Picture Doesn't Display

I am creating an ASP based web application and I am having something wierd happen only in IE. I have attached two zip files with the contents of the site. Just unzip both of them to the same directory. I couldn't combine them in 1 zip file due to the 100KB limit.

From the main page, when you click on the "People" link to the right the bottom link/picture disappears. However, if you hit the refresh button after that, it will reappear.

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PWS On NT Doesnt Display Asp/ And Installation

My friedn is using PWS on NT4 machine, its a local machine, whenever he directs to an .asp page, visual interdev starts.

How can we over ocme this.I had solved this problem long time ago. Now i dont remember. Also to install IIS4.0 do we need to install MTS? if yes, where can we get

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Doesnt Display Char Type Data Field Length 1

I have one field char type data length 1.. It has data either 1 or 2 in all the field tht I have checked through enterprise manager.

I'm running query:

"select * from table" and fetching all the records and displaying...

It display all the data except data from this field..Doesnt display anything..

I had put Response.write rs("fieldname")

What could be the problem?

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Display Picture.

Currently I have a webpage that pulls information from a database. The records are all true/false. Right now I just use the response.write function to display my recordset.

I am looking to do the following, but am unsure how too:

If recordset = ("true") then
display check.jpg <----- I am unsure on how to display a .jpg
end if

if recordset = ("false") then
display x.jpg <----- I am unsure on how to display a .jpg
end if

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Display A Picture If

I want to display a picture if there is no information in the record, if the record contains info I wish to display that information. The code so far: Code:

If rsdvd("stock") = "" then
Response.Write ('" & <img src="images/out.gif"> & "')
Response.Write (rsdvd("stock"))

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Display Picture

is this the correct way to display picture?

response.write("<img src="a.jpg">")

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CDONTS Doesnt Work Always

I am using CDONTS to send mail to the user from my ASP application.
However, the code doenst works all the time. I am able to get mails but
nothing happnes most of the time. The code works maybe once in 20 tries.
What could be the reason?

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Doesnt Retun All Columns

I have a query in ASP that does a select * from table
It doesnt retun all columns!
When i use objRS("columnname") I get blank. This only effects some colums and I fix it by using

select *,missingcolumn1,missingcolumn2 from table

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CDONTS Doesnt Seem To Work

i posted earlier, and the response seemed to be there is
another dll i need to use the cdonts object, i used it
fine for awhile on my old setup, i upgraded to 2k3 and it
errors up as if cdonts isnt an object. So is there a dll
i need to have to use the cdonts object in iis 6 or do i
need to rewrite my code to use cdo? (if so, please provide
asp 3 example on how to send an email with recepient,
sender, body and subject)

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SQL Db Doesnt Support The Cookie

I wrote the code for Members of Register. and i use cookie in this code, My database is SQL server. SQL server dosent support the cookies in my codes i dont know why this cause but my codes are working without any cause .

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Why FileSystem Doesnt Work Wit My IIS 5.01 On XP

I have got a problem wit da FILESYSTEM in ASP coding. Before I use window 98 installing PWS. Everything works fine....

And now, I use Window XP professional ( Laplop ), everything is updated ( Service Pack, .NET component, ASP.net stuff...

All my ASP code with FileSystem which used to be properly ran cant be executed on my XP server.

There is no message error on da page, but the browser icon keeps spinning and da content is blank, it means u dont see anything happens. I wanna ensure dat all da code is right, cos it work properly with PSW and other servers. I even tested with a simple code, but It still doesnt work..... Code:

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Assignment Doesnt Assign

My ASP page contains the following VBScript code:

zipCode = Request.Form("zip")
%> <br>zip: <%= zipCode %>, rf: <%= Request.Form("zip") %>

When I enter "abc" into the "zip" field on the form, I get the
following output:

zip: , rf: abc

Why doesn't the first statement assign the "abc" string to the
variable "zipCode"? What am I not seeing?

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Ntext Doesnt Work With ASP

I'm using SQL Server and I decided to convert one of the fields from nvarchar to ntext. The transition in the manager was all right, but my ASP pages wouldn't display the ntext and there is no error message. I use Code:


to display the ntext...and there is nothing.

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GetRow Doesnt Work

I have a database table with several records. Now I am filtering some data based on the "where" statement. If I run the query in analyzer then I get 20 rows. If I run the same query in asp and assign GetRows() to an array, then the array returns only 4. I am not sure if I am using the GetRows wrong. Here is a snipp of my code:

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CDONTS Object Doesnt Recognize Simplified Chinese Characters

When we send a mail using the code below,we do not get simplified chinese characters if they are present in the body but we get junk in the mail and we need to change the mails encoding to simplified chinese to see the Chinese characters.

'CDONTS object
set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
objMail.MailFormat = 0
objMail.From = sFromEmail
objMail.To = sToEmail
objMail.Subject = sSubject
objMail.Body = sMessage
set objMail = Nothing

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How to change the blank place on the site when hasn't got the picture in database?

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New Picture Each Day

does anyone know any script I can use to achieve the following:

I have several pictures (many hundreds) that I would like to display on my homepage - a new one each day. I have tried several scripts but many of them only allow for 7 images (one for each day of the week) or one for every day in a month.

Are there any scripts that will just accept a long list of images and display the next one on the list until it gets to the end and begins again?

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Authentication Picture

I have seen on many websites the use of some sort of program to generate a
random character string distorted and warped with lines making the resulting
graphic ideally only human readable.

The theory is to prevent automated login programs.

I don't know what they call this type of component so I really don't know
how to google it. Do you know any source for this type of thing?

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Uploade A Picture

i describe just my hole problem in the title
I want to uploade a picture from a computer in to an access database on
server, and even know, that I have to use "FiletoField" but don't know, how
have I use this? and didn't see any example codes, which I understood.
I use for my codes "aspsmartupload"

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Picture On Web Page

i m making a web page for which i need to show picture of each record, on web page, pictures are in access database

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How To Use A Picture As Button

I would like to put a picture on may page and I would like to use this picture as a button to execute an sql query, so when you clik on the picture you will hace displayed in the next page the product in the data base and other info like price for example.
I have this code to access the data base but I do not know how to use a picture s a buton to use it. Code:

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Adding Picture

I need to add a ppicture to my Database.. The table is accessed through ASP Recordset but having troubles trying to insert an individual picture to each record?

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Picture Management

Has anoyone ever tried to create an asp page that displays images that
either displays them as a slideshow or on a long webpage?

I have an html page that displays my pictures, but as there are many of
them which are large and my bandwidth is restricted I want to download
them and display them one at a time. Currently it the client tries to
download them all at the same time, or four at a time. This slows down
the downloads to an unbearable rate.

Is there a component that allows you detect when an image has been
downloaded and then allow a trigger to start downloading the next one?

Any Ideas?

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Picture Viewer

i would like to know where i could find a picture viewer that has a data base and shows thumbnails and when a user clicks on it the picture opens up bigger for the user.

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Picture In To A Textbox

how to develop a form where we can enter text and also paste a picture?how can we take unlimited matter in a text box?wat data type should we use?

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Uploading Picture

how to upload images and store it in a server folder or database.

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Store Picture

i found that OLE won't work. any alternative?

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Picture Size With ASP

I wanna do an ASP page , which will find out the Image size of a link. lets say someone gives a link to an Image. just for example, I want to get the Image Size (Height and Width) How to do that?

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Adding A Picture

I have a piece of javacode that i found that is a hit counter. At the momment when i run the page i see a small box with the red cross-picture can't be found. Does anybody know how i can add a picture to this piece of code please? Code:

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Rotate A Picture

When I load an asp-page I want to rotate a picture in the page and display it at a given angle. The angle is read from a table in a sql-server.

I have the angle, but can't find any way to rotate the picture. Angle is given from 0-360 degrees.

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Displaying Picture

I have a list of thumbnails that I display in RightFrame. If you click on one, it will open the large picture in LeftFrame. I hate frames.

How can I do this without using frames with JavaScript? I know it's probably a lot to code.

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Jmail - Attaching A Picture

I am trying to send email with Jmail component i am attaching a picture with it and its not working and giving me an error which is as follows

jmail.SMTPMail error '8000ffff' Cannot open file C:InetPubDevSecureBelord
hino_small.jpg ....

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Picture Printing On Asp Pages?

I have some problem .now if my database is ms access and if i save myaddress(picture) and if i take this value from database and print this path using response.write method then i getting picture on asp page.but my querry is how can i save picture in access database and how can i retrieve that picture from database and print it on asp pages.

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