Out Of Memory - Image Gallery

I am using ASP code to auto-generate a gallery based on files within a directory structure and I got it to work a while back. Lately I've been consistently receiving "Out of Memory" errors when I access that module. I haven't made any drastic changes to my system so I can't exactly figure out what subtle changes if not inherent in the code flaw is causing this ...

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Image Gallery ... How?

I would like to be able to have an image gallery that i can upload photo's to. It would have to resize the image to say 1024x768 and also make a small thumbnail, then add the neccessary data to a database so that i can easily display it.

What is the best way to go about this without spending any money?

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ASP Image Gallery

I want to create an image gallery using ASP and JavaScript.The JavaScript is for the image effects, and ASP is required for selecting images from an image folder,to display it.How do I go about the asp part of it? And is it possible for me to embed a javascript within an ASP code?

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Image Gallery Tutorial

is there any tutorial links on image gallery with database (SQL) on Classic ASP. Where the image record display horizontaly 4 image columns in a row, it also has brief description and the record id displays.

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Image Gallery Script

I need some advice as to how to create thumbernail gallery page. Has anyone got any tutorials online or anything? As I'm lost as to:

a) uploading the images
b) requesting the correct set of pictures via a ReviewID
c) Outputting the images

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Picture/Image Gallery

The platform is Win03, Access and SQL is available, along with all the
normal image components (aspjeg, etc..).

I have searched and I could spend several days looking for something. I was
hoping to get some recommendations based on experience. I would like to
stay under 100 if I was to purchase something.

Autothumbnail for the viewer.

Let the user manage their gallery
Admin area for uploading, categorizing, captions, and deleting.

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Image Gallery With Thumbnails

I want a page where I will have an image gallery. The page when loaded goes and grabs all the picutres in the directory and puts them into an array, creating thumbnails for them as well (found this part in my search).

After the thumbnails are loaded, I want the pictures to be loaded in the same window, in a section underneath the thumbnails. Also Can I scroll the thumbnails left or right on mouseover? not in a full circle but left until the first one is encountered and right until the last picuture is showed?

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Image Gallery Generator

i'm looking for a free image gallery generator in ASP 3 on ASP+. I've already looked on sourceforge.net but no one seems to fit my needs which include:

- admin area to create/destroy galleries,
- upload/remove images,
- placing comments on images.

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Image Gallery SQL Database

how to create an image gallery using a SQL database. I placed the images in the sql database and I want to display the image and then a caption under the image? Can anyone help me! I can only get it to display the first picture and the first caption? I want it to display all the images with a categoryID of 1.

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Simple Image Gallery

I'm looking to do an incredibly simple image gallery... I need to show all images in a specific folder. Preferably in a table (say, 4 columns or so), so that each image occupies a cell.

I don't want to code all image names into the page, I just want all images that exist in a specific folder to be shown. Anyone know how to do this, or can point me to a tutorial? I don't need to resize, link the pictures or anything else. Just show the images.

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Database Driven Image Gallery

what i want to do is create an image gallery, that when u click on a picture it opens in a pop up with the images caption and name there also. I've stored the captions and image names in a database - images.mdb table - Images

I just need a page now that sorts it all out to display the correct image, caption and title in the pop up. The images are stored in folder images and the database in the website root directory.

i've read a couple of articles on various websites, and played with the image gallery wizard on Frontpage but the websites dont explain my problem, and i cant adapt the gallery on frontpage. I'm a bit of a novice in ASP so I would really appreciate it if you could some how make the bits of the script I need to change standout.

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Decent Image Gallery From A Directory

does anyone know a good ASP script that presents a decent image gallery from a DIR? I want it to display thumbnails of an image, but not to just simply load the whole image, and resize it (because that would use up a lot of bandwidth!). I know there is a PHP script that can do this - think its called Anphin or something like that?

Anyway, does anyone know any decent, free ASP photo galleries? (p.s. It cant require server-side objects either, because I am not allowed to install them on my shared server).

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Image Gallery :: Read Directory And Order By Title

I have to create an image gallery that reads from a directory on our server and posts the pictures in sequential order based on the title of the image that shows up in the directory. The images can not be stored in a database, just in a directory that employees can access and add new images. The titles will all start with numbers like 1employeename, 2employeename, 3employeename. The images should be listed on the page in order by number. I really don't know how to do this in classic ASP. If it were ASP.net I would at least know where to begin. Does anyone have any suggestions on where I could start, or find information on how to do this?

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Asp Gallery

if any of you know any powerful open source asp gallery. In php there is one really good one that allows you to upload batch images and customize the size, etc

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Gallery Question

I want to make a gallery, in which the images are hosted on the same server, the images' names are not ordered in a/decending order (old1,old2,old3 etc.) , and i want an ASP page, that will automatically create space in a table for every picture existing on a specific folder (the folder probably won't contain only images...not quite sure yet).. i can't remember how it's done...,

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Dynamic Picture Gallery : How To

I have developed an asp dynamic picture gallery, which reads the contents of the folder on the server & if they are pictures, display their thumbnails in the html table, on clicking any thumnail, you 'll get the big picture.

I didn't use any database in it, while I did it with File System Object of ASP, is it a right approach to develope. Because we are showing the contents of our web directory of server to the end user. or some server can create trouble for us while reading content from server hard disc...

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Dynamic Photo Gallery

I have a photo gallery written in ASP where people can go and upload their own pictures to create a gallery. The only problem is the size of the image files, it takes forever to load the main gallery page. I've noticed on like community web shots for example, that all of their image files are kept really small. Is there any way to dynamically compress files while uploading them

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Photo Gallery Question

I am trying to create a photo gallery using asp in dreamweaver,i create a recordset to capture the image path.

However there is a problem when it comes into displaying the picture.When using the repeat region function,all the images are display only in 1 row by * column .How can i display like 1 page can display only 4 row by 4 column?

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Developing A Dynamic Photo Gallery

Can anyone recommend a site that contains any tutorials on developing a Dynamic photo gallery for websites. Something with ASP+Javascript or ASP+VBScript or even with XML+CSS.

I want it so the images can be updated automactically, hence why it needs a backend database.

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Simple .asp Photo Gallery Required For Website

I am currently buidling a website for a photographer and she wants to be able to upload her photos each week, so that they can be viewed on her site by the public.

Does anyone know of a free simple gallery system that I could use on this website. Any system like this whereby she can upload/remove the images her self (backend i.e .asp to MS Access) and display them on the public site would be perfect.

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Out Of Memory?

We are receiving an error in our ASP website that used to run fine on our old servers but seems to be struggling on our new ones, I'm wondering if you've seen this error before?

Microsoft Cursor Engine error '8007000e'

Out of memory.

/oob/activities/default.asp, line 470

The last line that shows where the error happening is different on every page but it appears at the first database connection on each page.

The only way to get rid of the error and get the site working again is to recycle the application pool for the site (or restart IIS).

We have two servers, one running IIS and the other running MSSQL 2005. Both are the following specs: Code:

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Memory - Only SQL?

I think I already know the answer ("NO"), but I figured I'd ask anyway:

Is there a way to populate a SQL-like object entirely in memory, without having to save it in a SQL-like environment like MySQL, MS-SQL, or Access?

I'd like to take the contents of some CSV's and dump them into a virtual SQL table, and then call from that table using a SQL statement ("SELECT * FROM VirtualTable WHERE Foo='Bar'"). I know that in .NET I could use a data-grid to do basically that, but I was wondering if there was a classic ASP solution.

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Out Of Memory

I am getting an ASP error.. that tells the server it is OUT OF MEMORY.then the server displays a message about the DLLHOST.exe and it waits for an "OK" from me.after hitting OK... it goes back to working fine.BUT, while the notification is up on the screen.the website is NOT AVAILABLE.that is the message that visitors get when they try to get to the website.so, is there a way I can tell the system to SKIP the notification .andmjust restart the service.

What memory is the issue here.I am assuming this memory error is coming from an INFINITE LOOP or something.from one of my ASP pages. so, I would imagine the best move would be to get RID of the "On Error Resume Next" code at the top of my pages.. to try and isolate the problem?

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Display An Image From Access, Stored As Location Name Not Actual Image.

I have a client who has had a ASP site with an Access database for several years. It stores information for the used cars on his lot. I have stored text in the database that points to the location of the image for each record. Each record will have a thumb image that is supposed to display in a list of vehicles available then the user can select an item from this list and a new page displays with the information and the regular size image. So far everything has worked fine exept for the display of the images which are stored in a separate directory called veh-photos. All I get are image place holders. I am using Dreamweaver 2004 and and Access 2000 for the database.

Following is the code to list vehicles: ....

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Open Image In 'Kodak Image Edit Control' With Web Browser

1.I want to show a image file of type '.tif' in the browser window; for that I'm writting as ASP code page.

2.This '.tif' type image can be shown better with 'Kodak Image Control'.

3.To have this 'Kodak Image Control' on my code page I just add it's ..ocx to tool box and then drag it from 'Toolbox' to the page.

4.Now after dropping this control to the code it's type is getting changed to 'object' instead of type 'ImgEdit'(and I think this is the
reason I don't get correct result).

5.On one button's 'Onclick' event I'm calling a javascript function with which I'm setting a 'Path'and'Display' property of a control.

6.And want to show a image at location -- '..MFTDRCMF919685173-62.tif' which get shown in new browser window but could not get shown in that particular control. That means the path is correct, then what is the problem?

For better understanding of problem I'm pasting a following code which I've tried up till now......
<%@ Language=VBScript %>

<META NAME="GENERATOR" Content="Microsoft Visual Studio 6.0">

<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript>
function showpic()
var path;
path = document.frmtif.path.value;
document.frmtif.ImgEdit1.Image =path;


<BODY bgColor=#ffe4e1>
<form name="frmtif">
The Image
<OBJECT id=ImgEdit1 style="WIDTH: 409px; HEIGHT: 218px" type="ImgEdit"
border=1 classid=clsid:6D940280-9F11-11CE-83FD-02608C3EC08A

<input type="hidden" name="path"
<input type="button" name="show" value="Show" onclick="showpic();">



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ADO Memory Leak

I'm having a problem that I can only attribute to something that I don't
know about ADO. I am using an ADODB.Connection with .CursorLocation = 3
since I am using MSSQL with text fields.

I am running a large set of 4 LEFT JOINS (5 tables in all). Currently
my recordset is returning 168 rows and 23 colums. After looping through
the ADO connection 27 times (creating a pdf report for users to print)
the data goes nutz. I have tried using different inputs and no matter
what on the 27th time is stops.

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IE Memory Profiler

Does any body know any tool that profiles Internet Explorer for memory

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ASP Out Of Memory Errors

I am trying to write a search script in my spare time at work. We have a knowledge base consisting of 200+ .mht files. My script was working ok when I was testing it on just a few files but I am getting out of memory errors trying to search through the whole KB. Here is the search code:

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Release Memory

am just wondering is there a easier way to release all the memory after the program is done?or do I need to set all my variable = nothing one by one at the end of my code?

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Eating Memory

We've got this problem on our site where slowly eats virtual memory until IIS stops serving pages...

Restarting the IIS process fixes the problem, until the next time it reaches that point. I've made sure all our ADO objects are being closed and set = Nothing. I don't know what else could eat up all that memory...

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Out Of Memory Errors

I am trying to create a search script but I am running into an out of memory error. Here is the search subroutine which loops multiple times:

Code: .....

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Out Of Memory At Line 30

Had developed a webpage to refresh automatically from one ASP page to another, with the feature of displaying local data that is actively poll & inserted from other remote database servers. The local server is using IIS & Microsoft SQL 2000. I have the problem of "Out of Memory at line 30" after the ASP page has ran for 13 hours, at client machines that is connecting to the server hosting the ASP. However by closing the Internet Explorer and re-open the ASP page, the problem is temporary resolved until another 13 hours later. I think i've had the server objects set to nothing, and had put all queries into sub. I couldn't think of other solution for the problem...

Is duplication of sub affecting the performance? Any setting to be done on server, e.g. IIS / SQL? I've attached the ASP file.

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Memory Leaks

Are there any tools to test asp code on memory leaks. Or the took that will monitor IIS server against specific asp-page in order to find mem leaks on in.

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