Multiple Buttons On Form

How can I implement multiple buttons for a form like - submit, cancel, logout etc.

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Multiple Form Buttons, How Can I Bind Image With Them

Well i have pictures in database and i display them all on the page. While i display them i put a button with them each. So that they can be deleted.

But the problem is that. as i put the button in a loop while displaying images. The name of the button is same and when i click the button to post the values to the next page where i should have the script to delete image. All the values of all the images go to the next page.

I want to bind that particular image with that button, so that when one specific button is clicked only the id of the picture binded with that will go to next page.

I can do the job by having a delete link with each image and posting the value to other page. But i have to use the BUTTON to do that. But dont know how to use it.

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Multiple Values For Radio Buttons

I have a form on a web page with a number of radio buttons bound to
the same field. Is it possible to set up the form so that users can
select more than one radio button to submit multiple values to a field
in the way that you can, for example, in a drop down field?

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Multiple Radio Buttons/textboxes – Inserting Into The SQL DB?

I’ve a few radio buttons; few of them have input textboxes and dropdown list.
I use Select case to insert values (depend on which radio button that you've selected) into the sql db but it doesn’t work. Then I use if, elseif and else…the value of radio still doesn’t insert into the DB. In this case how can we insert the value(s) into the DB? Code:

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How Do I Reload The Page To Show New Info With Multiple Submit Buttons

i am new to asp and web designing, and was wondering how to reload a page so that a different set of images appear, depending on which submit button is pressed. Code:

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How Can I Have Two Buttons In The Same Form?

I have an edit and delete button. The delete button is using the form action to indelete.asp. I also want to use the edit button which needs to use the form action.

I tried putting the edit button under a different form name but then I could not get the values to pass. Do I need to do this through a javascript function? Or maybe a different method?

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Two Buttons, One Form

I've one form, but two buttons that when they're clicked, call a javascript function that validates all the fields and then, submits all the information. The problem is that one of those two buttons has some more actions that are defined in ASP, but I don't know how to do that.

I mean, how to run some part of the code if one button is clicked, and how to run another part of the code if the other button is clicked, using in both cases the same information submited in the form.Do I've to define which button is clicked with javascript or it can be defined with ASP?

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Two Buttons On The Same Form

I have an edit and delete button. The delete button is using the form action to indelete.asp. I also want to use the edit button which also needs to use the form action. I tried putting the edit button under a different form name but then I could not get the values to pass. Do I need to do this through a javascript function? Or maybe a different method?

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1 Form, 3 Buttons

If I have multiple buttons on the same form, how can I determine which one was pressed? Is it even possible? I dont want to use Java.

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Having 2 Buttons In 1 Form Tag

is it possible to have two submit button pointing to two different .asp (action=---.asp) within one form tag element?

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Form Command Buttons

how to assign different actions to command buttons within a form? You usually see the "Submit" and "Reset" command buttons on a form, but what if I wanted to add a "Save" button and once that is clicked have the user directed to a page that posts their answers to a database that can later be updated?

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2 Submit Buttons On One Form

i have create a form i would like the user to be able to have 2 choices, one just submitting the form the other submitting the form and displaying the same blank form.

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Using Radio Buttons To Determine The Value Of A Field In A Form

not sure the best way to achieve this but basically i would like to have two sets of radio buttons. The first set determines whether the field DateFrom is todays date or a date entered

and the second set determines whether the field DateTo is todays date or an entered date
So far this is what i have got and its not working Code:

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Multiple Form Actions

I'm just starting on ASP and I've found it extremely useful.I have a form page where I'm collecting some information - that information I want to have emailed to me and part of it needs to be directed to a Merchant Accounts providers site for user to complete their purchase.

Email part I can take care of using CDONTS and/or SoftArtisans.SMTPMail.Passing the data to Merchant Account Provider (MAP) I can take care of.Doing both simultaneously is a different issue.I would like to have one submit button that directs some info to the email and some to the MAP.

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Post Multiple Form

I have form1.asp which contains a form which is posted to and processed by a page called process.asp.I want to create a second form on form2.asp and also post it to process.asp. On process.asp I would execute different stored procedures conditionally based on where the form is submitted from.How can I tell which page the form is submitted from?

I think I should be able to have a hidden form field on my forms and post that to process.asp.Is there a better or preferred method.?Can I combine these three pages on one asp page?

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Multiple Form Actions

I'm attempting to achieve a couple of things but I don't know if it's possible. I think the following piece of code will help explain what I'm trying to achieve:

'test whether user checked a particular check box when the user clicks the submit button

If Request.Form("mycheckbox") = "YES"

'I want the forms action to post all form data to THIS_PAGE.HTML

'I want the forms action to post all form data to THAT_PAGE.HTML

end if

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Multiple Emails In Form Submission

I am having a problem with a form that I created. (Done in ASP)

What I am trying to accomplish is this:

A form gets filled out on the web.
The form then gets submitted to at least 2 email addresses, sometimes 3 or 4.

I have noticed that the form makes it to the first 2 email addresses listed, but never any more than that.

Here is the part of the code where I am adding the email addresses:

.To = ";"
'.From = Request.Form("emailfrom") - This line is commented out
.From = "email1@address"
.Subject = "Lease Application - Lease Rep"

That code seems to work fine and the 2 recipients get the form data.

When I add more email addresses to the .to section, it never gets to those recipients. (I am using Semi-Colons to seperate the email addresses)

Here is how I have been adding extra emails to the form:

.To = ";;"
'.From = Request.Form("emailfrom") - This line is commented out
.From = "email1@address"
.Subject = "Lease Application - Lease Rep"

When I add any more than 2 emails, the form never gets to those intended recipients.

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Submitting Multiple Record IDs Via A Form.

We have a facility on our intranet where users can log problems, comments &
suggestions about the site to a DB.

I'm building a page that lists the outstanding entries, and allows use to
mark any number of entries as being 'done'

That is, we have a number of rows, with the last field in each row being a
checkbox to indicate the entry has been dealt with. At the end, there is an
Update button which submits the form.

The question is.. how to handle this...?

The best solution I have thought of so far is to use the record ID as the ID
for each checkbox. Then to Split() the resulting Request.Form into an array,
loop through the array picking out the record IDs.

It's not a bad solution, but I figured this must be a fairly common
procedure and that somebody might have a slicker way of doing it...

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Add Multiple Records To A Database From A Form

I am trying to have a form that has multiple records on it and the user can check a box on which ones to add to the database. I created the form but cannot get the fields to enter into the database.

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Post Form To Multiple Pages

How do I post an HTML form to multiple ASP pages? I need to do two things with my data at the same time and it would be very helpful if I could spawn the processes when the HTML form is posted, not through downstream ASP handling.

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Form Post To Multiple Pages

Assuming the following code actually worked, I'd like to take data entered from one form and post it to two different locations. Hypothetically, I have a server in NY and one in LA that I want to get the same information.

<form action=""
action="" method="post">
<input type="text" name="request" /><br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

'''Contents of
response.write "Data saved on NY server"

'''Contents of
response.write "Data saved on LA server"

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Multiple Drop Downs In A Form

basically what im trying to do is create a form to submit some data to an access db.

In the form i want to be able to have two dynamically populated drop downs (so if a user chooses cars in the first field it comes up with a bunch of car manufacturers, or if he chooses boats it comes up with boat builders etc etc.)

Ive searched high and low, and i the best i can find is javascript to make the drop dows. The java script however uses a form to repost the data back to the page to populate the second drop down. This wont work when its inside a form.

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Shopping Cart, Multiple Items In One Form

I have a client that wants all his products on one screen, where people can enter the quantities of every item they want and only have to hit one "Add to Cart" button.

So I have an array of results for each products ID number, and quantity amount for each product. How do I loop through those results and add multiple rows to the database?

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How To Pass A Recordset Or Form Between Multiple Asp Pages

Users enter data using HTML forms and it gets processed by an asp page that enters the data into the database. What I am trying to do is get a "confirm" page set up that will make sure the form was completed properly. If it is completed successfully, then the data from the form needs to be forwarded onto another asp page that will enter the data into the database.

My question is, what is the best way to forward the information on? Currently I am using querystring to handle this, but that doesn't work in some situations especially when one of my forms has a <textarea> box that seems cumbersome to send via querystring.

Is there a method I can use to easily forward the data from the form to subsequent pages after the first one ?

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Multiple Field Form For This ASP Mailer Script

How do I convert this ASP mailer script to accept and mail multiple fields of a form. This will do one field only )iMesg.TextBody = Request.Form("body") and it works great. Code:

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Remembering Form Input On Multiple Pages?

I am going to have a form on one page that will have a bunch of options(checkboxes, radio buttons, text areas, text fields, etc.) and these options are going to deal with a certain category. Each category will have different options. Now after this form is filled out they will then proceed to another page to fill out contact information. Name, Addy, State, City, etc.

Now, after they fill this contact form out they will submit it and then it will go through a database and depending on what state and county they are in it will email the information from both forms to the email addresses in the database that match that state and county(as well as category). Now dont worry I aint wondering how to actually search the db and all that yet.

All I want to know right now is how do you remember the first forms information while you go to the second page to fill out the contact information? Using cookies? What? I dont want the form input to be displayed on the second page, just remembered.

So I will select all my options from the first form and fill out all the text areas and fields and all that then click on the Next button or whatever, then fill out contact info.

How do I get it to retain BOTH forms information, and for now just display both of them on a third page(like I said I will worry about the db query and email crap later). I hope this makes sense.

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Post Multiple Values For One Form Field

I loop through a recordset to return values that populate a form which
the user can then edit and save. However these fields need to be validated first
to make sure the data entered is correct. I have a Firstname field that returns 3 records
from my recordset which means when I try to validate, I get an error as the page doesn't know which of
the 3 to use. I believe I have to do it through an array, but have no clue how as my efforts have failed

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Updating Multiple Records Via Online Form

I have a database generated form that I would like users to be able to update by selecting a checkbox. Say the page displayed has six records on it and the user wants to delete one or more of the records. They would click the checkbox and hit a "delete" button.

Then the database would be updated and the user redirected back to the page that would now show all the records that weren't deleted. Sort of like Yahoo mail, you get a list of all the bulk mail, select the ones that you want to delete, hit a delete button, and the page is updated to show what e-mail is left. How do I do this using ASP?

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Mail Form Sends Multiple Copies?

I've been trying to figure this out for about an hour now but a combination of my own narrow scope and limited experience, coupled with a general lack of information on this sort of thing has this ASP newbie scratching his head. I was told that the issue with receiving multiple instances of the document is relevant to this chunk of code:

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Validate Form With Multiple Payment Options...

I have a form where the user has 2 payment options. Is there a way to add validation to the form to ensure that at least one payment method is selected? This form does not actually process the payment, just sends the information to the recipient.

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INSERT Multiple Records From Checkbox Form With Unique Ids

I have an .asp page with a form to copy job responsibilites form one
job to another. It is a hotmail type interface with checkboxes
besides each responsibility. After submitting, it should copy the
selected resp's to a different job. After that it should renumber
that job's responsibilities.

This is the code I am using now to copy:

POSCODE,'" & dept & "' IDCODE1,'" & unit & "' IDCODE2, '999' RESP_NUM,
'" & sourceDept & "' AND IDCODE2 = '" & sourceUnit & "') AND RESP_NUM
IN (" & Request.Form("chk") & ")"

As you can see the value '999' is hardcoded in there as the new
Responsibility Number to go with the copied responsibility. I use
this because there are no jobs with that many responsibilities. This
works fine if I only select one resp. to copy over. But if I select
more than one that part still runs fine but I get an error with the
below. It says too many rows would be affected. Of course, this must
be because there are now at least 2 responsibilites with the same

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How To Display Multiple Form Fields In Email Using This Script?

I am using this script to submit my form fields into the body of my email:

Dim strBody
dim ix, formElementName, formElementValue
strBody = "Results of form submitted at " & Now() & vbCrLf & CrLf
For ix = 1 to Request.Form.Count
formElementName = Request.Form.Key(ix)
formElementValue = Request.Form.Item(ix)
strBody = strBody & (formElementName & ": " & formElementValue & vbCrLf)

I'm completely new to vbscript and have been searching all over the net for an example of this script being used with mutliple fields with absolutely no luck.

The closest I've come to getting something back from this thing is when I tested the script with these elements:

FormElementName = Request.Form.Key("Name")
formElementValue = Request.Form.Item("Name")
formElementName = Request.Form.Key("Telephone")
formElementValue = Request.Form.Item("Telephone")
formElementName = Request.Form.Key("Email")
formElementValue = Request.Form.Item("Email")

Which produced this result:

Email: Email
Email: Email
Email: Email

Its seems the answer to my problem lies in defining the 'Key' and possibly the 'Item' parameters but I haven't been able to find any documentation on these terms. Can someone out there please save me from what probably is a very simple solution?

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Search DB Based On Multiple Form Fields On Submit??

I have a form on one page where someone selects a bunch of options and details about a specific category. Then on the next page they fill out a form with contact information, name, address, email, etc.

Well what I want to know is when they click Submit on that contact form is there a way to have it so it goes through and searches the database for any that match the state and county(which they will select from a )??

So what I basically want right now is for the first form to be filled out, then the second form to be filled out, then when they are submitted it will go through the database and select everyone in there with that state and county, then on the next page display the results of both forms AND the matches in the db(obviously whatever fields I want it to display).

I already have both forms(basic html), I already have the dynamic dropdown for state and county(classic asp), what Im wondering is how do I put that dynamic dropdown in the contact form and then when submitted it will go through and search the db based on what was selected there. Would this be some sort of onClick for the submit button tellin it to search the db based on the dropdown or how would I get started on something like this?

There will be other information on the dropdown like name address email so one problem I was wondering about was my dropdown menu. When you select the state it refreshes the page and then loads the counties, so wouldnt that erase anything that was filled out on the form?

I could make it so they actually type the name of their state and county but that causes problems too because if they mispell either then it wont return any results.

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