Open Source Learning

My company has developed a Learning and Content Management System (LCMS) using ASP (there is some .NET) and SQL Server 2000.I are currently exploring the idea of releasing the source code to the Microsoft development community under an open source agreement. If you or someone you know would be interested in participating please reply to this post with your contact information and why you are interested. (You may also send an email to URL with the subject "Open Source LCMS")

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Open Source

I am looking for an open source, very simple CMS that allows an administrator to add pages, news articles, and maybe a staff directory.
We don't need new users to signup, or comment, or anything along those lines. Maybe a wysiwyg editor included. Just for a homepage, a news section (that may include many sub-cats, pages).

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Open Source ASP Projects

What would be a great open source ASP project which I/we could cut my/our teeth on?

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Open Source ASP Search Engine

I have an interview on Wednesday for a summer internship. The company's looking to add an ASP search engine to their site, and I'd like to show up with some really solid options. My plan is to suggest I modify an open-source (or really cheap) engine. The site is on the smaller side, as these things go. I've found 2 - Zoom Search Engine V1.7.0, and something called Site Search.

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Open Source ECommerce Solution

We all know about osCommerce, which is an open source ecommerce solution written in PHP. Is there an open source project out there just like osCommerce for ASP.NET?

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Open Source ASP Interpreter For Linux

Is there an Open source ASP interpreter for Linux?

If so what is it and where do I get it from?

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Learning .NET

The company I work for is preparing to have our website recoded using .NET. I don't know anything about it and I know that you do, or did at least. So, my first it possible to code .NET for free? For example, ColdFusion server is free to download, and I code it using a plain text editor. Can I do something similar using .NET? I want to learn .NET enough so that I can understand the programmers working on the site.
Any help would be great. I've found some tutorials so I'm good there...I just need the framework before I can start using those tutes.

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Learning ASP.NET

I'm thinking about learning ASP.NET.
I currently have:

Windows 2000 Pro
Dreamweaver MX 2004
IE 6
NS 7
TextPad. 4.5

I currently code in ASP-Jscrip, server side/ MSSQL
What do I need to beable to learn ASP.NET? What software, what Version
of windows etc.any good URLs to learn sites that I can use to learn?
what books are recommended?

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Learning ASP With IIS

I want to learn ASP. He runs Win2K and I run WinXP HE. He just installed IIS on his computer. I've read that Microsoft doesn't support the installation of IIS on XP Home edition. Is it possible for me to access ASP from my computer?

We are connected to the same cable modem via a router but we aren't sharing files.

On another note, he is not very careful with viruses or firewalls. So he's gotten a LOT of viruses lately. That's the reason why I don't want to share files with him. But, since I need to learn ASP, I'm willing to start sharing files. Is there anything I could do to make our connection safe? I am running NAV and ZA.

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Learning ASP

i've looked a little at ASP...I think i'm going to learn this first; instead of PHP. It seems pretty easy also, so I might as well learn this now-Seems like more companies (Therefor more jobs) use ASP. A virtual hosting account with MS SQL isn't that much more, so really...Cost doesn't matter..not yet anyway.
In asp you can use a different scripting language like VBscript, JScript, or even perl? Any others?
What are some good Beginner books on asp?
What are some good Intermediate-advanced books on asp?

What are some good beginner books on SQL?
What are some good Intermediate-Advanced books on SQL?

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Learning ASP

I have been learning PHP for the past six months and am thinking about trying ASP. What exactly the difference between the two languages and what is it used for.

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I've been using PHP for my own personal sites for a while. Been using WAMP server so I could develop the site on my own harddrive using PHP and MySQL. Now, it just occurred to me that ASP is probably the better route as far as getting a job.

So what are some good references? I prefer a book over websites so what book should I look for? I've only recently figured out that ASP isnt a language and that you use either JScript or VBScript. While I come from PHP, Jscript should naturally be my choice, but I think I'm going to go with VBScript. Should I look for an ASP book or a VBScript book or both?

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ASP Learning

I use Dreamweaver to develop ASP sites and am reaching a point where yes it is helpful but I want to know more.

I would like to dive in a hand code things one of these days and was wondering if anyone out there has any good references as to where I could learn the language from the ground up. I figured I'd ask the professionals out there so I can learn from a good reputable source, this way I can learn the right way.

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Learning Client Ip

how can i learn client ip who connect my site..

request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") with this i learn my server ip..

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Learning ASP - DB Connection

I have been learning ASP stuff and have started to try to get into database connections.

We have Microsoft SBS4.5 (NT 4 packaged product) and it comes with Microsoft Internet Information Server 4.0 & Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 (these are running on the same machine). The server is running the ASP pages ok, and i can do simple ASP things like "the time at the server is xxx" etc.

I have written the following script to check my database connection : Code:

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Learning Time

How hard is it to learn asp?What is the average learning time

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Tutorials For Learning?

Please tell a site from where I can download the tutorials for learning the ASP ?

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Learning Site ASP

I want to create some quizzes with Macromedia Learning Site and everything is working except for one thing. I can't get the text input from a textbox via form input to write into one column in an Access database.

It writes everything that it is supposed to except the columns to the right are filled with text that should be in the previous column. I am pasting the code below. What can I change to make the textbox input stay in one column.

Anytime there is more than one word entered in the textbox, it carries over to the next column. How can I tell it this is a string of data please? The textboxes (in this case) are ReceivedData(6) and ReceivedData(5). Code:

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AICC - E-Learning

I am tasked with getting and application functional with AICC/SCORM. It is currently an .ASP and XML based web application. I just can't find any real code examples of how people are implementing a AICC "wrapper" to get the basic level of communitaion going between a CMS(LMS) and the course.

I think I understand the concept but really would like to see an example of sorts. Anybody out here actually write their own AICC Courses?

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Learning The Language

I'm sort of trying to force my way through some manuals and w3schools trying to pick up asp. i'm farmiliar with PHP so i figure it will be a breeze there's just one general theory idea i don't understand. if ASP can be written with either javascript or vbscript. then is ASP just adding the <% %> tags around the code?

something like "Session.Timeout" or "response.write" this doesn't look like VBScript to me. are these elements of ASP, VBScript, or something else?

I hope you can understand my question.I'm sort of confused with the languages / where to look to find information because i dont know what to look for.

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Can XML Be Used As ADO Source

I am working on a small project which requires XML data to be read from ASP.

I am successful at using XML/DOM objects. But when the data size goes up, sequential access will tax the web server. I would like to retrieve the data in the xml file like a MSAccess DB.

I read somewhere that XML source can be provided as data stream in ADO. If anyone has knowledge on this, please provide me links. If possible, answer to these queries will also be appreciated.
1. Which version of IIS supports this.
2. Which version of ADO
3. Additional components needed at the server ?

I found the following link at MS.;en-us;q263247

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Learning How To "read" IISState Log Files

I'm trying to debug an application that causes ASP to stop responding
while the other IIS services continue to run and the server continues
to serve static HTML pages. I've captured a set of log files using
the IISState utility but I'm not sure what I should be looking for.
Would you be able to point me to some resources to help me to learn
how to interpret these files?

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Source Of Dllhost.exe

I've got a Windows 2000 server running with about 50 websites on it, all
running ASP scripts. I've noticed that the servers CPU usage gets up 100%
sometimes, caused by dllhost.exe, which I'm certain is a hanging ASP script
somewhere on the box. Probably an on error resume next line that doesn't go
anywhere when an error is an encountered. Anyways, I'm not sure if there's
a way to isolate the website where its originating, or even the page this
problem is originating from. Is there a way to do this?

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Data Source Name

i dunno what's the DSN coz it's my friends code and she's using windows2000 so her open database connection code differs from what i

" ...."

what should i do to redirect the the connection to its database?i cant change all the codes coz there's many pages and takes ahellotta time

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Source Control

Does anyone know of any source control software (besides Visual studio) that allows a multi-user environment to be able to check out/in files and keep version control?

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Source Code

I am trying to debug some values in production server.I want to print the value of rRes(10),but I don't want to show it in the screen.I just want to show it in the source code but comment out,so that I can look at the value.Is it possible?

Response.Write("rRes(10) = " & rRes(10)) will show the value in the screen,but i want to hide it in the screen but still see the value in the source code.

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Source Commerce For ASP.NET

there are any open source for ecommerce site like a one such for 'oscommerce' in php/mysql.

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Protect Source

i've developed an appliaction that i want to sell it to my client, but dont want him to reseller it, so is there any solfware or techniques that i can used to protect my asp source ?

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Source From Root

how do u get somthing from the root directory no matter where abouts you are? say i'm in /folder1/bla/test/foler2 and i wanted to place an image on this page but i don't want to have to backtrack ( ../../../../ ) all the way to get there. is there a peice of code that can go straight to the root directory?

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Source Page In IFrame

I want to open the source code in an iFrame. What's the ASP script for that?

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Data Source Name Not Found

ADODB.Connection.1 error '80004005'

SQLState: IM002
Native Error Code: 0
[INTERSOLV][ODBC lib] Data source name not found and no default driver specified


strconn ="DSN=dsnname ; UID=username ; PWD=password"
set conn = Server.Createobject("adodb.connection")
conn.Mode= 3 strconn
the error is in the last line. THANX

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Extracting Source Code

Is there a way of processing an ASP page and placing the resulting HTML
source code into a TEXTAREA on another page?

I have a page that will be generated dynamically from database content.
However, I want a form on another page to have access to the compiled source
code for use in an electronic newsletter.

Manually I would load the dynamic page, view the source and copy it out. I
would then paste it into my form field on the relevant page.

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Split Up Source File

This is not really language specific but more of a source code parsing.
I have a large ASP source file that I like to split up, resulting in separate ASP files, each containing one function and the filename named after that function.
Does anyone know of a tool/script which does this?
PS: I am too lazy to learn Perl/AWK/Python to do this, hence why I believe someone has already written a tool/script to do this. Possibly in C++/etc.

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