Passing Selected Date

Can anyone help me to pass selected date from a list box on one page to another using perl and asp?

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Passing A Selected Value To A Form

I have a simple form and want to submit a selected value of a combo box. so my combo box is named "selectname" and my form has action="file.asp?" what do I have to put after the question mark ?

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Dynamic Selectbox - Passing Corresponding Values To What Is Selected

if I create a dynamic selectbox from the table tblRewardsDetail - I can submit what is selected to tblLineItems BUT not the corresponding values.

For example if I select Item2 the corresponding value associated with that Item 50points does not write to the tblLine Items but ItemIden2 does. Code:

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Passing Multiple Selected Items To A Forms Page- How?

I have a query on a page that displays the results of a recordset. Each row has a check box that has the table ID associated with the row of data.

I am trying to figure out how do I send every row checked to another page and have that page know the ID's that were checked so the next page can query the table for those ID's and fill out a submission form. I know the form fields I can write so it dynamically names the value based on the script, that part is easy, but trying to figure out how to have the script accept multiple ID's so it can go through each and display the results is not.

Now this is simple if I am just sending one ID to the next page, I can just use a "Post" and append a ?id=xxx to the URL and then do a request.querystring for the ID. Where I am confused is trying to send multiple ID = 's to the next page so it reads more then one ID if more then one was checked on the previous page which 99% of the time it will be.


What should I look up to point me in the right direction to create a classic VBScript/ASP code to parse through the ID's that were checked on the previous page and have the next page query each ID for the data?

I can pretty much figure out how if I know what I am looking to do. I was just looking for some sort of direction that I can pursue to understand how do do this task. What is it I am trying to do? IS there a term or set of terms I need to consider looking up to get examples so I can tweak and write it from there?

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Send Email On Selected Date

I'm developing a Newsletter module in my ASP web portal... by which... The site's webmaster will select a date and save the letter to be posted 'automatically' on the selected date.

just like we compose an e-card and save it by selecting a date in future and they send it on that day automatically.I dont know how to run a code on selected time/date.

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Getting User Selected Date From DTPicker

I have a big problem trying to get the date selected by a user on a DTPicker in a desied format. I am able to get the date selected by the user, but the format is not what i want.

Following is the date i get "Wed Dec 1 00:00:00 UTC+0530 2004", while i want a simple "mm/dd/yy" output. Can anyone please tell me how to change the format of the user selected date sent by the DTPicker ?

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Passing A Date

I am posting 2 dates from a form "fromdate" and "todate", them using between to query the db. I know that my login is right because if I hard code the dates in it works fine, but I need to be able to pass in the to variables from the form(user input). Code:

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Passing URL Date Variables

I am trying to pass two variables to an ASP page so I can display a coresponding crystal report. The variables are start_date and end_date. Here is the code:

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Passing A Date To A Stored Procedure...

I've created a stored procedure to to display a listing of events based on the user's input. when the user submits the date, i get this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'

[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Line 1: Incorrect syntax near '/'.

this is my reference in my asp page: ....

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How To Check The Date Difference Between The Current Date And The Booking Date?

I am developing a simple booking system where I had a booking date. The problem is I want to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced for certain room.

I have tried to use DateDiff but it seems doesn't work. Actually i just 1 to make sure that the user must book 3 days in advanced from the current date. I am wondering whether there is anything goes wrong in my datediff function. Code:

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Keep Value Selected

Drop down value is selected and a query is performed on that value - I want the selected value to stay in the drop down field. Right now it goes back to the first value in the list once the submit button is clicked (it queries correctly).

When I come into the page there should be no value in the drop down list and when a value is selected it should stay in the field.

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Option Selected?

I have a form named: 'formhandheld' and a select with the name: 'pricing_option'.

I'm trying to make the select <option> thats based on 'axDD3current' selected.

what's the code ? Probably more of a JavaScript question than ASP

the above doesn't work

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Catch The Selected Value

I have 2 drop down lists here. Supposingly, upon the selection of the 2nd drop down list, I should be able to see textbox entry allowing user to update data being displayed at the bottom. But in my case here, i see no response upon the selection of "selType" which is my second drop down list.
But both also don't work. So any suggestion on how can I retrieve the 2nd drop down list' selected value

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Get Selected Value From Combobox

I have combobox that those value is based on my database. So i want to get the selected value in order to do another matching for the SQL statement. May i know how to get it? Is it just use for example WHERE column=' "&combobox&" '? use the combobox name.

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Radiobuttonlist Get Selected Value

I have an aspx file where i've put a placeholder element. On load i create
dynamically a table which contains a checkbox and a radiobuttonlist in each
tablerow . The radiobuttonlist contains two items (yes,no). Both the
checkboxes and the radiobuttonlist are NOT autopostbacked ( .autopostback =

When i press the submit button a sub is run. My problem is that i can
not get the selected items in the radiobuttonlists.This is caused cos in the
page_load i call the sub that dinamically recreates the table described above
and so all values are reset (there is a rdb.item(0).selected=true line in my

If i try to remove it, the radiobuttons keep their values or not,after
each submit, without a pattern!). I've also tried to keep the values in a
collection, instasiated in the page_load but i couldn't do so cos the table
(that contains the checkboxes and radiobuttonlists) is not recognized at the
beggining of the page_load (i guess it's not an object yet cos the sub that
creates all that is at the end of page_load)....

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Dropdown's Selected Value

How can I get the dropdown(control'name)'s selected value?
What is it's property'name

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Get Selected Value From Combobox

sourinsen is correct. that's the way to split values in your combobox.

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Selected Value From Combo Box

I have a drop down select box that gets filled from database. I have to add "All" to this list which does not come from database. Also the default selected value should be the second value that is stored in array. For ex I have array of Countries names as America, Indonesia,china, Canada. My array gives me the value Myarray(intcount,0)(intcount,1) as America and so on (two dimensional array).

I want Indonesia as the default selected value when the page loads. Also I need to hardcode All at the end. Upn submitting the form the selected value fromthe drop down should get selected.

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Put Value Of A Selected Item

I've got this listbox and this text field on an ASP page. Now I want the item I click on in the listbox to appear in the text field and I can't find the code nowhere for what seems to me such an easy thing to do.

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How To Get The Selected Value In Dropdown

i need to get the selected value of dropdown from one page and i want it to be displayed in another page.

For that i used the below cade:

<%= request.Form("country") %>

country - drpdown name

But its not getting displayed.

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Option Selected

I am displaying few values in a List box. I would like to put first item as selected by default. i.e <option value="some value" selected>Name</option>

Here is my code.

<SELECT size=15 id=select1 name=select1>
<% do while not Rs.EOF %>
<Option value=<%=Rs("value")%>><%= Rs("Name") %></Option>

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Which Listboxelement Selected

I have an asp-page where I want the user to make a selection with a listbox. When the user changes to another listboxelement the page gets reloaded and depending on the selection a different content is shown.

I got this working so far but when the page has been reloaded the listbox always displayes the first selection in the list and not the one which the user selected. Code:

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Emailing The Selected Template

I have different templates for different companies to be sent to the customer. first i get all the templates from the DB by giving: Select templates from tempates;

Now i want the user to select one..may be we can have a radio button displayed near the textarea in which i will be displaying the templates from DB. Once the agent selects one of the templates to be sent,that template should be sent as an email to the customer.

How do i go on achieving this ,with good formatted template in the DB?

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NT Authentication For Selected Pages In ASP

I have a requirement where I need to have windows authentication
enabled for only few ASP pages of my Site (Virtual Directory), rest of the
pages should be enabled for anonymous access (No Authentication Dialog).
Could some body guide in achieving solution for this.

Flow Steps

1. User visits the home page (One.asp page) No NT authentication dialog
should appear.

2. The home page will have some Hyper links to other pages, on clicking on
the Hyperlink it should prompt for NT Authentication Dialog (asking windows
UserID and Password)

3. Once the UserID is validated by authentication process it should show the
Target ASP (Two.asp) Page. The Target Page will have a link Named 'Back'
which will redirect the User to 'One.asp'

4.Once user is redirected from Two.asp, if user clicks the Hyper Link it
should prompt again for the authentication (Previous login information should
be discarded, it should prompt again)

The Challenge i face is
1. Finding a solution to implement authentication for selected pages.
2. Logging off the User so that to Prompt the NT authentication dialog again.

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Uploading Selected File

I have a form with some textfields & checkboxes.One of the text field allows the user to select a file.When the user submits a form , I am inserting all textbox and checkbox values in a database.But, while performing insert I also want to upload the selected file on web server.Does any one know how to do that?

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Pass Selected Values

I have a Multi select box which I have populated with a list of choices. Is it possible to have a second Multi select box which is initially empty, yet when the user selects values from the first Multi Select box, they appear in the second multi select box?
I'm sure I can easily do this by just posting the selection to a new page but I'd like to dynamically display the selected values on the same page.

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View Selected Record

I have a page that is showing X number of records. I have a column with a check box in front of each record. I would like the user to be able to select certain records by selecting the check box in front of the record and then have the user hit "Submit." They will then be taken to another page in which only the selected records are shown.

I'm having trouble with my SQL statement. I'm not quite sure how to word my SQL statement since I do not have a field in my recordset that points to the value in the checkbox.

In other words, I'm not sure how to carry the value of the checkbox over into my SQL statement when I don't have a field for it. Do I need to add a field, and then update the field on a confirmation page before I use a SQL statement to show me the selected records?

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Keeping Name In A Drop Down Box After It Is Selected

I have a dropdown menu with parents' names, and on the same page when a name is selected (through an onChange event), another drop dpwn boix containing student names change according to the parent selected.

But I want the Parent drop down box to contain the parent's name who was selected, and although the event works, it just keeps displaying the first name of the list of parents even after a different parent is selected.

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List Box With Default Selected Value

I have a list box with a number of values (4) on a ASP form, the value is stored in a database field.

When a form to amend the record is loaded, I would like to display the list box with the currently held value as the seleceted item in the list box. e.g.

4 items in listbox A B C D

B selected and saved.

Amendment form displayed, List box contains A B C D, with B highlighted.

Is this possible with ASP?

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Number Of Selected Rows

From a PHP background I could use mysql_num_rows() to get the number of selected rows from a SQL query. Looking through Google I can't see a way to do this with ASP.

One place I looked said you need to loop through all the selected fields and using an incrementing counter, which doesn't sound like a good idea :/

If this is the case (which I hope it isn't), is there any way like PHP which you can then tell the SQL object to go back to the begining so you can reloop it (if you catch my drift)?

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Function To Add Selected Variables

My site is a golf site where the players post in there own scores, a season consists of 6 weeks, each week earnings are given to all players depending where they finish.

I need to display the earnings for the season, (week 1 -6) added up and in the right order, what seems to be happening is the earnings are added up ok, just the positions are all wrong, ie if I go to ?seasonid=2&eventid=8 i display the total earnings for season 2 (event 7 - event 12) but in the finishing order for event 8. ORDER BY is working for current week, so dont think its that, I zipped up the code.

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Set <selected> Of Jump Menu

how would I go about setting the <selected> attribute of a jump menu to one representing the current page? background info: i have a template-based site employing a jump menu as the navigation, but for usability's sake it needs to not reset back to the first option in the menu, but rather hang on to the current page as the 'selected' option. example of similar HTML showing the hard-coded 'selected' option I need to change: Code:

<form name="form">
<select name="menu1" onChange="MM_jumpMenu('parent',this,0)">
<option value="page1.asp" selected>page1</option>
<option value="page2.asp">page2</option>
<input type="button" name="Button1" value="Go" onClick="MM_jumpMenuGo('menu1','parent',0)">

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Validating Selected Dates

I have two date fields and i have in each one a calendar. I want these dates to be validated. They both should not be prior to the todays date and date 2 not to be prior to the date1. How can i do this people?

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