Page Caching For Banner Management System

I'm doing a banner ad management system and am storing about 400 banners in my database. I need to pull them all and then sort them by weight and pull randomly from that sort to populate the page with banners (6 per page).

My problem is that pulling 400 banners and sorting them on every page is obviously a performance issue.

Does ASP have any sort of session or page caching capability that would allow me to cache these results and then update the cache anytime something changes with the banner database tables?

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Simple Banner Management

Has anybody found a simple, no zone, banner ad management app? I just want click through and a start stop date function. I have see everything from soup to nuts on ad management form $10.00 to $4900.00. Just want it simple.

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Error Of Connection In System Of Banner

I am having a problem with a system of banner, it walks presenting in all the pages this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0x1b98 Thread 0x2444 DBC 0x8499024 Jet'.

/banner/include/admentordb.asp, line 42

They see what it exists written in line 42, where it accuses the error Code:

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Content Management System

Do any of the ASP programmers on this form utitlize ASP Content Management
Systems for any of their customer (or own sites). If so, I would be grateful
for any feedback and thoughts on using CMS in a hybrid static or asp web
page environment.

We are reaching the point where our site content and
format is chaning too rapidly to be able to deploy custom asp applications
quickly enough or smoothly enough.

If this is too off-topic could someone advise a robust discussion forum
where I could pose this question?

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Req ASP Project Management System

anyone know a freebie project management system that gives both admin and
clients the ability to add notes with file attachments (COM less)

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Content Management System

created a CMS and it's all working fine. One feature I'd prefer is to have the person editing the page to have an option of sending the page for review (like Contribute) does or simply confirm changes like usual.

I have a few ideas floating aorund like having a seperate table for it so when they choose 'review' it submits it into table, person can review it, editor goes back to page, to the 'review' table and can update/add it into the main table.... anything easier than this?

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Content Management System

I'm looking for an ASP content management system that has like a premium access system included, so we can set parts of the site aside for the premium members only and was curious if anyone here could provide me with some names of programs.

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Content Management System

it would allow a user to create a file.asp by allowing them to specify the name of the file and then the script will create the file on the server. but how would I go about doing that, I haven't seen any examples of this.

Also how would I make it so that the user could create sub files to be a sub part of the parent file? Basically lets say they create a sports file, and then under sports they create files called baseball and so on. But how could I program this so that the user would be able to see this structure as well as create files to go into this structure?

Also, I want to create a dynamic menu that would take the files and then create a menu that holds parent links as well as child many content managers easily create dynamic one link menus, but I would like to create a dynamic menu that has parent links as well as child links.

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Browser Based Content Management System

Our organization's web site requires a lot of content updates. I like to develop a browser based content management system in asp. I like to show my end users
exactly live format of our web site into edit mode so that they can just go there and change the text, or text within a table, or change a link. Is there any ASP component that can help me to develop this?

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Page Caching

I've managed to build my first site is ASP, it has a basic shopping cart and search function. I'm having a bit of a problem with pages being cached messing up the display of the shopping cart.

What happens when I add in a product to the cart is the page sends the required information via a form to another processing page, this page then adds the items to the shopping cart which is an access database and then re-directs you back to the page you were on when you clicked the add to cart button. This re-loading of the page also updates a small shopping list I have on the right hand side of the page.

if i click the back button on the browser the shopping list now looks like its empty, if I press the refresh button it fixes the shopping list to what it should be. I've tried a few things I found on the internet and none of them worked anybody know how to get round this?

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Caching A Page

Is there a way to cache an ASP page on the servers memory for a certain amount of time?

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Page Caching

I have a strange problem, which i think results out of a

I have a index.asp Site with 3 I-Frames on it.

| | 2 |
|1 |-----|
| | |
| | 3 |

in Iframe(2) are some asplinkbuttons, when i click on one of them, the
Url from Iframe(3) is changed, works fine, no problem.

In Iframe(1) is a aspradiobuttonlist and a Button, there the same
should happen (changing Url from Iframe(3)) Code:

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Avoid Caching Of Page

I am running IIS5.1. I am invoking an ASP page in ther server continously from the HTML Page, to update some contents of the html page. The ASP page seem to run from the cache sometimes(Not Always). I tried to give the following header to my ASP file.

Response.Expires = 0
Response.AddHeader "pragma","no-cache"
Response.AddHeader "cache-control","private"
Response.CacheControl = "no-cache"

still the contents seem to get cached. how can i avoid this ?

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Control Page Caching

i need to control the page cashe so that i can enforce browser to get all page contents from the server not from temporary internet files .

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To Prevent Client Side Web Page Caching

I wish to avoid caching asp pages at the user end . Currently I have declared Response.Expires=0 at the top of my asp page. I have also used the following meta tags
to prevent client side caching:


but still the pages are cached at the client side.

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Ad Banner

looking for a rotating ad banner that shows a new image say every 15-20
seconds. can you suggest something that I might be able to use.

NOTE: This is for my church so if it were free I won't have to pay out of

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Banner Ad

Does any one have idea how to show banner ad in asp page. I am using ad rotator component but only problem is that its need to refreshed everytime either auto or mannual everytime for loading different image. Does anyone have any clue about banner ad without actually refreshing the page.

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Adding E-mail System (for Web Based Tracking System)

I am currently developing a final year project which is a web based
tracking system tracking exam questions. I am using IIS as the
server, MS access for the database, and ASP with VBScript for the
scripting side of things.

One of the things I want to do would be to e-mail a user/moderator
whenever a exam question is edited/completed/updated. does anyone have
any previous expierence in this? i don't even know where to start.

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What Is The Asp Code Variable For System Date And System Time?

What is the asp code variable for System Date and System Time? Are they built-in system variables, or is there some code involved to return the values?

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Banner Rotator

I am tearing my hair out. i am trying to serve normal banners to an asp file originated from an access database.

i wasn't able to use the normal javascript rotator as the array comes from the DB.

i can't use the normal IIS Ad.rotator module as it loads a new banner only when the page is reloaded therefore has anyone any ideas of what i can dO ie: dynamically served banners rotated on a single page every 10 seconds without refreshing the page.

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Banner Code Or IIS

I have some third party sponsor banners on my website and since installing the entire page pauses loading then displays the whole page. It seems that the page is waiting on the banners. Is there a way to set IIS or coding to load the page and then load the banners if they take longer to load?

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Banner Exchange In ASP

Does anyone know of a Banner Exchange program in ASP availavble for download - or is there a way to convert PHP programs into ASP.

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Rotating Banner

I need a rotating banner functionality to use on a html page, does any one know where can i get this done in

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Banner Impressions

I am looking to have some advertising on my site. To do this I was going to go by the amount of Banner impresions. eg. 10000 impressions = £££. What I was thinking is to have in a database on how many impressions a advertiser has paid for then to take away 1 each time there banner is displayed, but I am not sure How I am going to take 1 impression away from each time their banner is shown on a page.

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Banner Rotation - How?

Anyone with a good resource on how to make random banners appear? These banners are different in sizes... let's say:

Set 1: 1 banner 120 x 600 ( skyscraper size )
Set 2: 3 banners 88 x 31 ( button size )

Let's say the first time I load the page, Set 1 appears. When the page is reloaded or refreshed, Set 2 appears. All the banners have links to external sites, and they must be preserved. Can this be done without ASP coding at all, maybe just with JS?

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Dynamic Forum Banner

I need a dynamic banner generating code for putting in forum as signature. The code should pick banner urls from a MSSQL databse and display the banner image in the forum signature where we paste the code, the banner should change each time on loading and track the impression.

Forums dont accpet dynamic pages, so need to code in some special way so that forums dont see it as a dynamic page. Code:

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Banner Stopper + Cookies

How would i go about making a banner rotator but have it so that when the banner is clicked another image is displayed in the banner place?

second would i make i like that when it is clicked it sets a cookie?

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Using The Banner Rotator With A Timer

I'm currently using the MS Banner Rotator component that comes default with IIS, but all the tutorials i find are nly concentrating on rotating the banners per "refresh" of the page using a text file with a weighted percentage of what pic gets shown.

I would like to be able to set it so that a banner is shown every 10 seconds or so and is clickable etc...

Is this a pain or should i just bung them all in a flash movie or something?

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Maximum Number Of Banner

We have a site that has been developed in Visual Interdev that we use the PageNavBar object for the banners on each page. I have noticed that we seem to have gotten into a situation where whenever we add a new page to the site diagram, some other page loses it's banner.

Can anyone tell me if there is some numerical maximum number of pages that can appear on a site diagram? Is there some other explanation for this that I am missing? Is there a solution?

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DB Management

provide some example/template/links for a web-based access
database management (CRUD) system?

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ASP Forum Management

if anyone has a bead on an installable forum besides SNITZ. Im not totally concerned aboutit being free or not

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User Management

What I am trying to do is to develop a dhtml based chat system.
So far everything is working as planned, took me over 6 hours to get it
working, but I am pleased with the results, it is comparable to java
chat. With no page refresh.
My problem is
How do we manage which users are online on chat and which are not.
I do not wish to use any application variables nor do i wish to use
session variables. i am trying to avoid the 2
Either the user may simply close the chat window, or he might just go
and browse another site. Either way I do not get to write the even to
the database.

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Management Thingy

I have been asked to create a contact form for a website in ASP that will mail off the form data to a e-mail address but also log the e-mail data in a database.
They then want a web page on-line that they can view all the e-mails in (not a e-mail client, just a html view of each one).Now i have two issues with this, 1. i have never coded in ASP in my life, (php yes, lots) and 2. i dont see the point in being able to view them online when they will have the e-mail in their desktop mail client.Does anyone know of a script that will do what i'm after that is free and uses MSAccess not SQL Server?It's a big ask, but if there was something a bit like it i could have a go at modifying it.

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