MySQL And Access Database Link

Is it possible to call fields from a MySQL Database and an Access Database on the same asp web page? If so, can someone please point me in the direction of a good guide/article/post on how to do this.

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Link Access Database

Can anyone tell me or guide me (in details) on how to link Access Database in ASP, including SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE issues.Is there any sites offering this resource?

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Database Connection String To MySQL-database On A Different Server

I work with ASP for several weeks now and i really like it! But until now i have just used it in connection with my localhost. I made connections to a SQL Database and to an ACESS Database with using the ODBC Tool from WIndows!!

Now i want to publish my website but i don't know how to handle the connection string kind of thing. My MySQL-Database is on a different server than the website and i need a connection string where i can type in the server, a password and a username and it should then connect.

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Access An Access Link Table

I have an Access DB which contains couple of link tables. All these tables are from different databases. So each one has it's own database password. Since there is no way to save the password during the DSN creation. Then you need to manually type in the password each first time when open the table.

This causes the problem in ASP code during run a query. Since the table cannot be accessed due to the password protection. Is there any statement than can open a table and meanwhile pass the password in? Does anyone experienced with the similar situation?

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MS Access, MySql And ASP

According to �Beginning Active Server Pages 3.0� from Wrox, Data Source Names
�are a largely outdated method of specifying connection details, mainly because they use ODBC drivers instead of OLE-DB providers to handle the data. We include them here only because you may come across DSNs when working with legacy systems.�

Which is better: using ODBC with a mySql database or not using ODBC with this type of database?

Also, based on the model below, how do you create a connection to a mySql database (using myODBC and not using myODBC)? Please note that I will be testing the database on my PC but it will also be used on a website. Code:

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I have my site hosted with which supports MySQL; they say: "We have set up your MySQL database for you." (i.e. it is ready for me to work on it). My site is a classifieds page that is small(not much code at all) but gets a lot of traffic and I want to switch from Access to MySQL.

I know that some conventions are different, but on a more general note, what is the process of conversion? I have someone who will be working with the ASP code, I just need to know the basic procedure, i.e. how do I make changes to my database, etc. How will it be different than working with Access? I've heard "MySQL Front" is a good program to edit the DB.

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Access To MySql Using .asp

Not that much experience working with .asp, but I have managed to create a project.

This project currently has a DB in Access.

I'm moving it over to MySql.

Was able to ODBC import it and all data seems gtg.

Uploaded a test folder, and modified my connection so I can test the MySQL database before I change over. Code:

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Mysql Vs Access

other then the connection string are there any diffrences when using mysql and not access?

i know mysql has more powerful tools but will the querying and searching and updating be the same syntax in asp?

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Access MySQL

I don't hv access to install ODBC drivers on the server so trying to use SqlConnection to connect to MySQL but so far no luck.

Been trying:

SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(
"Data Source=(;Database
=testdb;User ID=test;Password=testing");


And it fails on the conn.Open() call with the exception:

System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: SQL Server does not exist or access denied.

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Link Access DB

Does anybody know if it is possible with asp to link a txt file to an access database?

Now I have linked the file using Access and uploaded the database back to my webserver, so I have a 'link specification'. I'm not sure how this is called in English since I'm using MS Access in Dutch , but a don't have any idea how to use this specification (where is it stored in Access? to link a txt file to the database.

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From PHP/MySQL To ASP/SQL Server Or Access

I have always used PHP and MySQL to do anything database related on the web, however I find myself in a new situation. I've been handed the daunting task of creating a (relatively) simple, partially database driven website for my company's intranet.

The one problem I have is that all of our servers are Windows 2000 based because all of the in-house software we have works off of SQL Server... and I've never touched a windows based server, SQL Server, or ASP in my life.

Searching through the forums, I've been able to find a few ASP tutorial sites, but everything I've found seems to be either all technical info and no basics or a basic tutorial written for people who are already familiar with Visual Basic, C, or another type of windows programming 'thing'.

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Convert Access To MySql

Not that much experience working with .asp, but I have managed to create a project.

This project currently has a DB in Access.

I'm moving it over to MySql.

Was able to ODBC import it and all data seems gtg.

Uploaded a test folder, and modified my connection so I can test the MySQL database before I change over.

I try running the pages, and have been making changes to the code as I see errors come up.

All was moving forward until now.. where I just keep getting 500 errors, and can't get it to tell me what's wrong.

I use Option Explicit, and all my variables are posted.

Is there any other code I can put into my pages so that it will not just generate a 500 message when there is something wrong?

Or any Software programs I can get which will help me troubleshoot my code for MySQL?

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Query / MySQL / Access

I've got a query that works fine when used in mySQL but completely fails
when I try to apply it to MS Access, weird thing is that it is just a copy
of a stored procedure that works fine in the same copy (with the
Request.QueryString replaced by a fixed value) ! Any explaination would be
great, ID is a number BTW :

SELECT page_title,ID,page_content FROM content WHERE ID='" &
Request.QueryString("ID") & "' '

Had a look at but couldn't find anything that applys.

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Access, SQL Server Or MySQL?

I've been using URL asp shopping cart (free version) for a while with an access database and it worked perfectly.

My store is very popular now (more than 200 simultaneous users) and I need to migrate to a professional database. Comersus is compatible with SQL Server and mySQL. Which one do you recommend? My idea was to use mySQL since in that case I can purchase Power Pack Medium ($239) instead of Premium (.$370)

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Link Access Form To Web?

Is it possible to link forms developed using Access 2K
with an asp page? I want to be able to pass on the order
no. by clicking to an access form and display results.

Is it possible? If yes, can you give me some leads how
to do?

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Access (DB) To Mysql Code Convert

I have ASP project uses Access DB .. I need to convert the site into Mysql. But I keep getting some Runtime Error ( Mismatch ) and I don't know what the problem .. Code:

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Access Record From Link In An Email

Ok.. I have a form the user fills out. An email is sent to them and one to our office with a link to the DB so they can view all the info. My form works fine, my emails work fine. The info gets inserted in to the DB fine.

What I would like to do is:
When the link is sent to our office, I would like it so when they click the link it opens the DB right to the info from the link. You know, like when you get an email from here saying someone posted your link has it set so when you click it, it will go right to that post.

So there you have it, any takers.. I sure could use this, otherwise they open the DB and have to search for the info and they do not like having to do much work..

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Date Issues Asp To Access Db Convert To Mysql Db

having issues submitting dates to a mysql db, ive converted the database from access to mysql and im having issues submitting dates. this is what i have when submitting to access

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Convertind Asp From Access Db To MYSQL Db Scripting Issues

im converting my access db to a mysql db.

having issues reading int (true/false) values out of the mysql db.

this is a snippet of the asp script Code:

If rslogin("Master_account") = True Then

in the access db the master account field was a true/false ( yes/no) field. in mysql its an int filed with a value of 0 or 1. Code:

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Problem On Querying Access Link Table In ASP Page

I connected MS Exchange Server to MS Access database using Access link
table function. I can open the database table and see the fields and
data inside the link table. However, the table seems cannot be queried
by SQL statement.

My situation is:

I'm building an intranet. I have a ASP login page for all staff in the
company to login. Other people can't register or login the intranet.
That's the reason I use the company email address to verify username
login name.

After I made the link to the Global Address List (rename to
StaffList), I can see the Alias field. I wrote ASP code to use Alias
field to verify user login name. But, the ASP page seems experiencing
difficulties. I always got the "Connection Timeout" Error. Code:

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Database Retrieval Mysql And Asp

I have an sql statement like this executed with asp and mysql.

select * from table1, table2, table3

How can I read a specific field from a table when tables have same fieldnames.

So for example table1 and table2 have both a field named content.

What I would like to do is:

contenttable1 = recordset("table1.content")
contenttable2 = recordset("table2.content")

But then I get an error like item not found in recordset.

If i do this it works but i don't know which field I read from:

contenttable? = recordset("content")

I know that it works with Access but I can't get it working with MySQL.

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Query MySQL Database Using ASP.

I wish draw data from a MySQL Database using ASP.

The Code I have so far:

dim adoConn, adoRS
set adoConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set adoRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
adoConn.Open "driver={SQL Server};server=SERVER-WEB;database=testing;uid=products;pwd=starmart"
adoRS.ActiveConnection = adoConn

and in the asp page code:

116. <%=rsDaySummary.fields("PageViews")%>

This is obviously wrong as it returns this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: ''
/stats.asp, line 116

Any pointers would be appreciated.

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Accessing A MySQL Database From ASP

Can someone tell me how to access a MySQL database using ASP?

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Call Php/mysql Database From ASP

First I'll answer "why". Because, while SQL Server is available, it is also
"expensive". MySQL is CHEAP and a lot more robust than Access.

Is there a way to add, update, retrieve, and delete data from a MySQL DB via
php (or ASP for that matter) back into ASP? Could someone create a basic
script to look at so I could see how?

I hope there is a way to do this. Wouldn't it be advantageous for MS to do
this or to make it easy to do so to be more competitive?

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Graphing From A MySQL Database

I have seen several free graphing solutions using PHP, but does anyone know of something in ASP? I am wanting to create some simple bar, line, and pie graphs from a mySQL database. Everything I've found is in PHP (which I don't know). Is there an ASP solution?

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Connecting To MySQL Database

I've tried a couple of strings, but it can't connect to my database.What's the connection string?

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Connect To MySQL Database

I'm a PHP developer and i've been asked to do some development for a site which is on a web server which only supports ASP. I had planned to have a bash at writing an ASP program (first time) on this server which will interact with a MySQL database on another web server (my company's web space).

Would this be possible, or should I try and set up the database on the same server as the ASP pages (this may cost money, which is why i'm hoping the first option will be possible)?

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MySQL Database Records

i post a while back on how to page thru database records. i dont really understand the ASPFAQ one. Its not well commented. This is how i learn anything, is if its commented on what does what.

Can someone please help me. i have a datbase of about 90 records so far, that i would like to page thru.

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Export MySql Database

I have a client that wants to export their database to excel from their admin section on their website.

Is it possible to export a MySql database using asp code?If so is there sample code that i can look at? I haven't found anything on the net that works or is usefull in any way.

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MySQL Database Upload


Dim sConnection

sConnection = "DRIVER={MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver}; SERVER=localhost; DATABASE=" "; UID="";PASSWORD=""; OPTION=3"

using this code(connection), how can i upload the mySQL Database? you see, i can't install mySQL online..

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Grabbing From MySQL Database In ASP

I'm doing a website in PHP/MySQL but its an IIS server - THUS no sendmail. I've used CDONTS to send email in ASP before but this time its a little different

I have a MySQL table called 'emails' in a database called 'db'. The table has Key IDs from 1 to about 50 that correspond with different email addresses. I want to use CDONTS to Grab the email addresses from the MySQL database one by one and in 15 second intervals send out the same email to each address.

I know this sounds a bit 'spammy', but it's a band website with a mailing list. Only about 50 or so entries. I'm trying to set up a mailing list manager and the only missing piece is this damn emailing script.

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Restore MySQL Database

I am moving my site from one host to another. I got all the scripts moved over but now I need to import my MySQL database. My previous host has a tool to create a .sql database dump. However, my current host limits the size a database dump can be for using phpMySQL to import the database.

Is there any way I can FTP the .sql file to the webserver and run an ASP script that points to that file and executes all the commands? The .sql is 300,000 lines.

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Update Database Using Link

how do you create a link that will add 1 or subtract 1 from a number in the database?would it have to call a function that would do it or would i have to use buttons that did it?

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