On Close, Cancel Back Clicks

I am using asp, and would like to display a pop-up box when a user cancels the window and when he clicks the back button, to remind them to save their changes.

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Empty Form When User Clicks Back

I want to empty the forms fields when a user clicks on the back button. I wrote some js that will do this, but I can't figure out the right time to execute the script. If I do it on the submit form event, the values entered do not get posted, if I do it on the <body> onLoad event, the form name isn't recognized (the page posts to itsself). I also tried putting the js in a <script> tag inline just after the form, but it doesn't seem to have any effect.

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Cancel On Error Resume Next

I am using On Error Resume Next to allow my application to deal with errors accessing the database, i.e. if the DSN-less connection doesn't work then it tries the DSN connection and this is fine.

What I want to find out is how can i stop the rest of the page continuing after errors, in essence I want to cancel the On Error Resume Next statement after the database connection stuff is done so that errors will stop the page and I can debug them.

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User Requested Cancel

I was getting this error message using an ASP to run a stored procedure in ORACLE.
ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operationMy stored procedure was taking a long time to process.

In the ASP page:

set cmd = server.CreateObject ("ADODB.Command")
with cmd
set .ActiveConnection = cnn3
..CommandTimeout=300 '' <= I added This
..CommandText = mySQL
..CommandType = 4 'adCmdStoredProc

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Check User Respone To OK/Cancel Box.

I have the following line of code in an asp.net app?

Response.Write("<script>ret = confirm('Print Orders?');</script>")

How can I check the value of the variable ret in asp.net? I want to be able to check the repsonse from the user before continuing with my asp.net code. Is this possible, or am I going about this the wrong way?

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Counting Clicks

What is the best way to count how many times an image has been clicked?
I have an image gallery on a site and want to count how many times each
image has been clicked (clicking pulls up the full size image in a window)
so that I know which are popular and which are not.
I though about wimply adding an extra field to the database which serves up
the image details, and incrementing a number by 1 each time a user clicks it
just before the image is served up. What are the chances of this falling
over if two people were to click the same image at the same time?

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Auditing Visitors And Clicks

so I know I have a book behind me that tells how to collect data from users that visit my site.I want to track my PPC campaigns.

So I know I can gather the users ip address, date time. All campaigns have a "?source=abc" so I know i can collect which campaign the click came from.But aside from that, can I collect stuff like... the users ISP? how long their session lasted? The search phrase used? Operating System? Platform? I'm feeling that my competition is clicking my high dollar compaigns and I wanna stop it.

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Recording CheckBoxes Clicks

I have a page that performs asp paging and displaying name and a checkbox. I want to track how many checkboxes user check throughout whole recordset. Ok Here is the catch. I need to show to a user a count as he performs paging. I tried to use cookies in javascript but i was not successfull.

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Page / Product Clicks

I have list of products listed from a search criteria, Now I wanna show the client TOP VIEWED LIST OF PRODUCTS or number of hits for each product. So the page hits using the counter component will give me the hits for the entire which has all the products.

Perhaps I could catch it in the product DETAIL page, how do I list the number of hits for each product. Secondly I have IIS 4.0 make sure you recomend the right component.

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Back Button : : How To Fill Values Back

I have a form that submits values to an asp page. If their is an error on the asp page that is called and you go back to the first page with the form. The values are not in the form.

How can I set the value back into form without the user having to retype them in? If I use hidden fields on the first asp page and I go back to that page wouldn't the values for the hidden fields be empty as well?

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Add New Objects To The Page When User Clicks On A Button

Is there a way to dynamically add drill down lists and input boxes to the HTML page. For example if the user clicks in a button it adds a new line contains one drilldown list + two input text boxes?

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Logical Problem-Counting Clicks On Button

i have made a page which will generate a different data each time the button is clicked. Now i want to count the clicks, when clicks should be 30 it should stop displaying the data. Code:

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How To Create A URL And When User Clicks It To Open A Excel Workbook

I want to place a Excel workbook on the web server and create a URL
link to it and when the user clicks on it to the URL/vbscript behind
it must launch Excel on the client and open the URL linked Excel
workbook automatically.

Can you please share the code HTMl & VB script snippet that can do

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Close Window

Can I use ASP code to close the current window?

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Window Cannot Close.

i have quotation_start.asp which was set to be a small window (height=250, width=500). there is a YES button and some data on this page. when user clicks YES, data will be saved into database, quotation_start.asp will be closed automatically and a new page, quotation_admin.asp will appear in the main window at rightFrame. everything is ok except the quotation_start.asp never close. it remains there. here is the code:

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How To Close A Session?

i want to know a way to end the session as the user closes the window. As the user closes the reg_conf.asp page, i want the session of this user to end as well. how to do? how to detect the closing of the browser? ive used global.asa.

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Popup Close

I made a popup for uploading some files.My popup looks like this:

function openpopup(){
var popurl="upload_tst.asp"

<a href="javascript:self.close()">close </a>



My problem is that I cannot close the popup.

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Close Registrations

I am trying to set a cut off limit date on my page. For example if the class limit is 40, it should automatically close the registrations. How would I code for that ?

This code was written by someone elase. But I have to add this functionality of setting limits. The code is:

<td bgcolor="#EEEEEE"><div align="left" class="style26"><span class="style4"><%=(rs_ClassInfo.Fields.Item("ClassLimit").Value)%></span></div></td>

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Automatically Close

Pls what code can i use to automatically close and asp page after execution.

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Close A New Window

Host Environment: IIS in window 2003 server, three web servers, one load balance, ASP (not ASP.net) code set.There is part A codes in one asp page (page A) to open a new window (Window B). The new window like a clock non-stop running. There is part B codes in
the page A need to close window B.

There is no problem if the there is only one web server. It works. When there is a load balance and more than one web server, then the window B can not be closed.

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Close Conntions

I suspect i don't close well my recordset.how can i CLOSE / FREE / RELEASE
recordSets and connections

in order to avoid server memory loss?

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Close Browser

When I user decisedes to leave my site.How can I detect that imidietly and trigger code to run from that?

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Close All Recordsets

Is it possible to move to all the open RS and connections? I open different recordsets on my page and in the end I need to close them and close connection. Problem is I need a function to do that to have it on every page.

Is it possible to travel through all open recordsets like it is possible to travel through all the querystrings and form data?

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Close Form

i have a exit button...where when i click on it..it should show msg box..asking whether to close the form or not?..if yes it should colse the form and show the main form...if no..it should redirect to the same form..hw to do this using asp.

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Object Close

I have developed an ASp files i have used lot of objects in it like recordset and connection objects, but some of the objects is not being closed.so is it possbile to write a code which automatically closes all the objects opened without mentioning the name given to the object.

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Close ALL Connections

how to close all open database connections without referring to each connection by name across an entire server?

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Close Veriables?

I have a general question. In my asp page, I have DB connection, Recordset,
and some variables like

dim name, conn, rs
set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs= server.createObject("ADODB.Recordset")

name = rs("username")

I know I need to close the connection like
set conn = nothing

Do I need to close the recordset and variables? What is the reason?

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When using "window.close", a dialog box ask u to comfirm, how to disable it ?

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Close Browser Window.

What's the best way to close current window silently after finished a

I'm using the the javascritpt window.close() or top.window.close(), but it
fires a confirmation window.

Just want to close it without any confirmation, seems I done it before, but
can't find where.

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Can ASp Be Used To Close And Reopen A Frameset

I have a system of pages set up on an intranet that uses a top frame and left frame for much of the navigation. But I would like to allow the people viewing the pages to close and reopen the frameset thus allowing more room to view the content. Is there a way that I can make a button either close or just resize the nav frames without losing the content page...

I think that a resize option would be the best that way I can just put a link on the frame and resize it to where only the link is viewable.

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Close Browser Window

I wrote an ASP page to export data from the database to an excel spreadsheet file. The problem is, after the user saved the file to his/her hard drive, the export browser window still remains. How do I close the export window after users saved the file?

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How Do I Close A Window After Processing

I am calling an asp page from my flash file & the asp code is as follows: Code:

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Close Window Without Warning

I want to close the window without the warning "internet explorer is trying to close..." being displayed. I want to do this with vbscript. I found out that in javascript you can do it by including window.opener='x' followed by the window.close statement.My code is:

Response.Write "<script type=""text/vbscript"">"
Response.Write "MsgBox ""Hi. see you again"""
Response.Write vbcrlf
Response.Write "window.close"
Response.Write "</script>"

is thr anyway i can get this done in this code?

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