Page 2 - Find Out Your Web Page's Path

Well, it was my experience that the generated stuff didn't work, but I didn't want to make a definitive statement and have someone more knowledgeable come through and tell me how wrong I was.

So now I'll agree: DON'T use Word to generage your code. It is a very bad idea, and for what (it looks like) you're trying to do, it is so easy that writing it in notepad would only take a few minutes, and be much nicer.

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Could Not Find Path

if i use the physical path where the database is located then my code works fine
such as ("e:folderabc.mdb")

but when i use the server.mappath("abc.mdb") , i get error

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Find Directory Path

I used to have an .asp script called whereami.asp that I could load into a directory on the web and then go to the URL and it would display the full path of that directory i.e D:Inetpubwwwrootmysitemydirectorywhereami.asp

But I've lost this script does anybody have the code that will do this. I seem to remember it was about 6 lines long - but as I am not that hot at asp I don't really know for sure.

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Error '80040e37' - Page Can't Find The Appropriate Database?

I have a bunch of .dbf files stored in a folder called dbf. My index.asp page is one level above that (let's call it the root). My asp page uses the following function to retrieve all of the .dbf files: ....

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Page Path

Are there any way that I can display the current page's path in the browser's address bar?When I use frames the path dont display in the bar anymore.

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Finding Out The Path Of Current Page

Is there an easy way to find out the path of the current asp page? When looking at http://localhost/images/listing.asp I want to be able to extract "http://localhost/"

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File Path Of Currently Executing Script/Page

Is there a way to determine the filepath of an ASP script being executed, like so? First file contains:

For Each x In arrNuggets
Server.Execute "/nuggets/" & x & "/default.asp"

The executed file, default.asp, needs to be able to figure out what it's parent folder name is.

Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME") only returns the name of the first initial page loaded, and nothing about the page currently being executed.

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Skip Out The Name Of The Page From The Physical PATH String ..

If the physical path of a page is : " e:facecgi_bindetails\_Nviews.asp "

and i want to remove "\_Nviews.asp" portion from this path ...means whenever the page refreshes,no matter what the name of the page is ....the last portion of the name of the page with slash must skip out from this path string can i do this while using VBscript using Split(),RIGHT(),LEN(),LEFT()...etc..

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Physical Path Of Any Page Hosted On Other Server

May i get the physical path of any page hosted on other server?

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Creating .asp Pages From A Web Page

In my site i need to give the user an option to have a landing page to a site or not to.

If they choose no i need to create a page that has a basic response.redirect in the page

so the code that would be used to generate the link would look something like this :

<%response.redirect("/site/" &siteName & "/" & pageName & ".asp")%>

So how do i create a page with asp?

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Physical Path & Virtual Path

I have problem with physical path & virtual path on the server.

<!--#include virtual="country/inc.bottom.asp"-->

In this script it is working.

In all the file i have <!--#include file="../"--> this script.

I have about 10,000 files in the website.

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Page 2 - ASP Pages Wont Work On Iis Xp Pro

1 - Yes, Norton Internet Security 2003
2 - NTFS
3 -
Radio button selected = "A directory located on this computer"

Checked = "read", "log visits", "Index this resource"

Execute permissions drop down = "Scripts only"

Application protection drop down = "Medium (Pooled)"

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How To Transfer ASP Variables From This Page To Another Pages ?

I'm currently writing an asp page . There are many variables inside i want
to transfer to another asp pages to use them. They are just normal variables
calculated in this page (not variables received with http query ), therefore i dont
know how to receive and use them in a new asp page.

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Passing Data From Page To Pages?

Because of �refresh� problem after updating the form. So, I have to put the confirmation message in a seperate page:

1.update.asp page click update - goes to updated.asp (update to the db and sending email) then redirect to updatedconfirmation.asp page (confirmation message)

I would like to carry a few information from update.asp page such as name and their address to the confirmation page depends on their ID, how can we I do that in the updatedconfirmation.asp?

I�ve used hidden fields in the update.asp page. but there is nothing display in the UpdatedConfirmation.asp page Code:

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Compile HTML Pages Into One Page

What I would like to do is build a page that displays HTML pages from a sub directory in one long page like an FAQ page.I have code to build a table of contents, I just need to know how to extrac the document tietle from the Meta tag and how to compile the content beloe the table of contents.Could someone point me to an asp routine that compiles FAQ's?

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Testing ASP Pages With Windows Front Page

I have FrontPage 2003 on my XP laptop. I need to test some web pages with *.asp codes which worked perfectly well with my old Win95 computer in the past. Of course I had to install Personal Web Server to it in order to do the job.

The help files of FP, gives the clue that it has the facilities to behave like a server and test interactive web pages. But I haven't seen the use of ASP pages with it. I do not wish to install a server on my XP just to test ASP pages.

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Page Title In A List Of Recently Updated Pages

I'm using VBScript to display a list of the ten most recently updated
pages on my web site. Right now, the script lists the filenames and
the date modified in a given directory.

What I want to know is if there is any way to extract the page title
and display that instead of the file name? Can I use .asp and VBscript
to "delve" into the file and extract the title? Code:

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Asp Pages Randomly Showing As Blank White Pages

Using IIS 5.0 and sometime some asp pages (absolutely
randomly) showing as blank white pages. So far only one
way of fixing it - restart whole server. Restarting IIS,
or specific web server not helping, only whole server.

I enable server side and client side debugging, but no
errors showing up...

In view source pages always look like this:
<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html;

Any idea why it can happened and how to fix?

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Redirect All Pages From Domain B To A Maintenance Page On Domain A

We have two sites hosted on different servers and we have many pages on
domain A which has many links(asp programs) to domain B.

My question is if domain B server is in trouble, what is the best way to
have all domain pages redirect to domain A? Right now I just have redirect
code in each program on domain B to redirect to a maintenance page on domain

Can I just write on program to solve this issue?

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Cant Find Folder!

However, when i opened a page on my pc the database string was:

DBFolder = path & "..mysqldataformuladata

I cant find the folder in question. Even when ftping.

Any ideas where is could be lurking?

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Cannot Find DWG Files

I am trying to locate a file using the following code

Set objXMLHTTP = Server.CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")

strURL = "http://server/ApprovedAutoCAD/140-00007-01.dwg"
objXMLHTTP.Open "GET", strURL, False, "login", "password"

strReturn = objXMLHTTP.status

I get a 404 status back indicating that the file is not found, which is incorrect. I am able to locate XLS and DOC files on the same directory. Any ideas why I cannot find a DWG (Drawing) file?

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Find And Replace

I am not sure if this is a question for this forum or the IIS forum but here goes. I have a dedicated server on which I am hosting about 80 websites at the moment, all of which have been created by copying a template site. All of these sites have an identical structure and are located in the same directory on the server, C:Inetpubvhosts. Several times when I have needed to make an adjustment to the sites I have to go into the remote desktop connection to the server and go site by site, copying and pasting files. For example, as each site has the same pages, ie., map.asp, sometimes I make a change to that page and have to copy it to every site. Could I write some sort of script using the FSO and execute it from one site and have it loop through each site on the server making the neccessary change(s)?

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Can't Find End Statement

The dreaded missing end statement
I need another set of eyes mine are about to cross.

My Error

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03f6'

Expected 'End'

calendar.asp, line 289

My code:

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Find Performance

We have several pages that are running very slow, is there any way to
identify which pages are taking the longest to process?

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How Can I Find What Value Is In My Variable?

At first glance, the question in the subject line seems way too easy. But I
am finding some situations in my app where the value in a variable is some
sort of blank-like value, such as Null or "&nbsp;" or "", but I cannot tell

Of course, in order to find out the value, I did a response.write, and added
a nonsense word afterward, to help make sure it is writing it out for me.

First, I tried to check for null: Code:

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Best Way To Find <> NULL

How do I go about testing to see if a value is not equal to NULL? isNULL provides the opposite functionality, but all my attempts at the former return a FALSE value.

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Find Referer

I want to know how to find out who is sending visitors to my site. So i obviusly need to find out who a visitors referer is.

I took a guess and thought that this is what I should use:


But that does not return anything. Any ideas guys?

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Using The Find Method

Based on what the user selects in a combo box I need to find the value from another column in the same record. This is what I am using:

rsPrice.Find "Component='Desktop'"
If (rstPrice.BOF = True) or (rstPrice.EOF = True) Then
response.write("The Price for the Component Not Found")

curPrice =rsPrice("Score")
End If

I keep getting an error messages:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server (0x80040E29) Rowset does not support scrolling backward.

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Find Quoteint In Asp

can u tell me how to find the quoteint in asp

for e.g
290 / 100 = 2
I want result 2 but it gives 2.9

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Find Images

where i can get very professional and sophisticated images for my web sites ( even if i have to pay for them )

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Find Errors

I'm coding in classic asp and can't figure how to get IE6 to display some kind of descriptive message about code errors? I have the correct settings under ADVANCED in IE's options selected.

What bugs me is sometimes IE will report the line number and a message, and then other times it's the standard "The page can't be displayed." When you have hundreds of lines of code, how can you fight this?

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Find In String

How can i count the number of times a string appears within another string.

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Find Out The Count

i have 2 columns. called wintersubjects,summersubjects . the data in the columns will be 4 subjects.

social science

i want to find out the count for all of them.

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