I have a page which automatically sends out email without any user intervention. But I want my page to open the Outlook client, with all the default values that I have to specify. In this way the user, can modify the message and even attach additional files to the mail. How should I do this?
i get my default email addresses from my database, which is basically a replicate of my contacts in outlook, is it possible to access the contacts from the mail server? This way, i just have to maintain the contact list in the mail server instead of maintaining it again in my database.
im sending a mail with CDONTS now if im combining 2 languages in the same mail, i have a problem (languages are hebrew and english) if im using dir=rtl the words in english appear backwards (the letters order is reversed) if im using dir=lrt the hebrew is reversed . how can i fix this thing.
I'm trying to send email through outlook in asp page. I've tried CDO.Message and Mapi.Session but those method i need to know the exchange server name and the login information so now i have to modify my code I've search through internet for the way to do that but i always have a problem with create outlook object Code:
Does anyone know if its possible to send an Outlook task from an ASP page running on a Windows 2000 Server on an intranet. There is also Microsoft Exchange Server on the same network which handles Outlook mailboxes.
The Windows 2000 server will soon be upgraded to Wndows 2003, if that makes a difference.
Could someone tell me how to send outlook appointment email from asp page? I would like appointment email just like one outlook can send out. I tried to look for an answer for this, but it seems exchange server has to be installed on web server if I want to use the following code?
Is there way to send outlook appointment email without using outlook. Application object? If not, how can I make the code below work since we have separate mail server? ....
I need some help: with cdosys i'm able to send e-mail from asp using the local exchange server. Now I also have to save the sent mail into the user's mailbox for future reference: how to?
i am trying harder to mix this 2 solutions... but without success... the below on seen to be grabing a template and replace the data with the values posted in a form Code:
I'm using CDO to send mail to the site owner from ASP pages with forms. Recently one of my forms is occasionally sending email with what seems to be an insertion which is replacing the plain text part of the email with something else. Looking at the server sent email source, the hacked emails have the following:
The following "Send Page" Script Breaks w/Win 2000 & Outlook XP with the error ""The command line argument is not valid. Verify the switch you are using." However, it does work with win98 and Outlook Express. Any ideas on the problem? Code:
I have the code for the sending mail but i do not know to loop it. I have been given specification saying that i should send mail after registration and deregistration.
so i have a asp page given the action function of the register form so the page updates the registration done. so i given after registration the send mail code and want to have the loop or condition for the mail to be sent to the person who updates registeration and code is as follows....
I'm 99.9999999999999999999% sure there haven't been any code changes, since the date stamps of the code are older than any email 'failures'
The email piece quit working using the mail.send. If there haven't been any changes made to previously working code, where do I look for the problem now? I restarted the SMTPservice in IIS. Our real email is hosted remotely, I checked with the admin and she said no changes were made, i.e., not blocking port 25 traffic from the gateway.
I guess this isn't ASP specific, but any ideas how to troubleshoot this?
I am sending mail from ASP program. My server is win 2k, IIS 5. SMTP server is configured.
I am generating a report(purchase order) and the same sending as an email to the supplier. upto last week it was sending well. Now its returning bounce mail.
in the c:inetpubmailrootadmail contains the file(.bdr). The contents of the file are ....
I would like to know how can i nodify some users which are into my databese with an e-mail? How can i sent to them an "automate" e-mail using VB script.
<% Set Mail=Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") Mail.To="rashwathama@yahoo.com" Mail.From="rashwathama@yahoo.com" Mail.Subject="Just testing my script" Mail.Body="Hey! I am sending this email through an ASP Page and guess what? I havent learnt much yet, but know that ASP is very powerful." Mail.Send Set Mail=nothing response.write "DONE" %>
But it did not work
I use Windows 2000 Server and Internet Information Service (IIS).....
Where can i found the source code that allow me to key in myself email address and message and then key in friend's email address, after that my email address will be send out to my fren with my site URL and message that i typed?hope its asp file extension.
<i><b>Originally posted by : Serno (serno@worldonline.dk)</b></i><br />Iīm using IIS 5 on Windows XP. When trying to send a mail using 'CDONTS.NewMail', I get this error message : <br />ActiveX component can't create<br />object: 'CDONTS.NewMail'<br /><br />Please help!!<br />
i m creating city checkboxes from database table...so using this client can subscribe for various cites...after submit i m adding all his/her datails into subscription table ...i m adding all selected city into one colums branch_city...and after this i m sending email to corresponding subscription department of selected city....and only one email to client with the all city name he has been subscribed... Code:
I am having an e-mail being sent from a form submitting on a web page.
Right now, it is just a generic name (not a valid e-mail address) in the Mail From box. "Web Server Request". How can I add a reply to piece to this, so when a user clicks on Reply, it sends it to a valid e-mail address.
I am trying to send an HTML e-mail that sends a webpage from a website. Couldn't get it to work. I am able to send out the email, but body content does not show up on the email.
Set tMail=CreateObject("CDO.Message") tMail.Subject="Test" tMail.From="xxx@xxxxxx.com" tMail.To="xxx@xxxxxx.com" tMail.CreateMHTMLBody = "http://www.xxxxxx.com/xxxx.asp" tMail.Send set tMail=nothing
I had to write a page in ASP which sends an email. I googled and was able to write the following code:
<html> <body> <% Set Mail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail") Mail.To = "XXXXXXXXXXXX@XXXXXX.COM" Mail.From = "YYYYYYYYY@YYYYY.COM" Mail.Subject = "Test MAIL Subject" Mail.Body = " Body Body Body Body Body Bodyody Body Body" If Mail.Send Then Response.Write("Mail has been sent successfully") Else Response.Write("Mail Sending Failed") End If Set Mail = nothing %> </body> </html>
When I run this script on a shared hosting server, It's saying "Mail Sending Failed". I had never written ASP code before and couldn't find what the reason is.. I also checked whether CDONTS.NewMail component is available.
I need some free tools that would allow me to automatically send e-mails to somebody acoording to the current date (e.g. if I have a table in a database with some fellows and their birthdays, I would like to automatically send them a greeting e-mail, when their birthday is). I would preffer that tool be installed as a service. It will be just fine if I will be able to use this tool in an ASP site.
Otherwise, how could I program such a tool (and what language would be the most appropriate)?
Iīm trying VP ASP Shopping cart, but the free version doesnīt allow us to send an email to our customers and to ourselves with the confirmation of the order.
I would like to know if there is any code sample or script that can easilly be included when the invoice appears in the screen, so we can send the invoice automatically by mail to the costumer to confirm the order and to us to let us know the order was made!?
I would prefer to work with jmail, but if itīs not possible it can be another.
I just found out that CDONTS was indeed installed on our web server so I've been playing around with some easy sample codes. However, when I run the code, nothing happens. I get no errors, it seems like everything went OK, but no email! Are there firewall issues with CDONTS? If so, how can I work around them?
What I want to do is send an email (if the user has accepted to receive one of course) once the product page in my site gets updated.
This is how I thought of it. Once a user fills my form he will have a YES/NO email field in my access database, the date he was registered on and a number indicating the total number of products the moment he got registered.
Once the product number changes, I will perform a control on all users and send an email to those who fulfill the criteria
Hope that my idea is correct and can be done. But in what language should i write this thing? It should be integrated in my website or locally?
How can I make the script understand that my products have been updated thus triggering the email action? Should the control be set on a daily basis or something?
I doing my sistem in localhost. I try to use the method below to auto send mail to the mailbox. But why i didn't receive any mail from it?
Dim objCDO Set objCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Message") With objCDO .To = "spch2o@yahoo.com.sg" .From = "spch2o@hotmail.com" .Subject = "Pemberitahuan Perjanjian Perbualan Sistem Penilaian Perisian Khusus Matematik" .HtmlBody = "perjanjian anda telah ditetapkan pada...." End With Set objCDO = Nothing
How to send automatically an E-mail when a user submit a form in ASP page?( for example send a congratulation E-mail with content " Successful Registration " to hisher E-mail address that heshe entered in submit form )
I'm looking for ASP script that can send mail from a web page but it sais that it can not attach a file from your local drive, insteat it can only when the file is attach on a server. so is there any way to attach a file from a local drive and sent it to email from web page?