OLE DB Provider

i get this error when i use other computer.but when i test the whole asp code adding data it works perfectly.but when tested with other pc this error shows up.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query.
/DBarticles/addarticles.asp, line 50

line 50 is "adoconn.execute myquery"

how can i solve this problem?my guess is other pc's doesnt have a required driver to run this code?

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My provider do not support AbsolutePage, PageCount, and PageSize properties.
Are there any alternative ways to break my page wih data received from my Access Database to show only 10 records per page?

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Data Provider

I'm getting this error on a bunch of my scripts. My company is moving our web applications from an older server to a Windows 2003 server, and a bunch of my ASP scripts are throwing errors.
The only one I can't understand is:
"Data provider or other service returned an E_FAIL status."
I understand that the problem is that we have dates that are 0000-00-00, but there's nothing we can do about that. Some of our applications store dates that are not required. If we were to store a random date, it would throw everything off.
Is there a way to remove this check so it continues execution? I would hate to think that the program would fail because of the format of the date.and we are using MySQL 4.1.11 as the DB.

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Microsoft OLE DB Provider

I keep getting this error
Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E07)
Syntax error converting datetime from character string.
for the following

inserting="insert into rental (cust_num, item_sku,rental_date,return_date) VALUES ('"&session("cust_num")&"', '"&rs.fields("item_sku")&"','"&now()&"','"&now()+3&"') "
How can I solve it??

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Provider Error

The error occurs when I try to connect to the database (the last line in the code snippet). I am trying to connect to a system DSN named "DSN". It is an IBM DB2 database on a mainframe. I use a product called DB2 Connect to create the ODBC connection on the Windows 2000 server that allows me to access the database on the mainframe.

<%option explicit%>
Dim Conn, rs
set Conn = Server.CreateObject("adodb.connection")
Conn.Open "Provider=IBMDADB2;DSN=DSN;User Id=XX33XX;Password=XX33XX;"

The error I receive is the following...

"Provider Error '80004005' Unspecified Error"

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ASP Error With Provider

ADODB.Connection error '800a0e7a'

Provider cannot be found. It may not be properly installed.

/intranet/Connection.asp, line 7

i have the latest mdac installed as well as office, confused as to y this works on another machine and not ma 64bit

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Microsoft OLE DB Provider

Can you tell me what this error means? And maybe how to resolve it? Code:

SELECT * FROM mms_tbl_membershipType WHERE ID = 3
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'

Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '='.

/home/_register_2.asp, line 80

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Email Using ISP Provider

I would like to send a Generic Email to 50 people,but condition is that user should see only his email address in the To Field. So I thought i will generate 50 emails, But Now the problem is I have a windows 2000 Professional Server, with Outlook Express and Visual basic, I can also use ASP or ASP.NET if that make's Easy. I have MSN as my ISP. So what is the Best Method to accomplish this Task?

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Microsoft OLE DB Provider

Can someone please tell why I am getting this error? I have the primary key field as text field, and allow zero length=yes, and when I try to submit the form, I get the following error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e2f'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Index or primary key cannot contain a Null value.

Is it because the ODBC connection is not set properly? or the problem is in the database?

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Microsoft OLE DB Provider

I have tried to create a stored proc in SQl server.The query is like this: CREATE PROCEDURE sp_GetMemberList (@spstr_condn varChar(255)) AS SELECT * FROM tbl_member order by @spstr_condn . But an error was generated.

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14)

The SELECT item identified by the ORDER BY number 1 contains a variable as part of the expression identifying a column position. Variables are only allowed when ordering by an expression referencing a column name.

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Provider Error '80004005'

I am getting this error on the connection string. in the following code.

Dim objConn, objRS, strQ
Dim strConnection
Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
strConnection = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" & "DBQ=" & server.mappath("datawudb.mdb") & ";"
objConn.Open strConnection <----- here is where the error is
strQ ="SELECT * FROM Comments WHERE PostIndex=True "
set objRS=objConn.Execute(strQ)

I haven't changed anything on this page it has been working fine till about an hour ago
Does anone have a clue how I might go about fixing it?

It seems to allow me to connect on the index page and then error on signin page. If I wait long enough it will let me log on but error every time I open a new connection.

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Provider Error '80004005'

I'm writing a website.. I designed and coded the site on my laptop. Now that I am finished I've uploaded the site on an IIS server.


I'm writing the site in ASP, with an Access database. Now that I've upload the site to ISS, I am getting this error!

This error is often used by ASP, it gets there if u get problems with policies, like users who can eddit the database. I've added IUSER with write/read rights, so that cant
be the problem.

IIS is configured succesfully... The problem does nog accur, if I am the only one on
the website, but it does when many users get to the site.

Well I found the next thing, and it seemed logical...: ASP connects with a connection-
string... when u call a SQL database, the connectionstring is loaded, when u kill the
browser (or page) the connectionstring dies asswell.

But with Access, the connectionstring remains. There is a limit on these strings, (100)
so if many users connect, many strings are created, but this isnt it either


Provider error '80004005' Unspecified error, this error is located on the line where
the connectionstring is declared.

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Provider Error '80004005'

Im in a real pickle - the most annoying thing is, because the database was working perfectly for a month, but suddenly im getting this -

Provider error '80004005'

Unspecified error

/site/bars_list.asp, line 15

code -

Set site01 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")

It does not make any sense. all i did was upload the database to the server, made a couple of ASP pages, and suddenly it wont work. Any possible ideas here?

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Service Provider Architecture

We're developing a hosted application that will be used by hundreds of
client companies, each with its own database. Our first release of this
product separated each customer into its own virtual directory with a copy of
the code (classic ASP/IIS 5). We want to design the next version so that
there is one virtual directory, one common copy of the code.
are we losing any application isolation by doing this?
Under IIS5 by separating each customer into a virtual dir, we created a
separate "application" that could be pooled or isolated. Under IIS 6, do we
have to do the same thing or is there a way to break a single "site" into
multiple application pools. It seems that the default is to have an
application pool per site.

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Provider Error '80020005'

I am getting the following error!

Provider error '80020005'

Type mismatch.

/forms/Eta_database4.asp, line 145

line 145 is : Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
ObjRS.open "status", strSQL, objConn, 0, 1

By the i have made some changes! The rest of my code:

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Connect To 2 Database With 1 Provider.

I am using the following to connect to SQL Server. How can connect to 2 database with this?

strProvider = "Driver={SQL Server};SERVER=myserver;UID=user;PWD=password;DATA BASE=myDatabase;"

I do not want to code the Database name and user in the query, as below:


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Provider Error '80004005'

Hosting is being done at a WebHost company. ASP makes calls to database and
seems to work on first call, but second call (refresh or do anything with
data first call pulls up) it errors out.

this only showed up today, after testing worked fine for first 24 hours of
i have taken the database off the host site and replaced it looking at it as well as reset the read/write permissions to directory and mdb file as well (it is Access). Still no go - same issues.

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Payment Provider With Solid API

We are using classic ASP for our site and we are looking for a solid and inexpensive payment provider that we can do under the hood API integration with. We do not want to install any software on the server to do this (re: PayPal's API). We have worked with Authorize.net before but their startup price tag is a little high.

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Session State Provider API

I'm wanting to know how I can plug in a session state provider into ASP.NET. Currently you can use either the in-process, stateServer or SQL stores. Is the provider interface open and where is it documented? I've seen that Mono does provide their own state servers but I'm not sure if this is using standard provider interfaces.

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Provider Error '80004005'

I recently upgraded a client's database from SQL 6.5 to 2000. While I was testing the pages, I encountered the following error on one of the pages:

Providererror '80004005'
Unspecified error
D:INETPUBWWWROOTMTONLINEFACIL../includes/func_dataaccess.inc, line 18

The include file has a function that has the connection string. There are many other pages that access the same include and they work fine. Searched net but could not find the right answer to my problem. IIS and SQL Server are on the same machine.

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Provider Error '8007000e'

I am getting the following error:

Provider error '8007000e'

Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.

/apps/seas/EmpAssocView.asp, line 21

The line number refers to the execution of a stored procedure in package in Oracle. Any page that tries to use one of the store procedures in this package might get this error. I say might becaus this does not happen all the time. Sometimes it will execute correctl and other times I will recieve the error above.

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Provider Error '8007000e'

I use ASP code to generate report that I retrieve about 100,000 to
800,000 records from database using ADODB.Recordset. But when i run the
code, it show me the following error.

Provider error '8007000e'
Not enough storage is available to complete this operation.
/e-survey/progress3.asp, line 192

Here is my code:

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Provider (0x80004005) Unspecified Error

Provider (0x80004005)Unspecified error /portfoliomgmt/viewportfolio.asp, line 12

line 12 is where connection is opening i am using access database

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Testing Custom Membership Provider

How can I test a membership provider using a test project within VS 2005? Basically I am stuck trying to read the custom app.config file I added to the project with a <system.websection.

I think the testing environment is more structured than creating a web application to test the provider.

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Does OLE DB Provider For MySQL Support Transactions

I am working with MySQL database.

I am using ASP.I am using transaction safe table type InnoDb to create tables in MySQL.

I am accessing these tables from ASP using OLE DB provider for Mysql Version 3.0.When I issue a command like


I get the error "Provider does not support Transactions".

Pl. tell me how can I manage transactions for Mysql using the OLE DB provider.I thought of using MyODBC driver,but this driver always gives the recordcount as -1.

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Accessing AD Using ADSI LDAP Provider In ASP

I'd like to get some user account properties using .asp script. When I try
to use ADSI WINNT provider it works fine except that I apparently cannot
access some properties such as objUser.managedObjects. I have this simple

Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://CN=Users,CN=FisrtName
For Each strValue in objUser.managedObjects
Response.Write "This: " & strValue & "<br>"

As a VBS script it works fine but as an ASP page I cannot get the object
initialized. Is it problem with syntax or something else? I'd like to avoid
using .NET Framework and ADO connection as well if possible. All I really
need is to get list of managedObjects.

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Microsoft OLE DB Provider For SQL Server (0x80040E14)

This is the error:

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E14)
Invalid parameter 1 specified for datediff.

And this is the code:

sql_del = "DELETE FROM table WHERE status=0 and DateDiff('d',date_record,GetDate()) > 15;"

"date_record" helds the date where a record has been entered in the database (the database is SQL server) and it looks like this format "11/6/2002" or "6/6/2005".

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Microsoft OLE DB Provider For SQL Servererror '80040e14'

I am getting the following error: "

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Servererror '80040e14'Line 1: Incorrect syntax near 'pt1'. "

Here is my Select statement:

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Microsoft OLE DB Provider For ODBC Drivers

i have a project which is running on my webserver and is live for people to view on the intranet.. i have copied a copy of this project and i want to be able to make some changes to it... when i am trying enter the name of the project in the address toolbar of internet explorer i keep on getting this error message

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified
/copy of project/Default.asp, line 9

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Provider (0x80020005) - Incompatible Type

I have made a very simple asp script that, for now, does not do more than open a connection through ODBC to an Access database, create a command and create a recordset. But when it comes to the command

my_recordset.Source = command_name.Execute I get the error
Provider (0x80020005) Type mismatch

I have checked the database and it is ok, the connection is established too, the commandtext is a simple "SELECT TABLE.* FROM TABLE" - I simply can't figure out what might me the problem. Could this be some incompatbility problem IIS-ODBC-Access-?

My configuration is the following:

Windows 2000 Server sp4 latest fixpacks,
Office 2003 latest updates
ODBC Access driver: 4.00.6200.00

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Problem Using WinNT Provider And GetObject

single ASP page running on IIS 5 on a Native Windows 2000 AD:

<%Set usr = GetObject("WinNT://LONGWOOD/duffeyba,user")%>

(the IIS machine is a member server)

The page is running as the user 'duffeyba'.

I am getting this result:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0046'
Permission denied: 'GetObject'

/cyphir/auth/test4.asp, line 1

This code works fine our our test domain, but fails on our production

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Error '80070035' Using WinNT Provider

ASP code looks like this (win2k, IIS 5, Win2k AD):

Set oUser = GetObject("WinNT://ourdomain/testuser")
response.write("user = " & oUser.Name)

output is this:

error '80070035'
/cyphir/auth/test.asp, line 2

The .asp page is running as 'testuser'. This works on our test domain, fails on production .

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Provider Error '80004005' When Read-only

I can go to my asp page just fine and it shows all of the information that i am just reading from the database. however, if i use the back button, and select another query to run on the database, i get the error

Providererror '80004005'
Unspecified error

i have the ODBC driver set to read only on the database file

the security of the database file has the IUSR_computer set to modify, read, read&execute, write. Is there something i am missing here with the permissions ??

after about 5 minutes of not running the query again, i can hit the refresh button on my browser and all of the new information from the new query shows up.

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