Perl Lingua

if any of you have any knowledge of the Perl Lingua::Identify module and submodules? Links to samples, code, reference?

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Multi Lingua Web Sites Using ASP

I am currently maintaining a web site for my company's product. The existing site is in English and written in ASP. Currently, my boss plan to add 2 more languages version to the site (Malay and Chinese). So that when user click on the "Chinese" link, the Chinese version of the site will be displayed and click on the "Malay" version, the Malay version of the site will be displayed.

I know that I can either duplicate another 2 sets of the same files with different languages and my job consider done. But the mainatance in the future will be a headache for me. So, I was planning to use XML for this purpose, can anyone show me the proper way that I can learn to use XML with ASP? What type of XML Editor should I use?

Or is there any other way to deal with this purpose? Any good references I can get from the Internet?

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Asp Vs Perl

can you please tell which is better. if neither is whats best in what ?

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Perl From ASP

I have a web site written in (VBscript) ASP with a SQL database. I would like to use a sub procedure in a Perl module (written by someone else) from within a VBscript ASP page. The sub takes several parameters and returns a result string. Is there a way to do this within a VBscript ASP page?

My alternative would be having to re-code my ASP page into a Perl page. While possible, I'd like to not have to learn Perl just for this one page. (Re-coding the Perl module into VBscript is not an option.).

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Off Perl Script From Asp Web Form

we have a perl script at work which we run manually from time to time to move files from our staging environment to our live environment. As part of an application I'm working on i'd like to incorporate a buttom on a web form which would kick off this perl script when neccessary. Is there any way to do this?

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Including PERL Files Within ASP

Does anyone know if its possible to include perl files in my CGI-BIN folder within an asp page?

I've written a forum program in perl (which is all run through the same file /cgi-bin/ and I would like to include it within an ASP page.

Is it possible? If so how? Just using the Include Virtual string? By the way I'm on UNIX with ChilliASP installed.

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Use Html Tokparser In Perl

in perl if we need to get all the html links we use htmp Tokparser do we hv any thing in asp for same purpose.

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Perl And Microsoft On Same Server

I have a website that uses perl and switched to a different hosting company. After weeks of pulling teeth to get moved from a unix webserver to a microsoft one, I tell them that the extensive perl portion of my site isnt functioning. They said I need to use ASP instead.

I dont know anything about it and think it is unfair for me to have to completely redevelop my site becasue they dont want to put perl and microsoft on the same server. My last hosting company did it so I know it is possible. Meanwhile everytime somone clicks on this perl application nothing but script comes up (very unprofessional). Is it somthing really easy to implement or should I just forget about it?

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Embed Perl Code Inside Asp

I have 2 issues that i could not find a solution,

1) is it possible to convert a "cgi" code into asp page.
2) are there any tools to do this conversion,
is it possible to embed the cgi code inside , for example html, or jsp or asp.

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Can A Perl Script Be Changed With An .asp File?

I have an HTML header with a form in it that begins like this:

<form name="main" action="form_action.asp" method="GET" target="bot">

I also have a perl CGI script and I just need one part of that script to be altered by the action of the form. So the user would select from a drop-down menu and, depending on their choice, the perl script would be changed accordingly and then executed.

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Running A Perl Script From An ASP Page To Include QUERY_STRING

I am running IIS 6.0 on Windows 2003.

I would like to be able to run a perl script from a web page and
include the output.

I have tried doing it with an ssi:

<form action='docsearch.shtml' method='get'>
<!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/>

This correctly ran the script, but it was unable to include the
QUERY_STRING from the parent URL into the included perl script, and
there seems no work around to enable me to do that on IIS 6.0,
therefore on this thread:

I was recommended: "to a simple ASP page which will easily do exactly
what you want because it actually has the functionality you want, by
intention, and is supported." Code:

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