Outlook Meeting Requests

I was asked if it was possible to send Outlook Meeting Requests through ASP. I know how to send mail using Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") but I don't know if sending a meeting request (with buttons Accept, Decline, Tentative) is possible.

I have a form which grabs the date, time, and location of the meeting but currently its just sent through regular email.

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Meeting Request

from ASP/VBScript, I can send an email using CDO - is it possible
to send a meeting request for Outlook?

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Add A Meeting Schedule

We have a web application to allow user register a meeting and want to automatically add into their outlook calendar. how to do this in asp?

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Automatic Meeting Request Using CDO

I currently have my asp page firing off an email from outlook to confirm a booking. I would like it to fire a meeting request instead so that the recipient can accept the meeting request and it will show in their outlook calendar. Is this possible? Code:

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Meeting All Conditions Of Query

I am working on a login form that asks for either a login number OR first name and password. When all three fields are completed on the form, my query only checks to see if the first condition is true. I need code that keeps users from only filling out the first condition (login) or the second condition (first name and password), but not both. Code:

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Email Meeting Request

I have to send an email using asp with a meeting request just as you can do from Microsoft outlook. Any ideas how it can be done?

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Pass Requests

I woudl like to know why querystrings and numbers are used to pass requests ?

E.g. in this forum, sitepoints; to display asp pages, they used forumdisplay.php?f=148

whats wrong in using
forumdisplay.php?f=asp ?

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Hanging Requests

We have two Win2003 webfarms each consisting of 5 servers.Which we call and cluster2. Cluster2 is the bussiest of these two and periodicaly (varies from 2 times per day to two times per week) one of the servers (this is pretty random) starts to build up Requests Executing.

During this 'queueing' it still serves about approx. 75% of the requests.requests that don't come back with an answer are added to the Requests Executing count.This goes on until 100 requests are queued then it starts throwing errors like:"The CreateObject of '(null)' caused exception C0000005"

To me it seems like one of the 4 worker processes is not responding anymore.Is there a way to see why this is happening?SQL server doesn't report any locks.

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HTTP GET Requests

I seem to have some sort of security issue with my web server and was hoping someone out there might be able to help me. I am attempting to perform an HTTP GET against some .asp pages on my webserver and the request just seems to timeout.

When I perform the GET against any .htm page, all works fine, but any .asp page will timeout, even something just containing one line of html. Since all is fine with .htm pages, I do not believe this is a code issue, but rather some kind of security/permission issue. The web server is WinXP Pro SP1.

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Finding Out The Number Of Requests

I have a form. When I do action="POST" I can see the changes done by looking at ---- for example request("MyBox") 

Where MyBox is a dropdown box and by doing request("MyBox") I get the selected value.

Is there a way I can get the number of requests done? (i.e if I had 3 dropdown boxes then I get 3).

Also is there a way to get a list of the names of all the requests (i.e if I had 3 dropdown boxes then I get MyBox1 MyBox2 MyBox3)

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ServerXMLHTTP Requests On The Same Web Application

On server A I've a web application WA1. Inside WA1 there are a virtual directory VD1 and an ASP page named page1.asp. Inside VD1 there is another ASP page named page2.asp.

page1.asp makes a ServerXMLHTTP requests for page2.asp.

If Debugging Flags on WA1 are enabled the request seems to be blocked,
if those flags are disabled everything seems to be ok.

Is my problem really solved ?

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Batching Video Requests In Asp

I need some help with making an asp website that will batch user requests for a particular video file, and then once a few requests are made for a video, play that video to the browsers that requested it (after a certain period of time). Physical path links to the video files are stored on an access database and the videos are loaded to be played from that database. (These files will be located in the IIS web server directory).

An example of this is when a request is made wait till you get 4 more requests and then play the video to the 5 browsers requesting the video, or play the video after for exampele 15 minutes, even if only 1 request is made. This is therefore a near video-on-demand "NVOD" system in asp. The problem is, I don't know where to start, and although I have done a lot of searches on the web I am still not getting anywhere with this.

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Adding Multiple Requests

I have never programmed in ASP in fact I am not a programmer at all. I found this script that sends an email that pulls information from a contact form.

'Sends an email
Dim mail
Set mail = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message")
mail.To = "youremail@yahoo.com"
mail.From = Request.Form("your_email")
mail.Subject = "Contacts"
mail.TextBody = Request.Form("your_message")
Response.Write("Thank you for visiting!")
Destroy the mail object!
Set mail = nothing

I got it to work with my flash contact form however on the form I have two other fields. Name and Phone number that I want to tack onto the TextBody but I do not know how to do this.

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Passing POST Requests

I have page1.asp with a form on it, then this goes to Page2.asp, the data is processed. I then want to access the same from data on page3.asp. Is there any simple way to transfer all POST requests to page3.asp without having to put them into session or Query-strings?

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Server Side XMLHTTP Requests

I'm trying to run the below script on my website and keep getting the ever unhelpful

msxml3.dll error '80004005'
Unspecified error

on line 11

when i ran this on our intranet server at work it worked fine but on my personal site it wigs out can anyone spot anything wrong in the code?

strLink = request("linkval")
strLinkDescr = request("desc")

If Not Left(strLink,7) = "http://" Then
strLink = "http://"&strLink
End IF

set xmlreq = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.serverXMLHTTP")
'on error resume next
xmlreq.open "GET",strLink,false
xmlreq.Send ""

PageStatus = xmlreq.status

If err.number<>0 or PageStatus <> 200 then
Select Case PageStatus
case 404 PageResponse = "Page Does not exist (404 error)"
case 401 PageResponse = "Access was denied (401 error)"
case 500 PageResponse = "Internal Server Error encountered on remote site"
case else PageResponse = "Remote Server is: down, not accepting connections or does not exist"

end Select


PageResponse = "Remote server was located and URL is valid."
XMLResponseText = xmlreq.responseText

End If

set xmlreq = nothing
response.Write(PageResponse&"<br />"&XMLResponseText)

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Sending And Processing Requests Between Different Webservers

I need to have a web page with information sent to another server for
processing (sql query, etc.) but instead of the information going directly
back to the browser, I need it to go to the original server for after
processing. Is this possible and can someone point me in the right
direction. It may be similar to the way credit card transactions are handled
but I'm not sure.

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Handling Errors From Multiple Requests To Access Database

When simultaneous requests to open an Access Database occur, the Jet Database engine returns an error stating: Cannot Open file, already in use.

I know this occurs because I'm using a file-based Access database, and it's locked while data access is taking place. However, at this time, its the only platform available on the site.

My question is, can I somehow use an On Error GoTo Blah statement to catch the error, clear it, and then attempt the ADODB.Connection.Open statement again?

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Custom Http Error 404 To Catch Subdomains.site.com Requests

I have 404.asp file that catches non existing pages such as www.site.com/es for spanish version of site. Now I would like to move ahead and have es.site.com instead. I started digging into subdomains in IIS and found out that usually when creating subdomain in IIS it creates a separate sub-directory by the same name as the subdomain created. From some reason the custom error 404.asp file I already have is not called when a call to a non existing sub domain page is made.

Anyone knows why?

How do I configure 404.asp to also handle subdomain page requests?

I know that in Unix/Apache I can use .htaccess file to direct calls to es.site.com to www.site.com/es quite easily, can this be done somehow on IIS?

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MS Outlook

I have searched far and wide, and have NOT found a way to do this.
I would like to add a link on an ASP page that I created that adds an appointment to Microsoft Outlook.
I think that Automation is the way to go, but have NOT figured it out. Any help would be great. I have seen it done on another site using javascript. I would be willing to do it that way too.

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IE6 Or Outlook?

So I'm writing an ASP 3.0 script on an intranet which users have access to from IE 6, or within Outlook. Due to the pop-ups it uses, it doesn't work so well in Outlook, so I want to know whether the user is running the website from within Outlook or IE.

How can I do this if Outlook is returning "IE" as its browser information?

This script:

Dim objBrowsType
Set objBrowsType = Server.CreateObject("MSWC.BrowserType")
response.write("Browser Name: " & objBrowsType.Browser)

returns "Browser Name: IE" in both IE and Outlook.

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Outlook Mail From ASP

I Need to send mail to Outlook mail (Work group mail) From ASP. Ho do I do it?

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Outlook Template

Is it possible to open a Outlook Template via ASP? The template will be housed on the webserver itself.

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Outlook Calendar

Anyone aware of a method or script that will allow me to add an event to a client's outlook or lotusnotes calendar? For instance, eBay has this set up for their auctions - will the click of a button on the web page the auction pops into your calendar and gives you a warning just before it's scheduled to end.

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Outlook Contacts And ASP

I need to access a user's outlook "contacts" using ASP. They are stored within the user's "contacts" folder inside their mailbox on the Exchange server (Exchange 2003). Script will need to log in to user's Exchange mailbox, access their "contacts" folder and parse them to display on page.

Put simply, all im trying to do is a Phone-book style app that pulls data from two different sources. The first source (Active Directory) I can do, its the second source (Exchange mailbox) that im having trouble with. I can pull data from Active Directory / Exchange GAL for display on the pages just cant find a way to get stuff from the mailstore. If it can't be done without an Active X component, then fair enough, just thought i'd ask out here.

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Web Access To Outlook.

I've just discussed this with my IT manager and he reckons you need to activate Outlook Web Services for this to be any use to you and he says that ain't gonna happen. What I want to know is:

a) is he right?
b) if he is, is there a way to access Outlook stuff WITHOUT turning on Outlook Web Services.

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Outlook Available Time

Does anyone have any sample code (or could you point me in a direction) that
will allow me to display the available time a users has in their Outlook
Schedule? Similar to when you set up a meeting and you can show the
avialable time for all meeting attendees in a horizontal bar chart?

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Href + Outlook

Is it possible to create a link to open outlook (Client side) to open a particular folder
here is the code i am trying to use unsuccessfully :

<a href="outlook://Public%20Folders/All%20Public%20Folders/P/W/C/Conf
%20Room/~S%20C%20R">Conference Room 1</a>

Basically what i want to happen is that when a user clicks on the web link that it opens the meeting room which is in a public folder in outlook application (not the web interface outlook.

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Email Generation Through Outlook

How do I generate an email through outlook? My program now needs to send out an email to an outlook distribution list. Unfortunately, I neither know how to send an email through ASP let alone sending it via Outlook.

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Save Contact To Outlook With Asp?

Where can I find docs or help on how to do this?

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Outlook Mobile Access

I keep getting this message when logging on OMA

Server Error in '/OMA' Application.

Configuration Error
Description: An error occurred during the processing of a
configuration file required to service this request.
Please review the specific error details below and modify
your configuration file appropriately.

Parser Error Message: Unable to read the security policy
file for trust level 'WSS_Minimal'.

Source Error:

Line 62: <compilation batch="false" debug="false" />
Line 63: <pages enableSessionState="false".....

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Outlook Calendar On Web Page

i'm trying to display my Outlook Calendar on web page. I made script to display calendar in Excel - works perfectly, but i don't know how to make it in ASP.... Is anybody who know how to change this code? Code:

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Editing Outlook Web Access

Has anyone had any luck editing the Microsoft Outlook Web Access pages? I am setting up my company's new OWA 2003 server. Now here's the problem, I had to create new logon pages because we authenticate to a different domain then the server is on (stupid mergers).

Now when the logout button is clicked on the page, it takes you back to the default logon page. Were a user to try and log back in from here it wouldn't work. Now simply adding a "response.redirect" to that page seems to break their code completely. So has anyone managed to do this and could let me know how?

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Opening Microsoft Outlook

I have a Windows 2003 server running IIS 6. On the server I have about 100 websites. I want to place a file on the server and have ALL sites include it on a web page(s). I tried this

<!-- #include file="C: est.inc" --> but it comes back File can't be found.

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