My Server Hangs For A Long Time After I Run This Page

My server hangs for a really long time after I run the following code...

It is to serve up 3 types of files: a picture, a word document, and an mp3 file from a directory "/uploads" that is not accessible through the URL. The script works perfectly for the picture and doc file, but nothing loads when it is used for the audio files. The files are a few megs large, but after I run it I can't access ANYTHING on the site for quite some time.

What's wrong? Is it something wrong with M@rco's script? Did I impliment it wrong?

I don't mind if it simply takes a long time for it to load the audio file, but it is killing the entire server it seems like. Code:

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ServerXMLHTTP Uses 100% CPU For A Long Time

I'm trying to use ServerXMLHTTP on an ASP (not ASP.NET) page to retrieve
large binary data from a remote server. When the request is large (more than
a few megabytes), the ServerXMLHTTP page jumps to nearly 100% CPU utilization
for an unusually long time. The remote server needs a few seconds to prepare
the request, during which time the CPU seems OK. It seems that as soon as
the data is ready to retrieve, the CPU usage jumps and remains that way until
the data has all been copied to the requesting server. That takes way too
long - about 35 seconds when requesting a 12 MB file over a gigabit Ethernet.

I use ServerXMLHTTP hundreds of thousands of times daily on this same system
on the same network, with absolutely no problem - but for smaller requests.
There's something about the size of the request that makes it blow up.

I saw some reports of older systems with this problem (Windows 2000), but
I'm running IIS 6 on Windows Server 2003, SP1.

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Textobject Hangs IIS Server

This code works fine local with PWS on win98 and also on the Internet:
Set emailLog = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
But on a local XP computer, the IIS hangs. The message is that too many are
trying to access the page.

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Page Hangs

When calling an ASP from within a Perl script to perform a query against a web-enabled database (don't ask how we arrived at this architecture), the first query almost always times out with an Timer_EntityBody error.

Our timeout is currently set at 300 seconds. We can see that the worker thread
(we only have one for compatibility purposes) gets kicked off when the query arrives. Successive queries do not time out. Has anyone had any experience with this type of issue? What did you do to troubleshoot it? Did applying SP 1 help?

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Server.Execute Hangs Browser

I have a content management system with a html editor embedded in a page (uses a text area tag) within the tag I use Server.Execute(pageToExecute), it works for some pages but others it hangs the browser.

If I remove the ServerExecute line the page loads fine. Theres no error messages nothing and the page it is executing is simple html in an asp file. Any reasons why this would happen? Im using Windows Server 2003. All browsers.

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Crystal Web ASP Hangs On W2003 Server, But Had Worked Before

I am using an asp script that uses rptserver.asp to display some reports over http. It worked fine previously but now the webpages with the report display just hang. I tried switching from the activex viewer to java viewer and still the same. I don't know what changed, except I do the Windows updates. Can anyone tell me the best way to trouble ASP
problems. The page just stays blank forever and that status bar slowly progresses. No errors in the event log on the server. The HTTPerr log has the following errors:

2006-09-14 19:13:14 x.x.x.133 30531 x.x.x.5 80 HTTP/1.1 GET
/webreport/reports.asp?Report=Project%20List%20Detailed%20w%2 0Client(P).rpt
- 1 Connection_Dropped ReportsPool

No entries for this in the W3SVC log.

This started hanging my other web app on the server, until I put it in
a separate Application pool.

Here is the reports.asp code: .....

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Page Hangs When Trying To Create File On Localhost

I am trying to create a file on my server / localhost but when I run the script below the page starts loading and then eventually times out. Code:

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Stopping A Long Server Process

I have this asp screen (not .net just asp) where user can fill in report criteria and then when they hit the "Go" button, at which point the report page will be displayed. Sometimes the reports are quite big and may take 2 to 3 minutes to complete.

If the user realizes he makes a mistake as soon as he gets to the report page, he may hit the "Stop" button and think the server has stopped generating the report, but it's not true. The server is still running the process.

This is particularly more obvious for developers like myself cos I have the server installed on my workstation. When I hit the Stop button and then back to the report filter page and make some changes and then hit the Go again, it'll take 2 to 3 minutes before it'll show the report page this time, as if the server was trying to complete my last report first, before processing my current new request.

Question I have therefore, is, if I'm running a long server process, then how I can get the server to stop this thread (or process?) when the user hits the Stop button, or hits the Back button?

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Divide Long Web Page

I want to divide long HTML page (paging) into smaller pages.I know how to do it if I use recordset but in my project, I dont need to read from a Database, I'm reading a file system wich is a folder and list all files insid it.

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Content Page Too Long

If the content of a db field is too long, (like when the web page ends up being 3 A4 page lengths due to alot of content in the db field), is there a way of say, creating a 'next page', thus splitting the data content over 2 pages?

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Page Taking Too Long To Load

I have a page that is taking way too long to load. The time is around 8 minutes. It is pulling about 2600 records from an SQL database.

The page works properly, and I’ve put a “Please wait” <div> to help, but I’m not sure where to look as to the problem. How much is the way the page is built or the server that is serving up the page? Code:

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How To Pass A Long Parameter String To A ASP Page Via Post Parameters

I have the following test.asp page which needs one parameter querystr
but my querystr is a very long string value. When I send a long value
the query string is getting truncated after some characters.

Can you please kindly share the code segment to workaround how to pass
such a long string value to a asp page. This is how I invoke the test

http://localhost/?querystr=select ............ from xxxxx



response.write("Hello World!")

response.write "<td><p></td>" & w


but part of my query string never gets passed to the asp page appears
asp as a limitation on max string length can you please provide me a
workaround how I can overcome and pass the right string to asp.

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Server Time Local Time Convert

I'm trying to do a very simple code that converts the server time into a time zone of your choice.

dim h 'Current Hour
dim i ' Time Zone Increase - add or subtract hours
dim r 'Result Here
h = Hour(Now)
i = + 2
r = h + i

but obvisouly i'm having trouble with the time zone convert.

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ASP To Re-load Page From Time To Time To Reset Varaibles

I have a website that I subscribe to that allows me to track tasks. I have an extra computer with a big monitor that i want to always display the task list. the problem is after so many hours I get logged out.

I need to need to reload that sign in url every few hours Code:

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Time() Value For Sql Server

I'm porting an access to sql. In a few tables i have a Time field whic is set to Time() when the data was inserted. It doesn't get modified.

In sql the time now displays as 1/1/1900 23:45:03.

The Default value is set to (convert(datetime,convert(varchar,getdate(),14),14 )).

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SQL Server Time Out

I have a time out error from my asp application thought my connection timeout is 6000 sec but when i execute my page it gives me error after 30 sec.Is there any mothod to fix it

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Server Time Out

I am updating a value in DB by the following command.

strSQL3 = "Update Click_Count Set Click='1'"

The data type for click in DB is nvarchar. I've also tried int and numeric but none of them works. The web page processes for a while and then says "time out".

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Server Time

I have the date displaying at the top of a page using this code: Code:

<% Response.write(WeekDayName(DatePart("w", Date())) & " " & DatePart("d", Date()) & " " & MonthName(DatePart("m", Date())) & " " & DatePart("yyyy", Date())) %>

Unfortunately there is a big time difference (about 18 hours) between the server and the site and I need to make it display the local time.

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Getting Server Time With Asp

i want to get the server time with asp code. i'm getting only the local machine time with

<%response.write time()%>

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Get Date And Time On The Server

How can I get date and time on the server. I want to log the date and time on the server when the ASP page is accessed.

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Server Time And Date

I'm looking for a script that will call up the date and time on the server. The scripts I've gotten so far seem to use my computers time and date If I change them on my pc they will change to call up the servers time and date, if possible.

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Redirect On Server Time

I want to be able to redirect clients based on the server time. This is to direct clients from different parts of the world to different pages. Have seen a Javascript thta does this based on the clients time but can't find anything that does it using the server time.

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Return Server Time

In ASP, how can I quickly return the server time + 2 hours, using VBScript?

With TIME(), I've found functions for date arithmetic, but I can't find anything for
time arithmetic.

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Server Time And Date Seperately

I now know how to call up the server time and date, but can this also be done for just the hours, minutes, seconds, weekdays, year, month, days. Each of the individually.

I'm looking for the server numbers not the ones from the users pc.

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Date Time Field In ASP/SQL Server

suggest the correct way to store the date & time in SQL Server? I want to store the date and time a record was created. What should the field type be in SQL Server? How can I insert the current date/time into the table using SQL? I used to have date/time field type in access and use the following code

currTime = Now()

SQL="Insert into <table> (id, recDate) Values (" & sId & ", #" & currTime &


what the field type I should be using in SQL Server to store this date and also what should I replace the line currTime=Now() to?

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Page Time Out

I am creating a text file. I have a button that will import data to an sql tabel and then redirect to the file page. the File page will generate letter with name and address pulled out of the database and then show a table with the name / address the letter / file was created for.

The thing works fine if i place "top 10 " in my select query. If I let it just run the whole list (could be 1300 or more names) the page times out on me.

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Server Side Includes & Processing Time

I've been using SSIs for a while now. I'm now using them in a menu system. I'm trying to use multiple SSIs, that is SSIs within SSIs, but I'm just wondering if this will slow the pages down, and put too much strain on the server. I'll try to illustrate what I'm doing.

This is a dropdown menu system. Rolling over Link1 will reveal Link1-a, Link1-b and Link1-c, and likewise with Link2 and Link3: Code:

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ASP Wait Some Time And Redirect Without Loading Server

Do you know any way to load a page, wait for 5 seconds IN SERVER PROCESS, and then redirect in the server side, - not using javascript?

What I pretend is to show a page that loads a .GIF file that appears to be loading something, and after 5 seconds redirect to results page, so users apparently think that a backend proccess has occoured.

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Is It Possible To Determine The Client's Time Zone On The Server?

I was wondering if anyone knew how to determine how to determine the
client's time zone from within an ASP page?

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Can ASP Get A List Of Databases And Tables Of SQL Server At Run Time?

When we want to get data access, we need to specify the datasource name and
table name in ASP page. I want to know if we can get the list of databases
and tables of SQL Server at run time? i.e. The user can choose the database
or table to open, and get the records of the table?

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How To Read An SQL Server Into A ASP Page And Then Change, Add, Delete And Write It Back To SQL Server

I need to read a SQL Server table into a Web Page and within the Web
Page to permit my users to make changes to the records, delete or add
new records and then save the entire contents back to the SQL Server
table back.

The functionality I am looking is almost the same as In the SQL
Enterprise Manager whereby I can choose a table open the table and
then return all rows and I can maintain the same and save it back to
the SQL Server table. I want almost a similar web interface to such a

Even if not a generic functionality as the SQL Enterprise Manager
table maintenance appreciate if somebody can share the code with a
sample how I can do it in ASP pages + T-SQL if need be.

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Page Generation Time

What's a way to do a: Page generated in X.XXXXXXXXX seconds.

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How Do I Run 2 Pieces Of Sql At The Same Time On The Same Page?

i want to run two pieces of sql that connect to two different tables that are not assosiated with each other, in 1 asp file. how do i do this. Code:

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