Parsing Data In Fields

My problem is this: This database has a field called "b_name" which contains the first, middle (if any) and last names of registered users. The table also has corrosponding other demographics pertaining to each registered user.

I've used the code below to parse the full names in "b_name" in the original table and put the names in another new table which has 3 fields, "FirstName" "MiddleName" & "LastName".

My problem is the fact that the way the names are stored in the original table and the parsed names in the new table do not correspond. Code:

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Parsing Information Using Onchange In Two Select Fields

I'm having an asp page with a form with an action pointing to itself. The reason for that, it that the asp page depending on changes in any of two select fields with data from 2 different databasetables are going to populate a third select field. Code:

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Parsing-out XML

I've found the MS XML parser as shown in below code. I'm just attempting to display the various ListNames in the ListStruc section of an incoming XML file (generated by the SelectLists API call). On the line with the astrik though, I'm getting the error "Object required: '[object]'. Is this because I don't have this parser installed? (I'm running XP Pro w/IE 6.0.)

Also, I'm not sure about the line xmlDoc.load(request), shouldn't it be xmlDoc.load(xml.responseText)? Code:

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Parsing Data In ASP

I have a select statement that gives me the following results (for example) "test documentation/software product version document.doc" I need to parse the data to only grab everything between the "/" and ".". So, in other words, "software product version document" - I have absolutley no idea how to do this .

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Parsing Data In ASP

I have a select statement that gives me the following results (for
example) "test documentation/software product version document.doc" I
need to parse the data to only grab everything between the "/" and
".". So, in other words, "software product version document" - I have
absolutley no idea how to do this - can anyone help?

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Parsing URL And Read Xml Data

I have an url where I have xml data POSTED and I need to parse the URL to read the data - Meanwhile here is my xml data Code:

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Parsing Data On Carriage

I am attempting to pull data out of a sql database and then parse it so that i only send the data after the last carriage return to the actual page.example

blah bla 1 ( carriage return )
blah bla 2 ( carriage return )
blah bla 3 ( carriage return )
blah bla 4 ( carriage return )
blah bla 5 ( carriage return )
blah blah blah 6

my code should return blah blah 6

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Parsing <TAG> Formatted Data

I'm looking to grab data from an XML stream...and parse the information so that I can just take what is between the tags and add the information into a DB. Code:

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SQL, T-SQL, Or DTS To Combine Several Data Fields?

I want to take the contents of many fields of various datatypes (varchars
and text) and combine them into a single "junk" field that I will perform
SQL Server free text searching upon, e.g.:


CombinedField [Title, Subtitle, and Article text smashed together]

Is it possible to create a query or T-SQL stored proc that would do this? Is
SQL Server DTS a better approach? It needs to be built for each row in the
table, and it needs to happen regularly.

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Insert Data Into Mysql Fields

I'm writing ASP/mysql apps, and I'm almost clueless about mysql. Can someone tell me how to insert data into fields using ASP? Code:

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Updating Data In One Field In A Table Into Two Fields In Another

What i am trying to do is Update data in a table with data in another table but i want to update 2 fields in the destination table with data from 1 field in another table.

These are the table i have and their fields:

*CUPFirstRound* - Table1

There are 8 rows in this table, thereofre the GameID's go from 1 to 8 Code:

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Prevent User ReEntering Same Data In Fields

i have a table which has many field, they go across and are named as a1a2a3a4a5a6-a16 the next row will be b1b2b3b4b5b6-b16 the last row is g1g2g3g4g5g6-g16 and so on.

now in the first column i.e which would be a1 b1 c1 d1 e1 f1 g1, the user enters a part number what i want to do is prevent him or her entering the same part no.

twice if this the case the two filds with same part no should be cleared.i.e if user enter p45 in a1 then p45 in d1 then both a1 and d1 should be cleared would be better if the later was only cleared but any method would do. Code:

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Show Only If Data In Individual Database Fields

I have announcements down the left hand column of a site and want to display contact info if it is available - if it is entered into the database. So I only want to display a space plus the data if there is data in the field. Code:

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Passing Data To Pages Using Hidden Fields

I am creating a form that has 5 steps/pages. Each page contains about 20 fields. But I don't want to write them until they submit on the last page. I figured out that I can use hidden fields to carry the data from the previous forms forward. If should bascially work like this:

Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6
20 Fields 20 Fields 20 Fields 20 Fields 20 Fields 100 Hidden
20 Hidden 40 Hidden 60 Hidden 80 Hidden Write to DB

But the problem I am having is when I submit page 4 page 5 won't load. No error, it just won'tload. It seems to be overburdened. Is there a max on the number of fields it can pass? Is there a better way to go about doing this that someone can suggest? Or a suggestion that someone can make to fix this problem?

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Parsing Value

i want to ask is there any way that i could get the value from field (the value will be used in SQL statement) without submit the form coz if i use Request.form("name"), it need to submit the form to get the value

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Parsing Xml Using Asp

I'm interested in creating an asp function that enables the general parsing of xml. The function needs to take into account the structure of the xml document, as the document(s) can be quite complex.

The use of getElementsByTagName() is not appropriate in this case as I'm trying to avoid picking up the wrong data. The function also needs to be able to test if a node has any attributes and what the attributes are. Here's an example of the document I'm trying to parse: Code:

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I have

value(0) = 1
value(1) = 2
value(2) = 3
value(3) = 4

I need to have as output
1,2,3,4 ...

Finnaly I must submit that to 2nd asp page, and use it inside the javascript. Any ideas?

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Parsing Xml

I do a regular HTML form POST to a third party server. The server processes the request and displays result in XML format. However, I need to parse this xml and display in HTML. The problem is how can I get the control from the form POST.right now, the form posts and the result is displayed but I need the control back.

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I need to use forum code for my site, and making things bold, etc, is very easy however, I cannot work out how to use the tags [*url][/*url], the asterix will avoid it being parsed to create links.

I want to be able to get the text between the two URL tags, and build a link, so <a href=""" & textinbetween & """>" & textinbetween & "</a>".

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Parsing URL With ?'s And &'s

How can I parse it so that I can just get:

I can get /newthread.php with script_name, but I'm not sure how to get the whole string.

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Parsing Value

is there any way that i could get the value from field (the value will be used in SQL statement) without submit the form coz if i use Request.form("name"), it need to submit the form to get the value.

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Parsing XML

I need to do one SelectNodes loop inside another. anyone know how I can do this ? I'm trying the following code at the moment which doesnt work:

Set TheseNodes = DomDoc.SelectNodes("CLASS/Work_Experience/job")
For Each node in TheseNodes

Response.Write node.attributes(0).text & "<br/><b>Time Frame/b> " & node.attributes(1).text & " - " & node.attributes(2).text & "<br/><br/>"

Set ResponsibilitytNodes = DomDoc.SelectNodes("CLASS/Work_Experience/job[@employer='" & node.attributes(0).text & "']/Responsibility/")
For Each node in ResponsibilitytNodes
Response.Write ResponsibilitytNodes.text


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I have a script that Technicweb helped me make. However it is just short of
what I need. The players data still has the html code around it. I want to
extract the name only with the statistics. I cant seem to get my head around
it - all I have learned from picking apart Technicweb's script seem not to work for me.
Here is the latest of what I have come up with, it gives me an error:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01c2'

Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignment: 'MID'

/scrapes/testparse.asp, line 33

am I way off track? Code:

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Parsing XML

I think this has been asked before but I can't find the reply. I'm using the XML parser to post data to a server and receiving a reply. The reply is in XML and I want to find elements of the retrieved data. Eg. I receive a string with: Code:

<food>Love it</food>

I want to get the value of the <food> tag.

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Parsing A String

Lets say I have a string like ""

I want to parse the string and just return the image: theimage.jpg

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ASP And Input Parsing

I am looking for something similar to "preg_match" and "preg_match_all" in PHP.

I have searched the forum with no luck. I hope you are able to give me some pointers

Basically I want to match some text from a form and loaded it into new variables making use of regular expressions. the text comes form a textarea input type. Code:

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Parsing Time

I have to display time in HH:MM AM/PM format. My date/time values are being pulled from a MS SQL database that is in smalldatetime field format.

I need to take a date such as "5/5/2006 7:35:00 AM" and display it as "7:35 AM". I can't seem to find how to parse this or display only the hours, minutes, and AM/PM designator.

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Parsing Csv Files

I am looking for code for parsing csv files. The files I am parsing can be:

-pure csv: a,b,c
-quotes: 'a','b', 'c'
-quotes or non-quotes: 'a',,'b','c'
-with or without carriage return

Can anybody help me with this one?

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Parsing A String

I have a string problem that I would like to resolve. I am submittting multiple values to a form that is posted to query string. The string looks like this:


So what I need to do is to take the id number of the user and put it into an array so I can later insert it into the database. So for the example above, I need an list that looks like this:

436, 430, 425

Once I have this list I can make it an array and then put it into the database.

My question is how do I make the string above look like the string below? I know that I need to use some function of asp to parse the name oout of the string, but i just don't know exactly what....

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Form Parsing

I have searched on parsing some strings but I don't know how to apply it to my string. The string I am parsing looks like: $$1,0,0,0,0,0,7,8,0,0,0,0,13,14,0$$None
What I am looking to do is get the non-zero numbers.

I will then use these for another portion of the page where checkboxes corrosponding to those numbers will appear and the zeero numbers will not. The string after the last two $$ must be used as well for text on the page. I can change the string to look however
is easiest to parse.

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Parsing A CSV Feed

I need to create an asp page to parse a slightly unusual data stream which is in CSV format with new records identified by carriage returns. how to start? Really I want to just tabulate some of the data and ignore other fields. It's a travel industry data feed - sample record:

1,JNY,1,050718,1943,S,AHL,051217,LGW,ALC,0645,1235 ,051224,LGW,7,R,154,154,0,-1,0,8888,8888,,,WAL2,0,0,0,0,0,0,

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Parsing A Date

I'm trying to get the date from a request-query post that contains a year (request("season") and a week number from that year (cint(request("gameweek"))+35) I added 35 to the week number because pro football usually starts on the 36th week of the year (if it doesn't, i'll figure that out later).

The DatePart builtin function looks like it would be the best tool to use, but it doesnt parse what I want. I just want to do a simple display with something that resembles:


what steps am I missing?

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Parsing Html

what is the easiest way to pull in an html file with asp and parse text out of it?

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