POP3 & JMail

I am hoping to use JMail to read pop3 mailboxes via an ASP page. I have a tutorial from the website (http://www.dimac.net/Websites/dimac/Website/Products/w3JMail/{C7EFB42E-5C6C-49D4-91B7-00C7E9388A96}?exId={553CC37F-7EB7-4D47-907C-1B75FE043B03}) but can't get it to run on the server. Does anyone have any idea why this code will not run?? I have entered the correct username,passwords into the script.

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Jmail Jmail.SMTPMail Error '8000ffff'

I am testing JMail through ASP on my local server so I can just swap out serverAddress when it goes live to make a simple switch with our live server.

However I KEEP getting :

The message was undeliverable. All servers failed to recieve the message

jmail.dll was installed into windows/system32 and regsvr32 jmail.dll was successful.

Here's the code; I specified :


all with and without the :25 on the end. No go. Same error. Here's my code :

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does anybody know if there is somewhere ASP code available which enables me to read my emails at my external provider via WAP?

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What I need to do if possible is connect to a pop3 mailbox,download the values of an email to, from, date and message and store this in a table. Is this possible using asp or will i need a 3rd party bit of software to do this?

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Pop3 Emails

I am working on a piece of software that needs to store email data in a SQL server table. Been flicking around and it looks like the ASP mail components are a good way to go. Basically I will be recieving mails from a pop3 server (prob outlook) and using the same program to put the data in a database.

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POP3 Email

I need to send an email from my VBSCRIPT, I am not sure if there are some platform standard objects for this task.

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Pop3 Object

Am developing an app that has to check a pop server. I've tested a few ASP objects that allow me to get the job done. Does anyone know of a free ASP object I can use for this?

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Pop3 Mailboxes

I have a site, were I wish the users to login, and be able to send email (which is simple) and recieve email on the screen via their pop3 mailbox. So basically is it possible to read a pop3 mailbox (without) using any installed components, to display the emails, allow the users to delete them etc.

I'm right in thinking I can use cdonts and a webform to send the email just replacing the from tag with the users email address etc. If this is not possible in ASP can it be achieved in ASP.net and does anyone have any scripts/tutorials on how to achieve this?

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POP3 & IMAP4 Protoclos

I am developing a mail component. I need to understand difference between POP3 & IMAP4 protoclos. If POP3 is fullfilling all requirement related to mail services, Then why Microsoft have lunched IMAP4 in exchange

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Secure POP3 Email

I have a client who wishes to have Credit Card details emailed to them from a web page form. The for itself will be on a secure https page but I've never come across a way of safely transferring CC numbers from a form to a POP3 account.

Is this possible or not? I've provisionally advised my client to have the numbers submitted to a database which an administrator can then log in using a secure page to view these numbers. My client would prefer to receive the customer details direct to his email account.

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Mail Component POP3 Or IMAP4

Mail component to retrieve mail from Hotmail, Yahoo, gmail..etc?
I am not sure these web based mail support POP3 or IMAP4. Is there any mail
component out there that can retrieve mail from these services?

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Reading POP3 And Writing To SQL Server+uploading Attachements

I am looking for a system that will:

1. Read a message from a POP3 mailbox
2. Parse the message into its parts
3. Create a record in an SQL server table with selected fields of the message
4. Upload the attachements to the filesystem
5. Write the path of the attachements to the SQL server record

For security reasons, I want the process to be initiated and approved
by a user.

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I retrieve data from a database and I put the data into an array. Afterwards I want to send these data as an email using JMail. The problem is that I receive the following error when I am trying to send the email: Variable uses an Automation type not supported in VBScript. On the other hand if I try to print them on the screen there is no problem.

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I am running into a wierd error while using W3jmail. The error is: Error Is:

jmail.Message (0x8000FFFF) The message was undeliverable. All servers
failed to receive the message
/reclaim/app/email/WA_Universal_Email/JMail_VB.asp, line 126

The thing that is wierd about it is the fact that the email sends even though the above error is displayed. Has anyone run into this before? or have any suggestions on how to eliminate the error?

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W3 Jmail

I got Jmail to work fine. My problem is I need to send an email based
on somthing a customer submitted. When we receive the submission in
our system an auto-receipt email will be sent. What I need to have
happen (and cant figure out) is that email to include what was received
not just a on liner saying it was received. The information is pulled
from the db with a query. Anyone got any suggestions?

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Jmail Newsletter

I am currently trying to code a newsletter script with asp using jmail. I've seen hundreds of examples on the net that accomplish this but there is only one problem they all use a do while statement that sends one email at a time. When I do this the server times out because my list is so long. So I have been trying to write a scrip that uses the BCC function to send one email to everyone at once. Unfortunatly I can't seem to get it to work. Does anyone have any ideas how I can do this?

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JMail Expert

I'm using 20/20 Applications Pure-ASP Upload. It works great as far as uploading the files to my server. Now I have another question. Can you tell me how to attach the file from my server to the email. What I need to happen is when a user attaches a file, the files is uploaded to the server and then when they click on finish the email is sent with the file attached to it. I'm using the JMail function....

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Jmail Loop

I am some what new to asp and programing. I have put together this code, so I can send out a mailing list to some users. The code looks and seams to run fine. But I dont receive any test messages during when I execute it. it's like the SMTP sever is not sending the emails....

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Jmail - Every Email Is From A@p.com

I can get it to work with following code:

Set JMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.SMTPMail")
JMail.ServerAddress = "smtp.stormvision.co.uk:25" ' change this to your mail server

JMail.Sender = "a@p.com"
JMail.Subject = "Enquiry"

JMail.AddRecipient("marcus@stormvision.co.uk") 'here type in your email address again

JMail.Body = ("Email : " & Request.Form("Mailto") & vbcrlf)
JMail.appendtext("Full Name: " & Request.form("Name") & vbcrlf)
JMail.appendtext("City : " & Request.form("City") & vbcrlf)
JMail.appendtext("Telephone : " & Request.form("telephone") & vbcrlf)
JMail.appendtext("Postcode : " & Request.form("postcode") & vbcrlf)
JMail.appendtext("Comments : " & Request.form("comments") & vbcrlf)
JMail.Priority = 3

The trouble is says that every email is from a@p.com

So i modified the JMail.Sender line to

JMail.Sender = Request.Form("Mailto")

But am struggling to make it work.

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Jmail Professional

I'm developing a web site with email capabilities: I have tried the free version of Jmail, now I need Jmail Professional but still don't want to buy it before having the chance to try it....

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Jmail Attachment

I have a web page coded in ASP VBScript which sends a html email using the Jmail.SMTPMail object.

I am trying to attach a .csv file to the mail but when i get the mail through it won't display. It just shows this in the mail body...

This is a multipart message in MIME format. ----NEXT_BM_46A46859F09247848CB1A7C3EBE06AC2 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: Quoted-Printable

Here is my code ....

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My host does not support CDONTS for sending email, but instead uses JMAIL. I have a example of the code i need (in CDONTS) but need to translate it into a JMAIL version for it to work with my website.

Dim objCDO
Set objCDO = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objCDO.From = Request.Form("EMAIL")
objCDO.To = Request.Form("POSTER_EMAIL")
objCDO.cc = Request.Form("EMAIL")
objCDO.Subject = Request.Form("SUBJECT")
objCDO.Body = Request.Form("MESSAGE")
Set objCDO = Nothing

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JMail Setup

I have JMail installed, and when I code for remote servers, I am able to send the mail just fine, however I have yet to figure out how to test locally with IIS 5.1's mail server.

Does anyone have some information on how to setup the local system so I can test this feature before I script for it remotely? I'm sure that there 2 key points where I'm having a problem is

1. Setting up the IIS Mail Server
2. Defining the Mail Server in the JMail ASP code....


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JMail And E-card

i am using a form that sends an e-card..to explain briefly i am giving the code:

Set JMail = Server.CreateObject("JMail.SMTPMail")
JMail.ContentType = "text/html"
JMail.CharSet = "ISO-8859-9"
JMail.ServerAddress = "mail.mydomain.com:25"
JMail.Sender = "bla@mydomain.com"
JMail.AddRecipient theiremail

here problem comes. when user enters a different e-mail address (not same with my domain)
it gives error. how can i solve this problem.. can jmail send an e-mail to differents domains?

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Jmail - Add Recipients Name?

I have a Jmail form with several texfields incl. email and name of users. The mail is sent from me "John Doe" "email@domain.com" to the user filling out the form. When the e-mail is being sent it looks like this: Code:

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Adding Attachments With JMail

I’m creating an application that uses JMail to send email. And it works great!! as longs as I don’t try to add an attachment. However, I really need to have my users be able to add attachments; otherwise the purpose of this application is null and void.

I know that the file that is attached needs to be uploaded to a file share folder via FTP then encoded before being sent. My problem is that I don’t know how to code it. This is the JMail code that I am working with: I need some help in getting the code other than (Jmail.addAttachment) for adding the attachment......

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Formatting JMail Email

I had a problem with my webspace provider and CDONTS so I gave upon that front. I am now trying JMail which seems to be working, so now I need to transfer all my formatting from CDONTS to JMail.

I have a question on the formatting of a Jmail email.

I have the following snippet of code which details the variables and contents of the body of the email

body = "Name:- " & Request.Form("firstname") & " " & Request.Form("surname") & "<p>" & Request.Form("number") & "</p>"

I want to insert a line break/paragraph between Request.Form("surname") and Request.Form("number"). As you can see I have tried dong this with <p> tags and also <br>'s. However the tags are outputted into the email and not acutal line breaks.

Any ideas as to how to format the body of the email?

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JMail AddURLAttachment Problems

I was wondering if you guys have tried to use JMail's AddURLAttachment when
mailing? i cant get that simple thing to work. i have this:

set mail=server.createobject("JMail.smtpmail")
mail.ServerAddress = ""
mail.Sender = "k@100procent.com"
mail.Subject = "kk"
mail.Body = "Kkk"
mail.AddRecipient "lasse@100procent.com"
mail.Priority = 3
set mail=nothing

when i run it it mails and the attachment looks fine, when i try to open it
the open/save as dialog shows and i click open, and then it opens the
system32 folder, it didnt say anything about the file i was trying to open.
then i try to open again and then it asks for a lasse1.jpg, next time
lasse2.jpg, wtf is up with that?

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Jmail :: Invalid ProgID

I want to use Jmail in an asp page but not sure how. I did the codes but when i run it give me Error Type:

Server object, ASP 0177 (0x800401F3)
Invalid ProgID.

What should I do?

Code: .....

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Jmail Not Sending Outside My Domain

I'm trying to send an email to customers with their order information. I thought I had it working because I had been using my email. But when I changed and use an email outside of "______@faceproject.org" I get an error that says it cannot be found.

Here is my code:....

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Sending PDF Attachments With JMail?

for some reason i cannot send PDF's as an attachment, every other file type i try sends fine, but not pdf's..

could anyone please tell me why this is, and if there is a work around for it?

I'm running JMail 4.7

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Jmail - Attaching A Picture

I am trying to send email with Jmail component i am attaching a picture with it and its not working and giving me an error which is as follows

jmail.SMTPMail error '8000ffff' Cannot open file C:InetPubDevSecureBelord
hino_small.jpg ....

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I've been searching high and low for a decent comparitive analysis of the various e-mail components for IIS (specifically for use with ASP).

Here are a few that are pretty common: ASPMail - I've been using this, but it seems that if the SMTP server is backed up, it slows down ASP page that submits the mail, apparently because this version does NOT provide message queuing
ASPQMail - This component provides the queuing options, which theoretically would avoid ASP slowdown when the SMTP server backs up. Unfortunately my host doesn't offer this component.

CDONTS - Comes with IIS, so widely supported
CDOSYS - Comes with IIS 5 & later
JMail - A free component, also widely used. Documentation is poorly translated into English and difficult to follow.

Putting aside the fact that every web host supports a different set of mail components and "your mileage may vary"...

What is the best-performing solution?

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