Passing Existing Parameters

Is there a way to pass a URL parameter from a previous page to the next page (without clicking a hyperlink)?
There are 3 pages. user_edit.asp, user_delete.asp, user_delete2.asp. I want to pass the customer_id parameter from user_edit.asp via a hyperlink to user_delete.asp and then after some asp manipulation I want to pass the existing customer_id parameter to the user_delete2.asp page (or again to user_delete.asp) without the user doing anything (such as accessing a hyperlink).

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Passing Non Existing IIS Directory To ASP Parameter

I have a web site in which 7 pages repeat once and again in thousands of folders. Why? because I want to keep, to the user view, the pretty url

As you can imagine, this makes maintenance hard, because when I make some update, I have to run a program to spread the change to the xthousands directories.

A solution would be to change the url to but the url wont be so easy to remember, and probably it will not like our users.

My question is, in which way can I simulate this last behaviour, but maintaining the "pretty" url, not only for accessing, but during the navigation. The trick would be to catch the inexisting directory name and pass it to the desired page as a parameter.

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Passing Parameters

I have a problem with input parameter which has Decimal DataType. Stored procedure (SQL 2000) works but it rounds all
values off, i.e 5.555 input becomes 6 and 1.3 input becomes 1.
In table QTY has data type decimal(5) - precision(8) scale(3).
Please, suggest what's wrong with this:

newqty = Request.Form("quantity")
cmd.Parameters.Append(cmd.CreateParameter("qty", adDecimal, adParamInput, 5, newqty))
cmd.Parameters("qty").Precision = 8
cmd.Parameters("qty").NumericScale = 3

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Passing Parameters

I'm building my asp page using a table. Part of building that table includes:
Response.Write("<td>" & rsi.fields(3).value & "</td>")
Response.Write("<td><input type=button value=""Remove"" name=RemoveButton onclick=""RemoveAgent();""></td></tr>")

My problem is that my table has multiple records each line has a Remove button at the end. I need to pass rsi.fields(0).value to the RemoveAgent routine when the button is pressed.
I thought that my onclick event would become........onclick=""RemoveAgent(rsi.fields(0).value) ;.......
but I receive a syntax error. Thinking about it it's a bit more complex than that in any case because at the point of clicking the button, I am not sitting on the correct record within the recordset since I am sitting at the eof after creating the table

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Passing Parameters

I want to pass parameters via response.redirect.
After a search on google, I have seen various types and i am getting confused on the best way to do it.Can someone let me know if i can do it the same way a href?

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Passing Parameters

is it possible to pass parameters in html like in asp.... products.asp?cat=3

.... what i want to do is when i click on a html link, it opens up news.html,
and then opens up a particular news article in an iframe on that page.

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Passing Parameters

Is there code that I can use to 'repeat' code.For example:I have a form that has about 30 fields on it. I then submit it to anotherform that has about 20 fields on it. I then submit the second form to a third and so on. During this process, I pass all of the fileds as Hidden Fields. My code has over 200 hidden fileds in it and sometimes they get mis-spelled or somthing. I thought that I saw something that you can tell the page to 'repeat' certain code for all parameters on the page by using a FOR EACH command.

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Passing Url Parameters

I have some troubles with the correct syntax, hope to get some help. This is the intention. This is the code I'd like to use.

strSql = "Select * from ta where ta_nr = %artnr%"
<!-- include file = "%artnr% & .asp"-->

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Passing Parameters

Need some help passing parameters

address = Info_RS("Address")
city = Info_RS("City")
st = Info_RS("State")
zip = Info_Rs("Zip")
<a href="address.asp?param1=Address&param2=city&param3=st&param4=zip">Address Change </a>

It will not pass.. it just passes the text.

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Passing Parameters To A Query

I am running into an issue when I try to write more than 1024 characters to
a memo field. Apparantly the odbc connection I am using does not permit
literals to be larger that 1024 characters. This Memo filed can take
virtually infinate data, so the solution seems to be use parameters. My
problem is I have never heard of this and need this to work ASAP Does
anyone have a simple example of how Parameters work using ASP

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Passing Parameters To Stored Procedure

I have several parameters that I need to pass into a stored procedure. Each parameter holds a comma delimited list.

I tried splitting the parameters and executing the stored procedure doing the following:

Dim CmtIdLoop
CmtIdLoop = Split(Request.Form("commentsID"),", ")
revwStatLoop = Split(Request.Form("review_status"),", ")
abrstatLoop = Split(Request.Form("abr_status"),", ")
commentsLoop = Split(Request.Form("comments"),", ")
For l = 0 to Ubound(CmtIdLoop)
s = CmtIdLoop(l)
t = revwStatLoop
u = abrstatLoop
v = commentsLoop .....

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Passing Parameters To Include Files

I was just wondering if it's possible to do this type of action, the way i currently have it layed out, the system does not recognise the id variable?

        'Record Found    
        <!--#include file="quiz.asp?id=<%=id%>" -->        
        Response.Write("No survey found.")
    END IF 

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Passing Database Search Parameters

I am trying to do any better than this and am losing my confidence daily as I pressumed this to be easy and I am sure once I have done it I will wonder what all the fuss was about!

My experience with ASP is limited to one Degree module and I am trying to build a prototype web site. I need pointing in the right direction to what I presume is a common ASP requirement - a ‘second level of user enquiry’. Code:

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Passing Parameters To Folder Rather Than Asp Page

i have a folder Services and this folder has index.asp file. i need to put a link in email specific to the user. i can do:

How i can do this same very thins as

as the default file name is index.asp so it will get executed if i put in the URL Address box. Here when i try to pass parametrs to the folder, this results in page not found.

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Passing Parameters To Server.Execute Or #Include ?

I need to pass a static parameter to an included ASP file. I'm thinking about using this with a query string, but upon reflection I'm not sure how I can do this. For example:

---file start: FIRST.ASP ------

<!--- ***** or ***** --->
<!-- #include file="second.asp?a=2" -->

-----file end: FIRST.ASP --------------

Now, if I do a Request.QueryString("a") in second.asp, is it performing a query on FIRST.ASP then? How can I retrieve the parameter?

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Passing Parameters To Or Invoking A Method Of An Activex Control In Asp

I wrote a simple client/server chat program and the client runs as an
activex control within an asp page. I have the users logging into
the page using widows authentication and I'm using
Request.ServerVariables("AUTH_USER") to get the users name. I'd like
to pass this name to the activex chat client thru the page but I'm
having some difficulty. I tried passing it as a parameter to the
"Tag" property within the <OBJECT> element like this:


' remove the domain or machine name from the username

Response.Write "<PARAM NAME=" & chr(34) & "Tag" & chr(34) & " VALUE="
& chr(34) & username & chr(34) & ">"

When I do this the ActiveX control doesn't appear on the page. Is
there a better way to do this? I also tried creating a public sub in
the activex control and calling it as a method from within the page
but I can't seem to get the syntax right. I keep getting "Object
Required" errors.

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Get Existing

i have 2 tables and i want the content of the one table where the second tables content doenst exist in the other table.

Table 1


Table 2

so i would only get 2 and 3 in table 1.

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Existing Access DB

I have an Access database; e.g., mydb; with 10 Tables (e.g., tbl1, tbl2, ..., tble10) in my database directory; e.g., fpdb.
I need to be able to copy the entire database with tables to another directory, where the name of directory will be provided by the user (therefore I do not know the directory name in advance).
How can I make a copy of existing Access DB vis ASP programming.

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Existing Files..

I'm a newbie to ASP coming from a PHP background and I wonder if there is - well I am sure there is - a command to check for the exists of a file which is on a ftp server (on the same as the file which tests it). Also is there a general site which explains all the asp commands in a logical form like does for PHP

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Existing Minutes

is it possible to add a number in time? i created a code which is something like this


but it doesnt work... for example the time is 08:32:05 AM and im going to add 2 minutes the result should be 08:34:05

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Cannot Exit Existing Frames

Within my site is a section for visitors to login. Once they have logged in they are directed to a page which uses frames.
existing code is below:

<frame name="leftFrame" src="computer_store_index.asp" scrolling="auto">
<frame name="mainFrame" src="computer_store.asp" scrolling="auto">

The problem is when the visitor logs out they are directed back to the login page. The login page and all subsequent pages which the visitor may click on within the site also displays the frames. Is there anyway to close the frames?

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Debugging Existing Code ASP

I have MS Visual Studio 2003 on Windows XP Pro. I have IIS running on
this machine and I am trying to debug some existing code which has both
ASP and ASP.NET components.
When I try and launch the debugger from VS, I am told it can't because
the project is of output type class library. The error indicates I
should set the start action to start external program or start URL.
I tried both of these and cannot seem to get the debugger to attach to
the process. However, I can load the webpage and surf to an error
which causes another session of VS to come up. Unfortunatly, the error
is not one that I can debug because I can not get break points to work
and the debugger will only come up when it hits the error.
My start page is default.asp and I have tried setting a break point in
it to no avail. How can I debug this script?

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Is There Any Way To Close All Existing Connections

I have a site which has extensive database activity. What I do is for each procedure I open a connection to the database and close it as and when I leave the procedure. However, in long run I find that some connection to the database is not properly closed causing the site to hang. This has become a big headache for me.

Trying to find what is going wrong I logged opening /closing of connections to the database and found that at some points the connections are not closed resulting in large no. of active connections to the database.

But if I go through the script I cannot really understand why that connection was not closed since the script ensure that the connection is closed before exiting the procedure.

Is there any way where I can check the database may be during night time and close all existing connections to the database. I repeat all my connections to the database are done at the procedure level.

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Problem Writing To Existing Xml

Im trying to write to an existing xml document (changes.xml). If it already exists, which it should, it will just add some child nodes and save the file... if it doesnt exist i want to create it and add the nodes and save the file... problem is it never saves the file to the directory its supposed to. Code:

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Project From Existing Site

I'm running into some trouble figuring out how to create a 'project'
from an existing asp application.

The ASP app was written entirely with plain text editors. I would
like to set up debugging for it, but it seems that in order to debug,
I must have a 'projec

I cannot figure out how one might go about this task. The project is
rather large (180K lines, and a few hundred files in many different
sub-dirs), and I have been playing & researching for about 4 hours
now, and I can't figure it out.

Can anyone make a suggestion as to what I must do to get something
going (preferably vs2003, but I have VID also)

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Text To Pre-Existing Images

I wonder if anyone knows about how we can write text on some existing gif or jpg Image and then save them again in the same format.

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Adding Existing Project

how to add an existing asp project into VSS? I have never done this before so am not sure even where to begin. Searched a few places online but have not found any suitable documention on this yet. My asp project uses SQL Server 2000.

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Existing WORD Document

I have a website which displays information from a database. I would like to add an option that when the user is pressing a button or link, a specific form as a WORD document will open on his desktop filled in specific places with data from the database. The original empty WORD doc is stored on the server.

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Existing Excel Template

Is it possible to send data from ASP and put it into a existing template? i don't want to create an excel document I only want to send one piece of information from ASP to the Exisiting Template.

We have created a online quote number genetrator for our sales team and we want it to open the excel quote template and put the quote number on that excel template.

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New Column To An Existing Table

I have this form in which the user insert his details, and chose which detail to add and which not and he can add a new field by his own which doesn't exist before. So this new field is a new column, so I just want to know how to add this column into an existing table.

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Open A New Page Rather Then Existing

my coding knowledge is limited. How do I add the following..


to this code...

ImageString = "<img src=""" & Banners("Image") & """ alt=""" & Banners("Hint") & """>"

All I want it to do is open a banner in a new page instead of the existing page.

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Convert An Existing E-mail

if it would be possible to convert an existing e-mail form to;

1. Send the e-mail (as it does now...without problems)
2. Copy one folder on the server, to another new folder

Using the username from the e-mail form, as the new foldername?

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Using Asp Script In Existing Html Pages

I'm planning to design a comprehensive shopping cart in asp that will work on different pre-designed html templates. This means that for each html template, the various asp pages like categories (category.asp), products (products.asp), cart (cart.asp) and so on will have same appearance in terms of page background, top logo, company slogan, top links, copyright & privacy statements at bottom, etc. My question is --

Is it possible to divide the html code of a particular template in two parts, like header (header.asp or and footer (footer.asp or so that for any asp page, I just include header first followed by asp scripts and then footer ?

If possible, how it is done ? I heard that it is possible in php pages with the help of 'Require' statement. Can anyone suggest any similar page on the web ?

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