Multiple Dropdowns To Create An Arrary To Form ORDER BY Statement

Creating a form that allows people to search a ticket database. One criteria I would like to add is to give the people the option to sort the results by selecting criteria for a dropdown.

My first thought was to create 3 dropdowns with the same name, get the data and add it to the SQL string. It worked great except for when someone decided to leave anything blank.
Here are my dropdowns here: Code:

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I''ve 3 to 4 or more combo boxes. On the change event of the combo boxes I want to fill the values.

Suppose I change the value in combobox1 the second combo box should get filled basing on the first combo box, in the same way the third combo should get filled basing on the second combo criteria and the fourth combo should get the values basing the selection made in the 3rd combo.

All the combo boxes are fired in the change event of the combo box. And please no Javascript only VBSCRIPT.

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I've got a problem i would like you to help me out with. My company has got a client who sells meat and my senior tech lead has customized the cart to fit their needs and have created a despatch table with a "simple asp form" that allows them to scan their products in with a wi-fi scanner. Code:

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SQL Order By Statement

Does anyone know how to organise data in alphabetical order when using a select statement???

When i use mine, i have been using ASC and it justs put the newest record added!

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A Function In An Order By Statement

Can You Put A Function In An Order By Statement. Assume That The Outcome Of The Interest Function Is Always One.

"SELECT TOP "&quantity&" * FROM Content WHERE "& q &" ORDER BY Interest(Keyword)"

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Multiple Levels Of Order

How do I create multiple criteria for ordering in a SQL string? That is, if i first want to order by Document Author, and within those results, order by Document Name, i.e

AUTHOR ----------- NAME
Alan ---------- Doc Name 1
Alan ---------- Doc Name 2
Alan ---------- Doc Name 5
Bob ----------- Doc Name 3
Bob ----------- Doc Name 4
David --------- Doc Name 6
David --------- Doc Name 7
David --------- Doc Name 8

Does that make sense?

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Multiple Order System Code

my project is an ordering system, which allows users to order multiple products by entering in the product quantities in a text box. The technologies I am using are Macromedia Dreamweaver MX, ASP VBscripting, and a MS Access database to hold all the products.

Could anyone please tell me how do I create and order list that allows me to specify multiple products at the one time and also to allow me to enter in the quantity of each product? The next page should then show a list of the products ordered. After this is confirmed the product numbers and quantities need to be stored in an order details Table within the database.

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Create Database And Create Table On One Form

Here's what my code looks like...

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Submit Order Form

I have online order form that consists of textarea, textbox, radio button, check buttons and etc.. after that, click to submit via email with order form details to someone..

so i need to know what codings to do this to email to someone with order form details need for db so can u please kindly show me how to do it?

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Business Order Form

I'm starting an ecommerce site from scratch and I want to have a fairly simple order form to support around 10 products. I'd like it to have a shipping calculator, have fields for credit cards, and be able to send customers a thank you email after their order. I do have some experience with the asp code and form building but not too much. Is there a script I can download or a fairly reasonable product I could purchase to help me with this?

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Common Order Form

I am a new user so I hope I am doing this correctly. If not, please point me in the right direction.I created a web site in 1995 using exclusively HTML becuase it was the easiest for a novice. When I created the site, I had about 70 types of invitations and I created an order form for each invitation type. Now I have more than 250 invitations and I would like to create a common (one page)order form. I do not want to have a shopping cart. The website is Currently when the user clicks the invitation image, the user is hyerlinked to the order page. I would to have it so that the use is linked to a common order form and have that common order form have some specific information such as:
1. image of invitation being ordered
2. size of invitation being ordered
I need know the coding that needs to be placed on the sending page and the target page and anything else I need to do to make this work.

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Form Field Order

I know that the order of from fields from a form post are somewhat random. But, what about fields that have the same name -

<input type="text" name="something" value=""> First Choice
<input type="text" name="something" value=""> Second Choice
<input type="text" name="something" value=""> Third Choice
<input type="text" name="something" value=""> Fourth Choice

First = "bananna"
Second = "orange"
Third = ""
Fourth = "apple"

Will the values, in the delimited list contained in Request.Form("something"), always be in the order they are in the form? That is - bananna, orange, , apple

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ID To Follow Through Onto Order Form

Basically when a customer sees the gift they want, they click order, which takes them to the order form....all i want to know is how i can get the gifts ID onto the order form. It may be better if you have a look at what im trying to do Example of this trying to work .

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Creating Order Form Page

how to get started with this project. I want a page where a
user can manually enter an order. Our users know our order# system and it's
much easier to manually enter items as opposed to using a shopping cart and
flipping through multiple pages.
On the page would be the following....
1) Billing address
2) shipping address
3) fields for order numbers

Billing and shipping seem pretty straight forward.
Because I have no idea of how many products a customer will order, I'm
picturing a new order# field being created when one is filled out. How do I
do this?Then, assuming I get all these dynamically generated fields, how do I get
them into an OrderDetails table?

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Form Field Submit Order

I have a form with stacks of fields. This is submitted to a formmail.asp script at my isp which emails the values in the form to me.

Is there anyway using dreamweaver that I can define the order of the form fields when they are submitted to me via email? I eventually add the values in the form to a bit of paper, it would be handy if the email could have them listed in the order they are printed on on the bit of paper.

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Create A Recordset With Multiple Tables?

My database has customers, orders, and orderDetails tables. I'm trying to create a page that we can access to lookup all details about our orders. That page will need information from all of these tables.

How do I create a recordset that can handle the relationships and bring in all data?

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How To Create Multiple Text Fields

How to create multiple text fields and will be submit when press a "enter key" ...

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Multiple Insert In SQL Statement

i have a problem while running an insert query into SQL using ASP. sometimes the query inserts the values twice.

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CDONTS To Send Order Form To Emails

I know this question is stupid. But i need some advice for this. I
am trying to develop a website, which will allow the user send to order form
to the admin email. I am planning to use the CDONTS component method.
Can I just to localhost server to test, whether the form can be send
up to the admin's email. Or I must have the Hosting server to do that. Can
Anyone suggest me, how to I test my scripts can be successfully run (at
localhost), before I host it on the Web Servers.

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Order Form Needs To Send Cust Receipt

I am learning more and more about asp but can't find and figure out where and what varialbles to add to this form. I want to be able to have this form email to me and to the person that filled it out as there receipt as well.

I don't have it set up to show the results after they fill it out that would be nice but not sure how to do that either. My main focus is getting the receipt sent to the person that filled it out. Code:

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ASP Form - Order Amount Not Coming Through On Email

This is my first asp form so please be gentle with me It's a publications ordering form. I've got the form and the asp code setup, when the form is sent the name of the publication comes through but not the amount ordered - i'm sure i've made a simple mistake somewhere - can anyone spot why the order amount isn't coming through. Code:

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Create SQL String With Multiple Select Boxes

I am working with an ASP app that creates reports based on data in an SQL Server 200 database. There is a web form with select boxes for the user to select their criteria, and based on that an SQL SELECT statement is generated.

One of the requirements is that some fields need to be multiple selections. The output of these fields are in CSV format (One, Two, Three). These values are all alphanumeric, NOT just numeric....

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"order By" Statement Gives An Error

this is my code for retrieving messages for a topic: Code:

' Find All Messages Posted In Topic
strSQLTopicMessages = strSQLTopicMessages & "SELECT * "
strSQLTopicMessages = strSQLTopicMessages & "FROM tblMessages "
strSQLTopicMessages = strSQLTopicMessages & "WHERE fldTopicID = "
strSQLTopicMessages = strSQLTopicMessages & strTopicID
objRSTopicMessages.PageSize = iPageSize
objRSTopicMessages.CacheSize = iPageSize
objRSTopicMessages.Open strSQLTopicMessages, objConn, adOpenStatic
' /Find All Messages Posted In Topic

I have tried to add an "order by" statement, but i gve syntax error. isn't it possible to use an "order by" in this case?

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Problem With My Dropdowns!

I have an ASP page. On that ASP page I have three columns. Each column contains one dropdown box. I wanted to make them dependant of each other and I think I did it.

When the user clicks on the submit button after making his selection in the first dropdown, I have an sql for the second dropdown which will automaticly not show the first selection as a option in the second dropdown. So far, it's allright.

When the user makes his second selection and hits the second submit button below the second dropdown, same thing should happen with the third dropdown box and its SQL query. I use SQL to extract records from an MS Access database.

However, in the third dropdown I don't get the value selected already in the second dropdown, but the value already selected in the first dropdown now shows up????

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Too Many Dropdowns On An ASP Page

My ASP page contains around 35 dropdown controls. If I try to open this page
from a Win98 OS , the dropdowns appear jumbled up. They overlap on each
other. However, this problem is not reported on any other Windows OS.

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Dependent Dropdowns

i have a form and i need the selection from the first dropdown to influence the results on the second dropdown.The first dropdown will have a list of guesthouses and based on the guesthouse chosen, the second dropdown will give the rooms available in that chosen guesthouse.

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Dynamic Dropdowns Problem

I'm creating a form to update a series of records. For four of the fields, I want the options available to the user to be limited by dropdowns. One dropdown is generated from a table in the database, the other two are generated by arrays I've written.

The problem is the dropdowns aren't picking up the value stored in the database for each record. The text fields are picking up the correct values, but not the dropdowns. For one set of records the dropdowns are only picking up the first (default) option; with another set of records, the first record's dropdowns are correct, but then the subsequent records' dropdowns repeat the values of the first one. Code:

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Javascript Date Dropdowns

I'm using a piece of javascript in my asp page that splits the date into 3 dropdown boxes, one for day, month and year.

This works fine. The problem I'm having is that when a user first enters the system there is no date selected, therefore I want the current date to be selected in these dropdowns based on the system dates Day(Now), Month(Now), Year(Now).

I can't seem to get the correct month selected, I can only get it to write the current month at the end of the dropdown which is no good cos then it's in there twice. Code:

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Dynamic Populated Dropdowns

I don't want to try and reinvent the wheel so I'm looking for an ASP 3 script that will dynamicaly populate a nubmer or dropdown boxes from an access database, read a price from the the database and write both the selection and the price to a form and total all the prices too.

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Dynamic Triple Linked Dropdowns


' then set up a query
' -----------------------------------------------
sQuery = "SELECT DISTINCT * from tablename Order By columnA, columnB " ' << insert your own sql here

could someone give an example so I could follow it?

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Create A Form

i have been asked by a friend to create a form in asp,basically one that gets 2 numbers and adds them to gether,then puts the result on the same page.

how this is done as i havent got a clue.i know how to make a basic form.

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Create A Pdf Or Word Doc From An Asp Form

I have been tasked with developing an online Purchase requisition system for my employers. This requisition system will submit the employees requisitions to a database for approval before they can buy their required products.

What I would like to do is offer the option of creating a word doc or pdf of the requisition details on submission to the database. This doc or pdf could then be emailed or printed and sent to a supplier for a quotation.

Is it possible to have a form do 2 functions at once? i.e. submit data to the database as well as creating this doc or pdf? Any info on how to create a doc or pdf from an asp form would be much appreciated.

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Create A Reservation Form

I have a problem to create a reservation form. Code:

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