Paging Just Shows 1


FOR paging = 0 to recCount/20
IF paging = 0 THEN response.Write("Page") ELSE
Response.Write("&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href=""favourites.asp?pageno=" & paging & """class=""textareatext"">" & paging+1 & "</a> ")
IF paging < recCount/20-1 THEN response.Write("-")

how do i not show 1 if there are less than 20 records?

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Variables Shows -1

After qeuering from Access I store the values of the recoredset (like rs.recordcount, rs.AbsolutePage) in variables in ASP, but when i display/use them later in the page it shows -1. but the page shows the queried data properly.

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Select Shows None

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Response.Write "<SELECT id=select1 name=select1>"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=1>One</OPTION>"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=2>Two</OPTION>"
Response.Write "<OPTION value=3>Three</OPTION>"
Response.Write "</SELECT>"
When open this page,select1 shows "One".I want when open the page,select1 shows none.That is to say,nothing is displayed in select1.

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Mail Content Shows

- we've form to be filled. and data will be mailed
- what happens is, mail shows up special characters in places of
commas, and other special characters inputted

following characters are shown in mail content


what can be reason and how to overcome

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Shows Value Of Combobox In The Textbox

I have a Combobox and a textbox in my asp page. I want the value of Combobox in Onchange event shows in the textbox. this my code but it isnot correct.

<script Language="JavaScript">
function NavTo(a1)

<SELECT id=select1 name=select1 onchange=Navto(document.forms[0].select1.value)>
<OPTION value="1046">1046</OPTION>
<OPTION value="1045">1045</OPTION>

<INPUT type="text" id=text1 name=text1 >

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File Shows Action

I have an asp page that outputs a word document. Wnen the user attempts to
open this page from a hyberlink in an email document the word document opens
fine but if they save then an action cancelled message appears in a browser
window. If you cut and paste this same link into IE and attempt to saves
there is no browser window opened.

If the user attempts to open instead of save the document it opens in a word
out side the browser. I am told this used to open up in word insdie the
browser.If you cut and paste the link into explorer and acess it from there
the word document is displayed in word inside the browser.

If I omit the content disposition header the word document opens inside a
browser no matter how it is opened however the save problem remains.

I do not want the browser window to remain open. Or if it must then I dont
want the ACTION Cacelled message. How can I control that

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Shows Code Instead Of Form

I have an index.html and redirect in this index to an ASP-page (so a file called XXX.asp). The browser shows me the code of XXX.asp in stead of the layout of the form. How come ?

And when I access this index.html from another machine in the network, I got the error the page XXX.asp cannot be found ?

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Shows Tick Box Data

i want to do is to have an update form that shows tick box data which is read from an access database via asp and a dsn less connection string. Have achieved it with text boxes but can't for the life of me figure out how to do the same with tickboxes.

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IIS5 Not Showing ASP Files, Shows Others

Annoying problem on a server with IIS 5. [We have other
IIS 5 that show asp files just fine. I'm at a loss. ]

I can open htm, html, gif, jpg, all files except asp
files. The message when opening an asp file is:

"The page cannot be found...
blah blah blah
HTTP 404 - File not found"

I've looked everywhere. Permissions are okay with IUSR
and security since we can browse other files. The asp
files in question are NOT marked Hidden...

What can I do to make it render the asp files? Ideas?

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Why The Request.Form Variable Shows A 0?

This is ASP and JScript.

I request a form variable:

var sReviewID = formatUndefined(Request.Form("ReviewID"), "");
Response.Write ("sReviewID: " + sReviewID + "<br>");

Function formUndefined is: Code:

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Crystal Viewer Shows Blank Report.

I have an asp page that I use to build the sql criteria for a Crystal report version 10.

The report writer page takes the criteria and supposedly passes the sql string with a where clause to the page that hase the viewer. Here is the code where I pass that script to the report viewer page: Code:

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Windows Is Shutting Down In 60mins. Pleases Save Your Work. And Shows A Path To C:w

I have a win2k server. I just installed running service pack 3, am just updating to service pack 4 now.

i normally get the error, windows is shutting down in 60mins. pleases save your work. and shows a path to c:winntsystem32lssas.exe

I am wondering if this is a lasser worm or what ? cos i have had to format a couple of times, but still get the error.

what do i do ? Any Advice ?

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<alt=> In Paging Possible?

Is there a way of using the ALT outside the IMG? I was wondering if it's possible of using an ALT on paging # to show which page is at what record. This is what I have though it doesn't work: Code:

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ASP SQL Paging

I was wondering if any body can kindly help me with a little dilemma I have.
ASP and SQL paging was relatively easy to implement, however, I cannot manage to get start the paging from a certain record:

In the script that I made, about 4,000 pictures get displayed as thumbnails in paged view, when users click on a thumbnail they are taken to individual picture view, with “next” and “back” controls, however, I cannot find a way of returning the user to the thumbnail view that starts with the picture they just viewed, and not the beginning of the recordset.

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Paging 001+001=002 <> 2

I have a database table with field as a three digit number like 001 (I did that because when I was searching for example 1, it would bring all the numbers which included 1, like 1, 10, 11, 12...100...). I have the following so far: Code:

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ASP - Paging

I'M using paging in my application.
I have separated my pages by 50 records per page.
Now, lets say Iwant to sort by name only 50 records
that exist in page 3 for example(lets say page 3 is the
currently displaying page). How can i achieve this.
Because as it is my sql sorts all the table(all pages)
and a specific record that was in page 4 maybe
in page6 for example.

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Paging In ASP

I do done paging of first previous next last but now i want the paging in displaying page number. i.e. if there is 25 pages then display only 1 2 3 4 5 .... and if click on number the page will be display and next five will be apper on screen

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Asp Paging

I have an asp page that I would like to do paging. The problem I'm running
into is that the same page that prints to the output is also recieving data
from the previous page for query parameters for the sql string.
When I click on the next page, it queries itself and loses all the query
parameter information from the parameter page and brings back all the
records.How can I keep the parameter values from the query form and still advance to
the next page?

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I am building up a search engine with .ASP 3.0 using sql server database for data listing and what I Like to do is display max 10 items in one page per search query and have Prev and Next to display pages with informations requested and found in recordset. sort of like google.

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I am working on a database based web page that has paging. I'm not getting error message, but it is not working at all. Let me tell you what it is not accomplishing and what I want it to accomplish.

1.) I want it to only display 20 records per page. It is currently displaying all records at this time.

2.) I want the numbers of page to be reduced. I don;'t want it to show all of the pages. I would prefer that it show something like next 10 after about 20 numbers.

You can find my code. It's lengthy. I have attached a document to let you see what I don't like.

Code: ....

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Paging With FSO

Just need to know if it's possible to page using FSO, hardly used FSO before, struggling like hell trying to get it to page - if it's not possible then i'll give up now .

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DB Paging

I am writing up code which pulls information from a DB...

the code as it is now displays all the information down the page... I'd like it to only display a certain number of rows of info, and at the bottom of the page, show the number of pages and a next/prev to page trough the db and display a certain # of info at a time.

eg: if i want to display 10 rows of uinfo, from a db that contains 20 rows of info, after displaying the first 10, you'll see this at the bottom:

next 1, 2, 3 etc... so u click on next or the number and it'll display the info for that page... so 2 will show row 11 - 20 and 3 21 - 30..

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What are different ways of provding PAGING THRU RECORDSETS, I am working on search engine website.

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I have done a paging pages but something went wrong. The problem that i encountered was that let say i have 15 records and each page will only display 10 records in 1 page..however when i try to click the 2nd page, nothing was being there anything wrong with my codings? .....

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I have written code in ASP for paging records from the database (SQL Server 2000).The real problem I have around 10,000 records and it tries to fetch all the records everytime (I'm saying because its take a lot time to display it). Even though,it displays all the data correctly and you can also navigate through links.

Is it possible to set the limit on recordset while it fetches the data. Lets say page size is 20 records per page, so it should fetch only twenty records from the database (depends on page being displayed) rather fetches all records and displaying twenty records.I know its possible if we use mysql database so can you set the limit (its keyword) in the query statement.

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Have a set number of records on the screen displaying products as well as a text box where people can enter quantity to be ordered. Customer can go to next page where balance of products are displayed to same. When returning to original screen the amounts entered are gone.How should one address this to redisplay the already entered amounts.

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Paging In Asp

I have a table in SQL which has almost 400 records. So i dont want to list the records in one page only becoz it will require lot of scrolling. i want to display only 40 records per page. And show the previous and next buttons also on the pages.

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RS Paging

I have found this article/code showing RS paging with GetRows:

However, it does not show anything like "page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4", with only "next" and "previous" links. This makes it very difficult to find a record in a huge database.

Does anyone have code for GetRows paging that does this? [Additionally, I can no longer find the non-Getrows paging method that I used to use, that I got from this forum...]

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Allow Paging

can you give me the code of paging?

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I have a page in ASP that retrieves products in MS ACCESS, my problem is that, it displays evrything in just one page and the page gets crowded, how can i limit the number of products it will display in one page? say, i want to display only 10 products and the rest will go to the next pages.

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some web sites have paging buttom of the page, but i want to know some time they will show just 10 numbers for ex:

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10
1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10
8 , 9 , 10, 11, 12 , 13, 14 , 15, 16 , 17

I want to let 10 spaces but the number changing how to do it?

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is there anyway to tell the page to break after a specific record? Like when the group name changes instead of i.e. when pagesize = 25?

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I have written a pagination script and the first page appears fine, however if I click next I get a ADODB.Recordset error '800a0cb3' .

Current Recordset does not support bookmarks. This may be a limitation of the provider or of the selected cursortype Code:

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