Multiple Checkbox Only Passing One Value

I have a series of checkboxes:

<td><input type="checkbox" name="reportTo" value="Rob"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="reportTo" value="John"></td>


but I only get a value passed to the database if just one is selected. If more than one is selected, no value is returned. I thought the value passed was s'posed to be a comma delimited string of all checked boxes?

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Passing Checkbox Value

I have a simple problem:

page 1:
<input type=checkbox name=addValue value="Y">

page 2:
<input type="hidden" name="addValue" value="<%=Y%>">

<%if "addValue" = "Y" then addTax="30,00" else addTax="0,00" end if%>
<%=pCurrencySign & (addTax)%>

There is a problem in transfering the value from page 1 to page 2 and 3.

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Add Multiple DB Entries By Checkbox

There are a lot of references on the net on how to delete multiple entries in a database by using a checkbox. What I would like to do is add a checkbox to the output of a query (ie. bunch of names).

Then be able to select some of the names by clicking on a checkbox and when submitted, add those checked names to another database (insert). Similar to a shopping cart selecting multiple products but when submitted, it does not add them to the checkout, it adds them to a database as new inserts.

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Multiple Insert With Checkbox...

This is my problem... its for a mailing list with categories...

I have 3 table...

1 : Name,City,Email

2 : Categorie

3 : Name_id , Categorie_id

So when a user fill up the mailing list form, he can check as many categorie he want...

but how i can insert 1 row in my table #3 for each checkbox checked...

Can someone post me a simple script...

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Updating Multiple Records Thru Checkbox

I need a code that will update multiple records on a list thru checkbox.

If the record is selected, the details that was updated on the selected
record will copy the same value as what is updated.

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ASP, Access, Checkbox, Multiple Delete

I have to develop a page where, based on status some records are selected from the Access database and displayed. A checkbox is displayed beside every record.

Some checkboxes can be selected and the corresponding record should be deleted if the delete bottun is pressed.

I know how to select the records from the database and perform multiple delete. But do not know how to link the database and the checkboxes. Anybody has any ideas??

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Persits.Upload.1 And Multiple Checkbox

I have an ASP script which is used to upload files with Persits.Upload.1 object. But I can't get the values from mutliple checkboxes in the form like normally.

<form method="post" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data"....>
<input type="checkbox" name="language" value="English">English
<input type="checkbox" name="language" value="Spanish">Spanish
<input type="checkbox" name="language" value="Chinese">Chinese ....

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Persits.Upload - Submitting Multiple Checkbox

I am using a form to upload images with Persits.Upload object. Now my problem is I cant use multiple checkboxes in the form.

In general forms I can use Form("checkboxName").Count to get the number of checkboxes selected and use Form("checkboxName")(i) to retrieve the value of each check box.

This doesnt work with Upload.Form

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INSERT Multiple Records From Checkbox Form With Unique Ids

I have an .asp page with a form to copy job responsibilites form one
job to another. It is a hotmail type interface with checkboxes
besides each responsibility. After submitting, it should copy the
selected resp's to a different job. After that it should renumber
that job's responsibilities.

This is the code I am using now to copy:

POSCODE,'" & dept & "' IDCODE1,'" & unit & "' IDCODE2, '999' RESP_NUM,
'" & sourceDept & "' AND IDCODE2 = '" & sourceUnit & "') AND RESP_NUM
IN (" & Request.Form("chk") & ")"

As you can see the value '999' is hardcoded in there as the new
Responsibility Number to go with the copied responsibility. I use
this because there are no jobs with that many responsibilities. This
works fine if I only select one resp. to copy over. But if I select
more than one that part still runs fine but I get an error with the
below. It says too many rows would be affected. Of course, this must
be because there are now at least 2 responsibilites with the same

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Passing Multiple Values

I have a link as follows:

<A HREF=""Tracker.asp?MovementID=" & RS("MovementID") & " PONumber=" &
RS("PONumber") & """>" & RS("MovementID") & "</A>

I am trying to pass: MovementID & PONumber.
On linking to Tracker.asp,

MovementID = 2257 PONumber=21071045
PONumber = Empty

I am just testing this with Request.querystring. What have I done wrong, how can I separate these values ?

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Passing Multiple Sets Of Variables Into SQL

Before I created this thread, I've searched Google and used the search feature of this forum numerous times on how to do this, but couldn't find much.

Basically, I'm trying to pass multiple sets of values from the search form to the ASP into an SQL statement (Access Database).

I can only make it display different prices of a certain music type, eg all prices of rock. But it doesn't output all types of music for certain prices, eg viewing Classic and Rock records with prices of 8.99 and 10.99 only.

I've used the REPLACE command I've found and got around that problem of syntax with numeric/alpha data. Code:

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Passing Entered Value To Multiple Pages

Is it possible to take a value entered on one page and access it on several different pages? For example, I want the user to enter their email on the first page, make a selection on the second page, and the third page will display a form based on their selection on the second page. I then want to submit all the data entered on the form on the thrid page along with their email address from the first page to a database.

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Passing Info From Multiple Pages

If I have a DB table which spans multiple pages, and if the check box is selected next to the item after all pages are view the user then selects done I need it to pass everything they selected to one page so they can view it and verify that is what they want. Then it is passed to a DB and also sent to me and the user in email.. I know it is alot, but it is what I need.. any suggestions or directions??

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Passing Hidden Fields Into Multiple Forms

I'm having trouble passing hidden fields between forms. I have a total of four forms. I have the 1st form passing its field to the 2nd form, and the 2nd form passing its field to the 3rd form, but the 1st form's field then is not passed into the 3rd form. So obviously, my summary form (the 4th form) is not getting the 1st form's field or the 2nd form's field, only the 3rd form's field. Code:

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Error In Passing Multiple Variables In A Href

I need to pass multple variables in a link in order to go to a asp page with
the two varables.

The following are the values of the variables using response.write:

<%'Response.Write Mypage & "<br>"%>

<%'Response.Write GrantID & "<br>"%>

The link which I wrote is as follows:

<A HREF="mainreportagain1.asp?grantid=<%=GrantID%> & page=<%mypage%>">Report
Main Page</A>

However, when I am refreshing the page to click this link I am getting the
following error: Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A000D)
Type mismatch

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Passing Multiple Selected Items To A Forms Page- How?

I have a query on a page that displays the results of a recordset. Each row has a check box that has the table ID associated with the row of data.

I am trying to figure out how do I send every row checked to another page and have that page know the ID's that were checked so the next page can query the table for those ID's and fill out a submission form. I know the form fields I can write so it dynamically names the value based on the script, that part is easy, but trying to figure out how to have the script accept multiple ID's so it can go through each and display the results is not.

Now this is simple if I am just sending one ID to the next page, I can just use a "Post" and append a ?id=xxx to the URL and then do a request.querystring for the ID. Where I am confused is trying to send multiple ID = 's to the next page so it reads more then one ID if more then one was checked on the previous page which 99% of the time it will be.


What should I look up to point me in the right direction to create a classic VBScript/ASP code to parse through the ID's that were checked on the previous page and have the next page query each ID for the data?

I can pretty much figure out how if I know what I am looking to do. I was just looking for some sort of direction that I can pursue to understand how do do this task. What is it I am trying to do? IS there a term or set of terms I need to consider looking up to get examples so I can tweak and write it from there?

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SQL Server - Update/Insert Multiple Cols Into Multiple Tables

Just as the title says I am trying to do something impossible with a single SQL statement. I am doing an ASP webpage for internal use at the company I work for.

I want to know if there is a way to insert/update data into multiple tables in 1 SQL statement.

If it requires functions | views or anything else that is fine but I don't want to have 3-4 different SQL statements to update 2-3 different columns in different tables.

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Searching Multiple Memo Fields In Multiple Tables In Access

I have a search option on my website, which should perform a search on 4 fields, as follows:



It only needs to return matches which are an exact match of their search criteria. For instance, searching for "I am here" would return a record which contained "I am here", but not just "I" or "I am" etc.

I need to return all these records as part of one recordset preferably, as I want to be able to order them etc., though I imagine you may suggest I use an array somehow to merge two recordets etc., then reorder them?

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How To Update Multiple Records With Different Multiple Value

i hav problem with updating the data. In the asp page i hav displayed records based on search criteria. in display mode im displaying the to be updated field in combo box for each similar contract_no. each contract_no will hav different no of rows and to be updated combo box.

based on the selected value in the combo boxes of different contract_nos i hav to update the combo value with old value. user select multiple combo values at a time I need anybody's help with detailed programming logic.

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Checkbox Value?

is there a way of having a dropdownlist and a text field with a checkbox so that you can check a box and have the vaule assigned from a option selct list or check another box and have the value assigned from a textfield?

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Asp And Checkbox

I would like to make an interaction with a database using ADO and SQL. I would like to display some parts of the database using checkboxes to choose the different parts. But I don't know how to build the SQL command in fuction of which checkbox is checked.

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Checkbox Value

how to write sql to give value true in db?

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If Else Using Checkbox Value

I have a checkbox which is used to determine whether or not the user wants to display a map of their business with their listing the value of which is being written into a database.

When I am outputting the listings I am just trying to use a simple if else statement

i.e. If(ShowMap = true)Then
Response.Write("<td>Show Map</td>")
Response.Write("<td>No Map</td>")
End If

Problem is I know the database contains different values for ShowMap i.e. some true, some false. Yet when I use this code, No Map is output for all records.

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Using A Checkbox

I have a profile search where people can search through our dating profiles. I want to add a checkbox which when checked filters out those records where the recordfield pictures is empty.

I have problems figuring out what the checked value of the checkbox should be and how to use the information from the checkbox in the searchresults page to build the record set. For understanding, if a user does not have a picture the picture field is empty.

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Value In Checkbox

I am trying to display the value of a true/false value in my table through the use of the following:

<input type=checkbox name=FieldLabCheck value=" &
objRecordset("FieldLaborSuper") & "></input>

it doesn't work though.... what am I doing wrong.

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Value Of Checkbox

I have a checkbox in a form from which I want to collect the value.
<input type="checkbox" name="Question11a" value="a">

In the asp page that is called on submit of the form, I declare a variable, iQuestion11a, and request the value of this checkbox:
iQuestion11a = Request("Question11a")

When I print out the value to an html page <% response.write(iQuestion11a) %> it is empty.

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Checkbox's Value

I made this code:

dim xyz
xyz = Request.Form("checkbox1")
<FORM action="Forwarding.asp" method=post id=form1 name=form1>
<INPUT type="checkbox" id="checkbox1" name="checkbox1"><BR>

but, xyz can't get the "checkbox1"'s value.

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Checkbox Set To OFF

When using checkboxes on a form, if you uncheck them, the unchecked name/value pair in the Request.Form collection doesn't show up. It only shows when the checkbox is set to ON. Is this correct? What's the workaround if it is?

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I know there is a way to update records with a checkbox. Is there a way to update this records (with different value)by unchecking the checkbox?

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Checkbox With Textbox

anyone have any idea how to do checkbox with textbox beside.

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Checkbox Disable

if i want to display many records from database with each record has one checkbox.. if the record do not meet the constraints.. e.g. if supplier name has no email address.. then that checkbox will be disabled....the rest will appear.. i tried the disabled/// but no result.

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How To Update Checkbox !!

I have problem in updating checkbox (true-false) using SQL statement.

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Checkbox And Javascript

I have a JavaScript function that gets a boolean value and checks or unchecks a checkbox based on the boolean value.

function initialize_p(thevalue) {
if (thevalue) {

else {


In the example, I want form.cbx1 to be checked if 'thevalue' is true and unchecked if 'thevalue' is false. However, it's not working as desired. I used the alert stmt to see what it does:

- When 'thevalue' is true, it goes to the 1st part of the if stmt and checks the checkbox.
- When 'thevalue' is false, it still goes to the 1st part of the if stmt and checks the checkbox

It looks it never goes to the else!! I used alert stmts to see where it goes if the 'thevalue' is false (used alert to show me the value of 'thevalue' and where it is in the if stmt). I don't understand what's going on. Can anybody see what is wrong with the function?

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