Pass XML String To Function

This example outputs "XMLString = Data 1Data 2." When I pass XML string in ASP, i
will output the data only, without <data> anymore. Then how can I retrieve the data one by one? .....

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Pass Null Into Function

Function FixString(s)
If Not IsNull(FixString(s)) then
Fixstring = Replace(s, "'", "''")
end if
End Function
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a001c'

Out of stack space: 'FixString'

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Pass Boolean Parameter To JS Function

I have a simple JS function that I want to return a true or false value based on the parameter passed in. At this point of time I receive the error "'True' is undefined". Here is my code:

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How Can I Pass Query String?

I want to pass a querystring in two files using frameset. I'm using Frameset. I'm using this query string. MY question is this can we pass a single value to (2 different files,) using querystring? Code:

response.Write("<a href=""grid1.asp?strID="&rs.Fields("alphabit")&""" target = ""grid1""grid2.asp?strID="&rs.fields("alphabit")&""" target = ""grid2"">"& a &"</a>")

It only show the value of rs.fields("alphabit") in grid1.asp and nothing show in grid2.asp
Actually I'm using "FrameSet". I just want to pass this value in two frames(in two files).
In short i want to get the value of rs.fields("alphabit"). in 2 Frames.

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Pass And & Symbol In A Query String

Is it possible to pass an -- & symbol --- in a query string.

ie: varialbe = Purple & Pink


-->> With this I get: Purple%20&%20Pink Passed through and the query string only picks up on the Purple.

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Pass Long String Variable

Is there any way to pass session variables between two websites ( diff domains) ?

I've two websites and I want to integrate them.

I used to use the querystring but there is a limit to length of the querystring.

I've tried ASP-TEAR but I doubt it can work.

Is there any other way to pass any variable to another website.

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How To Pass The Multiline Text Value In Request String

I have some problem in my ASP project. I'm trying to pass the multi
line text value from my Client side to server side. (The string having
"Return Key" value). My ASP file doesn't response it.

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Pass Selected Radiobutton Values Thru Query String

i m designing a online test application. my reqt is on pressing next button my selected value gets stored in the database and next ques ll appear and on pressing prev button it should display me previous question with already selected value.

how can i do this?
how can i pass selected value of radio button through query string as my radiobuttons are getting cerated every time its name will be different. Code:

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How To Pass A Long Parameter String To A ASP Page Via Post Parameters

I have the following test.asp page which needs one parameter querystr
but my querystr is a very long string value. When I send a long value
the query string is getting truncated after some characters.

Can you please kindly share the code segment to workaround how to pass
such a long string value to a asp page. This is how I invoke the test

http://localhost/?querystr=select ............ from xxxxx



response.write("Hello World!")

response.write "<td><p></td>" & w


but part of my query string never gets passed to the asp page appears
asp as a limitation on max string length can you please provide me a
workaround how I can overcome and pass the right string to asp.

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ASP String Function

I'm looking for a string function to take a url and pull out the word between the dots, for example the url would return the word example. The only criteria is because I don't know how long each url is I need to extract the word between each dot.

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Mid Function To Extract String Value


From string, i want to extract "SALE"

How to do it using mid and Instr ?



From string, i want to extract "DECLINE". How to do it using mid and Instr ?

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ASP String Function Does Not Work

I'm trying to figure out why the Left function doesn't seem to work.

One of the pages fails with an error:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch

/status.asp, line 45

Line 45 is:

response.write Left("This is A Test!", 6)

Where is the Type mismatch? All my references say this should work, and give me "This i" as output. The Right function doesn't work either. But the MID function does work.

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String Function Reference In ASP And

I wanna know all String function reference in ASP and Is any website provide this information?

and Is string function in ASP and has same.?

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Trimmed String After Replace Function

In the ASP page that is in question, I build a large string (no more
than 10K) which is basically an email template in HTML format. Then I
replace the parts with the values, which are also strings with the size
of 1-2 KB. Code:

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String With Commas, How To Use Instr And Mid Function In A Loop?

I have a string --> 7,8,9,10. This string may contain more or less than 4 numbers.
I want to separate each number and run an sql query for each number.

for example:

select * from table1 where code = '7'

select * from table1 where code ='8'

and etc....

Can I do this in a loop?

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Difference Between Private Function And Public Function?

What's the difference between private and public functions in ASP? When should I use either?

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Web Forms / HTTP File Upload / String.Split A StreamReader.ReadLine() String

I'm developing an Asp.NET system to take a CSV file uploaded via the web, parse it, and insert the values into an SQL database. My sticking point comes when I try to split() the string returned by readline() on the file.

The following code snippet works for me:
tokens = "one,two,three,four".Split(",")
for each token in tokens

However, if I take the next line in the CSV, read using StreamReader.ReadLine on the PostedFile.InputStream, I receive "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." which I have narrowed down to be my string holding the line. Further investigation reveals that no other string member functions work on my line (.ToCharArray, .ToString, etc).

I suspect that StreamReader.ReadLine is not correctly returning a string, even though Response.Write(line) displays what I would expect .....

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How Can I Add Mail Function To That Post Function

I am using a simple guestbook /portal and i want script to send mail to the thread owner when someone reply his message.

this is the send message code ....

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Pass %%

I would like to pass the value %%LAST_NAME%% to another asp document.... I
wanted to pass this value by doing a response.redirect, but, it truncates the
double percentage signs

I know it works on a SUBMIT
<input type=text name="lname" value="%%LAST_NAME%%">

but, I would like to skip the submit and do a response.redirect...
even if I create a variable using 'server.urlencode' it still truncates the %%
example: response.redirect "newfile.asp?lname=%%LAST_NAME%%"

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Trying Pass A Value Through The URL

I'm trying to add a variable to the url that is going to be sent but when it is sent my additions are removed! I've tried numberous variations of action="caldelete.asp?curid=<%=iRecord%>" and every time it removes everything! What am I doing wrong? Code:

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Pass More Than One Value.

Dose anyone know how to pass more than one value in a Go to Detail Page? The code I have so far is this... Code:

<A HREF="advertiser-basic-keyword-detail.asp?<%= MM_keepForm & MM_joinChar(MM_keepForm) & "TimberSpecies=" & Recordset1.Fields.Item("TimberSpecies").Value %>">Edit</A>

The code above passes the value of the "TimberSpecies" to the next page. I would also like to pass the value of the "CategoryTitle" to the next page at the same time.

The "CategoryTitle" is also in Recordset1.

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Pass Value

How can i pass value from drop down list in 1 page to another pagei used onsubmit when i click the value in the drop down list and use request in another page to get the data.but why it still cannot works

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Pass Value (asp)

I’ve used java script in my asp page for the new windows utility and also for link to .js extension (get calendar). Ok let see what I’ve done…. Within elseif : (see asp comment within coding page).

IM – date – open
IM – date – close
IM – date – all

What is a problem now, I try to test for calendar function (java script) in “– IM – date – all “.

I can retrieve date from javascript file -> ‘date-picker.js’ and insert date into these two textbox, but when I want to send/pass these two values (click button continue) to next asp page called byDateIMA.asp, browser told me that ‘error on page’. I’ve no idea about this problem. Hope anyone can help to solve this problem.

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Trying To Pass A Value Through The Url???

I'm trying to make my site as dymanic as possible. Code:

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How Do I Pass Parameters Through The URL?

I have a simple form with a textbox, a combobox and a submit button. I want to also be able to pass the "values" of the textbox and the combobox in the URL. How do I do that? DO I need to set that up in the function? I know this must be simple becuase I can not find any information on how to do it.

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Possible To Pass Cookie Value From VB To ASP?

I want to pass the value of the cookie created in VB to ASP. This doesn't work. Any idea?

<script language=vbscript>
document.cookie="mycookie" ' also tried with


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IIS 5 Will Not Pass Emails Or SSL

Has anyone had or heard of IIS not passing emails or SSL connections, thereby disconnecting or making the server useless?

I had a virus that seems to have done this.

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Pass Variable

I am using this code to display a dropdown list of employees
How do i pass the selected name to another page, all i need to pass is emp_id? Code:

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Pass Name On To Use In Welcome Text

how do you go about passing a name on after a login->doLogin->MembersArea so that you can print Welcome username?

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Pass To Two Frames

I want to pass the value to two frames and two pages after hitting the
submit button If my form I have this:

<form method="get" action="search2.asp" target="fSearch2">

I want to pass crPN to below as well
action="search3.asp" target="fSearch3"

I am having a little problem figuring this out.

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Pass Data

In ASP, when we pass data between pages, we usually pass by query string. If
we pass data by query string, that means we need to use submit button, not
by regular button, and the form will pass to the server since it's GET or
POST request. But if just form-to-form communication, why we need to send
the form to the server?

<form action="process.asp" method="get">
//form controls

<input type="submit">

For example,


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Pass Date

i'm trying to pass a Request.QueryString("date") in an SQL statement like this:

sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS sum FROM logs_main WHERE Termination='OK' AND CallDate >"& Request.QueryString("date") &""

When i explicity write CallDate >'2006/12/01' it is OK
But when i use the above code ,where e.g date value is 2006/12/01, then it doesn't work.
How can i pass a date in an sql query??

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Pass Variable Value

I want to pass 2 auguments to this command like below, but the red line of following java script (server side) doesn't work, which means it doesn't took siteid and whosent vaule.


siteid = Request.QueryString("SiteID");

whosent= Request.QueryString("WhoSent");

objShell = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");

objShell.Run("cmd /c call rsh host -l username siteid whosent", 1, 1);


Does anyone know how to pass 2 varible siteid and whosent value to this command if not use batch file?

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