & "'>" & myArray(i) & "</a>" & "<br>")
Response.Write("<br>" & "<input type=submit value=submit>" & "</form>")

In my createpst.asp page I am trying to load in an array using the split function:

Dim arrVals
arrVals = split(Request.Form ("pstfldr"), ",")
Dim i
For i=0 to UBound(arrVals)
Response.Write arrVals(i) & "<br>"

However, the problem is that some of my values that are read in from myArray(i) in the first asp page can be more than one word. So, when I get to my second asp page and traverse through the loop, some of the values stored that contain more than one word only output the first word.

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Asp Checkboxes And Javascript

I�ve a list of checkboxes:

Grade 1, Grade 2, Grade 3, Grade 4, Grade 5, Grade 6

I retrieve the values from the database: if it has a value then display a selected checkbox, if not display just checkbox � depends on the condition.

The problem I�m having now is if I uncheck the selected checkbox(es), hit submit button�it still let me go through.

What I try to do is if I don�t select any checkbox(es) the alert message popup and should not let me submit it. How can we do that? Code:

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Check All Checkboxes Using ASP

Would like to know how to check all checkbox in a website by using ASP? also how to execute an ASP script when you click a checkbox or by using onclick?

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