Ordering Items Script

Does anyone know of a good script that already exists to do the following? Allow a user to enter a sort orderIf the order exists replace the existing one with the new and bump the old up or down accordinglyIf it doesn't exist add as newMake sure there are no gaps in numbering.

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Adding Items To An Array - And Keeping Items Previously Added

I have a funtion that is supposed to add items in my shopping basket.

It's an array, and each time the user is adding an item, it adds the item to the array with its quantity and size.

I've never used arrays before, read about it, etc...

The only problem is that when it adds the new product, it's not keeping the ones which were there before :-(.

I have used REDIM PRESERVE. So can't find out what is wrong.

Below are the funtions that i use for testing and the coding where I implement them. Code:

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Ordering Numbers?

i need to oredr a set of numbers. the numbers are "06/9","95/1","95/6","06/3" and so on. the thing is that these need to be ordered form the second number, so it shoudl be ordered thus: "95/1","06/3","95/6","06/9". how can i do this? at the moment just as an attempt im splitting the number either side of the "/" like this:

var regNo = "12/09"
var yearStart = 0
var yearEnd = regNo.indexOf("/")
var year = regNo.substring(yearStart, yearEnd)
var itemStart = regNo.indexOf("/") + 1
var itemEnd = regNo.length
var itemNo = regNo.substring(itemStart, itemEnd)

but where do i go form here?

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Ordering Results

what is an easy way to go about sorting my search results through links, you know, like clicking the link at the top of a column. i know how to pass the order by in a querystring:


where orderlast is the order querystring.

but what about all the other links? what do I do with the previous querystring entries like lastname, firstname, and state? i find if i add orderlast to my lastname column and i click on it, i will have 2 orderlast querystrings

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Ordering Form W/c

I have an ordering form w/c user can input their information It is about an online ordering of niche(for cremated) and user can select their NicheLevel(1-8) and their LotLocation(Lot1-Lot20).

I have a NicheLevel and NicheLocation in my DB table named CustomerInfo now i want to happen is: if the customer select their NicheLevel and LotLocation the DB validate the NicheLevel and LotLocation and if its already reserved it will not send to my DB and a
response message telling that it was already reserved. Im using ASP & JavaScript.

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Ordering DB Results

I have a database with 3 fields in it ... photoname, price, job. I'm hoping to set up a drop down menu, which changes the "ORDER BY" part of the SQL query line, to one of those field names. That would enable a user to order the records (being served from an access database), by either name, price or job.

I know that it's got something to do with "request.form", but I don't know how to get the variable from the form to the SQL query. It would be 100% perfect, if the drop down menu automatically posted, when it was changed, so that it didn't need a submit button. But I think I might need to figure that out myself .

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Ordering Data From SQL/ASP

I have an application that rips data from an SQL server and displays it in
columnar form on an ASP page, using a Do until RS.EOF loop.

I wish to add 2 arrows to each column (up and down) and when clicked, orders
the data on the page by that column (up - A-Z and down Z-A etc.....)
Is this possible in ASP or would i need some Javascript/Client side code to
do this?

The problem is the ASP SELECT statement orders the data initially, i just
need to know how the user can re-order the data after it is on the page?

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Ordering Prices

i have a price field that i want to order the prices from smallest to greatest

Set rsProducts = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
SQLProducts = "SELECT * FROM tblProducts Where pr_Cat='" & Request.QueryString("Cat") & "' AND pr_SubCat1='" & rsSubcat1("pr_SubCat1") & "' AND pr_SubCat2='" & rsSubcat2("pr_SubCat2") & "' Order By pr_Price Desc"
rsProducts.open SQLProducts, Conn

thats what i have.but it prints out.


Can anyone figure this out?

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Ordering Records With Blank Fields Last

I've written an ASP page that pulls all records from a table. My query
is 'SELECT * FROM teacher ORDER by Class'

It is working fine... sorta. The table has about 20 records, but only
5 have an entry in the 'Class' field. The 15 records with the blank
class field show up first, then the other 5 records. Is it possible to
have the blank one show after the ones with an entry. Here's how my
results look, IOW. Code:

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Online Ordering (different Product For Each Login User)

I'm just wondering if there is ordering online software which has a feature to create a customised user environment (different product and prices for different user) for each login user? I really need that feature for one of my customer.

If it is not available could you please suggest a product that has this feature?

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ASP Application Online Ordering (different Product And Prices For Different User)

We’re just wondering if there is an ordering online software which has a feature to create a customised user environment (different product and prices for different user) for each login user? We really need that feature for one of our customer.

If it is not available could you please suggest a product that has this feature?

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ASP Application Online Ordering (different Product For Each Login User)

I'm just wondering if there is ordering online software which has a feature to create a customised user environment (different product and prices for different user) for each login user? I really need that feature for one of my customer.

If it is not available could you please suggest a product that has this feature?

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Removing Certain Items

I have set up a page specifically for printing, however, I would like to be able to choose certain items on the page that are to be ignored by the printer. For example, the web version of the page may have instructions on how to print, although the version that is printed off does not.

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Not Multiple Items

How can I get this to work?
<% if objRS2("System") <> "Scholastic" OR "Rolling Readers" OR "Reading Recovery" Then Response.Write "selected" End If%>

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Retrive The Items

I have multiple list box added to the asp page using <select> tag
I have added items in the list box using recrdset from Education table
Education table={educationid, educationname}
User can choose more than items from the list box. These items gets
added in the user table in field
"edu" seprated by commas.
When User wants to edit his information ...i want that the items in the
list box should be automatically selected which are present in "edu"

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Items Retrieved

does anyone knows how i can layout items retrieved from db such as example from this online shop site . most items retrieeved from db such as Accesss are always in vertical layout.

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Compare Two Items

I have this login that i created. On the sign in process i need to make sure
that no one has already signed up using that certain email or that unique

Ive tried this line:
Set objRS = verify.execute("SELECT id FROM logmein WHERE email='" & email &
"'") or ("', cnumber= '" & cnumber & "';")

than this:
Set objRS = verify.execute("SELECT id FROM logmein WHERE email='" & email &
"'", "' & or & '", "' cnumber= '" & cnumber & "';")

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How To Add Items To A Basket

I am doing a wed site online shopping system for my school project, which requires some asp coding using vb script. I am new to asp and have no knowledge whatsoever on how to code what i need.
Could someone please provide me with help, or coding on how to add item details into a basket record, once the user clicks the add to basket link.

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Add Items To Basket

I am doing a wed site online shopping system for my school project, which requires some asp coding using vb script. I am new to asp and have no knowledge whatsoever on how to code what i need.provide me with help, or coding on how to add item details into a basket record, once the user clicks the add to basket link.

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Related Items

currently i have an online shopping website that display 12 categories of different items of up to 12 types. well my boss wants related items to be displayed in each of the different items . i am not sure how to start this. is there any special code for it. please advise.you may visit www.mellon.com.sg/shop to view .

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Remove Items

Response.Write "<TD>" & "<a href= objRS.Delete>Remove</a>" & "</TD></TR>"

I have a basket which people add stuff to that they want to buy. i want a code that allows them to delete the item too. how the basket works is. thy choose a item from stock page and then it adds to a basket table.

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Delete Items

I have a multi-dimensional array that I want to delete items from. To do this I display a form and the user clicks some tick boxes. Then on the delete page I check which tick boxes were ticked, say 2,4,7 and 8 (or whatever) and then rebuild the array minus records 2,4,7 and 8 and so on.

Sounds simple enough, but I'm having a real nightmare getting it to work. So my questions is how are others doing this, as my way is obviously very shoddy! I've been
looking for examples on the internet, but I've not managed to find one.

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Add Items To A Basket

I am doing a wed site online shopping system for my school project, which requires some asp coding using vb script. I am new toasp and have no knowledge whatsoever on how to code what i need.

how to add item details into a basket record, once the user clicks the add to basket link.

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News Items

This is my scenario. On the left of the screen, I have a list of news items, which are updated by the user and inserted into a database, and then they are dynamically displayed on screen from the database.
Now what I want is that if a user clicks a hyperlink from the left of the screen on a news item, the relevant text is displayed on the right. What I did up till now was that if I point on a news Item to the left of the screen, I know which item in the recordset it is since I created a counter.

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Collection Items!

I would like to tap in to all the brilliant minds out there through the means of this question. Is it possible to have a function in asp that returns a collection of items?

If so could you please direct me to some code that may provide some insight to how its done. I've tried using my limited coding capacity but no success.

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Fetch Only Particular Items

I'm trying to make a sorting feature for my site which will allow the user to click a drop down menu, click the item they only want displayed, click a button, and then the results will only display that particular item.

I also would like the drop down menu to auto-fill because there are about 20 different categories available. is there and easy way to do this?

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PostbackUrl And Context.Items

I had previously posted this in inetserver.asp.components, I don't think that
was the right place... anyways, here is a repost:

We are currently using ASP.NET 2.0 to revamp one of our web applications. Let
me try to briefly explain how each page is laid out...

Usually within the page, there are 3 components... The header, the body, and
the footer. The header and footer are user controls created by one of our
developers, and contain things that all the pages in our web app should
contain. This is done to avoid inconsistencies (so you only change the header
once instead of changing it 20 times - once for each page).

The developer who created the header user control used Context.Items to
store some information. On my pages, I am trying to use PostbackUrl to post
form information from one page to another.

The problem I am having is this:
Both my pages call the header control. When I use PostbackUrl and
PreviousPage, I think the header control from the previous page gets "copied"
over to the page I am posting to. So in the second page, I get something like
a "dictionary keys have to be unique" exception. I think this is because the
Context.Items wasn't "cleared" from the PreviousPage since it was "copied"
over, so when the header user control tries to add the same key to
Context.Items in the second page, I get an exception.

I temporarily solved this problem by using Request.Form[...] rather than
PreviousPage.FindControl(...). I'm not sure if this is the right way to do
it, or if it will cause any problems.

So my question is: Can PostbackUrl and Context.Items work together? I guess
I could put some try/catch statements in the header control, but
unfortunately I don't have access to that file.

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How Do I Filling Items In A Drop Down Box In Asp?

i want to fill a drop down box using data retrieved from access database.......

i alread know how to connect and retrieve data from the database but i am a lil unsure as to how i can populate the drop down list with the values retrieved.

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Looping Through Forms Items

I have a from with four elements a checkbox and a textfield and two which are hidden. Jobid and userid.

The jobid is written once and the userid is These are dynamic items from the database.

What i want to do is loop through the items and then insert the new values back into the database via an update statement. Code:

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Displaying Multiple Items

I am trying to display records in the following way but i cant get it to work:

Table structure i am trying to achieve

User 1 User2 User3 User4
Car Model Carmodel Carmodel Carmodel
Car Spec Car Spec Car Spec Car spec

Once it has displayed 4 complete records with the data i want it to go to the next table row down and display the rest of the users ie... User 5 User6 User7

And eventuall i will display so many records per page but i will get to that later

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Displaying Related Items

Access db, one table, 12 or so fields (id, item_name, category, manufacture, price, description etc.)... (ecomm site).

When displaying the details of a particular item I want to display "related items" below it. All I do now is pull info depending on the item id then display the size, dimensions, description, photo etc.

Lets say the item is a Large Blue Widget, i want to display related items... say "Large Widget Covers" or/and "Large Widget Accessories"... you get the idea... cross selling

So, I am looking for ideas on how to simplify the display of related items.

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Checking For Duplicate Items

i am having problems with my code here and i am trying to figure out what i am doing wrong

i am adding items in shopping cart also i have written code to check if the same item with the same attribute exists then add 1 to the qty Code:

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Determine Items In Array

how do i determine how many items are in an array? the following code creates an array of values each time a space is found in a name field. the problem is that sometimes names have middle initials and sometimes they do not. so i want to determine how many items exist in this array created bythe split BEFORE assigning values:

name_of_customer = Split(customer_name," ", -1, 1)

first_name = name_of_customer(0)
middle_initial = name_of_customer(1)

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