Multiple SQL's
I have a database being updated by a text file every ten minutes, so in the code that is why the column names are messed up.
My problem is I get all the sums, and counts all working. What I need to do is at the end of it have a sum for for all the columns returned, i.e. col002, I need all the sums in that column added up for a total at the bottom. The following code works but when I try to do column totals I can't get it to work, Code:
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Just as the title says I am trying to do something impossible with a single SQL statement. I am doing an ASP webpage for internal use at the company I work for.
I want to know if there is a way to insert/update data into multiple tables in 1 SQL statement.
If it requires functions | views or anything else that is fine but I don't want to have 3-4 different SQL statements to update 2-3 different columns in different tables.
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I have a search option on my website, which should perform a search on 4 fields, as follows:
It only needs to return matches which are an exact match of their search criteria. For instance, searching for "I am here" would return a record which contained "I am here", but not just "I" or "I am" etc.
I need to return all these records as part of one recordset preferably, as I want to be able to order them etc., though I imagine you may suggest I use an array somehow to merge two recordets etc., then reorder them?
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i hav problem with updating the data. In the asp page i hav displayed records based on search criteria. in display mode im displaying the to be updated field in combo box for each similar contract_no. each contract_no will hav different no of rows and to be updated combo box.
based on the selected value in the combo boxes of different contract_nos i hav to update the combo value with old value. user select multiple combo values at a time I need anybody's help with detailed programming logic.
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I need to connect to 2 different databases in ASP and execute two different queries. Please let me know how to proceed. I understand that ADODB.Command option can connect to only one database at a time.
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I have to do a multiple redirect. That means one ASP-script should do more than one HTTP-request.
I know, that it won't work like that... Does anyone now a solution or workaround
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Is there a way of using multiple recordsets with the same connection?
My recordset at the moment inserts data into the database, and i want to have a drop down box with data already within the database, as well as the insert recordset, is there a way of doing this?
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This is my code, for some reason, when I use this exact code it doesn't update my database, but if I use the next section of code it does. Anybody knows why that when I use two different "Insert" in If Then End If, it doesn't work? Oh and I did try the "If PID = 105 OR 151 Then" alone and it works well. Code:
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I have a replace function <%= Replace(arData(0,i), "_", " ")%> that works
fine to replace the _ with a space, but I'd also like it to look for, and
replace one word with another in the same string (E,G replace the word
"Right" with "Wrong"). The code is located in a table that is displaying the
results of a database search.
I'm having problems with a) finding out if it's possible to do it this way,
and b) what the syntax should be. I've tried all manner of combinations, but
no luck. Any ideas?
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I WAS having problems. Solved it myself. I'll edit to show the working query for those who could use an example...
I'm having a multiple condition problem in my query statement. I know the what the result should be, but I have something wrong...
Here's the query:
set GetNADs = server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
set GetNADs.ActiveConnection = adoConnection ......
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I need script or a link to a tutorial that will allow me to do the following.
User enters username and password site checks the username and password against database1
if the user entered the correct username and password the page shows records from database2 if the user enterend incorrect username or password then nothing happens.
I am new to this forum and really looking forward to being involved in the community.
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i am trying to do Multiple Posting to different Server when
User post the Order form.
one to windows server
second to linux server
third to its own server
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how to have multiple language asp pages? For example, you have a database driven website that you want customers around the world to use. How do you setup the asp pages so that it is easy to change the text based on where the user is
connecting from?
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I need to have some dynamically created ASP, with mutliple word documents
and PDFs all connected so that it can be printed with a single print
My two ideas are:
having the PDF and DOC files act like images and print entire thing as a web
Creating a single PDF file from the concatenation of the asp results and the
doc and pdf files.
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I am using asp codes to connect to my access database. But i have a query in mind. Will my database still work if more than 1 user is logon to edit the database records?
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How to perform multiple search using asp in website, the search from local adn remote database.
the local search is working properly, but the remote search stil kinda stuck with it...
my local search script(work well):
dim Connection
set Connection = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection") "Provider=SQLOLEDB;DATA SOURCE=PROTOS;UID=smc;PWD=project;DATABASE=Virtual-Observatory"
how to attach the remote database search for the same website??
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I have this search and results system on one page....
I'd like it where the results that come up from the search are editable and can be updated.
I can't seem to figure out a working way to update more than one field at a time.anyone have a good piece of code for multiple edits
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How can I get this to work?
<% if objRS2("System") <> "Scholastic" OR "Rolling Readers" OR "Reading Recovery" Then Response.Write "selected" End If%>
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I have some code I am working on. One function reads a file using fso, then
I have multiple functions using the string read from the file. Each
function splits the lines up and will return one value.
Is there a better way? Is handling this many array which are basically the
same going to cause some server distress
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We have a Web page that at load time will execute and build: a DHTML Menu/Data Driven, an Iframe with Detail Data, an Iframe to display Progress Information and another iframe with totals information of the previous iframe with Detail Data. Everything works fine except during the initial load. If we click on any place of the page during the above loading schema, the process stops
and we end-up with Iframes with incomplete information and empty calculations. We need to refresh and avoid using the mouse and keyboard during the load time to get a decent start.Is anyone familiar with this behavior? Any ideas to solve
this issue without disable the mouse?
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I'm working on an application that has a worklist of items for users to work on. I'd like to, based on user security, to filter a worklist based on between 1 and 8 items (i.e., location, category, alpha split). That first part is no problem.. the problem is.. how to then allow that user that is (for example) restricted to work 3 locations, to then further filter that worklist to just one location?
Yes.. I can use the ADO filter.. but.. that won't work if you extend the
filter beyond one element (i.e., location and category).
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Am having trouble opening multiple recordsets - keep getting the er:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not use '(unknown)'; file already in use.
/eft/postflight4.asp, line 146
Have checked the permissions and the user has full access.
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How do I pass in more that one variable in the form tag below
Dim CmdPopulatelist
Set Conn= Server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Connection")
Set CmdPopulatelist = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
<% sql_select= "select * from Patch_Feedback where Patch_name= '"& view_name &" ' and Name_of_user = '" &Name_of_user &"' " %>
Conn.Open "DSN=Patch;uid=cmadmin;pwd=dci01;database=cm_db"
CmdPopulatelist.Open sql_select, Conn
<form method ="post" action="updateresponseA1.asp?update_ID=<%Response.Write(""& CmdPopulatelist ("Patch_ID") )%> ">
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Is it possible to make a select list item red based on a condition
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Does anyone know of a database management program that I can use with my access dbs? I have several access dbs on one server, but have to log in to each one for editing, viewing users, etc. (obviously). I don't know if anything like this exists, but it sure would be helpful if I could just log into one db to view/edit all of my dbs. Does anyone know of such a program?
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I am dynamically generating multiple forms E.g.,
form3....depending upon the records
Onclick of a button i am passing the form name to another page through a querystring. I am opening the popup through function. I want the value that calculates from that page to the opener page. For that I want the dynamic form name.
How will i write the form name in the code below:
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I need to retrieve data from an Oracle Database. The values to be retrieved are comming divided by commas, every time I try to run the select I�ll get an error.
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I've tried to find this answer, but can't seem to get a clear example -
I'm using the following classic asp code to submit a form:
<form action="default.asp" name=order method=post>
What I need to do is to submit the form to multiple .asp pages, (that I
want to join with frames) and I can't find a way to do it
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I have 2 sessions that get created. One when the user logs in called
"uname" and another called "idrma" when that user choses to begin a
repair request.I know <%session.abandon% will kill both sessions,
how to I only target one?
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i want to have a search program that has multiple categories.
anybody can give a sample?
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i am writing an application which inclues multiple functionalites..
one of them is like this...From the Desktop Interface..i pass the URL of any website....and it has to take data from that website....(some specific data) it can be done...?
what i think that ...infact it will be reading out all of that page and it will parse out the information or the data required....but how it will read out and gather all of the data available on that page
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I'm trying to pull information from two different databases, use it, and then put it back into a database. The program I am writing is one which will keep track of exempt employees' absences. At the end of the year, employees get to rollover the sick days that they do not use. Herein lies the problem. The information on how many sick days an employee is in an AD download on one server. The information on how many days that employee has taken this year is on another. I need to take that information do a little math, and then add those days into a different table on the same server that the absences came off of to keep track of their "sick bank".
I would like to just Loop the information, but I cannot put recordsets inside recordsets and I cannot create a view from two separate servers, so I am at a stop sign. Can I just take all of the users and the amout of sick days they have and put them in a text file and then pull off of the text file? I'm not quit sure how to do this.
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Wondered if someone could help me out.
Ive got a database with 3 fields,
id - (autonumber)
name - (text)
status - (yes/no)
What I'm trying to do is display all the database contents on a web page so I can see all 3 fields etc, but then have a checkbox to represent the 'status' field so I can tick / untick multiple entries at the same time.(kinda batch update)!I know how to display things on web pages and how to bring back single records into a form and update them one at at time but it would be nice to change things all in one go
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