PDF Creation :: Format The Text Or Resize It

Is anyone having problems with formatting text using the ASPPDF component? I am having problems when it fills in the pdf form from data entered through a form. For some reason it doesn't allow me to format the text or resize it...

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Resize Popup Window To Fit Text

I have a popup window that is used to display text from a database. Some times it can be a few words, sometimes it can be a hundred words. What I would like to do is resize the popup window to fit the text. Well actually it is just the height that needs to be resized. I have set the width to 600. I have put the text in a table and I was thinking
I could set the height of the window to be the height of the table plus some for room. I don't know if that is possible.

At first I tried to count the number of lines and multiple by a factor by that doesn't work so nicely because I was getting the number of lines by dividing the number of charaters by the maximum number of characters in a line.

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How To Resize All Images Sizes And Coordinates Of The Images On Resize Browser

My page have background image,on that image have more images and text. My problem is whenever resize browser that images are not resized and also not moved correct place .(i.e look not like before alignment).I want to do everything in dyanamic....

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Text Format

I use <textarea> input more than one paragraph to the database, whose field
type is set to "text". Then I retrieve it to display in <textarea>, which is
OK, paragraph by paragraph, but not in the other tabs because of no <P> or
<br> between each paragraph.

Is there any solution to display in other tabs
than <textarea> paragraph by paragraph. Or do I have to change the database
field type other than text? And which type is good in this case. Thanks for
any idea.

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Text Format

I've created my database on MS Access and linke it to the web using ASP. I can display data from db. The problem I have now is when I display a data from db on ASP page I get the text as one block with no spaces or paragraphs format. Can anybody give me a hand of how to display my text as I entered. I stored text on field with memo type.

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Format Database Value Into Text

how can i format text so it can be read by a database? for example, for numbers i do cint(whatever). whats the equivalent for text?

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Rich Text Format

I am using RTF files to store a template which has certain tags which should be replaced with content with ASP.I can use the VBScript function replace to do this substitution but is it possible to merge the pages in one file with those in another from ASP?Is there also an easy way to print out the result?

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Format Text From Database

Is it possible to store html tags in a database field so that when data is retrieved from this field the formating is retained? For example I have an address field in my database, which I return using:


However they are times where I may want to have my city, state etc on seperate lines by using <br>, but right now if I store a <br> in my database it does not affect the formating of my displayed address.

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Text Field Format

I need a user to follow a format. For example entering a date. I need the user to enter a date in this format MM/DD/YY. How do I check to see if they followed that format?

I need the user to enter a currency amount without the "$" sign. How do I check to see if the Request.Form("price") value has a "$" sign in it? I guess I need to know how to parse a string in ASP.

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Loading A Unicode Text Format In Asp

I have a text file containing korean fonts, i saved it as a unicode format in notepad.
i tried to load it in asp using #include file, i get an "UNICODE ASP files are not supported" ....

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Stuck On Function To Format Text

I have a function at the moment which will take the contents of a <textarea> form field, and replace carriage returns with an HTML <br /> tag,

Assume the textarea, named "this" contains:

Therefore, all projects can be broken down into 8 standard processes (according to the Prince2 methodology): Code:

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Change Format From Number To Text.

i have several fields in the database that the format is number. then, i have a report page that allow user to open it the ms excel. my problem is, when all data transfered to ms excel, all data that is in number format, they are located at the right of the cells and there is 1 data named noIC, suppose this data is a 12 digits number but in the ms excel, it became something like this 780945+E12....

to solve this problem, i have to change the cell's format everytime all data have been transferred to ms excel. i have to set to left indent for all fields that contain numbers and for the noIC i have to set from General to Number.

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Check If A Text Box Data Is In Date Format?

Is this possible to check if a text box on form.htm is in mm/dd/yyyy format before submitting to asp page?

if you enter say 2/2/04 it gives a incorrect date format error. The asp page uses this text box in the select statement for a db2 table query that is a date field.

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Image Resize

What is the best image resizing tool is out there? I want to resize images in ASP page when users upload them into some directory.

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Image Resize

I need to resize images to a fixed width.
How can I hold the aspect ratio?

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Image Resize

I have a page that displays a image from a folder. If the image is over a certain size I want to resize it to a given size, but if the image is smaller than the given size I set I want it to stay the same. Any ideas?

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Image Resize

Has anyone managed to get ASP to do an image resize ? I know its possible easily in .NET, or by purchasing a COM object, but my server cant have either of those.
Looking to automatically create a thumbnail when a user uploads an image.

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Resize Image

Can someone help me out in resizing the Gif images.

I actually eant to resize the gif image and save in a separate folders.

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Image Resize

I need code that simply resize image with same ratio. My server has ASPImage 1.5 component.

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Resize A Frame

i have A page that show List of many field from database and i have frames : Top , Left and Main Page. I think it's tired to see the fiel with horizontal scrolliong too long. I wonder that the left frame can be resize to Left(Close to left) then i can open it again. But I have no idea to doing that.

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Image Resize

How can i resize a picture with asp, i mean i store the picture into the database, and when i display it, i just resize it from html, but it does not look good, not focused... basically how can you make a thumbnail..?

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Resize An Image On Upload

I need a pure ASP (no com, or dll objects) solution that not only allows me to upload an image, but also resize it.....

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Image Resize In Browser

I have an ASP page where I am displaying an image submitted by a user. I don't know the width or height of the image - they are variable. However, when I display the image, I want to shrink it to a particular size if it is wider than one of my page elements (say, 130 pixels).

I need to detect the width of the image and then display it with a WIDTH attribute if it is wider than 130 pixels. Anyone know a way to do this with ASP, without using a 3rd party component? If not, know how to do it with Javascript?

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Resize The Image And Save

I have problem with resizing a picture and don't know what the problem with the following code:

dim fs
dim sourcefile
sourcefile = uploadsDirVar & filename
set fs=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

'to access the data of the image
dim iwidth, iHeight
dim myImg

if fs.fileExists(sourcefile) then
set myImg = loadpicture(sourcefile)
iwidth = round(myImg.width / 26.4583)
iHeight = round(myImg.height / 26.4583)

if (iwidth > 250) then
iHeight = (iHeight * 250)/iwidth
iwidth = 250
end if

If (myImg.Width > iwidth) or (myImg.Height > iHeight) Then
If (myImg.Width / iwidth) > (myImg.Height / iHeight) Then
myImg.Resize iwidth, 0
myImg.Resize 0, iHeight
End If
End If

myImg.WriteFile sourcefile
set myImg = nothing
end if

set fs=nothing

when i run it, the following error occur :

Object doesn't support this property or method: 'myImg.Resize'

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Image Upload With Resize

I need help to do a upload image with image resizing (for the thumbnail view). our hosting provider supports file SoftArtisans upload component. How can I do the my task

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Auto Resize Web Page

Has anyone developed a web page that automatically senses the screen resolution of the incoming browser and dynamically resizes content accordingly? For instance, an 800x600 resolution user might see 3 columns of product thumbnail images, whereas a 1024x768 user would see 4 columns. Of course, the thumbs are data-driven. Is this possible and/or advisable?

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Picture Resize And Upload Using ASP

I have a web page which'll allow a user upload some pictures. Problem is, different users have different sizes of pictures. I was wondering if there was a way to resize the picture just before it is saved on the server? If not, then is there a way of resizing it just when i'm about to display it?

I googled around a bit but all i got were sites which had components that would help me do just that. I don't want to use components cos my host won't allow me use any external components, just want to use pure ASP (or maybe js).

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Script To Format Existing Access Table Into Wall Calendar Format?

I have the tables set up in Access, viewing in column format on ASP pages but now the company wants the schedule reports to be in a wall-calendar type format. I've searched and found calendar scripts but I need one that's creates a table resizable to a report size format. Using the existing MS Access db I've written is also a plus.

Any suggestions on where to start?

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Is Posible To Resize An Image Without Any Component

I am trying to resize images without componts in ASP, but I couldent find anything that can do that.

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Resize Photo Store On Server?

I have a Windows 2000 server. My ASP application allows users to upload a photo for display to other users. Unfortunately everyones photos are different sizes. I'd like to resize the photo to 150px wide while maintaining the aspect ratio of the photo.

Is there anything built into IIS/ASP that will allow me to do this? If not, is there a free DLL, etc. that I can add to the server?

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ASP RSS Creation

im new to the rss "movement" and would like to implement it on
one of my companies internal sites. we have a site that allows users to
leave messages for other users based on email address. so for example i can
visit the site and type in my email address and if any messages are waiting
they will be displayed. the page uses a GET to fetch the messages based on
email address so the URL looks like this:


since the address is passed in the URL i imagine ill need an rss feed that
does the same kind of thing... can anyone point me in the right direction or
get me started with an example? im ot even sure if this is something that
can be done simply with some ASP object, or if ill have to actually write
out some XML at some point.

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PDF Creation

I would like to know how to create PDF file using ASP. Can someone help me for the same

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Resize Uploaded Images Without Server Component

My host offers the 'Persists ASP-Upload' component, but not the 'ASP-Jpeg' component. I can therefore allow users to upload images which can then be saved on the server.

What I need to do however, is resize their images before they are saved, so that their pixel dimensions are correct. Is there a way to do this without having the ASP-Jpeg (or similar) component installed on the server?

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