Opening A File

I have a drop down on a page where user selects a value and then a excel file opens up
it works good in mozilla but in IE it doesnt open up the excel file i see a new page been open but then suddenly it closes the file
i have checked the popus in IE and i dont know what the problem is
Here is the code Code:
Response.ContentType ="application/"
Response.write getid
I see the output written when i use mozilla but it just doesnt work in IE.

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File Opening

From a LINK or BUTTON on a webpage can we invoke the usual OPEN FILE dialog box that come with all the windows application .

In my Application I want to ASK the user the Name of a FILE on the disk ... currently i am asking the user to input the COMPLETE PATH in a TEXTBOX ....

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Opening .csv File

I need to incorporate some emails that are in a csv file, all sorted in one column, into a mySQL database.I dont find the way to open the CSV file in ADO

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Opening A File

I have a configuration.txt file and would like to open that file in a browser for editing onclick of a button or hyperlink!! It is more than enough for me, if i just open the file as it is in a notepad itself, by clicking a link from the ASP code.

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Opening DB Connection In ASP File

I am trying to open a DB connection in an ASP file (with an HTML interface). I have some idea how to do it, but I am not quite sure. It is linking to an Access DB. It is very simple, I am posting some data to the DB. Only one connection is needed to open.

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Opening File Problem

I have a field in the table that saves pdf file paths:

there are 2 records like this:


what i do is display the paths on the page and when people click on it the file is opened

this is how i display the paths

<a href="<%=RS("Path")%>"><%=titlename %></a>

the first file one.pdf opens up
the second file one&two.pdf doesnt open up

if i change the name of the path in the table to

/docs/onetwo.pdf it works

so i found out the & is causing the problems

can someone tell me how to fix it.

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Downloading Or Opening A File In Asp

I want to create a asp page where i can give the user an option of downloading a file or opening a file e.g an excel file.

How do i do this?? Ive already created an asp page which has a button- where the user can click on the button. The excel option of either opening the file or downloading it comes up- but i want this option actually on a asp page. How do I go about this?

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Opening File For Appending

I want to open a text file for appending purpose but it gives me the following error..

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0005'

Invalid procedure call or argument

/cgi-bin/Anagram_Utils/welcome_letter/generatedoc.asp, line 19

Code: ......

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Opening Word File In Explorer

I want to open word file in explorer. I am using hyperlink for this purpose but it doesnt show me the file opened. Though i able to do save as on it.

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Got Error In Dll While Opening The Excel File.

I have created one dynamic chart creation application using vb dll. If I call this function from vb it is working fine. But If i call this function from ASP i got error while opening the excel file line. I have windows 2000 server. Do i need to give any permission for this? The same coding is working fine in NT server.

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Opening PDF Within IE7 - File Could Not Be Written To Cache

I have a page in in ASP which lists static links to PDF files. When
users click on the links, they receive the following message:

right-clicking on the link and selecting "save target as" generates
the following error message from IE7:
"The file could not be written to the cache"

Clicking the link, and selecting "save" from the resultant dialog
"Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The
requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found please try
again later"

This page works fine in Mozilla.
I've researched this a bit and have read about the caching issues,
although none of the pages on the site address cache control. Any
thoughts or ideas as to why this isn't working?

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Page 2 - Opening DB Connection In ASP File

(incidentally, the more i look at it, the more i feel i should point out that to be totally sure your SQL statement is correct you should write it like:

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2,...)
VALUES (value1, value2,....)
so that you know your info is going to the right column on the table

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Opening Word File From Hyperlink

I have a document saved to a public network server. The public directory grants change access to all users on the network. To keep my Word doc protected I am using the Security feature "File Sharing Options" in Word to attach a password to the document. This works as expected when users open the file with Windows Explorer.

I also have an ASP web page that has a link to my file on the public drive. When I click this link, the Word document loads without asking me for a password and is not read-only. (Note the link in formatted with an href attribute like this: file://servername/share/filename.doc)

Am I mssing something? Shouldn't the Word security work even if the file is accessed through a hyperlink?

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Opening A Local File From A Hosted Link

I'm working on a document management app that saves scanned docs as PDF files in a local directory, then saves document metadata in an Internet-based SQL server.

The SQL server is then queried to retrieve document info and links are created that point to the files.

The code points to the proper local directory and file, but I can't get the browser to open the document in a target frame. If I open a test doc locally it works fine.

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Permission Denied Error When Opening And Writing To File

I have a script that opens a file and writes to it using ASP. I've used the script before and it worked fine locally, until recently, after I upgraded my computer to Windows XP Pro SP2. Also, it still works fine when I upload the script to my web host. However, locally on my computer using IIS, I get the error:

Error Type:
Microsoft VBScript runtime (0x800A0046)
Permission denied

This occurs on the line: Set FileTS = FileFSO.OpenTextFile(Server.MapPath(".") & "" & FileName,2,TRUE)

I've searched online for answers and most articles say I have to set read and write access to the containing folder. I have done so for the containing folder and for the entire "wwwroot" folder, but the problem still occurs. I have also allowed anonymous access for my computer IUSR_XXXXX. This doesn't work either.

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Opening Server-side Excel File Then Modifying It Client Side Using Vbscript

is it possible to open an excel file (used as a template) from server using server-side vbscript; then modify it or add values from client using client-side vbscript?

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Opening A PDF

I have an application that returns a PDF document to the browser (not as a
download). The document is returned in a new window. This works fine in
most installations, but I have one installation where it doesn't work in IE,
but does work in Netscape. At the installation where it doesn't work IE
returns the file download dialog box instead of just opening the file. When
I click open or save it complains that it can't find the file. I suspect
the problem is with the file name.

IE is generating a very long file and
I'm guessing it is getting confused. My code did not originally set the
file name, so I'm trying to solve the problem by setting the file name.
Here's the code that I'm using, but it doesn't seem to have any affect.
Does anyone see why this doesn't work? objHttpConn is an HTTP control that
is used to retrieve the PDF document.

PS We are hosting the web sites where it does work and were it doesn't work
and I'm testing using my PC. The only difference is the version of the
application that returns the PDF document. All the machines are 2000
servers with IE 6.0 SP1. Code:

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Opening UTF-8

I have a slight problem, I'm trying to open a textfile that has been saved
as UTF-8. But when I run it it displays strange chars eventhough i've
specified that it should read the file as UTF-8 using the OpenTextFile
method of the filesystemobject. I need to open the file, then insert data to
a database, nothing will get printed out on screen so its not a html-charset

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ASP's Not Opening

Our ASP's stopped opening, and we gewt the error, page not found.

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Opening OLE Object In ASP

I have a table called "Document" which has 3 columns

Doc (this is a word doc stored as an OLE object in ms access)

Now in my asp if the user selects a document it should open the word file.
I have my case statement that looks like as follows which I think might need some
modifications to open a word file: Code:

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Opening A New Window From Asp

I'd like to redirect from a certain page, to an external page(an external site), with certain parameters. of that window.

There is nothing to do if using response.redirct,
but is there another option?

For example, I would like to open a new window, that will have a cerain dimensions, and that the url of that window is... In javascript it is not a problem of course. What shall I do in asp???

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Opening Port 80

how to open port 80 so that I can access my website from other computers?I am using Xp professional.

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Opening A New Page

I have my code like this one.asp

<td><a href="callexp.asp?id=<%=rs("ID")%>" target="blank">View</a></td>

so now i call a diff page called callexp.asp ok

so it opens up a new page i want to set properties of the page like we do for pop up i want the new page to be of a specific size with no scroll bars and stuff i have the code for opening a pop up window in javascript

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Page Is Not Opening

in my database customer name is mike o'lee, i am creating one reason forum by using asp script and call customer name from database by using link syntax. when i trying to open the reason forum it displaying the error message like page is not found.

The problem is in single quotation which is present in customer name.I now how to remove the single quotation ,but use want to see the same customer name. how i can open the page,by using same page.

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Opening New Window

I have this code

response.Redirect( "/mailer/TestPDF.asp?referenceNo='" & checkRS("RefNo") & "'" )

but i want to open it in new can I do it?

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Opening Asp Pages

I donloaded a web application form the web which includes couple of asp files. So when I open index.html and click on the links to those asp files, instead of running the code inside, my browser tries to donload them.

It opens a save dialog box and asks me where I want to save this already existing asp files. Does anyone know solution to this problem?

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Opening A New Window

How exactly do you get a window to open withing the current browser (ie) without it going to the taskbar as a new window. example password hint .

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OnClick Window Not Opening

In the following snippet of code, I can not get my openBrWindow command to work. Does anyone see anything that jumps out at them that is obviously wrong? Code:

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Opening Linked Tables

I have an Access DB that has a linked table to a SQL Anywhere DB. When I try to access this Access DB, it prompts me the first time every time for username and password to the SQLA DB. This isn't a problem when it is just me that is working on development, however,

I figured MS would have something good to say about this issue, so that my users can use this DB as well. MS says I need to pre-open the table using the same credentials for both DB's. I have tried this several ways, and am still unable to open the linked access DB.

The error I get is that the DSN=xsellvehicles (this is the DSN that is used by Access to open the table that resides in SQLA) can't be used because the username or password doesn't work.

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Opening A Window With New Session

I want to open a new window from ASP page, which may not inherit sessions values from its parent.

I'm opening a new window ( from an ASP page, the child window inherits all the session variables from parent (thats what i dont want). and if I write session.abandon in the child ASP file, it also destroys the parent 's session values.
how I can open an ASP page in new window which doesn't inherit sessions from parent.

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Error 2 Opening Registry Key

Recently, when I try to open files in web projects with visual interdev 6 I get this error message:

Server error: Error 2 opening registry key Software/microsoft/shared
tools/web server extensions/ports/port 80 .

Well, just in one project I can open its files. I don't know why is the difference between this project and other projects.

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Print PDF From Web Page, Without Opening?

I'm on a project for a government application. For a given domain object, there is a report that is pre-generated, converted to PDF, and stored in the database.

The client wants to have a list of these domain objects, each one with a print icon at the end (which is already done).

The problem is when they click on the print icon, a postback is acceptable, but basically they want to hit the database, download the PDF, stream it to the browser, and print it, all without any pop-ups.

In short, other than the blink of a page for a post-back, they want Win App functionality of clicking print, and a PDF printing without any other interaction (downloading the PDF, file-> print, etc).

Since its a PDF, I know this isn't possible with Javascript. I have no experience with ActiveX whatsoever, so I was hoping for advice on whether this was completely impossible, and the level of effort involved.

I think its impossible, but I want to at least say I've done my homework before I tell the consultant that who thinks it can be done.

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Script Debugger Opening

I am coding in ASP. When there was an error in my code, it used to come up in IE and tell me the error and the line of the code it was on. Now, it's opening Script Debugger on the server all of a sudden, and I no longer see those errors in IE. Does anyone know why this is happening and what I can do to stop it?

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