Pagination Code Required

Client does a search product on my website it display all the results in one page. Which code can I use to tell how many results to display per page and from the result how many pages are?

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No Value Given For One Or More Required Parameters Code Plz Correct It?

I want to insert a value into the database.The values are obtained from textboxes.When i try to insert i am ending up with the error:

No value given for one or more required parameters

The part of the code is:

new1 = Request.Form("new")
tab = request.form("stcode")

<%sql="INSERT INTO movable1 (" & TAB & ") VALUES(" & new1 & ")"
if err<>0 then
response.write("The " & new1 & " was added under " & tab & ".")
end if

the field is a numeric field.Could anyone figure out what is the fault?

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ASP Code And Making Field Required

I'm trying to get the syntax for making a field required and also to validate a field
I'm using CDONTS to send my asp thru an IIS.

The from is = to stremail and stremail is = to email address field in my code I want to make the email address field an required field I also want it to validate the field for at least an @ symbol and an "." inside the email address field.

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I am creating a step process form in which i dont want users to click back.. is there a way round this??

I was thinking of somethink like keeping the url the same at the top i have seen this done in places? how is it done?

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how can i display in ASP the 1st 10 records, 2nd 10 records, 3rd 10 records,like this;

<< 1 2 3 4 >>

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i´ve just got a simple pagination page. it works fine in showing the data but the page list is very long does anyone know how to shorten it?

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Pagination Recordsets

Let's say you have pages 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 and you're on page 3. How do you make the code so that 3 will be without url?

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Pagination Problem

i have a form which calls a second file . In that i want my records to display 3 to a page and then allow for the user to click on the dynamic page they want to view.

The drop down which calls a certain page to function works fine, however, the paging system i have setup does not work. When the URL is passed through the paging code, it shows up in the browser address bar perfectly, but it doesn't function correctly as it give me an errror of "No Records Found" (my own error message)... Code:

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Achieve Pagination

achieve recordset pagination in asp. (i.e displaying page 1 of 2).

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Pagination In ASP And SqlServer

Can you tell me the code for pagination in asp where the database is Sql Server ?

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Pagination Page Breaks

I've 300 records in a recordset sort by name column (not unique) needs showing in 3 pages, 100 records each. At this moment i've stored records having 1 to 100 ID in 1st page, 100 to 200 id in second page and 201 to 300 in third page. but this doesn't have the record sorted actually according to name. Can anyone suggest how i can break records in 3 pages as well as sort them according to name.

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Filter A Recordset With Pagination

Let's say initially I have 1000 records in the recordset object, I display 100 records at a time. Therfore there are 10 pages of 100 records each. But then I filter the recordset now it contains 500.

Therfore I should display 5 pages of 100 records each. But the problem is that I'm unable to page through the filtered recordset. What I mean is that the filtering works and it displays the right number of pages but when I "flip" the page it changes back to the original (1000 records).

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Required Parameters

I am getting the error "No value given for one or more required parameters" with this basic script.

I have checked the fields are spelt correctly and have capitals in the right place. I have also checked with response.write to see the results it produces and it all looks correct. Code:

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Object Required!?

just trying to add a product to cart although this error has occured!

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: ''

/djfubar/addCart.asp, line 75

this is the addcart script Code:

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No Value Given For One Or More Required Parameters.

I am recieving this error "No value given for one or more required parameters. "

I have a page that passes a link to URL then the details page is supposed to pull up the passed parameter's data. Code:

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Required Parameters Have No Value?

I keep getting this error, specific to a file called validations.asp:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e10'

No value given for one or more required parameters.

/ebusiness0405asp/greg/asp/project/validations.asp, line 14

I really don't understand what the required parameters are in this case and why they have no value. Code:

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Object Required

I receive the error:

Object Required: MsTsC

when trying to connect remote desktop web
connection...the "non-web" connection works perfectly
(i.e. just launching mstsc and connection directly to an
IP).I believe that the problem might exist in my connect.asp

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Checkbox Required

Anyone know how to make a checkbox required in a form?

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Object Required

We have a desgined a web application with ASP, VB, Oracle,
Javascript. Ours is a three tier applicaton with the
component proxy exported to IIS on the web server.

We have the error 'object required' throwed inconsistently
by ASP. After awhile, if we refresh the page the page is
working fine. We have been having performance problems
like Failureenlisting Resource Manger and MSDTC errros

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No Value Given For One Or More Required Parameters.

I have created an update data base page with the help of tutorial. While submitting the data I am getting following error:

Error Type:

Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E10)
No value given for one or more required parameters.
/update.asp, line 41

My code:

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Required Validation

I have been working on requiredvalidation controls..I'd like to know how could I create a validation on a group of controls? for example to validate phone, on the form it may looks like below (brackets are the textbox fields)
([ ]) [ ]-[ ]

how could I validate all three fields with one message error to display in the validation summary?or is there another way to do?
btw, am I able to create a textbox or some sort of control that is actually the combination of the three boxes?

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Required Parameters

When I execute the code below, I get:

"Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E10)
No value given for one or more required parameters." error message in
the first line.

Rs.Open "SELECT * From Unvanlar WHERE Unvan = " & kayit8, Con, 3,3
If rs.EOF Then
Con.Execute ("INSERT INTO Unvanlar (Unvan) VALUES
End If

The variable is string and the field in access table is text. I'm sure
that field names in the code and table are correct as well.
What can I do to solve that?

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ASP Required Login

I just uploaded a script I downloaded and everything works fine except when I load any page in that directory it asks me to login.
I usually use PHP on a different server so I'm used to using .htaccess files to elicit the same effect. How would I go about turning this off in ASP?
If i were on a linux server I'd just alter this file and remove the following lines, but I'm not sure how to do this with ASP.
Example .htaccess


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Object Required: ''

Well after sorting my DB Counter problem (see previous thread) (I stumbled accross another. Well, the counter was just on the underconstruction page but I have put it into my common.asp file (for when the acctual site opens, the asp file included at the top of every page) and I get this error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'
Object required: ' '
/dannyscorner/includes/common.asp, line 60

I have seen this many many times before HeHe ^_^
But this time, it says line 60 but line 60 is used on the underconstruction page and the counter works fine

Here is the nice pretty code:

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Asp Object Required

Set wApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")

While use 'wapp.Selection.Find.ClearFormatting' in asp, then have error.

error msg: 'Object required: Selection'

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Oject Required

can u looked the error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required: ''
is it i misslooked some code?

Set isinama = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
sql="select * from markah where namapelajar='"&nama&"'"
<br><%while not isinama.eof%>
<input name="a" type="radio" value="<%=isinama("nilai1a")%>">
<input name="a" type="radio" value="<%=isinama("nilai1a")%>">
<input name="a" type="radio" value="<%=isinama("nilai1a")%>">

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Object Required 424

I am writing an asp script that includes some WMI calls to get PC information and display it on the page. I can query other machines in the domain just fine, but when I try to query the machine that is running the website (Windows 2003 IIS) I get the error Object Required Error 424.

I have tried to this on a Windows XP Pro machine running IIS and I get the same error. Why woud I not be able to query the local machine running IIS?

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Fee Calculator Required

I have been asked to include a fee calculator in a site, which would enable a browser to calcualte fees on the sale/purchase of a property. I have searched Google for ages and cannot find such code. something similar that could be adapted(not too technical) or a basic script to do it that I could buy.

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No Value Given For One Or More Required Parameters

I'm geting the following error:

Error Type:
Microsoft JET Database Engine (0x80040E10)
No value given for one or more required parameters.
/edituser.asp, line 255

I have marked the line that the error refers to in RED


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ASP Forum Required

I am currently operating a hosted ASP site with SQL Server installed. I need a very basic forum (ideally for free) and any suggestions would be much welcomed. I note that Snitz offer an extremely comprehensive ASP forum which is free but from experience I know that learning to use this properly is quite a steep learning curve and right now I do not have the time. What I am looking for is a forum which bears the same relationship to Snitz as Notepad does to Microsoft Word.

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Object Required

I'm getting this error and don't know why:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01a8'

Object required

The line points to where the query takes place. I've read that it could be b'cos a variable that's not defined, but this is not the case, not that i know. Here's the line:

rs4.Open strsqlttype, connStr, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockReadOnly, adCmdTableDirect

strsqlttype is the variable wish contains the select, and it is initialized as empty. After running the query on the database i found some empty/null records, b'cos of that i validate the fields i need... prior that it stoped right after the loop writes the first line, after validation was placed it stoped on the second record.

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Object Required?

Been working on cleaning my site up and making it friendly, using includes, databases and comments. Code:

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No Value Given For One Or More Required Parameters.

This crazy query works on three other sites, which are all exactly the same and even use the exact same code and data format, but it won't work on a new one. The craziest part is that when I copy the query to Access and execute it in SQL view, I don't get an error; it works perfectly. Code:

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