Pass Variable Into Include

Is it possible to pass a variable into an include statement?

I have a link as follows:

My page.asp has three include statements.

<!--#include virtual="/nav_table.asp"-->
<!--#include virtual="/directory/project.asp"-->
<!--#include virtual="/menu.asp"-->

I'm hoping to replace "directory" with the variable in the link so that I get:

<!--#include virtual="/tsc/project.asp"-->

How does one get the variable in to the line above?

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Pass Variable

I am using this code to display a dropdown list of employees
How do i pass the selected name to another page, all i need to pass is emp_id? Code:

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Pass Variable Value

I want to pass 2 auguments to this command like below, but the red line of following java script (server side) doesn't work, which means it doesn't took siteid and whosent vaule.


siteid = Request.QueryString("SiteID");

whosent= Request.QueryString("WhoSent");

objShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");

objShell.Run("cmd /c call rsh host -l username siteid whosent", 1, 1);


Does anyone know how to pass 2 varible siteid and whosent value to this command if not use batch file?

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Trying To Pass A Variable Through The Url.....

I'm trying to add a variable to the url that is going to be sent but when it is sent my additions are removed! I've tried numberous variations of action="caldelete.asp?curid="<%=iRecord%> and every time it removes everything! What am I doing wrong? Code:

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Pass Variable In URL

I need to pass a variable in a URL to set up a dynamic page where the content shown is based on the recordet queried on the value passed in the URL.So when the user pulls down a menu list and clicks on Todler Clothes, I need it to go to URL store.asp and pass the choice of Tolder clothes in the URL variable.

Then I need to have my recordset query (WA Querry Builder) use that variable to pull the correct items from the db.How do I add the variable to the URL and what is the ASP statement to get it.

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Pass Variable

How can I pass the variable in two button situation see below code

<form action="" method="post">
<input type="text" name="name">
<input type="button" value="Add"
<input type="button" value="Delete"

As a result, I got to the next page , but showing error.

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How To Pass Url Variable Between Pages

If an affiliate sends a visitor to my site I want to be able to carry that 'partner' variable throughout my pages and eventually onto the registration page so that they may get credit for the member registration.

I am not a coder and can't find an easy way to do this could someone help. I am an expert interpreter and rearranged but not a writer of the code.


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Pass Variable To Sql Statement

I have created a hyperlink in one page (all.asp) using this code:

<a href="cat.asp"><%= rsProds("category")%></a>

How do I create the sql statement in cat.asp to show only the categories listed by the link in all.asp?

I have this in cat.asp so far:

strQuery = "SELECT * FROM biz WHERE category = ' " & strVariable & " ' ORDER BY bizname ASC"

which shows nothing since the string variable had not been passed.

How do I get the hyperlink category name into cat.asp sql query as a variable?

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Cannot Pass Session Variable

I have a session variable session("loginid) which can be passed from A.asp to B.asp. Then In B.asp I have a hyperlink to C.asp
e.g. < A href..C.asp>. The session variable cannot be
passed to C.asp. The session variable is empty. What can I do to debug this problem?

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Pass A Session Variable

I'm trying to pass a session variable "session("sibvar") to a hidden form field on an HTML page from an ASP page. In the 'value' paramter of the hidden field I cannot therefore put <% =session("sibvar") %> as this is ASP, I am however allowed to use Javascript in the hidden field, is there some way of doing this.

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Pass Variable To Another Page

Ive done this in various ways before but im doing it in java wit asp Code:

a0=("Managing Director")

<a href=javascript:openpopup("EditSupplierContact.asp?a0=<%response.write(a0)%>")>Edit</a>

only the word "Managing" is being passed into the string if i join the variable toghther its works.

works if a0=("ManagingDirector")

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Pass A Variable Back

Is there any way to pass a variable back through a for next loop? Right now the variable resets to nothing after each pass. I need to assign the resetting variable the previous value + 1.

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Who Knows How To Pass A Hidden Variable?

i want to upload my file from the first form and then keep passing the destination path (obtained from File.Path) as a hidden variable to all other forms. and in the end to upload it... how can i do this?

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Pass ASP Variable To Execute In A .bat File

I'm using ASP to run a batch file. I need to know how to pass a variable to this .bat file.

Is this possible? I'm using the following code but need to know how to pass ASP variable.

set wshell = server.createobject("") "c:file.bat"
set wshell = nothing

Any ideas? Or a work around?

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How Do I Simply Pass A Simple Variable??

I am simply trying to pass a variable to another page. I know my second
page can do Request("str") to retrieve that variable, but how do I pass it
in the first place?

I tried Server.Execute("P2.asp?str="hello") but I get errors.
I tried Response.Redirect("P2.asp?str="hello") but the variable is empty

I tried setting variables like you would in VB:


and hoping the second page would pick it up, but I don't know how to make
that str variable global.

I am not using forms, I am not using cookies, I was told not to use Session
or Application variables, it's a variable being passed just the first time a
page is accessed, after that links will send the variables.

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Can't Pass % Wildcard Variable In Querystring

I'm trying to pass the wildcard variable % to another page via

When I go to pick up the variable through request.querystring, it will
never diplay the "%" if one is included. It will diplay any other
characters included in the variable though.

Code from page 1:

<%response.write "<a href='Page_2.asp?Severity=" & varCombo_Severity &
"&Owner=" & varCombo_Owner & "'>" & "<i> Go to Page 2 </i>" & "</a>"

Code from page 2:

<%varCombo_Severity = Request.Querystring ("Severity")%>
<%varCombo_Owner = Request.Querystring ("Owner")%>

Result: No % wildcards are passed though to page 2

Any ideas?

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Pass Long String Variable

Is there any way to pass session variables between two websites ( diff domains) ?

I've two websites and I want to integrate them.

I used to use the querystring but there is a limit to length of the querystring.

I've tried ASP-TEAR but I doubt it can work.

Is there any other way to pass any variable to another website.

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Making ASP Get Variable And Pass To JS Not Visa Versa

Want to trim, replace etc... a variable then pass it to the javascript, how can I do this? I can not put the javascript outside the loop without splitting it to put the onfocus part seperatly which I don't fancy doing.

Any ideas how to get it to to the ASP then JS? I would have though it would do it that way but there we are. Code:

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Pass A Javascript Variable To Another Page But Vbscript

I have an input box when the user clicks on the button.

var number=prompt("enter journal number");

How is it possible to pass this variable forward but to vbscript? So i could use that variable in an sql procedure?

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Pass Temp Variable To Document.form

I have a dropdown that calls a javascript function onChange. One of the lines in the script is:

tmp = document.form1.familyID.options[document.form1.familyID.selectedIndex].value;

How do I change it to allow familyID to be a variable passed to the function?

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Variable Asp Include

is there a way of having a file that's name is a variable (eg dependant on the user name) act like a include. i know that you cant define the file for an include asp tag using a variable and that reading the file using "Response.Write FSO.OpenTextFile(ppp, 1, False, False).readall" prints the file, and treating it like a html file.

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Include A Variable

I'm trying to include a variable in the <!--#include file='db.asp'--> stament?

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Variable In Include File

It is possible to add variable into the include file.

<!--#include file="../info/<%=strfoldername%>/notetosomeone.asp"-->

strfoldername is from my database. It doesn't work. Anyone knows how to solve this problem. Or has other way to do it.

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is it in any way possible to include a file specified by a variable name?

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Passing A Variable To Use An Include

I am trying to write a little script using includes ... but I am getting errors, I am passing a URL variable to use an include.

<!--#INCLUDE VIRTUAL=Request.QueryString("path")-->

Am I missing something?

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Set Variable To Include Page

im trying to make a string and in that string have an include in to include a .asp page is this possible. Code:

myhtml = ""
myhtml = myhtml & "This Should Work "
myhtml = myhtml & " <!--#include file ="TESTR.asp"--> "

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Feed Variable Into Include Statement

i'm trying to change the following include statement :

<div id="contents">
<!-- #include file="includes/main_page.asp" -->

on an ASP page into something that receives the file name as a variable :

<div id="contents">
<!-- #include file="<%=fileToInclude%>" -->

however, this doesn't seem to work, as i get the following error message :

The include file '<%=fileToInclude%>' was not found.

it obviously is trying to find a file named <%=fileToInclude%> instead of seeing the variable my question is : is it possible to feed a variable into an include statement ?
if yes, how should i go about it ? if not, are there any alternatives ?

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Insert A Variable Value In An INCLUDE Fiel

Any ideas how to make the 'htm1.asp' a variable name?

Say at one time we want to use 'htm1.asp' and another
time we want to use 'htm2.asp' as the include file.

Any ideas?

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Inserting A Querystring Variable Into <!--include-->

some code
Response.Write " <!--#include virtual='/SIFS/" & activelang & "/welcome.txt' -->"

some code
<!--#include virtual='/SIFS/<%= activelang %>/welcome.txt' -->

Is there any trick will do the job ?

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How To Print Variable In A Include Virtual?

how to assign a variable in a page then in a file that is included write a variable to an include virtual statement that's located in the 2nd included file? I've tried this but it doesn't work Code:

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Accessing/Passing An Object Variable To A Server.Execute Include

I've been browsing this and a few other related newsgroups trying to get my head around this problem, and so far all the trails seem to go cold, without an acceptable solution being reached. I'm posting here because there seems to be a few MVP's knocking around, and if they dont know, then it's a safe bet nobody does.

I'm beginning to think that what I want to do is simply not possible - but i'll put it out there once more.

Here goes: I'm writing a content managaement system - and i'm making use of dynamic includes via the "read a text file" technique, and then substitiuting values into markers in the template. Code:

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How Can I Pass JavaScript "screen.width" Variable Into ASP

How can i store the JavaScript "screen.width" variable as an ASP variable?
Or is there a VBScript ASP equivalent of:

<script language="JavaScript1.2">
var mywidth = screen.width;
document.write (mywidth);


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Pass Parameters To <!-- #Include File="file.asp" -->

What is the workaround of passign a parameter to any included asp

<!-- #Include File="file.asp" -->

This obviously does not work:

<!-- #Include File="file.asp?id=123" -->

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