SELECT Table1.*, Table2.Loc_Name, Table3.Inst_Name, Table4.Prg_Name
FROM [Table1], [Table2] , [Table3], [Table4]
WHERE Table1.C_Id = 2001
AND Table2.L_Id = Table1.L_Id
AND Table3.I_Id = Table1.I_Id
AND Table4.F_Id = Table1.F_Id
ORDER by DT desc
I need to do an outer join instead of an inner join
because their could be no values for Table2, Table3, Table4
I still want a value returned and an inner join does not return any values for this query.
how can i join two tables and retrieve all information for a particular customer where the item does not appear in the union.
Basically if i join table 1 and table 2 items both exist then i don't want to show them. I want to show the items that are exist in table 1 and not in table2.
I am working with two databases. One is dockets which holds all kinds of information about upcoming legal hearings. The second one is additional parties which holds additional records related to the dockets data table. Not all dockets have additional parties so when I need to display information about a case I may or may not need records from there so I am using a left outer join. It works perfectly EXCEPT for one small matter. The field that I am joining on (petitionCaseNumber) is turning up empty after the join. Below is the join.
varSQL = "SELECT * FROM Dockets LEFT OUTER JOIN additionalParties ON Dockets.petitionCaseNumber = additionalParties.petitionCaseNumber WHERE dockets.petitionCaseNumber = '" & numberIn &"'"
When I say something like response.write rst("petitionCaseNumber") I get nothing if I say response.write rst("dockets.petitionCaseNumber") I get an error. How do I refer to this field or how do I get this field to contain the case number?
I'm trying to pull a value onto my web page from a joining table and all I keep getting is the id instead of the actual value. table_status has has sid and status. for some reason I'm getting the id number instead of the value of the status. this is my error message when I try to join tables. Code:
I am trying to work on a little application that will look into three tables, (tblTasks - taskID, taskTitle) (tblObjectives - objID, taskID, objTitle) (tblResults - userID, objID, objResult)
Display a drop down list of tasks from tblTasks, when a user selects a task, it will display objectives (with checkboxes against each objective) from tblObjectives for that task.
User can then tick the objectives that have been completed and submit form which will update tblResults. will need help with both ASP and Access. I can email code and table structure offline.
I am trying to create a record set using data from two tables. I am using the following code- Dim objRS oracleConnection.CommandText = "SELECT CONTACT.CONT_FNAME, LOGIN.LOGN_USER_EMAIL " &_ "FROM CONTACT INNER JOIN LOGIN ON CONTACT.LOGN_ID= LOGIN.LOGN_ID WHERE CONTACT.CONT_ID LIKE 3" oracleConnection.CommandType = adCmdText Set objRS = oracleConnection.Execute
Set oracleConnection = Nothing
While Not objRS.EOF Response.Write objRS("CONT_FNAME") & " " & objRS("LOGN_USER_EMAIL") objRS.MoveNext Wend
I am getting an error at the line Set objRS = oracleConnection.Execute The error is SQL command not properly ended
I can't seem to get the syntax right for an inner join statement, its based on one main table and two linked tables,
From Employee inner join((Department ON Employee.Department_Code=Department.Department_Cod e) Location ON Employee.Location_Code=Location.Location_Code)
or something to that effect. Employee is the main table and Dept,Location contain all dept/location codes+descriptions.I'm sure its pretty simple just can't get it right.
I have 2 tables I want use join to use their data its working but it will return twice of each record.
strSQL = "SELECT Foods.*,SeFoods.* From Foods INNER JOIN SeFoods ON Foods.food_id = SeFoods.food_id WHERE SeFoods.type = 1 ORDER BY seFoods.sf_id DESC;" .....
I am in the process of creating an ASP application to read a SQL Database. I have imported the database from an Access Database. The Database holds Client details, such as Agent Name, Address, Telephone. etc. in a table called Client Code:
I have been racking my brain with this and I just can't seem to figure it out. Here is what I am trying to do. I have 3 tables named Registration, Events, and Customer.
I want to produce a page that lists all events and the number of attendees and who is attending each event. I assume that the only way to do this is by using an inner join and I am having a hard time grasping it.
My registration page has three fields (customernumber,eventid,eventdate) My events page has five fields (eventid,eventdate,place,description,numberofattendees) and my customer table has three fields that I need to use (firstname,middlename,lastname,customernumber)
I'm trying to select all the records from a table (usergames) based on the username. I want to then display all the records based on the title of the pin which is my inner join statement. Can I do this or is it easier to just have another sql statement?
sql = "SELECT AS gamecount, searchtable.title FROM usergames INNER JOIN searchtable ON = WHERE usergames.username = '"&username&"' ORDER BY searchtable.title DESC"
Basically I'm trying to combine an SQL inner join with a delete statement, like:Code:
var cnn = Server.CreateObject('ADODB.Connection'); cnn.Open(Application('cnn')); cnn.Execute('delete * from editors_sections inner join editors on editors_sections.editor_id = editors.editor_id where editor_id='+intEditorId+' and editor.isSectionOne=0 or editor.isSectionTwo=0 or editor.isSectionThree=0'); cnn.Close(); But it gives me the following error:
Incorrect syntax near '*'.
Can this be done, and if so, can anyone see where I'm going wrong (I'm using JScript if that makes any difference?)
i have a few input box for the user to enter. but as u can see that both tables has execno. it's for both tables to connect. that's why i want to check on how i can key in one input box insert into execno in two different tables
I have a table in my DB called members. In that table, I have 2 tables I will be using "username" and "points"
Now, I also have a table called all_matches. This table contains every match report. Over 25,000 of them. I have a "username" field an "outcome" field an "username1" field and "extra_match" field.
What I need to do, is make a query that takes the username from table "members" and find :
using the "username" field in the members table, i need to obtain stats that give me the following. Code:
drop1 - autonumber drop2 - autonumber drop1id in drop2 - number
strsql = "SELECT drop2.drop2id, drop2.drop2, drop2.drop1id" strsql = strsql & " FROM drop2 INNER JOIN drop1 ON drop1.drop1ID = drop2.drop1id where drop2.drop1id = " & drop1id
error msg:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Driverserror '80040e14'[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'drop2.drop1id='.
strSQL = "SELECT x.CountryId, x.CountryName, y.SiteId, y.SiteName, z.LocationId, z.Level FROM TableCountry AS x" strSQL = strSQL & " INNER JOIN TableSite AS y ON (x.CountryId = y.CountryId)" strSQL = strSQL & " INNER JOIN TableLocation AS z ON (y.SiteId = z.SiteId)"
Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E14) Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '(x.CountryId = y.CountryId) INNER JOIN TableLocation AS z ON (y.SiteId = z.SiteId)'. /system1.asp, line 21
I have a MSAccess 2000 mdb where 2 tables must be connected with a fieldname "book_spoke". This is what I have so far. Is it right? The purpose is to find within the search result all the book_spoke s and link with the proper url for each book_spoke. Code:
I am using the sql query below, the problem I am having is that is selects every record with the HomeTeamID 1 upwards. I want it to still do this but not to ignore the records with the HomeTeamID of 0. How can I do this? Code:
<% ID = Request.QueryString("ID")
Dim rsHomeT SET rsHomeT = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") rsHomeT.Open "SELECT * FROM Fixtures INNER JOIN Teams ON Fixtures.HomeTeamID = Teams.TeamID WHERE Fixtures.LeagueID = " & ID & " ORDER BY iYear, iMonth, iDay ;", objConn %>
Trying to join three tables and find the records which DON'T match OR have less than x number of matches.Not sure how to go about it.keep getting matching fields only.
Is it possible to INNER JOIN two recordsets in ASP?I don't mean the normal JOIN you would use with two tables, but actually join the recordsets in ASP?
i got two tables (sDetail and newTable).i'm using a left join to find the dif from the two tables using the pk tutor on both tables . then i need to display the table dif on my browser but where am i suppose to take the result from?
i'm needing to do an inner join off of 2 tables with a key called orderRefNum. table1 is the "orders" table. it will only have one row for the key. table2 is the "orderDetails" table. it can have multiple rows with the key "orderRefNum". can a statement be written that will give me all the fields from both tables with that key? as in (i know it shouldn't be done this way - just for example): Code:
Is it possible to employ a heterogenous join from within the ASP framework? If so, how does one handle the connection cursor? Meaning, is it possible to have 2 databases open at the same time and, if so, do they share a connection object, i.e., ""?
One of the problems would seem to be that something like Set rs = cn.Execute(sSQL) is predicated upon only one "cn," so that if that connection object can support only one db at a given time, how does this reconcile against 2 being open at the same time? I've never joined across DBs--and certainly not within Active Server Pages.