I am working on a website and have a couple links that open up a new window. My webpage is .ASP as well as the windows I am opening. Currently the link open into a new window. However, I would like to be able to set the the size of the window that is opened.
This is the code I am currently using:
I would like to open a new window (Function is called NewWindow and is writtent in VBscript) when a user submits a form. All the samples I found on the web indicate something like the following: Code:
how can i open a new window with a if statment but still getting variables values?
tit=Request("title") if x=1 then something else Response.Redirect("<A href="http://www.test.com/lookup?q="&tit">http://www.test.com/lookup?q="&tit") end if I donīt mind using java, but i donīt know how
I have an .Net project that has an ASP page, that has links. When a user clicks on one of the hyperlinks, it opens an Excel page, in IE. One of the cells in the Excel Workbook contains a link to a PDF document.
If the user clicks on the PDF link, it's opened in the current page. I'd like to know if it's possible to open the PDF in a new page. So it would basically be opening a PDF from the Excel document - that is opened in IE. Code:
I have searched the web and books but so far I am drawing a big fat nada on this one.
I want to open a new window from an ASP page and everything I have found suggests to use JavaScript and not the server side VBScript. The problem is that the server side is what will decide were to send the user. Is there a way to exit or open a new window using JavaScript passing in variables fromVBScript server side then close the ASP page?
the new window will be in the SAME session as the opening window.I don't want to abandon the session of the opening window, just have a new one for the new window.
I wish to open a window with this command Window.OPen(meat/ServerLookup/ServerWindows.asp?ServerName=VarServerName)
It does not seem that the Window.Open can handle the ?ServerName=VarServerName part of the command? DO I need to add stuff to make this work like I want?
I had thought of using a session variable to pass the variable VarServerName to the next page ... but in this case using the ? function would be FAR more convenient... Any Ideas on how to make this work?
i am facing a problem with opening a window from a webpage,
first i tried using window.showModalDialog() window.showModelessDialog() but in that case i can not detect window.opener so i reverted to window.open() but can i detect from the parent if i have any windows open ??
in other words, if i push the button to open a window, then the user pushed it again, i do not want to have two windows open at the same time... can i do that??
I link to a web site from an Excel spreadsheet. The page i link to is getCookie.asp which sets a cookie then returns back some html which opens a new window, to the same site but a different page (same folder).
The cookie is not received. Can someone explain why?
I worked around this by adding a cache-control header with a value of no-cache. This fixes the problem. Unfortunately that causes another problem with Internet Explorer that no-one can figure out (basically with friendly error messages turned on IE shows an error page for no reason - i posted a lengthy message about this to m.p.i.asp.general but no-one has a clue).
I have tried every combination of every cache busting header i can think of but no other one fixes this problem about the cookie not being received.
So basically i'm in a catch-22. If i put the cache-buster in then users will get a nasty error message from IE unless they have 'friendly' error messages off. If i leave out cache-buster code then the session cookie doesn't get returned which means the users cant access my site.
Example asp's are below. To recreate the problem simply create a hyperlink to getCookie.asp in excel then open it (after each attempt you need to shut down Excel). By the way everything works fine if you type the URL into IE directly... the problem is when opening from Excel.
----getCookie.asp------ <% 'cache code which makes next page work 'Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" 'send cookie back to client Response.Cookies("PaulSessionID") = "PaulsCookie" %> <HTML> <HEAD> <SCRIPT> window.open('useCookie.asp','newWin','resizable,sc rollbars,menubar,toolbar') ; </SCRIPT> </HEAD> <BODY> </BODY> </HTML>
-----useCookie.asp------ <%Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"%> The cookie set by the previous page is: "<%=Request.Cookies("PaulSessionID")%>" ---------------------------
how to modify a function like this to specify the new window size? I'm able to specify window dimensions easily using window.open in javascript, but am at a loss for how to do it using this vbscript method.The 'strtext' are ASP recordset values. The page the opens in a new window is a map service.
<SCRIPT RUNAT=SERVER LANGUAGE=VBSCRIPT> function mapLink(strtext) on error resume next mapLink = "<a href=""http://planning/ims/tpViewer/?Query=SDE_ADMIN.TP_AREA.TIMEPOIN_1%20%3D%20%27" & strtext & "%27&MapUnits=FEET&ActiveLayer=0&QueryZoom=Yes&Tools=Yes"" target=""_blank"">Map</a>" End function </SCRIPT>
Is there a way to keep an other application from opening a link in a browser where I am running an ASP application?
For example, I have an ASP application open in a browser. If I click on a link in an email message, Outlook "hijacks" the open browser and opens opens the link in it. Is there a way to prevent this? To somehow identifiy that browser window as "off limits" to another app?
Im trying to do something that I thought would be fairly simple here - im pretty sure I know what Im doing wrong but I wonder if someone could put me on the right track.
I have a table with link in it displayed as text....ie.
The links are actually stored in a database so they are actually called using a recordset. Still - I wanted to turn them into links - which I can do - its just that I want them to open in a new browser window.
how to modify a function like this to specify the new window size? I'm able to specify window dimensions easily using window.open in javascript, but am at a loss for how to do it using this vbscript method. The 'strtext' are ASP recordset values. The page the opens in a new window is a map service.
<SCRIPT RUNAT=SERVER LANGUAGE=VBSCRIPT> function mapLink(strtext) on error resume next mapLink = "<a href=""http://planning/ims/tpViewer/?Query=SDE_ADMIN.TP_AREA.TIMEPOIN_1%20%3D%20%27" & strtext & "%27&MapUnits=FEET&ActiveLayer=0&QueryZoom=Yes&Tools=Yes"" target=""_blank"">Map</a>" End function </SCRIPT>
It looks like that when the window.open call is made, and a new window is created - my users lose all the information they entered - if they navigate backwards then forwards. If the second window was already created... navigating backwards and immediately forwards, seem to behave 'normally' (i.e. all their previous inputs are there on the screen.).
Is this normal? Is there some way to kick-off a new window without losing the inputs previously entered at an earlier screen? There was an earlier post about losing session info when opening a window - is this a similar situation?
I suppose I don't really have to have two windows opened at the same time - using a simple anchor link seems to work without the side-effect. It's just not as snazzy and the work-flow is slightly more stilted.
While I've been toying around with some other work-arounds - I was wondering if anyone else has ever run into this situation? Or am I missing some critical piece of info?
In the following code, page1.asp is inside the frame of main.html. When the user click submit button in page1.asp, it will submit the for and open a new window called page2.asp. When the user clicks submit button on page2.asp, I expected to open a new window called page3.asp Unfortunately, it just open page3.asp in the same window as page2.asp, an now page2.asp is gone.
However, if I just open page1.asp, and begins from there, it is fine I think this is because page1.asp is put inside the frame. Code:
I want to open word file (or Excel) from IIS server (URL) without getting security window for input Username and password. I know Username, Password and Domain. I'm trying to open with:
When my computer is registred in this domain - no problem. But if my computer is not from this domain I always get window for input Username, Password and Domain.
I have a very basic ASP application in which a user is authenticated, a flag is set in a session variable, and a new window is opened. The file opened exists in the same application directory as the file which sets the session flag. After calling the window.open() method in javascript to open my new file, the session id changes. This is very very bad.
After a week of scouring the groups, I have noticed a ton of other people having similar problems, seemingly a remnant of the "Browse in process" errors, however; microsoft says the problem is resolved by upgrading to IE 5.5. Well, I have IE 6.0.28, and the problem persists.
Has there been any resolution for this bug in internet explorer? If there isn't a resolution yet, what types of SECURE workarounds are available? How am I expected to use the session feature of ASP if it doesn't work across browser windows?
I have a windows 2003 server with a "classic asp" application on it with some com Dlls doing the business logic. my problem is when i add these DLLS to component services, all my buttons on my web server start returning the error access is denied. it keeps this problem if you remove the dlls from component services and restart the server.
If I right click on a ASP file in Explorer and choose EDIT, Windows opens a new instance of MSE.EXE and opens the file in that. What I'd like it to do is simply goto the existing open MSE application and open the file in a new tab.
I cant find the correct settings to do this is 'FILE TYPES', could anyone help? Code:
my objective is to click on an image and use the file path of the image as the variable in the next query, hence re running the same query but with "WHERE imageb " and not "WHERE imagea " with the value of imageb replacing min_vsim on the next query. this query can be excecuted preferebaly by a mouse click on the url of the image. Code:
My page shows details of a work request. It has a number of buttons: one to go to a search page, another to make a copy of that page, and so on.
What I want the user to be able to do is, click the 'Copy' button and have the details from that page passed to ANOTHER page, ready to submit a new request. Basically, it's just a quick way for users to submit new requests, using a previous one as a sort of template.
This all works using a client-side function in the details page, which simply calls the submitting page using document.submit. However, this uses the same browser window, overwriting the "old" page.
I want a new window to open and have it read the session variables created by the details page. I've tried 'meta http-equiv='refresh' content=1...' and, while that opens a new window, it doesn't read the session variables. Similarly, the gazillion JS scripts I found on the web do pretty much the same thing.
I am attempting to pass a large number of ID's using window.open in javascript. The number of the ID's exceeds the querystring length. Therefore, I would like to somehow use the POST method to submit. (or another method without rewriting the ASP page!)
Please review the code below before submitting since this can be easily done but I am not sure how using <body onload... >.