Not Visible Objects

I created a label, a textbox and a button when i build the webform and try to see it with the explorer it only show the label

The other 2 objects (textbox and Button) at the Visual Basic.Net editor at the properties are visible and in the code i have
<asp:TextBox id="TextBox1" runat="server" Width="122px"></asp:TextBox>

What can I do that

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Visible Button

I have a form with three <textarea> and one <input> element. When either of
these are changed I want an "Update" button to be visible at the bottom of
the form. I've tried this:

On every element I've added this trigger:

Function like this:
function jsVwBtn()
{document.form1.btnupdate.type = "button";}

Default the btnupdate type is set to "hidden".
Some of you might start to laugh now, but as you continue do that please
give some "state of the art" way to do this

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Data Not Visible

Some pages wont display dynamic data from the SQL DB unless the data is in a
certain order, when I move the dynamic element up the page it becomes
visible.Does the layout in the SQL DB determine the layout on the page?

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Hidden Visible

how to make an onmouseover:visible area in the page? i mean ie. i have an output page, and list of datas from database. i want buttons releated its appear when i get my cursor over area of any data. but my buttons are called from includes this:Code:

<td><%if session("isUserLogin") then%>
<%select case cint(session("userLevel"))%>
<%case 10%>
<!--#include virtual="/includes/"--><%case 15%>
<!--#include virtual="/includes/"-->
<%end select%><%end if%></td>

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Visible Files

Which directories and files are visible and readable for a (hacking) user at a Website:

a)directories in the default website (obviously: YES)
b).asp-files in the default Website
c).asp-files in any diretory outside the default Website
d)virtual directories, with files, referred to in the Website
e)any virtual directory, with files, set up in IIS
f)any other directory and file on the server computer that you know the local physical path to
g)any other directory and file on the server computer that you know a valid URL to.

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Sessions Not Visible Through Out The Site

I seem to been having a problem with sessions. I have a session in the login page.

Session("UserLevel") = (MM_rsUser.Fields.Item("Accesslevel").Value)

which doesn't seem to be visible through out the site. If I use <%
Response.Write(Session("UserLevel")) %> on the login page then it shows that
the session in is present and the correct value. but when I use <%
Response.Write(Session("UserLevel")) %>. on any other page through out the
site it returns nothing

I'm actually wont to use sessions to protect admin pages.

As I am new to sessions, is there anything I am missing?

or can any one point me in the right direction?

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Hidden Fields Are Visible

I have a form in which if i check one checkbox it makes 2 textboxes invisible. Thats working fine.( I am using java script to perform this)Now when user fill the form and hit submit and if some required field is missing than it forces the user to go back to form and complete it.
While going back it retains all the values for all the fields.It also retails the checkboxs but even though the checkbox is checked now but textboxes which should be hidden are visible.

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Ie Not Visible In Debug Mode

i have searched through a ton of past posts in an effort to find the
answer to my problem but so far have come up with nothing.
The problem I am experiencing is with VS6, visual interdev on windows
2000, with IIS.

When ever i attempt to debug my asp web app the debugger will step into
the code and will start an Iexplore.exe process, but not actually make
internet explorer visible.

Does anyone know any way round this I have spent loads of time trying
to sort it already.

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Visible Message Error

There is a way to make appear the message error (alert) always in front of all the others window, and not behind?

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Grabing The Visible Text Of A Page

I was wondering if there was any way to grab all the visible text off a page using asp and xml. I can get all the html of a page. Can anyone help we be able to grab the visilble text.

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Making A Submit Button Not Visible

Does anyone know how to make a Submit button not visible? i know how to disable it, just type disabled in the tag. Any ideas?

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Shared Folders Not Visible In Interdev

I have several folders on a test web server that are not
visible in the directory structures of several programs,
including Visual Interdev and Stac ReachOut. All these
folders have one thing in common: they are shared. I
tried turning sharing off to fix the problem - no good.

The only way to make these folders visible to my project
is to manually add them. But every time I refresh my
project view, the folders go back to not being visible
and I have to add them again. Any ideas?

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Change List Selection Makes Field Visible?

I have a survey/member form that gathers information. I would like to have a drop down list on a page that a user selects, either 1, 2 or 3.If 2 or 3 I would like to show on the form another field for information gathering ie:if a user has 1 cat, fields for cat name, sex & age show.

if a user has 2 cats, 2 fields show instead of one for each, and the same
for 3.....

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Objects In ASP

I was working with filesystemobject in asp.
When i give filesysstemobject.copyfile the system will be gogin searching indefelty and IIS will get crash..
Why this pblm occurs..

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ASP Objects

I would like to know if someone has already exchange ASP objects by SOAP with the SOAP Toolkit 3.0 ? Is-it possible ?Because, I have to connect, with ASP, to a Web Service and send to him array of objects.

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COM Objects?

I'm so glad i finally found a web development forum! It's been a while and it's not easy to find. Until someone recommended this site to me.

Enough about that... I really want to learn about COM objects and don't really know where to go to find out about such things.

If someone could direct me to the right place, i'd be extremely grateful.

I've already learned ASP and PHP (though i have to admit that i am not an expert and I don't think i'll ever be one), but i aim to be a "jack of all trades".

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Objects Set To Nothing

anyone have better information on IIS 5.0 memory behaviour on setting objects to nothing?

Connections and recordsets of course should be set to nothing, but should for example XMLNode object be set to nothing?

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Com Objects

I have a object which I declare as a application object "gObj".

I need to use "gObj" with all sessions. I need "gObj" to have access based on the user's id. Is this possible without creating multiple gObj's?

Code would be something like:

set gobj = Server.Create( "someDll" )

gobj.uname = "somename"
gobj.port = 1234
gobj.pwd = "pwd"

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Different Objects For ObjCDO. ?

I've created a simple pop-up form that
takes the required info and sends it via e-mail. Right now, I've got
the From E-mail, the To E-mail, the Subject, and the TextBody. It
works, and it's fine, but I'd like to spruce it up a little so I can
make it more personalized. Can I add other objects? I've been
searching for a general reference online that lists all my choices for
ObjCDO, but can't find anything, and any ideas of my own ("FirstName",
"Comments", etc.) have been shot down as not being supported.

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BLOB Objects

I have stored a .gif and jpeg file in the database as the BLOB object.
Now I am trying to create a report which displays that gif file along with another information.
Is there a way I can display the BLOB objects on the page without having to use any crystal report tool or anything ?

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Objects Events

I build a ATL object that is used in an ASP page.
Can I insert events inside this ATL object?
ATL is builded in C++

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Destroying All Asp Objects

I have a website with a large collection of pages. Many of these dynamic pages use multiple objects created via the Server.CreateObject method. There are filesystem objects, recordsets, browsertype objects, you name it. I need a script that will loop through all of the objects and Set them = Nothing to destroy them.

I imagine the script would be somewhat like this.

For Each obj In ServerObjects
If IsObject(obj) Then
Set obj = Nothing
End If

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Storing Objects

I've read that you shouldn't store objects in Session variables.
I've read these reasons:
- The object takes up memory that may not be freed until the session times
out. Better to create the object only when you actually use it.
- Causes poor performance because the thread that created the object has to
service all requests for it.
Assuming I can live with the memory and performance implications (a big if,
but let's assume it for a minute), what other reasons are there?

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Asp Built In Objects

1) can any one tell me what are built in objects in ASP 3.

in asp 2 it was
object context object

2)what are asp variables ?

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Import Objects In Asp?

I have a problem with including an object in my asp page. I�ve translated an algoritm I found that was written in javascript and it needs a method, floor(), from System.Math to work.

in javascript you can just write Math.floor(x+1) but it seems asp doesn�t automatically include that Math object. It�s a little weird since the method Round() can be used withour any includes of any kind and thats a part of the Math object!

So... How do I do to access this floor() method?

I tried to write:

<%Imports System.Math %>

but it doesn�t seem to do the trick.

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How Can I Retreive Ole Objects From DB

Can i get any asp sample codes to retreive photo's from access database
For instances:To get codes on your pages Response.write......
similiar for images.

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Creating Objects

Set obj = Server.CreateObject("")

can the above statement be used to create any objects other than a recordset?

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Objects Vs. Classic

I have scripts on a server that awhile back had new option/server packs installed (to accomodate security and net framework issues) and my classic asp date references
"Date()" and "Now" will sometimes flip flop the formatting of the date from 10/3/2003 to 3/10/2003 (european mode).

What would be a good way to use an include file to perhaps an date object, or where would I find a good reference to using an aspx file to calculate and display the date properly so that I can avoid this flip flop snafu of the date formatting.

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Intrinsic Objects

ISessionObject is created each time When any ASP Page is started executing and destroys on the page ends (not session end) while the session state (data) is originated already somewhere from where ISessionObject fetches.

When user Request another page the ISessionObject is again constructed and the data from original location is loaded from there.Same with IApplication type object & IScriptingContext object.

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Create OLE Objects

I've a client-server application written in Access. Some of the codings make use of OLE so that the Access application creates a Word document on the fly and fit in relevant values.I'm examining if using ASP pages can do similar function (to create and manipulate OLE objects)?Anybody knows if ASP can do?

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Display Objects

I want to have a little box on my asp login panel. I want to be able to display the following

Number of databases
Number of tables
Number of users (logins)
Time/Date of last update
Last user logged in

How can I go about doing this? What code do I need?

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Session Objects

I'm creating a small program in Dreamweaver. The first screen is a login screen that contains a form, which asks for the users Email address and a password. The form is called 'login' which contains 2 fields, email: (called 'login') and password: (called 'password').

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I've managed to do all the authorisation stuff. A back-end database which contains a table called 'users' has all authorised emails and passwords. So when a user logs in, the login criteria is checked against the email/password in the Microsoft SQL database table, if it matches, they are redirected to the user account page.

At the top of the user account page I want it to say "Welcome! <Insert user email address here>" I know it may have something to do with session objects which are passed on but I have no idea how to program it.

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Textstream Objects

What I'm trying to do is take a really long text file and just pull out key lines in the file based on the first word on the line to create a new text file with just the lines I select for written.

I'm comfortable with the opening and creating textfile part, but how would I scan through the source file and only readline when I hit line that starts with a keyword, then append that to the new file and keep going until the next keyword or file end? That's what I can't figure out.

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