Photo Album Stuff

I am about to get rid of TZO on my computer, and I've been using it's photo software to view photo's on my web site. I could write something in ASP (or, but I figure why spend time re-inventing the wheel if there's something already out there.

Does anyone have any recommendations on ASP apps that I can use for viewing photo's on my web site? I would rather it be free if possible, and it needs to just look at a folder, or series of folders, and build a thumbnail type of view from what's there. In other words, I don't want to have to populate a database with all of my pictures.

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ASP Photo Album With Database

I know there has to be a million post on this, but is there an example I can use or see to make this happen. I want to use a database to view an album and pictures in my web pages.

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Calendar / Album Style Resultset

I am trying to make my result set print out the results in the same style as
a calendar or photo album. I am actually making a photo album, and I can
only print the results in list format. I would like to have 3 or 4 results
per table row. Then once I have 3 or 4 results across a new row in the table
will start. Code:

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ASP, XML Stuff...

I'm trying o get my head around XML and using ASP to parse documents.

I've managed to kncok together the code below to send a request to an
external server and then pop the response into a variable and format it
a bit.

What I'm trying to do is insert the data into a nice HTML table, maybe
using the node names as column headings. Has anyone got any suggestions
on how I can do this? and also, is this the best methid of performing
this task? I need it to be xbrowser compatible so I figured server side
would be the best option. Code:

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Textarea Stuff To A DB

I've written several scenarios where the end user needs to enter data into a textarea (descriptions, messges etc) which becomes part of a form. End users often put apostrophe's and carrige returns in the textarea... however, when the code i write is submitted to the database, it generates an sql command from the page that sent the action.

Client Side:

<form action="somepage.asp" method="post">
<input type="text" name="emailaddress">
<textarea cols="20" rows="5" name="comments"></textarea>

On code submission...

sql="insert into tableName (email,comments) values ('" & request.form("emailaddress") & "','" & request.form("comments") & "');"

Now, when strange people put carrige returns, it stuffs up the string and therefore produces an error, and to make matters worse if it did recognise a carrige return, it wouldn't be displayed on HTML output. Apostrophes are even worse - they signify the end of a variable in the SQL sentance Can anyone help me and figure out a new way of writing to the DB?

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Dates And Stuff

I'm gonna be writing a new ASP based system for work for staff to book in deliverys with our warehouse - I'm starting to think about the database design and i'm trying to think how best to work it - Each day will be a record - with a date field - but I have no idea how to automatically create a date field with concurrent dates - and also we can book deliverys upto 6 months in advance, so there needs to be a lot of records created.

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Date Stuff

dyear = year(RS("dates"))
dmonth = Month(RS("dates"))
dDay = day(RS("dates"))

response.write dyear
response.write dmonth
response.write dDay

i get 2003 12 9

how do i dispaly 2003 December Tuesday

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Forms, PHP, ASP 'n Stuff

I have a web form (fine so far) which POSTs to a PHP routine which mails the information. Very standard. Now I would like to update a database as well as emailing the form contents.

The problem is that the database has to br MS SQL and I can't install the bits to make it work with PHP - so the database part HAS to be ASP. The mail bit HAS to be PHP as that's the only mail routine I can use. Code:

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How Do You Make If.then.else Do Two Stuff On One Line?

is it possible to do a insert, add, and a redirect all on the same page?

for example... signup.asp. there's a text box labeled Acctid. If you don't have an acctid please enter "0000" otherwise enter one. This box is used to see if they have an existing account in the database by using an UPDATE query and if they don't it does an INSERT query with acctid = 0000 for all non customers. What I want the if.then.else statement to do is to

If acctid = "0000" then
conn.execute acct_add
(and if sucessful to response.redirect "/yay.asp"
Else if NOT acctid = "0000" then
conn.execute acct_update

(but I want it to return an error if the update wasn't sucessful either because the acount doesn't exist or watever and if the update was sucessful to response.redirect "/yay.asp") END IF

Do ya get it?

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Loading Stuff Into Combobox

I have a combobox that on page load is disabled. I've noticed that the information will not load into the combo box if this is the case. Is there a way to load the information and then disable it so the user has no idea what has happened? I load another combobox before this one, that is NOT disabled and so loads properly.


="1" name="County" disabled="true">
While not objrs.eof
<option value ="<%=objrs("County")%>">

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ASP Equivalent Of Some Cold Fusion Stuff - Date/Time?

I was wondering if anybody could help me translate this from my native Cold Fusion tongue to ASP? :

#DateFormat(Visitors_DateTime, 'dd mmmm yyyy')#
#TimeFormat(Visitors_DateTime, 'h:mm tt')#

The data is held with SQL2000 in a smalldatetime datatype column.

Would just like to display the full date and time really.

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Uploading Photo

My form with a upload photo function is not working - Can some one please take a look and see were I have messed up. The code is 4 sections : The Form, The DB script, The submit Script and the Upload script. Code:

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Photo Webcam Ref. In Db

What I need to know is how to have a camera take photos
when given a signal/event and save the name of the image in
a database.

I don't know which camera/webcam could save the image on
a hard disk in a low resolution (suitable for web pubblishing,
let's say 300x200 pixels) and trigger an event to add the image's
name in a database.

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Getting The Photo Dimensions

I want to get the exact Dimension of the Photo (jpg, jpeg, gif, ...) uploaded on a server by users. I'm using ASP language. do u guys have any idea how I can do that?

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Photo Scrolling

i would like to do a photo carousel function similar as the the function i would like to do is on tis web at the right hand side for tat photo stream

let say in my album have 100 photo. and from tis funciton, it will not load out all my 100 photos when the page is loaded. it will load the others photo when i click on the NEXT arrow button. i need some help on tis funciton and implement it with ASP VBscript code.

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Photo Library

i am not sure that this subject can be discussed here. i have many photos. they are stored according to the name of the EVENT and YEAR. i will set up a database (sql or access) to store information of the photo and set up a folder to store the "PHOTOs". and design a web page to show.

My question is how to put the photo on the web page:

i prefer the simplest and effortless method. Once the user takes the photos (5m pixel photo) and upload them and input the event name & year. then it is finished.

any tools can be used? which programming language is most suitable. i noted many web sites have this feature but i don't know how many effort at the back end?

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Uploading Photo

Sometimes when I'm uploading photos In my site I get the following error :

Active Server Pages error 'ASP 0113'

Script timed out


The maximum amount of time for a script to execute was exceeded. You can change this limit by specifying a new value for the property Server.ScriptTimeout or by changing the value in the IIS administration tools. What can I do to specify a new value Server.ScriptTimeout?

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Photo Manipulation

Is it possible to do any photo (jpg) maniputlation in an ASP script? I'd like to be able to rotate a photo. Also, if it can be done, reduce a file size to produce a thumbnail. If so, can anyone point me to the resources for learning to do this.

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Dynamic Photo Gallery

I have a photo gallery written in ASP where people can go and upload their own pictures to create a gallery. The only problem is the size of the image files, it takes forever to load the main gallery page. I've noticed on like community web shots for example, that all of their image files are kept really small. Is there any way to dynamically compress files while uploading them

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Building Photo Upload

I am building an application via ASP that uses an MS Access database to hold inventory for large truck dealerships. I have two columns in the database, one for thumbnails and one for regular (about 450 pixels wide) sized images. The columns in the database hold the URL's to the images in the folders.
I need to create a photo upload that accomplishes the following things:
1. Will re-size and rename the photograph regardless of what the user has it named and sized as. I would like to be able to have the code create the thumbnail and the larger image if that is possible.
2. I need to be able to have that photograph attached to the inventory information that goes with it.
I have a very basic page built, but of course, it does not do any of the "fluffy" stuff I mentioned above. I am not very good with VB and most of what I have seen out there is really contingent upon knowing VB. I tried using a 3rd party application, but to be quite honest, it sucked. Having said that, can any of you point me in the right direction toward having the above features?

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Photo Gallery Question

I am trying to create a photo gallery using asp in dreamweaver,i create a recordset to capture the image path.

However there is a problem when it comes into displaying the picture.When using the repeat region function,all the images are display only in 1 row by * column .How can i display like 1 page can display only 4 row by 4 column?

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Retreaving Photo Link

What I am trying to do is reach for a image link in database and each photo is uploaded to a folder from people applying for a job, picture goes to a folder and the link goes into a field in the DB, so I have a url like

When the page "viewingApplicant.asp" grabs the photo

I just need the photo. so the asp-code contains the url + 01.jpg.

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Changing File Name Of Uploaded Photo

I've got the following code to upload photos and save in a folder:

Dim objUpload
Dim strFileName
Dim strPath

' Instantiate Upload Class
Set objUpload = New clsUpload

' Grab the file name
strFileName = objUpload.Fields("File1").FileName

' Compile path to save file to
strPath = Server.MapPath("Uploads") & "" & strFileName

' Save the binary data to the file system
objUpload("File1").SaveAs strPath

' Release upload object from memory
Set objUpload = Nothing

The problem is it saves with the original file name but I want manipulate it and save it with a name defined by me as if not a user that download a photo with an existing name in the folder it will re-write.

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Resize Photo Store On Server?

I have a Windows 2000 server. My ASP application allows users to upload a photo for display to other users. Unfortunately everyones photos are different sizes. I'd like to resize the photo to 150px wide while maintaining the aspect ratio of the photo.

Is there anything built into IIS/ASP that will allow me to do this? If not, is there a free DLL, etc. that I can add to the server?

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Developing A Dynamic Photo Gallery

Can anyone recommend a site that contains any tutorials on developing a Dynamic photo gallery for websites. Something with ASP+Javascript or ASP+VBScript or even with XML+CSS.

I want it so the images can be updated automactically, hence why it needs a backend database.

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As To Configure It Photo To Appear Small E To Extend When Click In

I have a pa'gina (view.asp) that he shows the photo that is cited in the data base. The problem that happens is that if I sending the photo well great it appears in view great. I would like to make the following one, to program so that the photo alone appears in a size small e when the user to clicar in top of it, I open one popu with it of the real size that it is. As I can make this I do not know to make. They see my code view.asp that it shows the photo. Code:

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Simple .asp Photo Gallery Required For Website

I am currently buidling a website for a photographer and she wants to be able to upload her photos each week, so that they can be viewed on her site by the public.

Does anyone know of a free simple gallery system that I could use on this website. Any system like this whereby she can upload/remove the images her self (backend i.e .asp to MS Access) and display them on the public site would be perfect.

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What Is This? <img Src="{$ ImagesDir}/photo.gif">

What is this? <img src="{$ ImagesDir}/photo.gif">

I KNOW what an HTML image tag looks like. But what do you call that in the file source? Is it like a virtual directory in IIS?

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