Page Breaks With ASP / HTML

Here is my problem - I have an ASP page the is generating a file with HTML that is being opened with WORD. Can anyone give me a simple method, idea, function, example, resourse, etc.... to figure out how to handle PAGE BREAKS. I am not sure how to handle when to put the breaks in for the report that is being created.

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Line Breaks In HTML Code

How is it you should format your ASP code to that when viewing the resulting
HTML text from the browsers "view code" it looks nice with line breaks?

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Inserts HTML Line Breaks

If i'am writing a post in a "textarea" and i use the ENTER (newline) on my keyboard it comes as a line break <br> in my post on the forum.PHP uses "nl2br", but what is the ASP solution for this?

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Inserts HTML Line Breaks

I have some text in my database with paragraphs in it.When I display that info from the database on my website using asp, it shows with out the paragraphs.Is there a function that will Inserts HTML line breaks before all newlines in a string?

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PDF Page Breaks

this might be a shot in the dark but does anyone know if there is way to code pdf page breaks in webpages. when i print to adobe acrobat my webpages split when there converted to pdf. i want to set the pdf page breaks in my webpage.

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Page Breaks

i am generating report in ASP using sql.but i have problem when i need to have print ,that is when i want to take a printout of whole data i want to break the pages according to the group,but now i get a report with merging of the data.I want to take a print out groupwise page break. sample asp file is attached with this mail .

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How To :insert Page Breaks......

Preparing a report form in word file using ASP.

How to insert page breaks in word file through ASP to perform a
client side report.

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Pagination Page Breaks

I've 300 records in a recordset sort by name column (not unique) needs showing in 3 pages, 100 records each. At this moment i've stored records having 1 to 100 ID in 1st page, 100 to 200 id in second page and 201 to 300 in third page. but this doesn't have the record sorted actually according to name. Can anyone suggest how i can break records in 3 pages as well as sort them according to name.

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Page Breaks To Printer

I am creating some reports with ASP and have come to a bit of a problem. Does anyone know how can I send a page break to the printer? I need to be able to start different items fresh on a new page and I really have no idea how to do it.

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Page Breaks Numbers

Can anyone please let me know how to insert page numbers and page breaks in ASP.

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Calculating Page Breaks

I am trying to modify an existing ASP application that produces forms with several 'blocks' of text that are contained within table cells and which have their own HTML id's.

These blocks must not be split over two pages. Is there a straightforward way of calculating the size of each block/table cell so that the blocks are not split and the form prints on the minimum number of pages? This is an intranet application, so we have a certain amount of control over browser settings, so margin settings etc are not a problem.

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Page Breaks When Printing

We have a page that reads records from a database and displays them. Basically name/address/city/state/zip/county/phone. These records are between 4-6 lines a piece (there are other variables involved).

When printing these records via i.e. we currently have a process where we determine how many records have been written and eventually put a table with .break { page-break-after: always } style applied to it. The problem is, sometimes a page will hold 14 records, sometimes 15, sometimes 16. Is there a better approach to this so that records don't get cut off and it maximizes the number of records that display on each page?

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Loosing Page Breaks

When I collect the text from a form's text box, I am loosing the page breaks. When using C# in the past, I used this:

Code: ( text )

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Page QueryString Breaks When No Id Is Available In The Database.

Dim id
If (id = "") then
id = Request.QueryString("id")
End If
If (id = "") then
id = 1
End If

I use a QueryString request function, so when an id is called, that page loads into the current one. This is perfect, however if say the user directly types a link into the url, like index.asp?id=999, then basically the code is flawed, it breaks up.

Secondly if say a page has been erased from the database, and the link still is available, the code is equally flawed, so it would be good to have a page in my id, say id=50 that displays a page with data from the database, explaining that the page you are trying to reach did not exist or no longer exists, because so far, I get a page error:

ADODB.Field (0x800A0BCD)
Either BOF or EOF is True, or the current record has been deleted. Requested operation requires a current record.
/mjhw/functions/functions2.asp, line 21

But how can I over come this.

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Send Page Script Breaks W/Win 2000 & Outlook XP

The following "Send Page" Script Breaks w/Win 2000 & Outlook XP with the error ""The command line argument is not valid. Verify the switch you are using." However, it does work with win98 and Outlook Express. Any ideas on the problem? Code:

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Copy Part Of HTML Table To Another HTML Page

I have a table having 3 columns. There is a checkbox for each line. I
need to get those lines whose checkboxes are checked, and show those
lines to another webpage. Is there any way to do that? My concern is
that all information in the table are in <tb></tb> pairs without any
name tag. Any idea?

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Passing Recordset From An ASP Page To Another HTML Page ?

I am looking for a way to pass an ADO recordset that has been retrieved in
an ASP page to another HTML-page. Is there someone who can provide me with a
small sample or a link to see how this is done?

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ASP Page As Inline Frame In HTML Page

I have a ASP Page[inline frame in an html page] that does login to a database.

When the user visits the site, the first attempt to login will always failed and session is broken. Login name and password are correct though.

Only when the user re-try agian he/sge is then able to login to the site successfully. Can anyone tell me what could had caused the first time login failure?

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Values From Asp Page To Html Page

I have a web form page that passes values to an asp page, in which an email is sent to the customer with those values. The email functionality works fine. But I also want to display these values on a separate "thank you" web page after that.

What is the code to make those values display in the "thank you" web page? Does this involve adding code to the asp page and the "thank you" html page as well?

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Html Page

I developed the asp page which shows the all transaction records of the particular day in tabular form.But the probelm is that when i take print preview of the page directly from broswer ,print result takes more than one page so i want to reprint report header and then rest of records

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Page As HTML

i want to show my ASP pages as HTML, in the address bar of IE or NE the ASP page extention for example (result.asp) should look like(result.html) ...

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Can I Get Referer In A Html Page?

is there a possibility that i can use this statement

referer = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_REFERER") in a .html page??

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Generate HTML Page In ASP

How can I generatea a HTML page which will have contents read from a local file on server.

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HTML Form In ASP Page

I have a html form, and I like to know how to capture the values in the form after the user hit the submit button. How do I capture these values in an ASP page?

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Run ASP File In HTML Page

I have developed a HTML page containing form and table having some fields, Now What I want is that when I Click on Submit Button then all of the Form Fields should be email to a particular email address just like as they r on the form. So my problem is that i have created an ASP page containing code about to pick data form form fields n send it to email address i mentioned, But i dun know how to request an ASP page in a html page, Iam using

<Form name=MailForm action=MailForm.Asp method=post onsubmit="return Validateform()"/>
<Input type=hidden name=recipient/>

Just after the table creation but it doens;t work because when i click on submit it ask me to save or open MailForm.asp.
So is there anyone who can explain me how to run this file directly with in html page or how to use asp code in html page.

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HTML Page With ASP Frames

I have a HTML page named Index.html which is divided into 3 frames. The URL of 2 of the frames are HTML pages but the 3rd frame houses a ASP page.

Now when I go to Windows Explorer, navigate to the folder in which the all the 4 files (3 HTML + 1 ASP) reside & select Index.html (by clicking with the mouse or by using the arrow keys on the keyboard), strangely the Windows "File Download" dialog box (with 'Open', 'Save', 'Cancel', 'More Info' buttons) pops-up with the message Code:

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Getting Html Generated From An Asp Page

I know you can use the XMLHTTP object to retrieve Html, but how can you get html created by an asp page? Is there a way.

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HTML Page Templates

Is this affective way using HTML Templates in ASP:

I have html template file with <<TAG1>> .. <<TAGN>> in places, where I want to insert some data then i generate this data in asp:

Dim d ' Create a variable.
Set d = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
d.Add "TAG1", "Athens" ' Add some keys and items.
d.Add "TAG2", "Belgrade"
d.Add "TAG3", "Cairo"

, open html template, replace each <<TAGx>> with generated data
(d.Item("TAGx") ),
and print it with Response.Write

Or there is any other usual methods to use templates?

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Redirect Html Page

Here is my code:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content=http://mysite/sample.asp>

The above code isn't working. What am I missing?

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Get Text Out Of Html Page

I have an html page, how would I be able to just get the words in it? I mean I can probably program to get it but is there any existing tool that we can use and just fetch the word content of a html page?

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How To Read The Contents Of An HTML Page In ASP

i want to read an HTML page in ASP n i m not able to do so.

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How Can I Transfer To Html And Asp Page That I Get Its Url From Database

I tried using the following statements to transfer to html and asp page but i could not


pls tell me how can i transfer to html and asp page that i get its url from database...

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Editing HTML In An ASP Page With A <TEXTAREA>

I use a script (tableEditor, this forum recommended it) that if viewing a TEXT field with HTML in it... gets all funky.

one of the data fields vachar contains the center of a page... okay if you pullig it just to display it but imopssable to edit it again or view it in any form other than a striaght pull to a page.

when i go to edit a page with the online editor (using <textarea> to display the code) that has </text area> in it it ends the FORM im view TEXT area and then goes on to display the code...

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