Opening Database & ASP Page Update Same Time

There's an access database on an iisserver and asp makes updates to it. The
database got moved to a newer server. The users used to be able to open the
database and use the asp pages at the same time. Now when the database is
open the asp pages won't update.

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How To Retrieve Last Update Time For Access Database?

I would like to indicate in my ASP page when the Access database was last updated.

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Refresh/update Page When Using Time() Function

I have an asp page in which I use the �time() function but that just gives the time at the moment the page is loaded. I need to reload/refresh the page once every second so the seconds increase by one continuously.

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Update Access Database Through ASP Page

I developed an ASP page which has 2 input fields- First Name and Last Name.I used Access 2002 as database. Once I click the Submit button,

it has to perform 3 tasks-----
1) It has to update the First Name and Last Name in the MS-Access database in their corresponding fields.
2) It has to go to the Home Page(which I already did)
3) It has to update the date/time in the "Time" field in the MS-Access database.

The following is the code I wrote to connect to the database and update the fields in the Access table---

set MyConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
MyConn.Open "driver={Microsoft Access Driver

(*.mdb)};;DBQ=c:/documents and

rs.Open sqlqry,MyConn,2,2
rs("firstname") = first name
rs("lastname") = last name


Can somebody please help me in figuringout if I am missing something.

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Refresh Page After Database Update

i am updating client's table(i.e insert one new client) from one asp page and after that it is being redirected to html page on that page i have one link which selects records from client's table and then displays it in the form of list. The problem is that when a new client is added it is not shown in the list. If anyone can please guide me on how to refresh the asp page after every database updates.

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Database List Page At A Time

I show information from a database in a table format. I will be showing more and more data and would like to show it one page at a time with a next page back page option.
Can I do this on a web page and does anyone know where I could look to find out how

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Opening A New Page

I have my code like this one.asp

<td><a href="callexp.asp?id=<%=rs("ID")%>" target="blank">View</a></td>

so now i call a diff page called callexp.asp ok

so it opens up a new page i want to set properties of the page like we do for pop up i want the new page to be of a specific size with no scroll bars and stuff i have the code for opening a pop up window in javascript

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Page Is Not Opening

in my database customer name is mike o'lee, i am creating one reason forum by using asp script and call customer name from database by using link syntax. when i trying to open the reason forum it displaying the error message like page is not found.

The problem is in single quotation which is present in customer name.I now how to remove the single quotation ,but use want to see the same customer name. how i can open the page,by using same page.

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Print PDF From Web Page, Without Opening?

I'm on a project for a government application. For a given domain object, there is a report that is pre-generated, converted to PDF, and stored in the database.

The client wants to have a list of these domain objects, each one with a print icon at the end (which is already done).

The problem is when they click on the print icon, a postback is acceptable, but basically they want to hit the database, download the PDF, stream it to the browser, and print it, all without any pop-ups.

In short, other than the blink of a page for a post-back, they want Win App functionality of clicking print, and a PDF printing without any other interaction (downloading the PDF, file-> print, etc).

Since its a PDF, I know this isn't possible with Javascript. I have no experience with ActiveX whatsoever, so I was hoping for advice on whether this was completely impossible, and the level of effort involved.

I think its impossible, but I want to at least say I've done my homework before I tell the consultant that who thinks it can be done.

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Problem Opening Asp Page

I just made a simple web site using Frontpage 2003 with a simple MS Accesss

IF I try to open the asp page in a browser by typing
http://localhost/mysite/db.asp it opens just fine

However if I try to opeb it by typing c:/mysite/db.asp I get the following
error message:

The Database Results component on this page is unable to display database
content. The page must have a filename ending in '.asp', and the web must be
hosted on a server that supports Active Server Pages.

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Comapring Database Time And Computer Date/time

there i was just windering how do i compare a date/time vlaue in sql server agaisnt the computers' date/time.
for example, if computer date/time is two months or 2 weeks before the database date/time do something

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Opening Word Document From An ASP Page

I have a server with a Word document and an Access database on it. I
also have an ASP page running on the server. The Word document
contains a mail merge with the Access database. What I want to do is
open the merged Word document from the ASP page when a button is

I have tried several things including some scripting that I
found on the internet. This scripting works, however it opens the
merged document on the server instead of on the user's local machine.
I want the Word document to open on the local machine instead.

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Opening New Asp Page Using Response.redirect

I have one combo box and GO button on the click of GO button page
submitted and according to selection of one of the option from combo I
want to redirect my page to some new asp page but at the same time in
new window of browser.

I could have achieved this using of javascript but then
it will serve as pop up and clients requirement is that not to show as
popup window due to many users blocked popups.

Any suggestions, How can I achieve this using response.redirect or any
coding which is not serve as popup window.

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Page 2 - Opening DB Connection In ASP File

(incidentally, the more i look at it, the more i feel i should point out that to be totally sure your SQL statement is correct you should write it like:

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2,...)
VALUES (value1, value2,....)
so that you know your info is going to the right column on the table

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Opening Another Page On Button Click

I have a form that assigns to 2 variables. Now I want to have a button that if clicked sends a different asp page the 2 variables and runs the page. I think I need the new asp page to open in its own window as I want the original form to stay open in the background and the new form generates an Excel file to download rather than opening in the browser.

Could I get an example, preferably in vbscript, of how to do this please? The only sample code I've found so far uses a hyperlink instead of a button and doesn't pass any arguements to the new page.

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Why Not UPDATE All Instead Of 10 At A Time?

THinking that the reasone why it's not UPDATING all was because the the page holds 10 records at a time right? I tried blocking all the codes which have to do with pageing but it's not working. Can you show me what I missed (if that's the reason why it cannot UPDATE all at once)? Code:

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ASP To Re-load Page From Time To Time To Reset Varaibles

I have a website that I subscribe to that allows me to track tasks. I have an extra computer with a big monitor that i want to always display the task list. the problem is after so many hours I get logged out.

I need to need to reload that sign in url every few hours Code:

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How To Get Asp Execution Time And Database Connection Time ?

Any some tools or sample codes drop down asp script execute time and
database connection time ?

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UPDATE Time And Date

I have never done this before however i'd like to know if anyone knows a way that I can UPDATE records in an SQL db with the Current Date and Time???

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Insert And Update The Same Time

I want to insert the element selected by the user from the drop down box in the DB(Access).Once the user hits submit i want it to insert this in the DB + i want to update one of the fields from True to False . how can i perform both these at the same time?

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My Server Asks For Usename & Password When Opening An Asp Page

My newly rented 2003 Standard Edition dedicated server allows me to access HTML or picture files but asks for username and password when I try and open an a asp page.
I have set Authenticated User permissions to Read & Execute and Directory properties to Scripts & Executables. What have I missed?

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Automatically Update Date And Time

I am trying to do the following

1. I have a Severity dropdown (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) in my script
2. Date (dateref)(varchar)
3. time (timeref) (varchar)

I want to do this, but have no clue how to write the script to do it.

It must Automatically update date and time as per severity rating

a. Severity 1. Date to be same day, Time + 1hour
b. Severity 2. Date +1 day. Time to be current time
c. Severity 3. Date + 3 days. Time to be current time
d. Severity 4. Date + 5 days. Time to be current time
e Severity 5. Date and time to default blank.

If I select any severity, it must changed the time and date that is on the same form, and save it to the table.

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Mail And Update MS Access Record At Same Time

I have a form on a website for logged-in customers to update their contact details, when the customer update their contact details it should update the record in the database and at the same time the updated contact details should be sent to me by email.

I'm not an expert in ASP 3.0 and therefor I'm using dreamweaver 8 to create asp pages(ASP 3.0 VB), but dreamweaver does not have such kind of fuction(server behavior) to do this and so I have to create this by hand.

Now I already have page with the form that updates the record in the database, and I also have another page that does the mailing(CDONTS), first it updates the record in the database and in dreamweaver I have set "after insert the record go to mail_processing.asp" , but this does not work.

I can only get one to work, either only update the record or only mail the form data.

How can I make it to update and mail at the same time?

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Microsoft JET Database Engine :: Cannot Update. Database Or Object Is Read-only

I had made a form name 'dform.html' which asks idno, name and phone from the user and after the user clicks on button "save data" sdata.asp is executed. sdata.asp is written to save the values entered for idno,name and phone in dform.html into table "myfriends" in the mydata.mdb (access database). but when i am clicking on save data button i am getting error saying

"Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E09)
Cannot update. Database or object is read-only.
/SDATA.ASP, line 9"

can please anyone tell me why i am getting this error.

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Opening A Aspx Page Withing A Aspx Page

I have an page that I would like to open up another page within the first one. Like a parent - child relationship. I need to display a graph in the child on the parent.

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Can't Update Database

I have a simple database. I can get the data from the database and display them on a web page without any probs.

My problem comes when im trying to insert new records into it. When i submit the data i get an Error Type:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Cannot Update.
Database or Object is read-only.

I've tried looking at the properties of the db but i can't figure out why it is read-only.

i have one .htm page passing the info onto an ASP page and then showing the results on another page. The code for my two pages are (if it helps): Code:

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Someone Update My Database

how its mossible to someone update may database, for now we have a database
and time to time, someone update a record, changing the information.

what can i do to avoid this?

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Update Database

can any one provide me with script where i can add to my database table using csv file and web form.

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Database Update

I have an employee directory asp application. Everything works the way its designed but I want to make some changes. When someone does a search it of course comes up with a list based on their search.From there they click on the persons name and it opens the edit asp page which they do and update.

What I'm hoping to accomplish is to some how save the search criteria and one they update the page it will return to the previous page and redo the search so they don't have to redo the search to do another update.

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Update SQL Database

I have a table called WGDeliveryNotes which has a field in called TrackFlag1.I would like to update the TrackFlag1 field to contain a value of 1 when the page is loaded..... I currently have this set within the ASP tags at the top of the page, thinking that this would update the field as the page loads however this doesn't seem to be happening.

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Update An Database

On a database how can i update has i tried RS update and it does not work.

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Update My Database

i have 2 databae files in MS ACCESS format and i have already connected them from 1 ASP file and now i need 2 update the econt 1 from the firt

in another words :

i have 2 access databases

the first which is called 1st.mdb i allowed my visitors 2 rigseter and edit their membership in it across my website.

the second which is called 2nd.mdb have the same structure of the first(tables and fields) but in another url. hat is the best way 2 update the 2nd.mdb from 1st.mdb of course i donot wanna caopy and replace i need some programmatical method.

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Database Update Using DreamWeave

I have found out that when using dreamweaver MX 2004 to update databases, and specialy for amatures such as myself, it is easier to update one field at the time. Other wise you will get an error message on the line stringname.execute (usually line 111).

The problem is solved by updating only one field at the time. It might time a little longer but saves headaches when you don't know exactly how to work with the code.

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