PM (Private Messaging System)

I am trying to create a Private Messaging system for my Simple log in system, I am making forums my self, but i am not sure how to put a private messaging system in, could some one please give me the script plz?

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Text Messaging

My work wants me to set up a web page for managers that allows them to
send cell text messages to other managers through a web page.

I know that with Spring (my carrier, I can send an email to my phone
number. But the various managers all have their own cell phones with
various carriers.

Can anyone point me to some information on which carriers use which
methods for sending text messages via the web?

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Text Messaging

Does anybody know how I can send a text message to a cell phone from
server-side code when I only know the 10 digit phone number? Up till now, I
have used CDO, but I also need to know the domain of the cell phone too for
this to work. I now want to be able to send a message without requiring this
domain name.

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Instant Messaging

Does anyone know of an simple/cheap Instant Messaging add-in?

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i am looking for a instant messaging like msn or icq for my site in asp.. (a chat system but like instant messaging for my site)

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Capture Text Messaging

I have a client that wants to allow users to signup for a contest using text messaging. I have no idea where to start with this, so hoping someone here has some experience with this.

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Private Subroutines

In ASP, if I define a subroutine as private

Private Sub mySubroutine(arg1, arg2)

I understand that the variables I define inside the subroutine are local only to the
subroutine. If the same variable is defined outside the subroutine, it won't conflict
(right?) What about variables that are defined outside the subroutine, but not inside? Are they available inside the subroutine?

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Internet Chat And Instant Messaging

help with designing a chat system for my website? I have been looking for good tutorials in the net but so far, I have not found any.

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A General Question About Text Messaging?

What does a website need in order to send
text messaging to cell phones? Is this something the hosting company will
offer or does the website need servers from Micrsoft? Can you refer me to
where I can get more information on this?

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How To Email A Private Message

When I try to email a private message to someone who responded to my posting it tells me that i don't have priviledge. I am registered but don't understand why I cannot email a private message to anyone.

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Redirect To Private Server

What is the "right" way to redirect to an internal server from the outside? In other words, users can connect to my website and then I need to be able to redirect users with the correct login to a server with an internal address (10.x.x.x). Obviously I can easily redirect them with the address, but the idea is to protect the internal address from the outside.

I tried linking from the public site to a script page that simply redirects to the internal address, but the internal address still appears in the address bar and I don't know how to map it to a name without every user needing a host file entry. Anyone know of a way to do this? Basically the purpose of this is to allow external users to connect to an internal server to view proprietary data.

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Viewing Database In Private

how to view my database without making it a webpage for everyone to see. I would like to create a form and intake client name and phone number but I don't want the information available to the publicc to view. Is this possible. I use frontpage2002, windows millenium, and asp and frontpage extensions.

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Issue With Private Functions

I just tried a test comparing a Function to a Private Function with this code:

Option Explicit
dim X1
X1 = 9

Private Function RealTest(here)
RealTest = here + X1
End Function

Response.Write "The answer is " & RealTest(10)

I get "The answer is 19". If the function is defined as private, shouldn't I have gotten
an error in the function that states that X1 is undefined?

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Difference Between Private And Public Function

What's the difference between a private function and a public function?

What's the difference between a function and a sub-routine?

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Adding E-mail System (for Web Based Tracking System)

I am currently developing a final year project which is a web based
tracking system tracking exam questions. I am using IIS as the
server, MS access for the database, and ASP with VBScript for the
scripting side of things.

One of the things I want to do would be to e-mail a user/moderator
whenever a exam question is edited/completed/updated. does anyone have
any previous expierence in this? i don't even know where to start.

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What Is The Asp Code Variable For System Date And System Time?

What is the asp code variable for System Date and System Time? Are they built-in system variables, or is there some code involved to return the values?

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Memory Leak? Private Bytes/Virtual Bytes

As I ran in to errors like "Ran out of memory" and "Out of memory" I
supposed my website might have memoryleaks. To trace a potential memory leak
I isolated the IIS process and monitored the 'Virtual Bytes' and 'Private
Bytes' for a while.

I noticed the private bytes stays 'low' all the time. Sometimes a bit up,
sometimes a bit down. Virtual bytes also follows the same pattern for most
times. But, sometimes it increases to almost 2gb en stays there.

I've been reading for memory leaks an aggressive caching and stuff and was
wondering when there is a memory leak. In short: what does it mean thet the
amount of virtual bytes stays high? Is this probably due to caching or....?

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Difference Between Private Function And Public Function?

What's the difference between private and public functions in ASP? When should I use either?

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System DSN

I've created a system DSN called 'accessDSN' for a MS Access DB.
I get an error when running the following.

Code :
Set Con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Con.Open "accessDSN"
sqlString = "INSERT INTO Products(product_name,product_price) values('Gift Basket',34.54)"
Con.Execute sqlString

Error :

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80004005)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Operation must use an updateable query.
/asp/l52.asp, line 5

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System DSN

Since details like database server, login, database etc is stored inside the
DSN do I really need to specify the login while using DSN

My VB programs works without login id but not my ASP programs..

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POS System

I want to stick with VB on this project. The only problem I have with this is that I might have a problem with printing. The POS system is designed on a small 10-15 computer networked system. They are all good systems so nonone say that it may be a little to intensive for the systems.

Now once the system runs through basic checks: change exchange, enough money to pay, and other smaller features then it has to print the invoice. Now we have a small Epson Thermol (prints like Lazer) printer. How would my VB application send that information to the printer?

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System DSN

Microsoft, in one of its "Help & Support" pages on ADO, says that a System DSN is three times faster than a File DSN. I find that a bit odd for the simple reason that won't it be faster for a script to access a file to get info about the database source than access the same info from the registry which will be the case if a System DSN is used
instead of a File DSN?

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Email System

I wanna build an email/messaging system whereby all members of a portal can send messsages to each other (internally). An example of this application would be the system available in whereby all friendster members can message each other. Each member has his/her own inbox, trash, sent messages and so on. Can anyone help me with this? I would be eternally grateful

Secondly, i need help with building a forum as well. So far i'm having difficulties getting one that is easily customisable.

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ELeave System

I have been working on a simple eLeave System. I would like to get more advice of my db design. Basically, I have 2 tables here: user and leave_application. I will just put the relevant field needed for leave calculation.
user: date_employment, type, t_annual_entitled, t_annual_actual_taken, t_annual_balance
leave_application: date_leave_from, date_leave_to
There are 2 values under type, E - Executive and NE - Non-Executive.

- If type = E, t_annual = 22
- If date_employment = 7 July 2005, t_workingdays = 187
- So, my formula for t_annual_entitled = (22 * 187) / 365

So, is my db design and my formula okay for this system? Any other better ways?

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Newsletter System

Created a basic ASP/ADO/Access 2000 Newsletter system using JMail.
Basically client has 300+ subscribers and wants to send 1 newsletter email
to them all every 1 - 2 months.

Missed my client's call to say it wasn't working, but having checked with my
ISP (FastHosts), they have some kind of embargo on the amount of emails that
can be sent every 10 seconds.

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ASP Rating System

how to create a simple rating system just like the ones on I found a link which i tried and i think it is flawed. No attemp was made to provide the source files

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System Down Message

At the beginning of the month,the whole DB server is down because of the change and upload of tables. So naturally the ASP pages would show errors.
I have 1 dbconnect.asp page which gives the db connection information.
How can I display a status.html based on the DB's down period?

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I am spawning a process on the web using ProcessInfo and Process classes.
Running on my dev. XP Pro machine all is fine. Running the same thing on w2k3
server I get "Access Denied" on the page. It seems like a security problem
though I don't know how to resolve it. I have tried all sorts of combinations
on directories, vdirs, etc.

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Alert System

Am implementing an alert system that will notify users by mail of activity on a pre-defined date. What function or event can I use to achieve auto-execution of this alert on a specified date without human intervention.

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System COlors In ASP

I need to get in classical ASP page color of < Button Face object of
MS Windows. Is there any standard function in vbscript?

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Email System

I wanna build a mail/messaging system whereby all registered members of a portal can send messages to one another (internally). An example of such an application would be the mail/messaging system at whereby users can send messages to other friendster users. Can someone help me with this?

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Asp Rating System

i need a rating system on my website were people would be able to vote out of to topics and once say 10 votes have been made it adds up the totals and inputs the result of the topic which won

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ASP Login System

I am currently working on a site that's hosted on IIS. I need to implement a user login system for multiple members. Basically I need to secure mulitple pages and each member would be directed to a different page once they log in.

For example:

client1 logs in and is directed to /client1/reports.html
client2 logs in and is directed to /client2/reports.html

Also, it would be good to be able to display error message below the form if the username or password is incorrect.

I am new to asp and IIS and am having problems finding something that works easily. Can anyone refer me to a script that I can use? It can even be something retail, I have a small budget to pay for something that works.

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