Passing Looped Updates

I'm used to passing information between asp pages but now need to try something different. I've set up a page which loops through a database table and shows the results in text boxes.

I want the user to be able to change the text and then update the database. I guess this would be passing the whole page to another page which will use oRS.update. I can't imagine how I can pass the looped text to a receiving page.

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Requesting Many Looped Fields From A Form

I have an asp form page that has alot of textboxes on it and are displayed in a looped table, meaning that the number of fields submitted will vary each and every time the form is submitted.

I do not know how to pick up these fields on my submit page. Normally I would just use request.form("fieldname") but since i dont know how many fields will be submitted, its hard to bring in the field values that way.

there is only 1 field on my form but there could be alot of that 1 field because of the loop. I managed to name each field txtEmail1, txtEmail2, etc... Code:

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Retrieve Looped Form Fields

I have some code in my form as follows, to display 1 to 20 additional sets of fields to enter guest information. I am not sure how to retrieve these guests info so that I can post the info on an email such as:

Additional Guest 1
First Name =
Last Name =

Additional Guest 2
First Name =
Last Name =

i.e. The 'First Name' for guest 1 is name="AG_fn<%=x%>" The code loops through depending how many sets of fields were completed.

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Response From Db On Updates

I want to know whether a certain function on the database such as add or delete record is successful or not to be indicated after the transaction.

E.g. if a record was not found, or not deleted, the next page should indicate the event. If deleted it should indicate as well.

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Bulk Updates

I have an Employee Database in MSAccess with more than 10 tables. The updates of employee is done frequently and is done in bulk. The fresh data arrives in Excel worksheets (more than 50 records).

I have created a user interface in ASP to update these records in Access. But the user ends up doing more work updating. Importing Excel worksheets to Access is one way ...but then the column names and types have to be adjusted evrytime.

Can i build a datagrid in browser using ASP, so that the whole table gets displayed and the user can update the data in bulk. And is there any way I could copy paste the Excel records in such datagrid?

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Updates Not Showing

my problem is The updates on my asp files are not reflected in the browser. Till recently everything was working fine.

Today I installed new updates on my windows 2000. After all the cached asp contents are appearing and the updates are not getting refreshed. I dont know if this is becoz of the updates on my OS.

I had a file addfield.asp. It was working fine, I made some changes and they worked. But after that my updates are not reflected. If I rename the file to addfield1.asp. I am getting the desired results. Again if I change the contents of this file, they are not appearing.

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Multi Updates

lets say we have a ms db with two cols

id value
1 4
2 7
3 9
4 1

is there a simple way of updating all the value fields with one form? so i can have the page lay the four value's out in a list, the user could then edit them and hit update and this would update all the value fields. i can update single records no problem but have no idea where to start with this one.

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Dynamic Updates

I need to know if I should use or Java for this. I would like to use asp in general. I need to have a function check to see if a variable is true or false and update an icon. But I want it to either check when updated or every 3 seconds. I suppose it has to be somewhat client side scripting but is there a way around this.

As of now I use IFrames whith a refresh of 10 seconds, any less will cause it to timeout. I kind of want it real-time or very near. It's kind of like a status page for information in a database.

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Variables In Database Updates

I would like to have it to use the variable "Id" in the bit which says where Subject = having set the variable earlier. This is for updating replies in a forum script. Code:

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Cookies And Updates Since Last Visit

I have a new feature called What's New i'm implementing. Whenever i add a new feature to my site, i am goign to write a little blurb about it.

On my main page, i have a javascript that will appear if there are any WhatsNew to show. However, i only want it to appear at least until the person has visited my WhatsNew page. Then, it does not need to appear again until i add another feature.

So, i have a Publish date field in my DB for weach feature and i was going to do this.

On the main page, check to see if Cookie exists, if not, display JS. When user goes to WhatsNew page, i update the cookie with the date.

My problem is that if my last feature was published say 12/02/2005 and todays date is 12/05/2005, the JS will appear. So my theory is flawed. I need to JS to only appear when the user has visited that page, since the last feature was added.

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Updates: Text And Images

In the site I have to create the user area to bring update the site he himself, as a form
to enter with the texts and images, and to be inserted automatically following the layout and design of the site, and the images with the accurate measures.

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Automatic Windows Updates

I am having problems sending emails via the CDO.Message object from an
ASP script which was working fine. On the server I can still send
emails via the CDO.Message from a .vbs script executed on the desktop.
If I pause the SMTP service I can see mails queuing up from the .vbs
script but the ASP script no longer generates emails, nor does it error
when it creates the object.
Could this be a permissions problem? No IIS settings have changed, but
the server downloads automatic Windows updates.

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Installing Devices Updates 4.0

I'm trying to install the Devices Update 4.0 but it failes every time with the error
"Application has generated an exception that could not be handled." Does anybody has any idea where I could find what's going wrong, or who I have to contact for support on Devices Update at Microsoft? As Devices Update is a free download.

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ASP Dropdown Box Value Selected Updates Datagrid.

Im trying to get a drop-down box that when a value inside it is selected, it updates a data grid below.

I am making a world cup fantasy football league between a few buddies and i want for each person to view points stats etc on a web page which connects to a database.

On one of these pages which i want help with has a list of Managers, and when a manager is selected it will show in a data grid their chosen squad of players.

I can get a page to select each teams squad, but at the moment i only know how to do that as a set of unique pages for each team which would be time consuming to do. Therefore a drop-down list of the team names would be a lot easier if it could update the page when a value is selected. Code:

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Auto Refresh ASP Page On Database Updates

I would like to know that ,is there any way that the asp page would get refreshed automatically when there is an update in a tbale in SQL Server. The page should get refresh automatically on updates in SQL Server. The user will not hit refresh button neither I want the page to have meta-refresh tag.

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Select Database Then Multiple Tables For Updates

What I want to do I select one database and the set the Rs1, rs2 etc.. like in Vb6 I would set DB then:

Set rs1 = db1.OpenRecordSet("Table1")
Set rs2 = db1.OpenRecordSet("Table2")


However how do I do this in asp3? Code:

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Single Update Button, Multiple Updates

I'm trying to create a single form to update multiple records in a database (Access). Similar to an update qty's in a shopping basket, whereby, on submit/update it passes and updates each record, without using the ONCHANGE feature (otherwise this would become an extremely laborious task in this application)

I've tried passing and updating an array but to no avail (maybe I'm doing something wrong)

Also, I can't seem to grab the contents of the form text field, even though I'm dynamically assigning names to each text field.

Should I be using Javascript to handle the change in values, if so, anyone got any sample code/helpful links?

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Passing Through A Var

I need to click on a button and pass through a variable with a number
associated to it to other form

That is. I know I can do something like this:
<FORM action="" method="post">
<INPUT type="submit" value="Send"> <INPUT type="reset">
</FORM>but.. can I do something like this?<FORM
action= method="post">
<INPUT type="submit" value="Send"> <INPUT type="reset">

How do I do it?

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Passing Value In UPL

I have some code which I use server.Execute. In the included code for
the server.execute, if I use a Request variable I get an error stating
that I cannot use request after UPL but If I change all the variable
names from request
to upl, it tells me that UPL is not defined.
It seems that the page is passing the form values for request but not

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Passing IDs

I have got a news section which i am working on i can get all the news items to display the short description and title with the link to the full item but when i click on any of them it takes me to the very first record in the database. i have been told that the problem is with the ids not being passed through properly but im not sure.

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Passing Value

I have a small problem.How can I pass value from form thru a few pages. I try with hidden field but my second page just validate and redirect to other one and when I use Request.Form("field") it's nothing coming back.

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Passing Through URL

I am creating a simple news WAP site which uses a database. The database consists of three columns, storyid, storyheadline and story. The first page outputs the storyheadlines. When the user clicks on the headlines, they are taken to another page. The storyid is passed through the url (stored as storyno) and the next page loads the story which matches the headline. So basically, I need to know how to correct this:

SQL = "SELECT * FROM gmscwapstories WHERE storyid = <% Request.QueryString("storyno") %>"

This doesnt seem to be working.

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Passing A Value

how to properly parse this so "Cute & Cuddly" passes to the calling page. I need to pass the & sign.

<option value="search.asp?category=Cute & Cuddly&subcategory=brown">

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Passing Url

I have a members only section of my site, which is protected and works fine, but i want to be able to alow the user to update their profile. Problem is, i don't have anything to pass in the url.

In the member record update section of the admin, i have the url, as it leads on from the chosen members that. But where the user updates their profile, it has nothing to send data form/recordset. Could this be done by storing it in a cookie or something?

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Passing A Value

I'm trying to display data from three tables. The main table has a Record number and the other table contain the same number. I need to pass the parameter value (record number) from the main table to the other tables (table2 and table3) and display there data on the same web page.

i can get the three recordsets open, but I can't select table2 and table3 by the record number from the main table. I also need to be able to move through the recordset one record at a time backward and forward.

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Passing A Value

I am trying to pass a value in a way that after a user has successfully logged in to an ASP app through a form, their login id would be passed to a welcome page.

for e.g. after their login they get to a page saying "Welcome User what would you like to do? " This is probably simple but I am new to ASP,so how can this be done ?

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Passing Values

Is there a code, or something that scrambles the value being passed fromone asp page to another??

what I mean is this:

if i want to pass a value from a database (record id #721) from my page records.asp to recordview.asp

it might appear like this in the browser window, or when u highlight the link on records.asp:


I don't want users to see exactly what record number is being access... so I'd like it to show some garbage in the browser like


you get my drift...

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Passing Variables

This is hopefully a really simple issue... but what is the best way to pass a variable from one .asp page to the next?

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Passing Variables

I'm trying to post variables using http to a site with a different domain and need my page to wait until it gets a returned value back and then insert that value returned into a database. Once I'm able to get the variable back i know how to get it into a database, just don't know how to have the page wait for the value returned.

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ASP Values Not Passing

I have a submit form that collects my values, and if my form action is "mailto" the values are passed, but if I try to pass to another asp page the values aren't sent and the asp doesn't execute.

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Passing Variables

I am trying to write a search application which will allow a database holding a text to be searched.

To search the text the user has to select the act, the scene, the character
Right this is where it gets tricky!

The acts all have different scenes and the scenes all have different characters - so rather than try and attempt a very complicated linked combo box for the act, scene and character I figured a more sensible way of doing it would be to have the user enter the act they want to search on one page. The value of this would then be passed by form to the next page (to get the scene).

Based on the act selected a dropdown box is then populated with all the scenes for that particular act. Following on from this I then want to pass the scene selected together with the act selected on the previous page to the next page which will get the character. I can get the scene value passed through to the character page but not the act value as this is now a server side variable. Basically what I want to end up with is after the user has selected the character on the third page, I want to be able to use all this information to build an SQL search statement.

In case you are wondering why I decided to do it in this way, I initially tried the linked combo box method but found that if the user doesn't click the boxes in the correct order it causes problems with updating the box contents. Doing it this way I figured I can force the user to enter the information in the correct order. Code:

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Passing A Variable Into An SQL

I am trying to make a variable appear in an SQl but am not sure how. Here is the sample code:

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Passing Value To The Same Form

I have a form and from there I click on link to open a search page, choose an item(checkbox), then that item should appear in the same form I first opened. I tried javascript onClick event such as :

<input type=submit name=submit value=Submit onclick="javascript: form1.submit();">
and also tried:
<input type=submit name=submit value=submit onclick='http://myformurl/form.asp'>

It is only opening a new form instead of the same one. How can I do to choose to pass the value to the same form?

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