OnMouseOver And OnMouseOut Doesn't Work Properly

I used onMouseOver and onMouseOut to switch the image when mouse over the image. But for some images, this event doesn't work and some yes while i'm using the same method to call the event. Code:

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CDONTS Doesnt Work Always

I am using CDONTS to send mail to the user from my ASP application.
However, the code doenst works all the time. I am able to get mails but
nothing happnes most of the time. The code works maybe once in 20 tries.
What could be the reason?

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CDONTS Doesnt Seem To Work

i posted earlier, and the response seemed to be there is
another dll i need to use the cdonts object, i used it
fine for awhile on my old setup, i upgraded to 2k3 and it
errors up as if cdonts isnt an object. So is there a dll
i need to have to use the cdonts object in iis 6 or do i
need to rewrite my code to use cdo? (if so, please provide
asp 3 example on how to send an email with recepient,
sender, body and subject)

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Why FileSystem Doesnt Work Wit My IIS 5.01 On XP

I have got a problem wit da FILESYSTEM in ASP coding. Before I use window 98 installing PWS. Everything works fine....

And now, I use Window XP professional ( Laplop ), everything is updated ( Service Pack, .NET component, ASP.net stuff...

All my ASP code with FileSystem which used to be properly ran cant be executed on my XP server.

There is no message error on da page, but the browser icon keeps spinning and da content is blank, it means u dont see anything happens. I wanna ensure dat all da code is right, cos it work properly with PSW and other servers. I even tested with a simple code, but It still doesnt work..... Code:

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Ntext Doesnt Work With ASP

I'm using SQL Server and I decided to convert one of the fields from nvarchar to ntext. The transition in the manager was all right, but my ASP pages wouldn't display the ntext and there is no error message. I use Code:


to display the ntext...and there is nothing.

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GetRow Doesnt Work

I have a database table with several records. Now I am filtering some data based on the "where" statement. If I run the query in analyzer then I get 20 rows. If I run the same query in asp and assign GetRows() to an array, then the array returns only 4. I am not sure if I am using the GetRows wrong. Here is a snipp of my code:

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HTTP_REFERER Does Not Work Properly

Pretty simple task ... page1.asp calls page2.asp and I want page2.asp to show the HTTP_REFERER (which I expect to be page1.asp).

It's blank when I try from my local machine and from other machines. HTTP_HOST, URL and various other server variables work fine so there is a work around, but I'd like to know why HTTP_REFERER doesn't seem to work

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I have a table cell in a asp page.I set the background and forecolor using javascript.
How do I also set my mouse to turn to a thumbnail as
opposed to an arrow. It just indicate sto my user that
they can click on the cell as it is a link.
So my question is: how do I change my mouse pinter to be a
thumb / hand using javascript onmouseover?

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Highlight Onmouseover

Is there a way using VbScript or Javascript to have an imagemap highlight on a mouse over event? Doesn't matter if it highlights the entire imagemap area or just outlines it, but I need a way to indicate that the user is over a spot other than just a cursor change.

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Div, OnMouseOver, Open HTML File

I am trying do do this when a mouse is over a link (as the image attached), so a popup comes and show the database results, like i have done using Degsy solution.

I have a page (nw.asp) and it queries the db information. if is possible to call this .asp page in the div, I can use the 'a href' like this: Code:

<a href="nw.asp?id=<%=rs("id") %>">.

So this way will be possible to mouseover others links in this page, and as it is asking for id, will bring all the right values o.

I am trying to grab more information around this solution and any light will be so kinda.

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Doesnt Retun All Columns

I have a query in ASP that does a select * from table
It doesnt retun all columns!
When i use objRS("columnname") I get blank. This only effects some colums and I fix it by using

select *,missingcolumn1,missingcolumn2 from table

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SQL Db Doesnt Support The Cookie

I wrote the code for Members of Register. and i use cookie in this code, My database is SQL server. SQL server dosent support the cookies in my codes i dont know why this cause but my codes are working without any cause .

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Assignment Doesnt Assign

My ASP page contains the following VBScript code:

zipCode = Request.Form("zip")
%> <br>zip: <%= zipCode %>, rf: <%= Request.Form("zip") %>

When I enter "abc" into the "zip" field on the form, I get the
following output:

zip: , rf: abc

Why doesn't the first statement assign the "abc" string to the
variable "zipCode"? What am I not seeing?

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PWS On NT Doesnt Display Asp/ And Installation

My friedn is using PWS on NT4 machine, its a local machine, whenever he directs to an .asp page, visual interdev starts.

How can we over ocme this.I had solved this problem long time ago. Now i dont remember. Also to install IIS4.0 do we need to install MTS? if yes, where can we get

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CDONTS Object Doesnt Recognize Simplified Chinese Characters

When we send a mail using the code below,we do not get simplified chinese characters if they are present in the body but we get junk in the mail and we need to change the mails encoding to simplified chinese to see the Chinese characters.

'CDONTS object
set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objMail.MailFormat = 0
objMail.From = sFromEmail
objMail.To = sToEmail
objMail.Subject = sSubject
objMail.Body = sMessage
set objMail = Nothing

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Doesnt Display Char Type Data Field Length 1

I have one field char type data length 1.. It has data either 1 or 2 in all the field tht I have checked through enterprise manager.

I'm running query:

"select * from table" and fetching all the records and displaying...

It display all the data except data from this field..Doesnt display anything..

I had put Response.write rs("fieldname")

What could be the problem?

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XML Not Output Properly

I created an RSS script for my readers to use, but I have been having some minor issues with it.

Actuallyit works fine and I have tested it in 3 feed readers without a problem. Still it does not output as perfect XML if you go here you will see what I mean. Code:

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Do Until Not Functioning Properly

The basic gist of this is that it makes downloading of podcast's available (currently) all the time. However I need it to make them available if and only if the date is the day after the podcast is recorded.

Currently the site is making them available the day before they're actually ready. How can I code this so that the asp page knows that the podcast should be available only on the day it is actually ready? Code:

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Checkboxes Not Properly Writing To DB

All i want to do is have a form with 17 checkboxes that writes a value to the database. At this point I don't even care, true/false this/that 1/0 whatever! Setting the Access Database fields to yes/no was not working even 1 bit in the least. They would all be set to off no matter what.

Changed it to text and inserting "That" for off and "This" for on, it comes up, but does it all funky, not in order, all "That"'s at the top, all "This"'s at the bottom, and not even in their respective fields. Code:

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Numbers Are Not Being Displayed Properly

I am unable to get this function to output the correct output. The Subtotal works fine, but the GST and TOTAL are not working properly. GST only shows the integer value and nothing after the decimal places. Code:

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Can't Get Field To Populate Properly

I am using what seems to be a fairly simple calendar program that is ASP. I have been successful in adding fields to this App, but for some reason, I must be missing something because when I go into the program to edit an entry, one of the value's (Location) doesn't populate properly.

It pulls up the LAST option (Other) within that dropdown field, instead of the one that had previously been selected. I'm not sure what I've missed, but could someone help? Here is a portion of the code: (let me know if you need additional info). Code:

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How Can I Compare These Values Properly?

I have a number value in database and same number value from form. For some reason these are not equal. How can I compare these properly? Code:

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Loop Of 20,000 Executes Properly

I've got a mailing list script which loops through up to 20,000 database records, and fires a customised email out to each via the bulk mail queing function of JMail Pro (email component).

Never having tested this with anything other than 100 records, I'm very wary about executing the script in case it times out or starts to misfire.Is there anything anyone can recommend to make sure this process goes smoothly, perhaps even giving the user feedback whilst it's executing e.g. "sending messages 1-1000", "1001-2000" etc?

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ASP File Don't Load Properly Off Computer

When I try to open an aspx file located on my computer it doesn't load properly (i.e not all objects are visible like text fields and such) and it gives me a syntax error stating that it expected a semi-colon (;) on one of the lines.

My page language is VB and so no semi-colon is required and when I load the file through my web server by typing
the page loads correctly and functions normally.

Several hard drive formats ago I was able to open aspx files with internet explorer without going through my web server. I am pretty sure I have everything installed like IIS 5.1 and the .NET framework.

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How To Use WScript.Shell Properly From An ASP Page?

I have a process that creates a whole bunch of files in a specified directory. The names of the files are the employee IDs with an .txt extension, so they are like


The background is a bit more complicated so I won't bore you with it, but I hope that I can add a button on the asp page that would

1) go to that specified directory, which is database-driven by the department id, such as


and I'll be able to figure the directory path from the existing code

2) then loop through each employee id and append the employee name, so the above will become


The employee names are also database driven and my asp page will be able to provide the information.

What I would like is to have a button that would open the cmd.exe and make the appropriate changes, and then do the rename, and then close the cmd window.

I know that you can have something like: Code:

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VB.NET Classlibrary Not Instantiating Properly In ASP Pages

Ok, I've been hung up on this issue for quite some time now and I would
like some help in getting it to work. I think this may be a setup issue
but I'd like to ask your eminences first.

Here's some backstory: I need to create a VB.NET classlibrary (or another
structure) to use objects for our business logic. However, as our upgrade
is an ongoing process, I must enable this structure to be run in both ASPX
and ASP pages.

Here's what goes wrong: I create a new solution. Create two projects, one
a ASP.NET web app, the other a classLibrary. I put a basic hello world
object into the classlibrary then get a return string from it in both an
ASP and ASPX page. Yes, the classlibrary has the build option checked to
"register for COM interop."

Now, the ASPX page runs fine - but the ASP page gives me the following
cryptic error:

Error Type:
/webApplication1/test1.asp, line 3

Line 3 is the Server.CreateObject command for the object in question.

No error string. The error code, when googled, reveals that it's "file not
found." That's about as useful as a kick in the ass. What am I doing
wrong? Why can't my ASP page use this object? If I can only get this
functional then I will have no further issues - we can start moving our
business logic and data logic from the legacy ASP pages to an object-based
back end.

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Date Problem, Won't Show Properly

How to do if I have 2 cutoff date for online registration. There are 2 set of fee when user regiser. Early registration and after registration example

below code won't work

today = date
                    if today < 8/10/2007 then
                    sql1 = "Select * from MasterDefault where field_name='Registration_For'
and Status=true and RSRV_Field_1=#8/10/2007#
order by id asc"
                    sql1 = "Select * from MasterDefault where field_name='Registration_For'
and Status=true and RSRV_Field_1=#8/11/2007#
order by id asc"
                    end if

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Textbox Not Displaying Variable Properly

I have a textbox which I need to display the data stored in a variable called "fname".

So, what I've written is:
Response.write("<input type=""text"" name=""fname"" size=""20"" value=" & fname & ">")

assume that fname="jason smith"

and, the textbox only ends up displaying "jason". So, anything after a space isn't displayed.What could be wrong? I know the <%=fname%> thing works, but that doesn't work within a Response.write.

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Popup Window Not Working Properly

The following code is not working properly in IE6 but it does work for mozilla firefox. I am trying to open a new popup window without affecting the frame from "where" it came. But what happens when I click on the link is that the popup window is displayed correctly but the frame then changes to my default.htm. It is supposed to stay the same

here is my code

Response.Write "<td><a href=" & """" & """" & " onclick=" & """" &
"javascript:window.open('desc.asp?msg=" & tempdesc & "','" & rownum &
"','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no ,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,width=600, height=600,left=300,top=300')"
& """" & ">" & left(tempdesc,50) & "....</a></td>"

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Array Not Created Properly With Split Function

I am having trouble loading the result of a VBscript split function into an array. The script is supposed to take the user's login name (the form for this is name separated by underscores such as john_foo or lisa_wilson), split it at the underscores, and load first, middle and last name into an array. The problem I keep getting though, is that I am getting a type mismatch error. Here is the code:

<%dim LogName, NameArray(), FirstName, LastName, MiddleName, LastPage
'Get NT authorized login info
LogName = request.servervariables("logon_user")
NameArray = Split(LogName, "_")
for x = 0 to UBound(NameArray)
response.write NameArray(x) & "<br>"

The FirstName, MiddleName, LastName vars are supposed to take the array values later.

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Tables Not Displayed Properly (& Print Issue)

I'm having a problem with a couple of things. The first is that I am using a loop to populate my table with the proper variables. When it comes across one that is empty it is leaving the cell blank.

The problem isn't that it is leaving it totally blank but that it isn't even putting an outline for the cell. This leaves huge chunks of white space here and there and looks bad. Code:

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Making A Query Show Up Properly In A HTML String Email

I am attempting to send an HTML email which a hyperlink that will change based on the user's session ID. I need the hyperlink to display as:


WHERE the id = Session("MM_UserID")

However I cannot seem to code this into the html string in the correct syntax, to where id=1 or id=2, etc. Does anyone know the anwser to this problem?The basic code I am using can be found below.

html = html & "<a href=""http://www.synergeticsusa.net/admin/shop_cart/detail.asp?id="">"
html = html & Session("MM_UserID")
html = html & "<IMG SRC=""myImage2.gif""></A><BR><BR>"
html = html & "</br>"

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Carriage Return Does Not Display Properly In Mozilla In A Title Attribute

Am facing a problem when trying to display a carriage return in firefox in a title attribute,i ve tried using VbCr and chr(13) ,in either cases a strange character appears instead of the carriage return. does anyone know about this error. The code looks like this:

titles(iday) = titles(iday) & chr(13) & objRS("event_title")
<a href="javascript:showevent('0<%=links(i)%>')" title=" <%=titles(i)%>"><%=i%></a>

Am not having this strange character when running it on explorer.

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