Onload Resolution Problem

What I'm trying to do is, after a user has been validated, I want the form to load to the appropriate resolution for the user. Code:

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I have a small problem with Javascript in my ASP page. The script works fine when placed in an HTML page, and everything happens as expected. But when I have the suffix .asp, the onLoad event doesn't work. Is there a reason for this? Do these events not work in ASP?

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While coding in VBA,I had been receiving script errors when attempting to utilize the online help from within the VBA IDE.
After fiddling with security settings and much searching for KB Articles as well as Googling newsgroups archives all to no avail, I finally discovered the resolution to this issue.

From within Internet Explorer, under "Tools" and "Internet Options" and "General", run the "Delete Files" under the "Temporary Internet Files" section.

For those of you who have ever experienced the Internet Explorer problem whereby "View" and "Source" does nothing, the above should resolve that issue as well.

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Get JPG Resolution In ASP

I am using the File System Object to get a list of photo through a specified path :

Dim fso, ffolder, ffile, fc, fproperity, strOut, strPic
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ffolder = fso.GetFolder(folderspec)
Set fc = ffolder.Files

For Each ffile in fc
intCount = intCount + 1
strPic = strPhotoPath &
Set fproperity = fso.GetFile(strPic)

I can display all photos without any problem, but I cannot get the
resolution(height and width) property of each of the photo. Is there any way
in doing this?

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Onload Redirect

I have an asp page that looks like the following (simplified):

<BODY onLoad="javascript:document.frmSub.submit();">
<FORM NAME="frmSub" action="" METHOD="post">
<INPUT TYPE="Hidden" NAME="OrderNumber" VALUE="0">

I am just trying to automatically redirect to another page and post some
form data. This worked fine on a Windows 2000 server. We recently upgraded
to Windows Server 2003. The page works fine when it is accessed via
"http://" but not via "https://". The browser just shows a blank page and
hangs. If I do a "View Source", the code above shows up, but it just doesn't
redirect like it's supposed to.
Is there some security issue on Windows Server 2003 that is causing this to
fail? Is there some setting I can change to fix it?

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ASP Onload Code?

I am implementing global redirection code to redirect my customers to different parts of my site based on their country ip. The code I've bought is active target ( which uses asp and an iptocountry database.

What i need to do is only have the code work if the user has opened the page externally such as from a search engine or another site but if the user has selected a particular part of our site from our home page i don't want them to be redirected to another part every time they try to click on a page.

This is because some customers would be from Europe but on a US network so their ip would have them redirected to the US site which we don't want.

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ASP - First Time Onload

Im trying to redirect the first time visitors to my homepage to a different page other than the homepage. Is this possible?

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i've been using body onload()for ages but since i changed my internet explorer (to 6.02) and OS (XP), i started to get this IE script error and i don't know how to get rid of it.

I read somewhere that if I put the onload event in an inline script tag at the bottom of the my form body, it all works fine, but this doesn't work either.what i should do?

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Onload Or OnUnload

I have a Vbscript that will execute on the <body onUnLoad> event, however, because the page refreshes all the time, it will execute the code every single time. I only want the code to execute when the window is either just opened or just closed.

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Screen Resolution

I'm trying to replace a JavaScript that checks screen resolutions with an ASP dito
I've tried the HTTP_UA_PIXELS (servervariables) but it doesn't seem to work. I haven't found how to do this anywhere and I guess it's simple but please tell me how to do this

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Screen Resolution

Is it possible to determine a user's screen resolution?

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Screen Resolution

what i need to do is when someone hits my site, it must detect what that person's screen resolution is and according to that include a specific navigation.

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Detecting Resolution

I have a page with a pop up window for a 800x600 resolution. But people using a different resolution will not benefit. So is there an asp script to detect what resolution people are using. And by detecting this it will alter the pop up screen size. Get what i mean?

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Onload And Onunoad Events

Trying to implement a list of online users in my application. I have SQL Server database, table Users with a column called Status, that is set to 1 if the user is online or to 0 if the user is offline.

I wrote a VBScript sub for database update, but the problem is when I try to execute it on page onLoad event or onUnload event, the onUnload event overwrites the onLoad one right away. I suspect it has something to do with server-side vs. client-side scripting.

This is the BODY tag: Code:

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Page Onload/refresh

Is there a way to determine if a page was refreshed? I have a function that is called when the page loads, but when the user refreshes the page it calls the function again. Is there a way to call the function only when the page initially loads? I don't want it to load when the user clicks the refresh button.

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How To Specify The Page Looks In Window Onload?

I have a page1.asp that opens a window called page2.asp. I want page2.asp doesn't have title bar, tool bar, address bar. Is it possible to specify in javascript function window_onload() in page2.asp? I don't want to specify in in page1.asp when it loads page2.asp. Code:

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Screen Resolution In Global.asa

I use a little asp script to get some site statistics ... essentially logging each session into a database using global.asa.

How do I capture the screen resolution in this setup ?

I know how to get the screen resolution in JavaScript ... but how do I combine javascript and asp within global.asa ? Or is there another way in asp to get the screen resolution ?

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Screen Resolution Strategy...

I'd like to hear your opinions about screen resolution strategy...

Actually, we have sites which consist a set of pages...

If I decide to use code for detection screen resolution like this:

<script type="text/javascript">
var wid = screen.width; //Get the screen width
var hite = screen.height; //Get the screen height

var qs = "?width="+wid+"&height="+hite; //Create a querystring

self.location.href = "yourASPpage.asp"+qs; //Redirect to the ASP page with the Width and Height as querystring values
</script> Code:

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Screen Resolution Assign To Asp

I'm retrieving the screen resoltion with javascript code, but i can't assign the correct value to asp. the response.write is displaying zero (0) for screen res., although when i do a document.write in the javascript part, then my screen res. is 1004 ...

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Auto Adjust Resolution

how to auto adjust resolution of web page so that it gets adjusted on every resolution . like my website gets open perfectly on my pc but when I tried it on some other pc which had changed resolution the web page was very such shifted to left side which was looking bad. how to auto adjust resolution of web page?

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ASP / VB Or CSS Check Browser Resolution

Can anyone advise the best way for me to check a screen resolution using any of the above technologies, i am creating a dropdown menu which is populated by a database with rollovers and suchlike, and i was planning on using showhide layer function with javascript however when i resize the browser at a certain point the layer get at most 30 pixels to small, which looks bad. Code:

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Modify Asp Page According To Monitor Resolution.

I created an asp page it looks different when looked from an 1024x768 than it looked on 800x600 resolution. how to control this?

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Back Button Or Refresh Page OnLoad

how to detect when the user click on the back button to go back to the previous page? Or a way to refresh a ASP page whenever it's loaded?

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Server.Execute Command Disables Body OnLoad

i have this web page which on loading shows + hides a selection of div's using the command : Code:

<body onLoad="showHide()">

i wanted to include a standard banner by adding the command : Code:

Session("titleString") = "some title"
Server.Execute "index.asp"

but this seems to disable the onLoad command, presumably because there is already a full header and body in the "index.asp" file

the reason why i didn't use the "include file" command here was because the latter won't allow the title string to be fed through

the question is : is there an alternative way to execute either the "Server.Execute" or the "body onLoad" command that will allow the function showHide() to work ?

the same function is also called from a "select" form element Code:

<select onChange="showHide()">

and that works fine, so the problem definitely lies with the onLoad command, not the showHide() function.

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