Passing The Value Of A Disabled Text Field

Is there any way I can pass the value in a disabled text field without creating a hidden field?

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Passing A Text Field From Asp To Asp

I have an asp page that allows cdont mailing of form field values to persons matching slected criterea in their profile.

Works good if the user goes straight from the form to the email-making asp.

Then the user asked for a proofreading screen and what seemed simple took a bad turn.

When I try to pass from the proof reading screen to the asp that actually sends the email I only get the first word. as soon as a blank is encountered in the text it thinks it it done. Code:

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Passing Values To Text Field

how to i passing values to text field?

<input type="text" name="Usrname" size="20" value=<%= fullname %> >

i knew this is wrong.. but how do i solve this problem?

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How To Pass Disabled Text Box Value On Other Page

I am trying to fatch disabled text box vlue on other form but i cant...

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Passing A Field Value To Page

What I want to do is pass a Field value directly from the URL to the webpage content, but it's getting stuck and sometimes no values get passed? For eg:

Suppose my site is

I want the 25 to be placed somewhere on the member.asp page when the above url is hit.

I have tried <% =id %>
I have also tried <% =Request.Form("id") %>

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Passing A Field's Lable

I have a listfield that displays a list of 'Themes' stored in a database. The listfield's lable is Themenames and it's value is UniqueThemeID. The page that i'm designing allows the user to add or remove Themes to this list which updates the database.

When the user adds a theme i can use the UniqueThemeID (which is passed when the form is submitted) to display a page saying that "The theme *Themename* has been added to the database". My problem is that i cant do this when the user wants to delete the theme beacuse the UniqueThemeID no longer exists in the database.

So somehow i need to pass the listfields selected lable, maybe with a hidden field of something, but i'm stummped as how i can do this. Does anyone have any solutions. I sure other people must have had this problem in the past, but i cant find anything on it.

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Passing Field Varible

I have a working .htm form residing on my server. On submit, I would like to pass field varibles to .asp form on another server. The .asp form needs to be populated with passed varibles and submit button executed automatically.

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Passing Hidden Field Value In Hyperlinks

I currently us JavaScript to populate a hidden field with my scroll
location in order to retain the page location when I post the page back
to itself. However, I don't know how to pass that hidden field value
in a hyperlink as the value is always changing. Anyone have any

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Passing Null Value To A Number Field

What's the best way to handle passing a null value to a number field in my Access database? Right now I am getting an INSERT INTO error when I am doing this. I tried doing the following:

Mon = Replace(Request.form("txtNewMon"),"","0") but it doesn't seem to work. Would you suggest doing an IF satement?

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Passing A Hidden Field Containing A Session Variable

i have two asp pages, one collecting value in a for the other displaying those values.

Normal non-hidden text fields are displaying properly. But my hidden field is not. The hidden field is made up of 3 other text fields and joins them together. This page collects and sends values (i only included the item in question) Code:

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Passing Text Box Value To Sub?

I'm trying to have a user enter the quantity he wants to order in the text box and pass all the parameters to a sub called "add" on the same page. I can't figure out how to pass the quantity entered to the sub. Code:

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Passing Text ID From One Page To Another

my database has a table with a primary key that is both text and numeric
(seems like a bad idea now but there's 1000s of records so too late to change it ((((

basically i want to pass this from one asp page to another using the ?ID=house_ID

house_ID being the offending key

the other end i pick it up using lngRecordNo = Request.QueryString("ID")

and then my sql statement is as follows ...

strSQL = "Select * FROM House WHERE House_ID LIKE " & lngRecordNo

but it doesn't work .... i'm getting the rather generic error message of Too few parameters expected 1.

anyone got any ideas

also if i want to use date in a where clause how do i format it i've tried < " # Now() # ";" but it doesn't like it because of the quote marks inside of the sql statment.

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Passing Text Areas In Asp

I hav an online learning system with a questionaire that emails relative people with the results and also outputs results at end. the input is into textareas and it is being passed via
response.write<input type="hidden">

i.e all data is passed through each page to the last page. At the end only the last pages data is correct, all previous pages have only the first word.

i.e computers annoy me -on page 1

would be:

computers -by the time it gets to page 4 . Is their a restriction in VBScript for passing data more then once.

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Passing Data In Text Box To Access Db.

i have 2 text box whom data are generated randomly, how can i get this data and pass it to a access database using ASP?

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Passing Text From One Frame/page To Another

I have a date in a frame/page that i want to pass to another page. I can succefully pass a static value, i just can't pass a value from a text box.

I tried to make everything public. I believe that Me. may only refer to the page that is orginating the action. But how do I pass the text box. Can we assume since I can pass the static value, that the issue is how I grab the textbox value Code:

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Error When Passing Text With Apostorphies

I have a string (holding a book title) that contains an apostrophe. This is generating an error when I try to pass it through sql into a table of orders. I retrieve it from the form with

I'm trying to pass it through with: '"&rs("title")&"'

This isn't working. I tried taking out the ' ' but that didn't help, nor did elmiminating the " " help eather. Can someone suggest what might be the problem?

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Passing Values Into Text Box Inside The FOR LOOP

I am trying to pass a value into the text field on selecting the option in a drop down. The code works if the 'For' loop is not included. What should I do to make it work inside the loop? Code:

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Text Field

How i can get a text field that would accept apostrophes?

here's my code:

Title = Replace(Request.form("AddTitle")
Message = Replace(Request.form("AddMessage")
Author = request.Form("AddAuthor")
TimePosted = request.Form("AddTimePosted")
DatePosted = request.Form("AddDatePosted")
sql="INSERT into NEWS (title, message, author, date_posted, time_posted) "
sql = sql & "VALUES ('" & Title & "', '" & Message & "', '" & Author & "', '" & DatePosted & "', '" & TimePosted & "') "
Response.write sql

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Text Field!

i am using ASP with recordset I am using nvarchar field and TEXT field in ms sql server
i update it as follows

rs("thenvarcharfield") = request.form("somedata")
rs("thetextfield") = request.form("someotherdata")

at one page it works fine and when i use the same kind of code to update another TEXT field it doesn't update and the I.E. loading bar increases very slowly and the next page never loads someone suggested to use .appendchunk i used rs.appendchunk and i got the error "object doesn't support this property or method" he also said that .appendchunk cannot be used to update nvarchar.

i removed the code to update TEXT field and the page loaded as expected (normally)!
Why one text field worked fine while the other didn't?

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Validation For Text Field

I need help regarding the string. In HTML page i have a text field to enter Name. How do i check whether its valid name or not, on the server side.

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Text Field Control

I want to create two radio button
Yes and No. Only on select that radio button 'Yes',
the text field should get enabled.
How to do this?

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Text Field Acceptance,

i have a table in which i have many text boxes, they are named as a1,a2,a3,a4 to a16 the next row is b1,b2,b3 to b16 and so on up to G1,G2 etc, where the user enters his data, what i want to do is only allow the user to enter numbers, which can have decimals if required,

how can this be done, also i have another set of textboxes through which i want to loop and prevent user the user from entering the same data in more then one box how can this be done any help will be appreciated thank you.these are the text boxes a1,b1,c1,d1,e1 etc which is actually the first column in the table.

i have created the following array:

letterArray[0] = 'A'
letterArray[1] = 'B'
letterArray[2] = 'C'
letterArray[3] = 'D'
letterArray[4] = 'E'
letterArray[5] = 'F'
letterArray[6] = 'G'

how can i loop through to achive the above.

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6 Characters From The Text Field

May I know how to restrict the user to key in at least 6 characters from the text field by using asp? If possible

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Updating A Text Field

I am trying to write some code that inserts or updates a text field in my SQL Server 2000 database. The SQL statement is created using a submit from a form, and the text is coming from a <textarea>, and therefore being placed into the SQL statement via a Request("field"). However, due to limitations in SQL Server 2000 and text fields, I can not use a simple Update or Insert command with text over 8000 bytes.

Does anybody have any sample statements that will help me update that field with larger amounts of data? I have tried using the WRITETEXT function and UPDATETEXT function with little or no success.

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Text Field Characters

i have a form that has two hidden fields.The first hidden field will has a value like this 'EM12HILL.JPG'.The second hidden field has a value like this 'AA01'.What i would like to happen is when submit button is pressed, the characters in the first hidden field will change to the following 'AA01HILL.JPG', as they are passed to another form.

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Clearing A Text Field

How do I clear the data in this field before using the date function.?

<input type="text" size=35 name="DepartCentralDate" value="<%=x_DepartCentral %><%= FormatDateTime(Date, 1) %> &nbsp;&nbsp;<%= FormatDateTime(Now, 3)%>">

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Combine Text + Rs.field

Is it possible to recall a variable with the combination of text + rs.field? i want to recall the variable "speler1", at the place weher rs("speler") is 1. It's probably again easy.

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Shorten Text Field

I been searching google but I can't find how to shorten a text field and if it has been shortened to place a space and triple dot (...) after it. So if the text field was 75 characters long it would shorten it to 50 and add " ...". Is it also possible to shorten it to 50 to the nearest word? This is what I got so far: Code:

<% = left(rs("my_text").value,50) & IF rs("my_text").count > 50 Then Response.Write(" ...") End If %>

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Updating A Text Field

In a form I have one pulldown menu, and one text field. Both MUST get their values from an Access database they connect to. Without submitting the form, how do I change the value appearing in the text field by changing the selection in the pulldown menu? Remember both the text field and the pulldown menu MUST get their values from a database.

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Text Field Format

I need a user to follow a format. For example entering a date. I need the user to enter a date in this format MM/DD/YY. How do I check to see if they followed that format?

I need the user to enter a currency amount without the "$" sign. How do I check to see if the Request.Form("price") value has a "$" sign in it? I guess I need to know how to parse a string in ASP.

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Text Field Value & Label

Is it possible to make the following codes Value = idSpecies but its Label TimberSpecies?

<input name="f1" type="text" id="f13" value="<%=((rsResults.Fields.Item("idSpecies").Value))%>" size="33">

I have a database with the following...

Table Name.....Query1
Field Name......idSpecies..........Auto Number
Field Name......TimberSpecies...Text Field

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Moving Fom Text Field

i have a formular using two text field. i want , when i finish writnig , moving to the next using " Enter " key.

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Lock Down A Text Field

how to lock down a text field so that data displayed within it cannot be altered?

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