Need To Perform Form Validation For Negative Numbers And Letters In Textboxes

I have two URLs. Static.htm and dynamic.asp

Contains a form with two text boxes, called text_1 and text_2 and some other info that is irrelevant for my question.

Need some code to check that the text boxes only contain values greater than 0 and only numbers. Thus if any of the textboxes for example contain -3 or the letter m I want to cancel the form submission and display some kind of error message.

How can I achieve that?

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Formatcurrency Puts ( ) For Negative Numbers

formatcurrency function puts ( ) for negative numbers(e.g. (111) ). How can I display the negative numbers with a minus sign infront like -111.

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Random Numbers And Letters

I have a code to create a random string of letters. The number of them can be whatever I desire.

what i would like to do, is have it both letters and integers. how would inmodify this code to allow that ....

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Separate Numbers And Letters With A Space

How can I correct an address if the user forgets a space between the number and street name? For example, "1600Main Street" would be corrected to "1600 Main Street".

Is there a way to go step by step from the left and enter a space if I hit a letter or stop if I hit a space?

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Insert Textboxes In The Form

Someone have a script to insert dynamic items in the form?
For example...

In my default form have 5 textboxes... I need to put a button to users to "add new item"... and add textboxes to the form.

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Excel Cells To Form Textboxes

if i have an standard excel file and i have data in there in specific cells. Is it possible to have some upload facility that will be able to paste it to specific asp form textboxes?

e.g if the data in the excel file was in cell c4, i would want to paste it into textbox4. Is that possible.


Is it possible to upload an excel file and to put specifc data from different cells directly into an access database.

e.g excel file -c4 i would want to paste it to rs("test4")

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Detecting And Converting Letters To Digits In Input Form

I need a function for blocking or converting letters inserted into a Form to digits, since the Data will be used in mathematical functions.

Is there a specific seach-function for letters, or:

If Input1(not a digit) then...
Else... Input1 * 5...


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Javascript Form Validation - Form Action To Another Page

In my prototype asp page (with no javascript and no password validation, I have a registration form with the following action:

<form name="form" method="post" action="RegDetails.asp">

This works fine, the form details are collected by RegDetails.asp

I am attempting to include javascript server side validation for the pasword, which obviously requires password and password2 fields (to be verified). I have used the script available at:

It works fine in a new blank page with the form action:

<form name=myForm onSubmit="return validatePwd()">

The final stage in this javascript demo form displays an alert box:

else {
alert('Nice job.');
return true;

When I change the first line of my original form to:

<form name=myForm onSubmit="return validatePwd()">

how do I get my original action of - action="RegDetails.asp" instead of this alert box?

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Iterate Through Numbers And Form A Loop

i have an sms phone book that allows users to send multiple sms from the internet to a cell phone.

However when a users chooses to send bulk, it inserts the numbers into a textfield box seperated by commas. Which are in turn passed to the server side to be sent.

Now i would want to seperate each number and loop through them e.g

numbers could be : Note they are seperated by comma


1. on the server side i would like to loop though each number and assign to a variable

2. Count the number of phone numbers and assign a variable total_numbers to it.

e.g. something like this

for each
a = phone_variable

HOw do i achieve this ?

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Negative In ASP

This is probably a simple one for you. How do I write the following

I want to say

if AcceptCancel=Accept and VStatus is not equal to X Then

If ((AcceptCancel = "Accept") AND (VStatus != "X")) Then

The mistake is probably the "!". Where do I put it?

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Form And The Form Validation In The Same Page

I have a simple form to accept two form fields and display the values
entered on pressing the submit button. The following is the form I have
created to accept the two entries and display the form fields on
pressing the submit form. It does not work can somebody please correct
the code or provide a simple equivalent code where I can have the form
and the validation and usage of the form values in the same ASP page.


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Validation Form

can any one show me how to validate the serial number in numerical format like this:06-02-01-xxxxxx
the code i try to use was as below but cannot be done:

If IsNumeric(Form_serial_no)=0 OR InStr(Form_serial_no,"-")=0 Then
Response.write "<br>*Serial Number in wrong format"
Validated_Form =False
End If

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Validation For Form

how can I validate the form; like making sure the user has entered there phone number in (###)-###-#### this format or social secruity ###-##-####. How could I make my form pop an alert box up when they click the submit button so they will not be able to submit till they follow the following format.

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Form Validation

On contact, order, recommend a friend page etc. I run a JavaScript that checks that all the required information has been entered into the form, and it will stop the ASP script executing until you change the incorrect information and Submit the form again. With this script, there is a function that checks the email address and tells you if the address is not valid. (i.e. If the address doesn't have an @ sign).

I put this script to work, and found that many people were turning off JavaScript, filling the form in (and now obviously enter XXXXX) into the email address field and then sending the form that way.

As a safety net, the ASP application that sends me an email checks that fields are not blank, but I don't know how (or whether) you can check to see if the email address is valid.

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Web Form Validation

I need to create a self-validating HTML form using a server-side Excel spreadsheet as the datasource. The customer punches in their order number into the form. A lookup occurs. The rest of the form fields populate automatically with relevant data from the spreadsheet.

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DateDiff Coming Up Negative

I was going to use the DateDiff function for something, so I looked up the syntax real quick at w3schools. Here's what they have:

document.write(Date & "<br />")
document.write(DateDiff("m",Date,"12/31/2002") & "<br />")
document.write(DateDiff("d",Date,"12/31/2002") & "<br />")


I put the same code into a simple test document to verify, except for mine has Response.Write. All my numbers came out negative. If I reverse their positions, I get positive numbers. Is the example above wrong or is there something going on with my PC?

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Turn Negative Number To 0

I am trying to turn negative numbers to dispaly the value of 0. I have a field called new_past_due I am looking for something like this >

<%IF new_past_due = >0 then new_past_due = "0"%>

Is there anybody out there that knows the anser to this one?

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Validation Of Dynamically Form

I have a form that is created dynamically from a recordset, this creates a line for each record together with 2 checkboxes, Yes & No so the source output would be something like this:

<p>Please indicate whether you still use each piece of software detailed below:</p>
<form name="apps" method="POST" action="MyAction.asp">
<table width="600" border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
<tr bgcolor="#9999FF">
<td><font color="#FFFFFF"><strong> Software</strong></font></td>
<td><font color="#FFFFFF"><strong>Required?</strong></font></td>

<td>Adobe Photoshop 7.0 7.0</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="Yes" value="Adobe Photoshop 7.0 7.0">
<input type="checkbox" name="No" value="Adobe Photoshop 7.0 7.0">
No </td>

<td>Citrix ICA Client</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="Yes" value="Citrix ICA Client">
<input type="checkbox" name="No" value="Citrix ICA Client">
No </td>

<td>Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 6.0</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="Yes" value="Macromedia Dreamweaver MX
<input type="checkbox" name="No" value="Macromedia Dreamweaver MX
No </td>
<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="Submit">

And so on......

I want to ensure that either Yes or No has been checked for each line before the form can be submitted, can this be done in asp? The amount of lines in the form will vary.

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ASP Form Validation Problem

i have a radio button and i want to pass the value of the radio button which it holds to a javascript and then pop up a message box with that value Code:

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Form Validation And Re-population

I am working on a script in asp (new to asp, 99% php) and I would like to validate the data (no problem) and then repopulate the data in the table that passed validation, spit out error message for bad data, and leave those areas blank, without using javascript.

I had no problem doing this in the past with php (they have more and better array methods in my opinion) but I am struggling with how to do this in asp.

Has someone done this before? If so, could you share the logic on this?

Scenerio: two fields, one validates, one doesn't, show the form with first name given and last name blank while displaying reason for last name error. I understand the scenrio, but I can't make it work in asp???

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Validation Of Simple Form

Let's take this for example:

<form action="" method="post">
Firstname: <input name=""frmFirstname"><BR>
Lastname:" <input name=""frmLastname"><BR>
Email" Address: <input name=""frmEmailAddress">
<input" type="submit">

what i want to do is to show a Javascript Alert Window when the user enters a blank field and when the user enters an invalid email format.

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Form Validation Code

I'm making form validation that checks a form that will be added to the database when filled out correctly, the error message will be in the form of a line above the form stating that you forgot to enter some fields correctly and pictures of X's behind the field that weren't Filled out correctly. But I can't get it to work correctly. Can someone please help me and if possible change my code or tell me where exactly I need to add certain pieces of code.

<!--#include file="Connections/conn_db.asp" -->
Function isValidation(Len)
If Len(Request.Form) > 0 Then
name = Trim(Request.Form("name"))
formOk = True

If name = "" Then
errName = "*Error: Please enter your name"
formOK = False
End If....

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ASP Form Validation With VBScript

I am trying to validate an asp form with VBScript, I am searching on the net but can't find the proper way to validate an option button to ensure one of the options was selected. Here is my code This one validated whether you select an option or not: Code:

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Form Field Validation?

We have a shared hosting plan (Windows-based) with has a
"generic" form mailer script (gdform.asp) that allows us to set up a
"Contact Us" page, which, when the user clicks "Submit" sends an email to

I am a complete newbie re asp, but looking at the code, it looks to me as if
a error is generated if any of the fields are left blank--which is good. I
don't want to be getting emails that don't contain messages, or that don't
contain a return email address.

However, submitting a completely blank form results in me getting an email
with blank response fields.

Can you take a look at this code and tell me if it should be allowing blank
fields to be submitted? Are there any changes that can be made? Code:

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Form Field Validation

I would like to make two field in a for required fields. Do you all know a simple way to accomplish this? I can post form and any asp if needed( page is getting really huge).

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Form Validation Redux

First off wanted to that all that replied to my previous questions, you were much help.Had a couple of general questions.Why has everyone suggested not using VB Script on the Client Side?

Secondly, I have decided to do my validation on the processing page.If a field on the form does not meet the validation rules, I am able to redirect back to the sending page. How do I do this so that the sending page retains the values that the Client had previously put in so that he only needs to correct the fields that are not valid?

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Form Field Validation

I have a form field on an ASP page and was wondering if I can require the number that is entered to begin with a 0 or a 2.If the number starts with anything else,the user is notified to update the number correctly(Your [FormField] must begin with a 0 or a 2, Please update your entry).

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Form Validation For Checkboxes

have 6 checkboxes on the form i want the user to select 3 of them if the user doesnt select any of them fire an alert if the user selects 3 of them then only submit the form if the user selects 5 of them fire an alert telling him he has to select only 3 same thing applies if he selects 2 checkboxes tell him to select 3

here is the code i have written and its not working ...

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Form Validation Within FCK Editor

Within FCK Editor is there any way of doing form validation?

For example

You create a form and want to add two text fields and a submit button.

At the moment i guess the only way to do is editing the html, does anyone have any good solutions that overcome this problem.

I guess one could add a checkbox when adding the textbox that says validation but not sure how one would go about actually get this validation to work.

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Form Validation When Empty

I have a page containing a basic form in asp. When the form is completed the information is passed to another asp file which generates an email and sends it to me. For example,

Joe Bloggs fills in the form requesting information. When he hits Submit the information is sent to me on email.

I have included form validation to catch any uncompleted form fields and prompt the user for information. But when i try and submit an empty form my validation is ignored and the form is submitted sending the email to me with no information.

I know the validation is correct because when i remove the Form Action property the validation works fine.

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Form Validation (Blaw)

I am trying to update a database via a Front End Application (Web Based). My problem is that I have to do some validation before updating the database.I have to check that if a dropdownlist (main) SelectedItems is not empty that all related textboxes (2) and another dropdownlist (secondary) has some data in it, or the other way round, that if any of the text boxes and the dropdownlist (secondary) contains data that all the related controls are also not empty.

My current Front End is an Excel Form and I am using the TAG properties to do validation.

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Form Validation On Mac Not Working

THe form is set up using a form validation script on the server and using erver.transfer to return the user to the form if it required fields are not filled in. THe issue he is having is that if he misses in so much as ONE field and submits it returns him to an empty form. I have had others try this and it works great. I'm baffled.

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Dynamic Form Validation

I am trying to complete a form validation for a repeated dynamic text box. Someone shared some code with me that doesn't seem to do the trick but it lead me in the right direction. Here is the code that I'm using: Code:

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